Sarah Palin Facebook: Mr. President, is a strong America a Problem? ( The Best Yet )

Jan 17, 2010
This is the best one so far and she really puts his Patriotism into question. I bet Obama spilled his coffee when he read this posting this morning. You can't deny what she writes is the honest truth about what he is doing to the country that is making us weak and vunerable to our enemies large and small. The bottom line here is Sarah Palin is “Proud to be an American” and the Usurper apparently isn’t.” This writing is proof. I love the last line of her posting:

"The fact is that America and our allies are safer when we are a dominant military superpower – whether President Obama likes it or not."

That's going to leave a mark.

Sarah Palin: Mr. President, is a strong America a problem? | Facebook

Asked this week about his faltering efforts to advance the Middle East peace process, President Obama did something remarkable. In front of some 47 foreign leaders and hundreds of reporters from all over the world, President Obama said that “whether we like it or not, we remain a dominant military superpower.”

Whether we like it or not? Most Americans do like it. America’s military may be one of the greatest forces for good the world has ever seen, liberating countless millions from tyranny, slavery, and oppression over the last 234 years. As a dominant superpower, the United States has won wars hot and cold; our military has advanced the cause of freedom in Iraq and Afghanistan and kept authoritarian powers like Russian and China in check.
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What Obama fails to understand is that every bit the US becomes less overwhelmingly dominant militarily, the more the little guys feel empowered and stir up things. Obama unfortunately is to ignorant and un-schooled in history to realize this.
# posts in a row? She got you heated up :D

Why does anyone even listen to Sara (geeze) Louise Palin anyway?

she quit the only jopb she was elected to.
And she is currently not an office holder nor candidate.

Must be the legs?
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# posts in a row? She got you heated up :D

Why does anyone even listen to Sara (geeze) Louise Palin anyway?

she quit the only jopb she was elected to.
And she is currently not an office holder nor candidate.

Must be the legs?

She oughta join USMB
This is the best one so far and she really puts his Patriotism into question. I bet Obama spilled his coffee when he read this posting this morning. You can't deny what she writes is the honest truth about what he is doing to the country that is making us weak and vunerable to our enemies large and small. The bottom line here is Sarah Palin is “Proud to be an American” and the Usurper apparently isn’t.” This writing is proof. I love the last line of her posting:

"The fact is that America and our allies are safer when we are a dominant military superpower – whether President Obama likes it or not."

That's going to leave a mark.

Sarah Palin: Mr. President, is a strong America a problem? | Facebook

Asked this week about his faltering efforts to advance the Middle East peace process, President Obama did something remarkable. In front of some 47 foreign leaders and hundreds of reporters from all over the world, President Obama said that “whether we like it or not, we remain a dominant military superpower.”

Whether we like it or not? Most Americans do like it. America’s military may be one of the greatest forces for good the world has ever seen, liberating countless millions from tyranny, slavery, and oppression over the last 234 years. As a dominant superpower, the United States has won wars hot and cold; our military has advanced the cause of freedom in Iraq and Afghanistan and kept authoritarian powers like Russian and China in check.

It is in America’s and the world’s interests for our country to remain a dominant military superpower, but under our great country’s new leadership that dominance seems to be slipping away. President Obama has ended production of the F-22, the most advanced fighter jet this country has ever built. He’s gutted our missile defense program by eliminating shield resources in strategic places including Alaska. And he’s ended the program to build a new generation of nuclear weapons that would have ensured the reliability of our nuclear deterrent well into the future. All this is in the context of the country’s unsustainable debt that could further limit defense spending. As one defense expert recently explained:

The president is looking to eliminate the last vestiges of the Reagan-era buildup. Once the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are “ended” (not “won”), the arms control treaties signed, and defense budgets held at historic lows while social entitlements and debt service rise to near-European levels, the era of American superpower will have passed.

The truth is this: by his actions we see a president who seems to be much more comfortable with an American military that isn’t quite so dominant and who feels the need to apologize for America when he travels overseas. Could it be a lack of faith in American exceptionalism? The fact is that America and our allies are safer when we are a dominant military superpower – whether President Obama likes it or not.

- Sarah Palin

The likelihood that Palin wrote that is equal to the likelihood that she wrote, "Going Rogue by Lynn Vincent".

She is proof that some things are inherited.
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This is the best one so far and she really puts his Patriotism into question. I bet Obama spilled his coffee when he read this posting this morning. You can't deny what she writes is the honest truth about what he is doing to the country that is making us weak and vunerable to our enemies large and small. The bottom line here is Sarah Palin is “Proud to be an American” and the Usurper apparently isn’t.” This writing is proof. I love the last line of her posting:

"The fact is that America and our allies are safer when we are a dominant military superpower – whether President Obama likes it or not."

