Russia to nuke everyone instantly - if Mother Russia or her allies are attacked


Nov 14, 2012
Putin made clear, that Russia will not hesitate to use nuclear weapons in response to nuclear attacks. The announcement is the answer to Trump´s unlocked red button.

"Commenting on the new US nuclear posture, Putin stated that Russia is “greatly concerned” by what he said was the reduced benchmark for the use of nuclear weapons by Washington.

“Whatever soothing words one may try to use behind closed doors, we can read what was written. And it says that these weapons can be used in response to a conventional attack or even a cyber-threat,” he said.

Putin added, “in this regard, it is my duty to state this: any use of nuclear weapons against Russia or its allies, be it small-scale, medium-scale or any other scale, will be treated as a nuclear attack on our country. The response will be instant and with all the relevant consequences.”"

If attacked, Russia will use its nuclear weapons - Putin
Of course they will, as would we.

MAD policies remain in effect, and they know it.
Putin made clear, that Russia will not hesitate to use nuclear weapons in response to nuclear attacks. The announcement is the answer to Trump´s unlocked red button.

"Commenting on the new US nuclear posture, Putin stated that Russia is “greatly concerned” by what he said was the reduced benchmark for the use of nuclear weapons by Washington.

“Whatever soothing words one may try to use behind closed doors, we can read what was written. And it says that these weapons can be used in response to a conventional attack or even a cyber-threat,” he said.

Putin added, “in this regard, it is my duty to state this: any use of nuclear weapons against Russia or its allies, be it small-scale, medium-scale or any other scale, will be treated as a nuclear attack on our country. The response will be instant and with all the relevant consequences.”"

If attacked, Russia will use its nuclear weapons - Putin

What about if we just flick them hard in the back of the head?
Other than MAD; the only use for nuclear weapons in this day, and age; would be to strike one of our own cities if the enemy managed to take it over. Even then it’s unlikely.
Putin made clear, that Russia will not hesitate to use nuclear weapons in response to nuclear attacks. The announcement is the answer to Trump´s unlocked red button.

"Commenting on the new US nuclear posture, Putin stated that Russia is “greatly concerned” by what he said was the reduced benchmark for the use of nuclear weapons by Washington.

“Whatever soothing words one may try to use behind closed doors, we can read what was written. And it says that these weapons can be used in response to a conventional attack or even a cyber-threat,” he said.

Putin added, “in this regard, it is my duty to state this: any use of nuclear weapons against Russia or its allies, be it small-scale, medium-scale or any other scale, will be treated as a nuclear attack on our country. The response will be instant and with all the relevant consequences.”"

If attacked, Russia will use its nuclear weapons - Putin

What about if we just flick them hard in the back of the head?
This is equal to hacking and thus a major cyber-attack.
Other than MAD; the only use for nuclear weapons in this day, and age; would be to strike one of our own cities if the enemy managed to take it over. Even then it’s unlikely.
Wow, what government would do this? One that shouldn´t rule a single city, I guess.
I rather think that nuclear weapons are solely defensive and made to make a possible enemy to think twice. On the other hand, f you are land grabbing, you won´t nuke the land before.
Putin yesterday: We are not threatening anyone, not going to attack anyone or take away anything from anyone with the threat of weapons. We do not need anything. Just the opposite. I deem it necessary to emphasise (and it is very important) that Russia's growing military power is a solid guarantee of global peace as this power preserves and will preserve strategic parity and the balance of forces in the world, which, as is known, have been and remain a key factor of international security after WWII and up to the present day.

And to those who in the past 15 years have tried to accelerate an arms race and seek unilateral advantage against Russia, have introduced restrictions and sanctions that are illegal from the standpoint of international law aiming to restrain our nation's development, including in the military area, I will say this: everything you have tried to prevent through such a policy has already happened. No one has managed to restrain Russia.

Now we have to be aware of this reality and to give it a thought and dismiss those who live in the past and are unable to look into the future, to stop rocking the boat we are all in and which is called the Earth.

I should note that our military doctrine says Russia reserves the right to use nuclear weapons solely in response to a nuclear attack, or an attack with other weapons of mass destruction against the country or its allies, or an act of aggression against us with the use of conventional weapons that threaten the very existence of the state. This all is very clear and specific.

