Joey Biden's War: Putin threatens to target UK bases


Sheep Dipped Boy Scout
Gold Supporting Member
Dec 12, 2014
Plasticville U.S.A
Russia hinting at targeting UK military installations if Brit long range missiles are used in Ukraine to hit Russian targets across the border.

This is interesting because Z was just begging our SECDEF about unlocking the missiles we sent them, that have deep targeting capability but have had their range tweeked.

Looks like Putin has dropped the threat of using tactical nukes, hitting Brit targets would be a better 'shot' than using nukes.

Russia’s Foreign Ministry repeated a warning to the U.K. Thursday suggesting that Moscow could strike U.K. targets if British weapons are used by Ukraine to attack Russian territory.
The U.K.’s Foreign Minister David Cameron caused uproar in Moscow at the start of May when he said Ukraine was free to use British long-range missiles on targets inside Russia. Ukraine has used British Storm Shadow missiles to successfully target Russian military sites in Crimea.

Joey Biden's war just keeps getting better and better.

Lets not forget what people have said in the past of Joey's foreign policy prowess.......

Former George W. Bush Deputy C hief of Staff Karl Rove in 2010: "Since his election to the U.S. Senate in the early 70s, Joe Biden has been on the wrong end of virtually every foreign policy dispute since then."

Conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer in 2012: The vice president over the last 30 years "holds the American record for [being] wrong on the most issues in foreign affairs ever. … He is the Herbert Hoover of American foreign policy."

Marc Thiessen, speechwriter to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and President Bush, in 2012: "The fact is Biden has a near-perfect record of being wrong about almost every major foreign policy question that the United States has faced in the past three decades."

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., in 2012: "Biden has - has been consistently wrong on every national security issue that I've been involved in in the last 20 years or so."
Russia hinting at targeting UK military installations if Brit long range missiles are used in Ukraine to hit Russian targets across the border.

This is interesting because Z was just begging our SECDEF about unlocking the missiles we sent them, that have deep targeting capability but have had their range tweeked.

Looks like Putin has dropped the threat of using tactical nukes, hitting Brit targets would be a better 'shot' than using nukes.

Russia’s Foreign Ministry repeated a warning to the U.K. Thursday suggesting that Moscow could strike U.K. targets if British weapons are used by Ukraine to attack Russian territory.
The U.K.’s Foreign Minister David Cameron caused uproar in Moscow at the start of May when he said Ukraine was free to use British long-range missiles on targets inside Russia. Ukraine has used British Storm Shadow missiles to successfully target Russian military sites in Crimea.

Joey Biden's war just keeps getting better and better.

Lets not forget what people have said in the past of Joey's foreign policy prowess.......

Former George W. Bush Deputy C hief of Staff Karl Rove in 2010: "Since his election to the U.S. Senate in the early 70s, Joe Biden has been on the wrong end of virtually every foreign policy dispute since then."

Conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer in 2012: The vice president over the last 30 years "holds the American record for [being] wrong on the most issues in foreign affairs ever. … He is the Herbert Hoover of American foreign policy."

Marc Thiessen, speechwriter to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and President Bush, in 2012: "The fact is Biden has a near-perfect record of being wrong about almost every major foreign policy question that the United States has faced in the past three decades."

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., in 2012: "Biden has - has been consistently wrong on every national security issue that I've been involved in in the last 20 years or so."
Calm yourself before you wet yourself. Vlad isn't going to nuke London, simply to face utter total destruction, on a move with Zero strategic value, being more of a chess player, than a crap shooter.:itsok:
Calm yourself before you wet yourself. Vlad isn't going to nuke London, simply to face utter total destruction, on a move with Zero strategic value, being more of a chess player, than a crap shooter.:itsok:
You missed the one said anything about hitting London with nukes.

Try again................:26:
If Russia was going to start WWIII and drag NATO, China and their proxies into said war, he would probably decide to do so before the election.

When Biden won in 2020 I stated that there was going to be a sharp shift in global influence. It occurs every time a Dem is in office, it's almost as if Americas enemies have many insiders within one party who feed them intel...

Regardless, he won't try this with a GOP WH, just the facts.
If Russia was going to start WWIII and drag NATO, China and their proxies into said war, he would probably decide to do so before the election.
Either that or vendor out some terrorist action here and in NATO countries.

The October surprise.

Regardless, he won't try this with a GOP WH, just the facts.
No doubt.
You missed the one said anything about hitting London with nukes.

Try again................:26:
Just going along with what you said in your first sentence, "Russia hinting at targeting UK military installations." You apparently are not familiar with the use and strategic value of short range tactical nuclear weapons, either. Again, Calm Yourself. Try to remember, you are supposed to be a grown, rational man. :itsok:
Dell isn't thinking this through. Russia is killing thousands of Ukrainians every day now, with impunity. America must interrupt that momentum and so one of their pawns has to threaten Russia with weapons that are previously agreed to be prohibited.

Defeating Russia is essential to America's future as the global hegemon. Russia and China and the Brics are a much too formidable allied force.

America needs to gamble that Russia is not determined enough to raise the ante.

Is America's gamble a wise gamble? Can America's missile defense stand against Russia's ????

If it's a British base being threatened today, it will be an American base tomorrow.
The outcome of the 2024 election will determine alot.

It's sad and a bit frightening that the world had to stand on pins and needles waiting for an election result, the likes of which could impact the entire planet, but here we are.
Russia hinting at targeting UK military installations if Brit long range missiles are used in Ukraine to hit Russian targets across the border.

This is interesting because Z was just begging our SECDEF about unlocking the missiles we sent them, that have deep targeting capability but have had their range tweeked.