That's going to leave a mark.

Sarah Palin: Mr. President, is a strong America a problem? | Facebook

Asked this week about his faltering efforts to advance the Middle East peace process, President Obama did something remarkable. In front of some 47 foreign leaders and hundreds of reporters from all over the world, President Obama said that “whether we like it or not, we remain a dominant military superpower.”

Whether we like it or not? Most Americans do like it. America’s military may be one of the greatest forces for good the world has ever seen, liberating countless millions from tyranny, slavery, and oppression over the last 234 years. As a dominant superpower, the United States has won wars hot and cold; our military has advanced the cause of freedom in Iraq and Afghanistan and kept authoritarian powers like Russian and China in check.

It is in America’s and the world’s interests for our country to remain a dominant military superpower, but under our great country’s new leadership that dominance seems to be slipping away. President Obama has ended production of the F-22, the most advanced fighter jet this country has ever built. He’s gutted our missile defense program by eliminating shield resources in strategic places including Alaska. And he’s ended the program to build a new generation of nuclear weapons that would have ensured the reliability of our nuclear deterrent well into the future. All this is in the context of the country’s unsustainable debt that could further limit defense spending. As one defense expert recently explained:

The president is looking to eliminate the last vestiges of the Reagan-era buildup. Once the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are “ended” (not “won”), the arms control treaties signed, and defense budgets held at historic lows while social entitlements and debt service rise to near-European levels, the era of American superpower will have passed.

The truth is this: by his actions we see a president who seems to be much more comfortable with an American military that isn’t quite so dominant and who feels the need to apologize for America when he travels overseas. Could it be a lack of faith in American exceptionalism? The fact is that America and our allies are safer when we are a dominant military superpower – whether President Obama likes it or not.

- Sarah Palin

The likelihood that Palin wrote that is equal to the likelihood that she wrote, "Going Rogue by Lynn Vincent".

She is proof that some things are inherited.
She writes her own stuff. She doesn't need to have a ghost writer unlike Obama using Bill Ayers did for Dreams of my Father.
Vincent did write "Going Rogue" Not Palin.

Palin might have written "Going Rouge or How I Felt Mavericky" though.
This is the best one so far and she really puts his Patriotism into question. I bet Obama spilled his coffee when he read this posting this morning. You can't deny what she writes is the honest truth about what he is doing to the country that is making us weak and vunerable to our enemies large and small. The bottom line here is Sarah Palin is “Proud to be an American” and the Usurper apparently isn’t.” This writing is proof. I love the last line of her posting:

"The fact is that America and our allies are safer when we are a dominant military superpower – whether President Obama likes it or not."

That's going to leave a mark.

Sarah Palin: Mr. President, is a strong America a problem? | Facebook

Asked this week about his faltering efforts to advance the Middle East peace process, President Obama did something remarkable. In front of some 47 foreign leaders and hundreds of reporters from all over the world, President Obama said that “whether we like it or not, we remain a dominant military superpower.”

Whether we like it or not? Most Americans do like it. America’s military may be one of the greatest forces for good the world has ever seen, liberating countless millions from tyranny, slavery, and oppression over the last 234 years. As a dominant superpower, the United States has won wars hot and cold; our military has advanced the cause of freedom in Iraq and Afghanistan and kept authoritarian powers like Russian and China in check.

It is in America’s and the world’s interests for our country to remain a dominant military superpower, but under our great country’s new leadership that dominance seems to be slipping away. President Obama has ended production of the F-22, the most advanced fighter jet this country has ever built. He’s gutted our missile defense program by eliminating shield resources in strategic places including Alaska. And he’s ended the program to build a new generation of nuclear weapons that would have ensured the reliability of our nuclear deterrent well into the future. All this is in the context of the country’s unsustainable debt that could further limit defense spending. As one defense expert recently explained:

The president is looking to eliminate the last vestiges of the Reagan-era buildup. Once the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are “ended” (not “won”), the arms control treaties signed, and defense budgets held at historic lows while social entitlements and debt service rise to near-European levels, the era of American superpower will have passed.

The truth is this: by his actions we see a president who seems to be much more comfortable with an American military that isn’t quite so dominant and who feels the need to apologize for America when he travels overseas. Could it be a lack of faith in American exceptionalism? The fact is that America and our allies are safer when we are a dominant military superpower – whether President Obama likes it or not.

