Russia is still more dangerous than Republicans


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
The difference between Republicans and Russia is that Russia wants this country destroyed.

Republicans believe this is a white country they feel they owned and they want it back, whatever that means.

Both are dangerous.

Russia wants America destroyed because they are an authoritarian regime. Because of our constitution, the US is opposite of Russia, therefore their greatest enemy. Russia wants the entire country destroyed.

The problem with Republicans, being 90% white, is that because they are fueled by racism and they see their political enemies as true enemies, not as people with a different viewpoint. They can't be negotiated with. People who think ripping babies from their mother's arms and letting the elderly suffer in poverty and without healthcare are OK don't share our human values. They can only be defeated.

Even with the Alt White and the Aryan Nation and other nationalistic groups supporting them, the GOP is still fewer in number. They win elections because all of them vote. If we can get freedom loving people to vote, the Republicans can be contained. But Russia can't be contained. They want this country destroyed. That's why it's important to vote. First to contain the Republican's terrible damage to this country. And second to unite against Russian aggression.
The difference between Republicans and Russia is that Russia wants this country destroyed.

Republicans believe this is a white country they feel they owned and they want it back, whatever that means.

Both are dangerous.

Russia wants America destroyed because they are an authoritarian regime. Because of our constitution, the US is opposite of Russia, therefore their greatest enemy. Russia wants the entire country destroyed.

The problem with Republicans, being 90% white, is that because they are fueled by racism and they see their political enemies as true enemies, not as people with a different viewpoint. They can't be negotiated with. People who think ripping babies from their mother's arms and letting the elderly suffer in poverty and without healthcare are OK don't share our human values. They can only be defeated.

Even with the Alt White and the Aryan Nation and other nationalistic groups supporting them, the GOP is still fewer in number. They win elections because all of them vote. If we can get freedom loving people to vote, the Republicans can be contained. But Russia can't be contained. They want this country destroyed. That's why it's important to vote. First to contain the Republican's terrible damage to this country. And second to unite against Russian aggression.

Russia wants America destroyed because they are an authoritarian regime. Because of our constitution, the US is opposite of Russia, therefore their greatest enemy.

The 1980s called, they want their foreign policy back...…...
Democrats are trying to run away from being considered more dangerous than Russians. It's right out of Rules for Radicals.
You know what's hillarious , the liberals know they are the enemy with in and despise the Constitution, but they love to play games and say...

download (2).jpeg

Russia is still more dangerous
If you are Deep State then OP is absolutely right! And if conservatives join Trump's efforts to fight against Deep State with Russia, then the things will start really shi*ty for Deep State.
The difference between Republicans and Russia is that Russia wants this country destroyed.

Republicans believe this is a white country they feel they owned and they want it back, whatever that means.

Both are dangerous.

Russia wants America destroyed because they are an authoritarian regime. Because of our constitution, the US is opposite of Russia, therefore their greatest enemy. Russia wants the entire country destroyed.

The problem with Republicans, being 90% white, is that because they are fueled by racism and they see their political enemies as true enemies, not as people with a different viewpoint. They can't be negotiated with. People who think ripping babies from their mother's arms and letting the elderly suffer in poverty and without healthcare are OK don't share our human values. They can only be defeated.

Even with the Alt White and the Aryan Nation and other nationalistic groups supporting them, the GOP is still fewer in number. They win elections because all of them vote. If we can get freedom loving people to vote, the Republicans can be contained. But Russia can't be contained. They want this country destroyed. That's why it's important to vote. First to contain the Republican's terrible damage to this country. And second to unite against Russian aggression.

So, Liberals themselves didn't antagonize the situation, by supporting more, or less too many illegal immigrants, too many abortions, and too many taxes?
The difference between Republicans and Russia is that Russia wants this country destroyed.

Republicans believe this is a white country they feel they owned and they want it back, whatever that means.

Both are dangerous.

Russia wants America destroyed because they are an authoritarian regime. Because of our constitution, the US is opposite of Russia, therefore their greatest enemy. Russia wants the entire country destroyed.

