Russia simulate NUKING Europe with missiles hitting in 200 seconds and 'no survivors'


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Europeans shall 'thank' their good-for-nothing corrupted stupid sexual deviant satanic communist 'politicians' who have did anything to instigate WWIII in Ukraine since 2014.
Who from 95% of trash siting in parliaments and president palaces is more skilled and suitable for offices as cleaning personal in ordinary grocery stores?
Now Europa is going to die and insane scum manufactures new 'sanctions' which Russia is laughing about.
Euro has already lost 20%, food shortages, crime sky rocketing, additional to that Russia asks to welcome their unstoppable nukes.
To survive Europeans shall begin to think for themselves and send their lunatic shit calling 'politicians' to insane asylums.
USA, Russia are laughing, only idiotic Europa is gonna lose both its industry and lives of its citizens.

Russian state TV has brazenly simulated how Vladimir Putin would launch a nuclear strike on three capital cities in Europe, declaring there would be 'no survivors', in response to comments made by the UK's Armed Forces Minister supporting Ukrainian strikes on Russian infrastructure.
Hosts on Channel One's 60 Minutes programme announced the cities of London, Paris and Berlin could be hit within 200 seconds of nuclear missiles being launched, as tensions ramp up amid the ongoing war in Ukraine.


Both America & Russia(then USSR) lost a lot of their peoples during WW2 in a effort to save Europa from itself(nutzism). The Euro-peons just can't let go of the socialism(self enslavement) religion & their worship of their almighty elitist officials. From what I have read Russia puts roughly 70% of it's military budget into both determent & first strike nuclear capability including their SSBM's(Submerged Ship Ballistic Missile). The remaining 30% of Russia's defense budget goes into conventional(non nuclear) military capability. "IF" this is true it may be the primary reason WHY the Russian conventional military forces did not perform as well as expected in the Ukraine.

Russia has the largest inventory of nuclear weapons of any country in the world. If push comes to shove Russia has nukes of all types by the numbers no less.

Trying to NATOize countries that border Russia was a serious mistake in my opinion like I preferred the neutral states bordering Russia strategy. Too late now as the cat's out of the bag & it looks like we as humanity cannot get that cat back into the bag. This can only go two ways, statesmanship & an end to current hostilities in eastern Europa, or the situation in eastern Europa heats up to the boiling point. Just pray for peace as advances in weapons technology has made another world war a sure fire loser for all of humanity.
Moscow and Leningrad will be radioactive craters half an hour after Russia nukes any target in the EU.

Leningrad should make a good firestorm with all those old wooden buildings.

Don't bother, I know you guys keep changing the name of Leningrad every five minutes. But guess what. The city is still located in exactly the same place no matter how many times you rename it. If we send a nuke to Leningrad's location, the place will burn no matter what you call it.
Both America & Russia(then USSR) lost a lot of their peoples during WW2 in a effort to save Europa from itself(nutzism).

The US lost a trivelling number in comparison to Russia and it was of course Japan that brought them in with Pearl harbour - nothing about wanting to do anything with or for Europe. Japan was on Germany's side so that made them American's enemy. Russia lost I think the largest number. 24 million or something.
Russia has the largest inventory of nuclear weapons of any country in the world. If push comes to shove Russia has nukes of all types by the numbers no less.


They have the fastest travelling nukes, they can almost certainly fly undetected and yes they have become far more lethal. It apparently would take only one modern Russia nuke to kill all the people in the UK.
Trying to NATOize countries that border Russia was a serious mistake in my opinion like I preferred the neutral states bordering Russia strategy.
Yes, this does seem to be the problem like with the USSR wanting to put nukes on Cuba.