- Sarah Palin

A lame hit piece based on an out of context quote.

Weak, even for Palin's ghost writer.
This is the best one so far and she really puts his Patriotism into question. I bet Obama spilled his coffee when he read this posting this morning. You can't deny what she writes is the honest truth about what he is doing to the country that is making us weak and vunerable to our enemies large and small. The bottom line here is Sarah Palin is “Proud to be an American” and the Usurper apparently isn’t.” This writing is proof. I love the last line of her posting:

"The fact is that America and our allies are safer when we are a dominant military superpower – whether President Obama likes it or not."

That's going to leave a mark.

Sarah Palin: Mr. President, is a strong America a problem? | Facebook

Asked this week about his faltering efforts to advance the Middle East peace process, President Obama did something remarkable. In front of some 47 foreign leaders and hundreds of reporters from all over the world, President Obama said that “whether we like it or not, we remain a dominant military superpower.”

Whether we like it or not? Most Americans do like it. America’s military may be one of the greatest forces for good the world has ever seen, liberating countless millions from tyranny, slavery, and oppression over the last 234 years. As a dominant superpower, the United States has won wars hot and cold; our military has advanced the cause of freedom in Iraq and Afghanistan and kept authoritarian powers like Russian and China in check.

It is in America’s and the world’s interests for our country to remain a dominant military superpower, but under our great country’s new leadership that dominance seems to be slipping away. President Obama has ended production of the F-22, the most advanced fighter jet this country has ever built. He’s gutted our missile defense program by eliminating shield resources in strategic places including Alaska. And he’s ended the program to build a new generation of nuclear weapons that would have ensured the reliability of our nuclear deterrent well into the future. All this is in the context of the country’s unsustainable debt that could further limit defense spending. As one defense expert recently explained:

The president is looking to eliminate the last vestiges of the Reagan-era buildup. Once the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are “ended” (not “won”), the arms control treaties signed, and defense budgets held at historic lows while social entitlements and debt service rise to near-European levels, the era of American superpower will have passed.

The truth is this: by his actions we see a president who seems to be much more comfortable with an American military that isn’t quite so dominant and who feels the need to apologize for America when he travels overseas. Could it be a lack of faith in American exceptionalism? The fact is that America and our allies are safer when we are a dominant military superpower – whether President Obama likes it or not.

- Sarah Palin

A lame hit piece based on an out of context quote.

Weak, even for Palin's ghost writer.

She should fire him.
Ahh, nothing like some patriotism to get the blood flowing. Palin injects it wherever she goes and does.
Funny. Patriotism has not always been defined as military build up. Only those who embrace what Eisenhower warned of think that patriotism is a bloated military.

The Reagan-era build up was a response during the Cold War. Since that war ended twenty years ago, should we still hold to the strategies it forced us into?

I know conservatism also means hanging onto the status quo come hell or high water. Why would the Conservatives want to keep spending money against a Cold War threat where no such threat exists?
We already spend more on defense than every other country in the world combined.

Just how fucking "patriotic" do we have to be?
We already spend more on defense than every other country in the world combined.

Just how fucking "patriotic" do we have to be?

People using 4 US commercial airliners shut down the US capital markets for a week, inflicted 3,000 casualties, caused tens of billions in direct damage, made Manhattan south of City Hall smell like a house fire and death for months and forever altered how we view safety and security.

We should be building ground penetrating nukes, we should be building weapons that make terrorists and their families shit themselves at night.
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This is the best one so far and she really puts his Patriotism into question. I bet Obama spilled his coffee when he read this posting this morning.

Yes, because Obama surely pores over Palin's every tweet :rolleyes:
America’s military may be one of the greatest forces for good the world has ever seen, liberating countless millions from tyranny, slavery, and oppression over the last 234 years.

You mean like supporting the Czars, suppressing the VietNamese rebellion against French Colonialism, banana republics....?
This is the best one so far and she really puts his Patriotism into question. I bet Obama spilled his coffee when he read this posting this morning. You can't deny what she writes is the honest truth about what he is doing to the country that is making us weak and vunerable to our enemies large and small. The bottom line here is Sarah Palin is “Proud to be an American” and the Usurper apparently isn’t.” This writing is proof. I love the last line of her posting:

- Sarah Palin

The likelihood that Palin wrote that is equal to the likelihood that she wrote, "Going Rogue by Lynn Vincent".

She is proof that some things are inherited.
She writes her own stuff. She doesn't need to have a ghost writer unlike Obama using Bill Ayers did for Dreams of my Father.

Then who is "Lynn Vincent"?

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