Looks like Putin has dropped the threat of using tactical nukes, hitting Brit targets would be a better 'shot' than using nukes.

Russia’s Foreign Ministry repeated a warning to the U.K. Thursday suggesting that Moscow could strike U.K. targets if British weapons are used by Ukraine to attack Russian territory.
The U.K.’s Foreign Minister David Cameron caused uproar in Moscow at the start of May when he said Ukraine was free to use British long-range missiles on targets inside Russia. Ukraine has used British Storm Shadow missiles to successfully target Russian military sites in Crimea.

Joey Biden's war just keeps getting better and better.

Lets not forget what people have said in the past of Joey's foreign policy prowess.......

Former George W. Bush Deputy C hief of Staff Karl Rove in 2010: "Since his election to the U.S. Senate in the early 70s, Joe Biden has been on the wrong end of virtually every foreign policy dispute since then."

Conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer in 2012: The vice president over the last 30 years "holds the American record for [being] wrong on the most issues in foreign affairs ever. … He is the Herbert Hoover of American foreign policy."

Marc Thiessen, speechwriter to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and President Bush, in 2012: "The fact is Biden has a near-perfect record of being wrong about almost every major foreign policy question that the United States has faced in the past three decades."

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., in 2012: "Biden has - has been consistently wrong on every national security issue that I've been involved in in the last 20 years or so."
Russia's been yapping away for years now. If they wanted the smoke they would have already retaliated for the missiles that have been launched across their border.
The outcome of the 2024 election will determine alot.

It's sad and a bit frightening that the world had to stand on pins and needles waiting for an election result, the likes of which could impact the entire planet, but here we are.
With only Saudi Arabia, Russia, and a few other crazies wanting another Trump term
The outcome of the 2024 election will determine alot.

It's sad and a bit frightening that the world had to stand on pins and needles waiting for an election result, the likes of which could impact the entire planet, but here we are.
What the hell do you mean? What makes you think the upcoming election is any more "determining" than many others? Were you born yesterday?
Russia's been yapping away for years now. If they wanted the smoke they would have already retaliated for the missiles that have been launched across their border.
A nuke war movie called the day after of course with a Republican President in power, had citizens talking blase about it like your thread. Like a sporting event as it expanded. Something like that happening over this would be the cosmic joke on humanity.
of course with a Republican President in power
Well duh. Putin desperately wants republicans to win this November's election. Of course a movie would have a republican or a GOP sympathizer be the character threatening nuclear war.
You apparently are not familiar with the use and strategic value of short range tactical nuclear weapons, either.
Being as the article wasn't about the use of nuclear weapons, continue to chime away.
Dell isn't thinking this through. Russia is killing thousands of Ukrainians every day now, with impunity.
Damn good point, where are all the protests at our IVY League schools?
Russia's been yapping away for years now. If they wanted the smoke they would have already retaliated for the missiles that have been launched across their border.
The missiles haven't penetrated deep into the motherland. That most likely would elicit a response.
I think most of the attacks from Russia have been from ships in the Black Sea area or bombers.
What the hell do you mean? What makes you think the upcoming election is any more "determining" than many others? Were you born yesterday?
You silly son of a...

Forget it, I am talking to a wall.

Neither candidates is optimal, that's the biggest problem. The other problem is that what ails the U.S most is not being addressed. Everyone just assumes that the world will remain peaceful that somehow America will get through it and lead the West.

Well, if you think trade is a problem now imagine if China owns the sea. Get used to buying exclusively from Mexico and Canada with the odd trinket from S America.
Like I was saying:

Since the first American shipments of sophisticated weapons to Ukraine, President Biden has never wavered on one prohibition: President Volodymyr Zelensky had to agree to never fire them into Russian territory, insisting that would violate Mr. Biden’s mandate to “avoid World War III.”
But the consensus around that policy is fraying. Propelled by the State Department, there is now a vigorous debate inside the administration over relaxing the ban to allow the Ukrainians to hit missile and artillery launch sites just over the border in Russia — targets that Mr. Zelensky says have enabled Moscow’s recent territorial gains.
The proposal, pressed by Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken after a sobering visit to Kyiv last week, is still in the formative stages, and it is not clear how many of his colleagues among Mr. Biden’s inner circle have signed on. It has not yet been formally presented to the president, who has traditionally been the most cautious, officials said.
The State Department spokesman, Matthew A. Miller, declined to comment on the internal deliberations over Ukraine policy, including Mr. Blinken’s report after his return from Kyiv.

But officials involved in the deliberations said Mr. Blinken’s position had changed because the Russians had opened a new front in the war, with devastating results. Moscow’s forces have placed weapons right across the border from northeastern Ukraine, and aimed them at Kharkiv — knowing the Ukrainians would only be able to use non-American drones and other weaponry to target them in response.
In an interview with The New York Times this week, Mr. Zelensky said the inability to fire American missiles and other weaponry at military targets in Russia gave Moscow a “huge advantage.”

Russia's been yapping away for years now. If they wanted the smoke they would have already retaliated for the missiles that have been launched across their border.
I agree with this but perhaps for another reason than yours. Putin is the smartest cookie in the jar. He's not going to show his hand to let his "enemies" take stock of the lay of the land. When Putin strikes no one will have predicted when, where, and how. The West will have to play "catch up" from day one until they are forced to give up and go home with their collective tail between their legs. If Putin doesn't strike today but does tomorrow there will be a well-planned reason for it but the West will be left whimpering and blaming it on the Russian winter or their own political interference. :206:
Calm yourself before you wet yourself. Vlad isn't going to nuke London, simply to face utter total destruction, on a move with Zero strategic value, being more of a chess player, than a crap shooter.:itsok:

What about hitting a few RAF and Royal Navy bases?

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