As such, I see it is my duty to announce the following. Any use of nuclear weapons against Russia or its allies, weapons of short, medium or any range at all, will be considered as a nuclear attack on this country. Retaliation will be immediate, with all the attendant consequences.

There should be no doubt about this whatsoever. There is no need to create more threats to the world. Instead, let us sit down at the negotiating table and devise together a new and relevant system of international security and sustainable development for human civilisation. We have been saying this all along. All these proposals are still valid. Russia is ready for this.

Our policies will never be based on claims to exceptionalism. We protect our interests and respect the interests of other countries. We observe international law and believe in the inviolable central role of the UN. These are the principles and approaches that allow us to build strong, friendly and equal relations with the absolute majority of countries.

Even if our views clash on some issues, we still remain partners because we must work together to respond to the most complex challenges, ensure global security, and build the future world, which is becoming increasingly interconnected, with more and more dynamic integration processes.

Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly
We are not threatening anyone, not going to attack anyone or take away anything from anyone with the threat of weapons. We do not need anything. Just the opposite. I deem it necessary to emphasise (and it is very important) that Russia's growing military power is a solid guarantee of global peace as this power preserves and will preserve strategic parity and the balance of forces in the world, which, as is known, have been and remain a key factor of international security after WWII and up to the present day.

When the US attacks Russia, the Americans will turn of all the power in Russia at once with the announcement that any back up generators will automatically be bombed into obliteration. Let one missile site warm up, and Russia will die.

Putin repeated for the umpteenth time Russia’s condemnation of President George W Bush’s decision to abrogate the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. That, though, was just the prelude. Putin then presented a virtual parade of Russia’s latest military wizardry – in the skies, on land and beneath the sea.

When the US abrogated the ABM treaty – a treaty, it should be said, the Soviet Union and then Russia regarded as a particular guarantee of its security – he said, “No one listened to us then”, even though Russia was the world’s second nuclear power. Well, he went on, “they will listen to us now”.

But the demand to be taken seriously by the US superpower and the sense of grievance that, in his view, the West had exploited Russia’s weakness after the collapse of the Soviet Union were both there. The demand was to be treated as an equal, on the basis of new military .

There will also be those who interpret his speech as initiating a dangerous new stage in US-Russia rivalry. To me, at least, that is not how it came across. It was more a plea to the US to start talking again, on the basis of mutual respect.

Putin's speech was a plea to the US to start talking again
I laugh loudly when reading some stupid american opinions.

Hey, idiots, don’t you understand that any nuke against any nuclear armed country will lead to the end?

When blaming Russia in aggressiveness remember who was the only country in the world to use nukes. Even more who used nukes without need to do it just to test and to get everyone frightened.

For those who are so stupid to believe that Russia may be defeated do easily try to get some badic info. About territory of Russia, about Russian submarine fleet with nukes on board, about Topols which may not be detected, about Russian level of radio electronics especially in comparison to american one.
So first get this info than try to realize your chances.
Besides you cannot fight. Your army is successful just against wild tribes never faced to a real enemy in your history. So all your effeminate boys and gays wearing uniform would run fast and cry loudly when face to real warriors.
Putin made clear, that Russia will not hesitate to use nuclear weapons in response to nuclear attacks. The announcement is the answer to Trump´s unlocked red button.

"Commenting on the new US nuclear posture, Putin stated that Russia is “greatly concerned” by what he said was the reduced benchmark for the use of nuclear weapons by Washington.

“Whatever soothing words one may try to use behind closed doors, we can read what was written. And it says that these weapons can be used in response to a conventional attack or even a cyber-threat,” he said.

Putin added, “in this regard, it is my duty to state this: any use of nuclear weapons against Russia or its allies, be it small-scale, medium-scale or any other scale, will be treated as a nuclear attack on our country. The response will be instant and with all the relevant consequences.”"

If attacked, Russia will use its nuclear weapons - Putin

The same as it has been since 1949. Nothing has changed. It's called MAD, Mutually Assured Destruction. And it will be the same for decades to come. There are many movies about the human race destroying itself in this fashion.

What was purpose of the OP?
The purpose of the OP is to expose Putin as a toothless tyrant and his followers as cretins.

Putin will never use nukes. Russia disappears if he does.

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