Same Sex Marriage 2017: Many Gains, One Set Back


Platinum Member
Jun 11, 2015
The commie infested, queer loving liberal NE USA
The State of Worldwide Marriage Equality.

Proof that the beat for equality goes on. Five steps forward, one back. And we still have ass hates in this country that still think that they can overturn Obergefell.


Let’s start in Europe. In Germany and Malta, two European Union member states, legislation came into force and the first same-sex weddings took place in those countries. In Austria the Constitutional Court explicitly stated that a ban on same-sex marriage conveys the message that lesbian, gay, and bisexual people are not equal to heterosexuals, and concluded that this amounts to discrimination. The Austrian Constitutional Court’s ruling gave the government and Parliament until January 1, 2019, to agree on legislation allowing same-sex couples to marry. If the government does not act by then, the law on civil marriage law will be automatically amended so that from that date same-sex marriages can take place.


In Asia, in a May ruling, Taiwan’s Constitutional Court paved the way for marriage equality, striking down the legal definition of marriage as “between a man and a woman.” The court gave Parliament two years to amend existing laws or pass new legislation to include same-sex marriage. If Parliament fails to act, same-sex couples will automatically be able to marry. Thus, in 2019 or sooner if a law has been passed, Taiwan will become the first Asian country with marriage equality.

South America

In Chile, President Michelle Bachelet introduced a marriage equality bill in August. Chile’s Congress began debating it on November 27. The debates will continue in 2018. If the bill is adopted, Chile will become the sixth country in Latin America with marriage equality, after Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Uruguay.

Down Under

The Australian government introduced marriage equality legislation in Parliament in November following the results of a national postal survey in which 61.6 percent of respondents voted in favor of equal marriage rights for same-sex couples. The Senate and the House of Representatives approved the bill. The first marriages will take place in January. Australia will be the 25th country with marriage equality.

But then.......

However, 2017 ends with a negative example. In Bermuda, a British overseas territory with about 65,000 inhabitants, the Supreme Court had declared that same-sex couples should be allowed to marry under the Marriage Act to prevent discrimination. In response, the Bermuda government introduced the Domestic Partnership Act 2017, which allows both same-sex and different-sex couples to register their relationship as a domestic partnership but preserves marriage as a union between a woman and a man. The bill was approved by the House of Assembly, and on December 13, Bermuda’s Senate voted in favor of it.

When the governor signs it, Bermuda will become the first country in the world to strip same-sex couples of their right to marry by introducing lesser legislation.
Should same sex adult siblings have the right to marry?
Should same sex adult siblings have the right to marry?
Only if opposite sex siblings can marry. Make you case. if you think it's a good idea.
Why shouldn’t opposite sex siblings not be allowed to marry? If it’s to prevent inbreeding, that does not apply to same sex sibling marriage. According to my upbringing, same sex marriage as well as sibling (adult) marriage are immoral. That being said, it’s not the government’s responsibility to legislate according to my (or other’s) moral beliefs. The Supreme Court has ruled that same sex couples have the right to be married according to the equal protection clause. It seems to me following that logic any two consenting adults should be allowed to marry.
Should same sex adult siblings have the right to marry?
Only if opposite sex siblings can marry. Make you case. if you think it's a good idea.
Why shouldn’t opposite sex siblings not be allowed to marry? If it’s to prevent inbreeding, that does not apply to same sex sibling marriage. According to my upbringing, same sex marriage as well as sibling (adult) marriage are immoral. That being said, it’s not the government’s responsibility to legislate according to my (or other’s) moral beliefs. The Supreme Court has ruled that same sex couples have the right to be married according to the equal protection clause. It seems to me following that logic any two consenting adults should be allowed to marry.
You're getting ahead of your self and assuming my thoughts on this. I did not take a position on whether or not siblings- same or opposite sex - should be allowed to marry. Nor am I dealing with questions of morality. I am saying that if there are siblings that want to marry, they should make their case for it through the judicial and/or legislative process. The fact is that sibling marriage has different societal implications that marriage between unrelated people . The states were unable to demonstrate a compelling government interest, or even a rational basis for denying same sex, unrelated couples the ability to marry. In the case of sibling marriage, they may or may not prevail. Make you case.