The problem with Republicans, being 90% white, is that because they are fueled by racism and they see their political enemies as true enemies, not as people with a different viewpoint. They can't be negotiated with. People who think ripping babies from their mother's arms and letting the elderly suffer in poverty and without healthcare are OK don't share our human values. They can only be defeated.

Even with the Alt White and the Aryan Nation and other nationalistic groups supporting them, the GOP is still fewer in number. They win elections because all of them vote. If we can get freedom loving people to vote, the Republicans can be contained. But Russia can't be contained. They want this country destroyed. That's why it's important to vote. First to contain the Republican's terrible damage to this country. And second to unite against Russian aggression.
I think it’s interesting that all these fascist movements popping up here in the U.S. and in places like Austria, Hungary, Italy, etc. all seem to have the same platform about white supremacy and opposing immigration and rights for minorities; and somehow snuck into every one of their platforms is also a desire for closer ties with Russia and dropping sanctions for past and future Russian invasions of their neighbors.
The difference between Republicans and Russia is that Russia wants this country destroyed.

Republicans believe this is a white country they feel they owned and they want it back, whatever that means.

Both are dangerous.

Russia wants America destroyed because they are an authoritarian regime. Because of our constitution, the US is opposite of Russia, therefore their greatest enemy. Russia wants the entire country destroyed.

The problem with Republicans, being 90% white, is that because they are fueled by racism and they see their political enemies as true enemies, not as people with a different viewpoint. They can't be negotiated with. People who think ripping babies from their mother's arms and letting the elderly suffer in poverty and without healthcare are OK don't share our human values. They can only be defeated.

Even with the Alt White and the Aryan Nation and other nationalistic groups supporting them, the GOP is still fewer in number. They win elections because all of them vote. If we can get freedom loving people to vote, the Republicans can be contained. But Russia can't be contained. They want this country destroyed. That's why it's important to vote. First to contain the Republican's terrible damage to this country. And second to unite against Russian aggression.
I think it’s interesting that all these fascist movements popping up here in the U.S. and in places like Austria, Hungary, Italy, etc. all seem to have the same platform about white supremacy and opposing immigration and rights for minorities; and somehow snuck into every one of their platforms is also a desire for closer ties with Russia and dropping sanctions for past and future Russian invasions of their neighbors.
True. And these America white wingers, they love Putin. While many would make him president, he already leads the president. So in a way, he already is our president.
Prejudices is always wrong unless it's against White people, usually some kind of Slavic people like Poles, or Russians.
The Majority of Democrats are white.
It's not a prejudice against whites, it's a prejudice against racist. And that particular prejudice is a matter of survival.

Did Trump joke that Mike Pence wants to hang the gays? Did Trump say some Mexicans don't rape and a Mexican can't be a good judge? Doesn't it seem that many USMB Republicans are fine with unarmed blacks being shot?

Trump is a racist and he has dragged the GOP into his brand of racism. They are willing partners.
An alliance between right wing Republicans and Russians is a mortal threat to America.
Prejudices is always wrong unless it's against White people, usually some kind of Slavic people like Poles, or Russians.
The Majority of Democrats are white.
It's not a prejudice against whites, it's a prejudice against racist. And that particular prejudice is a matter of survival.

Did Trump joke that Mike Pence wants to hang the gays? Did Trump say some Mexicans don't rape and a Mexican can't be a good judge? Doesn't it seem that many USMB Republicans are fine with unarmed blacks being shot?

Trump is a racist and he has dragged the GOP into his brand of racism. They are willing partners.

You make it out like it's some kind of crime to be White.
I'm sure that makes White Americans love you.
(Rolls eyes)
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The difference between Republicans and Russia is that Russia wants this country destroyed.

Republicans believe this is a white country they feel they owned and they want it back, whatever that means.

Both are dangerous.

Russia wants America destroyed because they are an authoritarian regime. Because of our constitution, the US is opposite of Russia, therefore their greatest enemy. Russia wants the entire country destroyed.

The problem with Republicans, being 90% white, is that because they are fueled by racism and they see their political enemies as true enemies, not as people with a different viewpoint. They can't be negotiated with. People who think ripping babies from their mother's arms and letting the elderly suffer in poverty and without healthcare are OK don't share our human values. They can only be defeated.

