Russia favored Trump in 2016, Senate panel says, breaking with House GOP

Hillary tried to warn you bri You shut your ears ,,,,,,,,,,sad
She tried to warn me about what, something that never happened? Hilllary was trying to fool idiots like you into believing she actually cares about the security of this country.
It's right in front of you to hear Afraid to find out your president is a scum bag ?? Bet you already knew that
There's no evidence of that, douchebag.
Now I know you're talking through your ass because your head knows better Almost everyone knows ,,,except you
So they preferred Trump. BFD.
Think this is the first time that Russia/Soviet Union preferred one presidential candidate over the other ?

Preferred, acted on and when that candidate won did absolutely nothing to prevent it from happening again.
Why would Putin prevent it from happening? Your messiah Obama is the only one who could have stopped it, if he even could. It's not against the law for Russians to post on Facebook.

Show us on the doll where Putin touched you and made you vote for Trump.

No, Obama could do nothing to prevent tampering in the 2018 and beyond elections, that's up to Trump.

As far as 2016, he kicked out quite a few Russians but not much he could do about the election, they had already hacked the Democrats and I don't think enough was known about the ads they were putting up on facebook at the time. I just wish he spoke up more.

He did nothing to prevent tampering with the 2016 election, yet here you are whining petulantly about what Trump supposedly didn't do.

We have no proof that the DNC was even hacked. We only have their say-so on that. And there's no law saying Russians can't post ads on Facebook. Russians even have their own news channel that you can watch here in America! Horrors! We should start carpet bombing the Kremling tomorrow!

They never provided their server as proof of them being hacked. Why not?
#1) It never happened.
#2) There's plenty of stuff incriminating to the party on it.
So they preferred Trump. BFD.
Think this is the first time that Russia/Soviet Union preferred one presidential candidate over the other ?

Preferred, acted on and when that candidate won did absolutely nothing to prevent it from happening again.
Why would Putin prevent it from happening? Your messiah Obama is the only one who could have stopped it, if he even could. It's not against the law for Russians to post on Facebook.

Show us on the doll where Putin touched you and made you vote for Trump.

No, Obama could do nothing to prevent tampering in the 2018 and beyond elections, that's up to Trump.

As far as 2016, he kicked out quite a few Russians but not much he could do about the election, they had already hacked the Democrats and I don't think enough was known about the ads they were putting up on facebook at the time. I just wish he spoke up more.

He did nothing to prevent tampering with the 2016 election, yet here you are whining petulantly about what Trump supposedly didn't do.

We have no proof that the DNC was even hacked. We only have their say-so on that. And there's no law saying Russians can't post ads on Facebook. Russians even have their own news channel that you can watch here in America! Horrors! We should start carpet bombing the Kremling tomorrow!

Every intelligence agency knows the DNC was hacked, it's not a question of if.

What was Obama supposed to do after the fact?
Horseshit. Hillary was caught on tape admitting that she supports open borders.

Clinton Releases Plan to Dissolve U.S. Border Within 100 Days | Breitbart

Wow, she wants to keep DACA alive. The article is filled with half truths and it's also Breitbart. She did not want to 'dissolve' the border you little scared child.

Stop lying. She was for open borders and amnesty.

She was not for open borders and almost everyone is for amnesty for DACA.

No, and you and OP are faggots.

Jesus, you guys fucking crack me up. :auiqs.jpg:

Just because her husband built the only wall that's there, does not mean that Hillary didn't support open borders. Do you have some proof to the contrary? I don't think so. Why? Because it is not so.

If it was, it was most certainly excluded from her campaign platform. An item that may have cost her the election, so what's up?

No it wasn't, here you go:

Here's where Hillary Clinton stands on immigration

Clinton calls for "[protecting] our borders and national security" and supported the 2013 Senate immigration bill that would have funded an enhanced border-security plan, including additional border fencing.

She asserts that the US-Mexican border has been enhanced and is now "the most secure border we have ever had," and that it is now time for "a comprehensive immigration reform with a path to citizenship."

Clinton even mocked Donald Trump's proposed border wall as a "fantasy."