As far as inbreeding goes, marriage is about a lot more that reproduction.

By the way, I have not overlooked the obvious red herring nature of your question, but decided to play anyway.
Should same sex adult siblings have the right to marry?
Only if opposite sex siblings can marry. Make you case. if you think it's a good idea.
Why shouldn’t opposite sex siblings not be allowed to marry? If it’s to prevent inbreeding, that does not apply to same sex sibling marriage. According to my upbringing, same sex marriage as well as sibling (adult) marriage are immoral. That being said, it’s not the government’s responsibility to legislate according to my (or other’s) moral beliefs. The Supreme Court has ruled that same sex couples have the right to be married according to the equal protection clause. It seems to me following that logic any two consenting adults should be allowed to marry.
You're getting ahead of your self and assuming my thoughts on this. I did not take a position on whether or not siblings- same or opposite sex - should be allowed to marry. Nor am I dealing with questions of morality. I am saying that if there are siblings that want to marry, they should make their case for it through the judicial and/or legislative process. The fact is that sibling marriage has different societal implications that marriage between unrelated people . The states were unable to demonstrate a compelling government interest, or even a rational basis for denying same sex, unrelated couples the ability to marry. In the case of sibling marriage, they may or may not prevail. Make you case.

As far as inbreeding goes, marriage is about a lot more that reproduction.

By the way, I have not overlooked the obvious red herring nature of your question, but decided to play anyway.
I did not assume you had a position...I simply asked a question. I also stated my position that the state also does not have a rational basis for denying same sex related couples to marry based on the precedent of same sex marriage since inbreeding is not a factor.

Anyway, it seems that your answer is that you don’t have a position (an answer) to my question.
lso stated my position that the state also does not have a rational basis for denying same sex related couples to marry based on the precedent of same sex marriage since inbreeding is not a factor.
In breeding was never raised as an issue in court. There are many other reasons why there is no compelling gov. interest or rational basis for it
The violent backlash in this country has mostly consisted of furiously tapped keyboards and impotent foot-stomping. :lol:
This really sucks.......And right wingers call liberals intolerant bigots? What a joke!!

This Gay Couple Ordered Wedding Programs But Got Sent "Satan" Pamphlets Instead

In a lawsuit filed Thursday in Massachusetts, Stephen Heasley and Andrew Borg said they ordered 100 programs for their Sept. 23, 2017, wedding in Pennsylvania from Vistaprint, for which they paid almost $80.

But when they opened the delivery the day before their wedding, they were horrified to find they'd been sent 80 copies of a pamphlet entitled "Understanding Temptation: Fight the good fight of the faith."

Mr. Heasley and Mr. Borg were horrified to see these offensive pamphlets, which were clearly sent to intimidate, threaten and harass Plaintiffs because they are gay men," the lawsuit states.
The pamphlets warned that Satan "entices your flesh with evil desires" and warned the readers to "not set foot on the path of the wicked or walk in the way of evildoers."

“The supreme tempter is Satan who uses our weaknesses to lead us into sin. You must understand where temptations come from if you desire to change the way you live," the pamphlet read.
This really sucks.......And right wingers call liberals intolerant bigots? What a joke!!

This Gay Couple Ordered Wedding Programs But Got Sent "Satan" Pamphlets Instead

In a lawsuit filed Thursday in Massachusetts, Stephen Heasley and Andrew Borg said they ordered 100 programs for their Sept. 23, 2017, wedding in Pennsylvania from Vistaprint, for which they paid almost $80.