Too late now as the cat's out of the bag & it looks like we as humanity cannot get that cat back into the bag. This can only go two ways, statesmanship & an end to current hostilities in eastern Europa, or the situation in eastern Europa heats up to the boiling point. Just pray for peace as advances in weapons technology has made another world war a sure fire loser for all of humanity.
It is. At the moment we seem to be at a stale mate. The US is unlikely to get Ukraine any kind of acceptable deal. It looks like Russia will leave them landlocked which will ruin their economy. If the US keeps fighting and supplying weapons I suspect eventually and how long or short this will be I do not know but eventually Russia will nuke someone. I thought they had their eye on the UK. We would be unlikely to be able to reply before dead. At that time and I am sure they have spoken about this already, the US will have a choice. Either full blown nuclear end or realise a compromise must be made which I imagine would be the solution. I am though afraid with the way we are gambling with nuclear war that at least one country will be destroyed as a threat of what will happen to everyone else.
Europeans shall 'thank' their good-for-nothing corrupted stupid sexual deviant satanic communist 'politicians' who have did anything to instigate WWIII in Ukraine since 2014.
Who from 95% of trash siting in parliaments and president palaces is more skilled and suitable for offices as cleaning personal in ordinary grocery stores?
Now Europa is going to die and insane scum manufactures new 'sanctions' which Russia is laughing about.
Euro has already lost 20%, food shortages, crime sky rocketing, additional to that Russia asks to welcome their unstoppable nukes.
To survive Europeans shall begin to think for themselves and send their lunatic shit calling 'politicians' to insane asylums.
USA, Russia are laughing, only idiotic Europa is gonna lose both its industry and lives of its citizens.

Russian state TV has brazenly simulated how Vladimir Putin would launch a nuclear strike on three capital cities in Europe, declaring there would be 'no survivors', in response to comments made by the UK's Armed Forces Minister supporting Ukrainian strikes on Russian infrastructure.
Hosts on Channel One's 60 Minutes programme announced the cities of London, Paris and Berlin could be hit within 200 seconds of nuclear missiles being launched, as tensions ramp up amid the ongoing war in Ukraine.


Putin is a psycho.
Moscow and Leningrad will be radioactive craters half an hour after Russia nukes any target in the EU.

Leningrad should make a good firestorm with all those old wooden buildings.

Don't bother, I know you guys keep changing the name of Leningrad every five minutes. But guess what. The city is still located in exactly the same place no matter how many times you rename it. If we send a nuke to Leningrad's location, the place will burn no matter what you call it.
It was St. Petersburg before Leningrad and is St. Petersburg now…

It actually belongs to Finland, so let Finland take it back while the World nukes Pootingrad aka Moscow…
Biden, Harris, Pelosi and Schumer are insane also…

No one with any sanity want to be a politician and no one with a soul would enter politics!
I don't agree. I think there are some decent, intelligent people who think they can make things better.
It was St. Petersburg before Leningrad and is St. Petersburg now…
I know. They keep renaming it, as if that would prevent us from smashing the place with our nukes.

It actually belongs to Finland, so let Finland take it back while the World nukes Pootingrad aka Moscow…
Finland can rebuild a new city on all the open space once Leningrad had been flattened.
Putin can't die soon enough.
The most satisfying thing would be if he broke down, cried and admitted his errors. That being, shall we say, highly unlikely, passing to the 'other side' at the earliest moment is the next best thing.
The West, and NATO think Ukraine is just another sandbox. Another shithole to dump their old stocks, line the pockets of the MIC, and poke the Bear in the eye to boot! I think they are grossly miscalculating. The West can tell their people all day long that this is just a proxy war. But for Russia, it's anything but. And once the costs of Western interference become meddlesome enough; Russia will likely give Europe the Involvment they clearly want. And I don't think they will like it. While the West think a nuclear war is unwinnable, Russia doesn't have such a pessimistic outlook. Especially at it concerns their first strike capability.
That point from which the three trajectories are drawn has just made itself a big first strike target itself.
The West, and NATO think Ukraine is just another sandbox. Another shithole to dump their old stocks, line the pockets of the MIC, and poke the Bear in the eye to boot! I think they are grossly miscalculating. The West can tell their people all day long that this is just a proxy war. But for Russia, it's anything but. And once the costs of Western interference become meddlesome enough; Russia will likely give Europe the Involvment they clearly want. And I don't think they will like it. While the West think a nuclear war is unwinnable, Russia doesn't have such a pessimistic outlook. Especially at it concerns their first strike capability.
We stopped Saddam Hussein in Kuwait even though Kuwait was once a province of Iraq and everyone spoke Arabic. Same argument Putin is using.

After you treathend to destroy Berlin with nuclear rockets from Königsberg in 106 seconds I'm sure the German prosecution likes to speak with you. They are always interested in a small talk with terrorists.

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