Next year it will be a reality. How does that make you feel?
Hillary warns about Russian interference in the election and finger boy response is ....but but....but...what about this other stuff....
Hillary told a bunch of lies. Virtually every word out of her mouth is a lie.
Seriously, how lame is it for a trump supporter to complain about someone else being a liar.
A lot less lame than Hillary supporters complaining that Trump is a liar. Not only is she a liar, but she is a proven criminal.
There has never been a President with more certified lies attributed to him than Trump. He is known and accepted as a pathological serial liar world wide. He is caught telling lies every time he speaks, tweets or gives a speech about any topic. He is addicted to lying. He averages 5 lies per day. He tells so many lies the public and media don't even pay attention to most of the lies. When he speaks it is just accepted that lies will be included in everything he says.
So they preferred Trump. BFD.
Think this is the first time that Russia/Soviet Union preferred one presidential candidate over the other ?

Preferred, acted on and when that candidate won did absolutely nothing to prevent it from happening again.
Why would Putin prevent it from happening? Your messiah Obama is the only one who could have stopped it, if he even could. It's not against the law for Russians to post on Facebook.

Show us on the doll where Putin touched you and made you vote for Trump.

No, Obama could do nothing to prevent tampering in the 2018 and beyond elections, that's up to Trump.

As far as 2016, he kicked out quite a few Russians but not much he could do about the election, they had already hacked the Democrats and I don't think enough was known about the ads they were putting up on facebook at the time. I just wish he spoke up more.

He did nothing to prevent tampering with the 2016 election, yet here you are whining petulantly about what Trump supposedly didn't do.

We have no proof that the DNC was even hacked. We only have their say-so on that. And there's no law saying Russians can't post ads on Facebook. Russians even have their own news channel that you can watch here in America! Horrors! We should start carpet bombing the Kremling tomorrow!

Every intelligence agency knows the DNC was hacked, it's not a question of if.

What was Obama supposed to do after the fact?

Yet they never offered their server to seal the deal. Why is that?

Crooked stuff, perhaps? Durr, Yeah!
Wow, she wants to keep DACA alive. The article is filled with half truths and it's also Breitbart. She did not want to 'dissolve' the border you little scared child.

She was not for open borders and almost everyone is for amnesty for DACA.

No, and you and OP are faggots.

Jesus, you guys fucking crack me up. :auiqs.jpg:

Just because her husband built the only wall that's there, does not mean that Hillary didn't support open borders. Do you have some proof to the contrary? I don't think so. Why? Because it is not so.

If it was, it was most certainly excluded from her campaign platform. An item that may have cost her the election, so what's up?

No it wasn't, here you go:

Here's where Hillary Clinton stands on immigration

Clinton calls for "[protecting] our borders and national security" and supported the 2013 Senate immigration bill that would have funded an enhanced border-security plan, including additional border fencing.

She asserts that the US-Mexican border has been enhanced and is now "the most secure border we have ever had," and that it is now time for "a comprehensive immigration reform with a path to citizenship."

Clinton even mocked Donald Trump's proposed border wall as a "fantasy."

Next year it will be a reality. How does that make you feel?

What, the wall? I doubt it.
Preferred, acted on and when that candidate won did absolutely nothing to prevent it from happening again.
Why would Putin prevent it from happening? Your messiah Obama is the only one who could have stopped it, if he even could. It's not against the law for Russians to post on Facebook.

Show us on the doll where Putin touched you and made you vote for Trump.

No, Obama could do nothing to prevent tampering in the 2018 and beyond elections, that's up to Trump.

As far as 2016, he kicked out quite a few Russians but not much he could do about the election, they had already hacked the Democrats and I don't think enough was known about the ads they were putting up on facebook at the time. I just wish he spoke up more.

He did nothing to prevent tampering with the 2016 election, yet here you are whining petulantly about what Trump supposedly didn't do.

We have no proof that the DNC was even hacked. We only have their say-so on that. And there's no law saying Russians can't post ads on Facebook. Russians even have their own news channel that you can watch here in America! Horrors! We should start carpet bombing the Kremling tomorrow!

Every intelligence agency knows the DNC was hacked, it's not a question of if.

What was Obama supposed to do after the fact?

Yet they never offered their server to seal the deal. Why is that?

Crooked stuff, perhaps? Durr, Yeah!

Probably because they didn't want any internal info leaked. I doubt the GOP would offer up their server if they didn't have to either.
Russia favored Trump in 2016, Senate panel says, breaking with House GOP

That's right. The ENTIRE Senate Committee chaired by the GOP agrees with the US Intelligence Committee, breaking from trump. The House Intel Committee did not issue a joint report. Rather, the GOP on that committee issued a memo in which they tried to appease Glorious Leader.

