Sanders suppoters are upset.


Platinum Member
Dec 17, 2015
Bernie gives his support to Clinton. His supporters will never support a Republican so what is going to happen ? They either sit at home or Hillary wins them to her side by promising most of Bernie's free shit garbage and punishing the successful in this country. Of course Hillary will drop that crap fast when reality sets in, but the sheep will follow.

Sanders supporters lash out following Clinton endorsement | Fox News
So politics as usual. Burnouts followers will follow the sheep herder and do as they are told. After she is coronated reality will emerge, excuses, broken promises, spins, more lies,.... in short, played for the lemmings they are. The real question will be who will she blame? It will be tough to swallow but they should be used to it by now.
Well, yeah. Most of Bernie's support comes from people too young to know better, and 7-12 year olds are too young to vote.
If 7-12 year olds are living in mommy basement, then children and family services need to be notified about mommy abuse. Either you don't get his humor or you're being humorous???
The Burnouts will just jump on the Hitlery bandwagon after putting their foot in their mouth because they don't have standards or loyalty, they sell their souls to the lowest bidder.


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