But when they opened the delivery the day before their wedding, they were horrified to find they'd been sent 80 copies of a pamphlet entitled "Understanding Temptation: Fight the good fight of the faith."

Mr. Heasley and Mr. Borg were horrified to see these offensive pamphlets, which were clearly sent to intimidate, threaten and harass Plaintiffs because they are gay men," the lawsuit states.
The pamphlets warned that Satan "entices your flesh with evil desires" and warned the readers to "not set foot on the path of the wicked or walk in the way of evildoers."

“The supreme tempter is Satan who uses our weaknesses to lead us into sin. You must understand where temptations come from if you desire to change the way you live," the pamphlet read.

That sucks, and to do it a day before the wedding is poor form, but when you force people to do things against their morals under punishment of losing ones business, then maybe this is what your side has earned. In this situation, the most the business is out is $80 for a "mistake"
This really sucks.......And right wingers call liberals intolerant bigots? What a joke!!

This Gay Couple Ordered Wedding Programs But Got Sent "Satan" Pamphlets Instead

In a lawsuit filed Thursday in Massachusetts, Stephen Heasley and Andrew Borg said they ordered 100 programs for their Sept. 23, 2017, wedding in Pennsylvania from Vistaprint, for which they paid almost $80.

But when they opened the delivery the day before their wedding, they were horrified to find they'd been sent 80 copies of a pamphlet entitled "Understanding Temptation: Fight the good fight of the faith."

Mr. Heasley and Mr. Borg were horrified to see these offensive pamphlets, which were clearly sent to intimidate, threaten and harass Plaintiffs because they are gay men," the lawsuit states.
The pamphlets warned that Satan "entices your flesh with evil desires" and warned the readers to "not set foot on the path of the wicked or walk in the way of evildoers."

“The supreme tempter is Satan who uses our weaknesses to lead us into sin. You must understand where temptations come from if you desire to change the way you live," the pamphlet read.

That sucks, and to do it a day before the wedding is poor form, but when you force people to do things against their morals under punishment of losing ones business, then maybe this is what your side has earned. In this situation, the most the business is out is $80 for a "mistake"
A" mistake"??
This really sucks.......And right wingers call liberals intolerant bigots? What a joke!!

This Gay Couple Ordered Wedding Programs But Got Sent "Satan" Pamphlets Instead

In a lawsuit filed Thursday in Massachusetts, Stephen Heasley and Andrew Borg said they ordered 100 programs for their Sept. 23, 2017, wedding in Pennsylvania from Vistaprint, for which they paid almost $80.

But when they opened the delivery the day before their wedding, they were horrified to find they'd been sent 80 copies of a pamphlet entitled "Understanding Temptation: Fight the good fight of the faith."

Mr. Heasley and Mr. Borg were horrified to see these offensive pamphlets, which were clearly sent to intimidate, threaten and harass Plaintiffs because they are gay men," the lawsuit states.
The pamphlets warned that Satan "entices your flesh with evil desires" and warned the readers to "not set foot on the path of the wicked or walk in the way of evildoers."

“The supreme tempter is Satan who uses our weaknesses to lead us into sin. You must understand where temptations come from if you desire to change the way you live," the pamphlet read.

That sucks, and to do it a day before the wedding is poor form, but when you force people to do things against their morals under punishment of losing ones business, then maybe this is what your side has earned. In this situation, the most the business is out is $80 for a "mistake"
A" mistake"??

You really can't prove it wasn't.
The violent backlash in this country has mostly consisted of furiously tapped keyboards and impotent foot-stomping. :lol:

and if you think that is something, you should see me in full form when the neighbor kids make the mistake of playing on my lawn!
The violent backlash in this country has mostly consisted of furiously tapped keyboards and impotent foot-stomping. :lol:

and if you think that is something, you should see me in full form when the neighbor kids make the mistake of playing on my lawn!

We use Punji stake pits and Paracord snare traps to keep the neighbor kids off our lawn.

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