Even with the Alt White and the Aryan Nation and other nationalistic groups supporting them, the GOP is still fewer in number. They win elections because all of them vote. If we can get freedom loving people to vote, the Republicans can be contained. But Russia can't be contained. They want this country destroyed. That's why it's important to vote. First to contain the Republican's terrible damage to this country. And second to unite against Russian aggression.

The U.S. and Russia are global bridgeheads against and amid the ongoing world cultural war. Beachhead West is the U.S.A. located between a morally compromised Canada to the north, and the narco-failed socialist oligarchies of Central and South America. Canada has been infiltrated and dominated by anti-Christian, anti-tradition radical Leftism; penetrated by the sharp spear of the cultural revolution, whose razor sharp tip is radical feminism, and to date has succeeded in cutting down English traditions of free speech, independent thought and Christian equality there.

Central and South American governments have fallen to a combination of the continental narcotics trade, failing for decades or failed socio-communist revolutions, and the politics of international First World interventionism via intelligence agencies, military advisor programs, wars on drugs, direct intervention assassination, coerced juntas and a resurgence of communist terror groups fed by the narcotics trade. The results of which are ongoing mass northern exodus of peoples from the two regions to the U.S. southern border, in an attempt to take the American Bridgehead in the West by invasion of attrition with warm émigré bodies wave entering illegally as weapons of cultural replacement, suffrage against and to depose the standing government.

Russia, Beachhead of the East, is a sleeping Juggernaut, slowly recharging its dense mass of global power, all the while resting atop the ancient sands of chaos stirring beneath its center like a massive shape charge, affixed to the classic powder keg of middle and far-east compartmentalized, centuries old for now divided empire of Islam, primed to go off without much economic or ideological political heat and pressure.

At the center, between West-East Bridgeheads, lies old world Europe; now a morass, or swamp of cultural assimilation and transformation from millennia of once venerated tradition, religion and culture, to replacement by the refugee hordes driven out of African nations shattered by abandonment of imperial colonial expeditionary governments, First World interventionism and the ebb and flow of tribal and Islamic terror risen in the wake of failed corporate sponsored dictatorships.

Russia is the once and future enemy of our United States, yes, however--in the interim between the necessity of a renewed Cold War II and associated neo-arms race, the U.S. and Russia have no choice but to join forces against the global cultural war. Only together can the two old nemesis powers reinforce, rebuild and lift Europe out of the murky waters of cultural replacement. Standing in the way of its own salvation are the governing ideologies of current European regimes which have and continue to promote policies of mass refugee immigration, refugee economies and assimilation politics, and the melding together of Islam and Christianity--which brings with it the consequence of cultural terrorism; some religious and social cultures cannot be integrated by force of government coercion, without extremist violence.

The global outcomes of the world cultural war are both few and clear. The U.S. and Russia can continue to isolate each other and fight it separately, in which case Europe almost certainly falls first--followed by the US, and possibly Russia, as continued detonations in the Middle-Far- East (Israel, Syria, Turkey, Iran, Eurasia-Pakistan/India) could bring the old Bear down like an imploding building.

Or, the U.S. could batten itself down into a new era of isolationism, seal her borders, withdraw from Europe, Africa and Asia, and fight a never ending recursive external war against immigration, narco-terror, China backed South American governments and a slowly strengthening communist-to be Mexico who will certainly invite in China--and possibly, Russia or the reformed soon-to-be Islamic caliphate chapter of the EU.

Finally, a weakened or extremely isolated Russia would be highly disadvantageous to the US--and globally dangerous--perhaps fatal to global democracy. With Russia removed from the world stage, Iran, Turkey and Syria; Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan; could, however unlikely, form a new Islamic Empire spanning north Africa east to Pakistan. We're talking a new world nuclear superpower--only this one flies the red crescent and picks up where Mohammed left off over 1300 years ago.

In closing, yes, Russia is and shall remain a threat to U.S. global and domestic interests. However Russia is also a necessary--even if temporary--ally in the global struggle against a new Age where traditional Western culture is replaced or assimilated by hostile culture and religion--neither of which champion, support or even wish to co-exist with the paradigm, ideology or spirit of democracy, rule by Constitution or individual freedoms.

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