“Our staff concluded that the [intelligence community’s] conclusions were accurate and on point,” the panel’s vice chairman, Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-Va.), said Wednesday in a joint statement with Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.), its chairman. “The Russian effort was extensive, sophisticated, and ordered by President Putin himself for the purpose of helping Donald Trump and hurting Hillary Clinton,” Warner continued.

But that last determination — that Russia intended to help Trump — sets up a clash within the GOP over which record of events is most accurate, a dispute that could complicate the party’s messaging surrounding the Russia investigations as it heads into the 2018 election season. While the House Republicans’ report also concurred with the bulk of the intelligence community’s findings about Russian meddling, it accused officials of not following their own best practices in determining that Moscow hoped Trump would win."

Trump has taken umbrage at the intelligence community’s determination that the Kremlin favored his candidacy over that of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The president cheered the House Intelligence Committee’s findings and report on Twitter, claiming it vindicated him by finding there was no evidence of collusion or coordination with Russia.

The Senate intelligence panel has yet to weigh in on the collusion allegations, a subject that will be left to its final report. But Burr and Warner have been dropping hints for days that their panel’s interim findings on the intelligence community would depart from those of the House Intelligence Committee Republicans. House Democrats also roundly disagreed with those findings.


FILE In this file photo taken on Friday, July 7, 2017, U.S. President Donald Trump meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the G-20 Summit in Hamburg, Germany. The Senate Intelligence Committee released its findings on Wednesday that the Russia had interfered in the 2016 election to help Trump’s chances of victory, breaking with House Republicans. (Evan Vucci/AP)

“I’m not sure that the House was required to substantiate every conclusion with facts,” Burr told reporters last week, when asked whether the Senate Intelligence Committee would also find fault with the intelligence community’s assessment. He promised the Senate panel would “have the facts to show for” its conclusions."


What did Trump do besides have more of an appeal to Russians?
Horseshit. Hillary was caught on tape admitting that she supports open borders.

Clinton Releases Plan to Dissolve U.S. Border Within 100 Days | Breitbart

Wow, she wants to keep DACA alive. The article is filled with half truths and it's also Breitbart. She did not want to 'dissolve' the border you little scared child.

Stop lying. She was for open borders and amnesty.

She was not for open borders and almost everyone is for amnesty for DACA.

No, and you and OP are faggots.

Jesus, you guys fucking crack me up. :auiqs.jpg:

Just because her husband built the only wall that's there, does not mean that Hillary didn't support open borders. Do you have some proof to the contrary? I don't think so. Why? Because it is not so.

If it was, it was most certainly excluded from her campaign platform. An item that may have cost her the election, so what's up?

No it wasn't, here you go:

Here's where Hillary Clinton stands on immigration

Clinton calls for "[protecting] our borders and national security" and supported the 2013 Senate immigration bill that would have funded an enhanced border-security plan, including additional border fencing.

She asserts that the US-Mexican border has been enhanced and is now "the most secure border we have ever had," and that it is now time for "a comprehensive immigration reform with a path to citizenship."

Clinton even mocked Donald Trump's proposed border wall as a "fantasy."

Your article says the following:
  1. She supports amnesty for DACA participants.
  2. She planned to open the floodgates for Muslim "refugees."
  3. She proposed to release aprehended illegals rather then keep them in detention.
  4. She would close private immigration centers
  5. She proposes "a path to citizenship for illegal aliens" (amnesty)
  6. She wants Congress to end regulations that force undocumented immigrants to leave the US before starting the process of becoming American citizens.
  7. Clinton also says she would expand outreach efforts for people seeking US citizenship, in part by mitigating language and economic barriers that make it difficult for undocumented immigrants to navigate the process.
  8. She supports sanctuary cities that shelter illegal immigrants.
So where does she propose anything to control the border?

That's the article you cited that supposely proves she supports controlling the border.
Why would Putin prevent it from happening? Your messiah Obama is the only one who could have stopped it, if he even could. It's not against the law for Russians to post on Facebook.

Show us on the doll where Putin touched you and made you vote for Trump.

No, Obama could do nothing to prevent tampering in the 2018 and beyond elections, that's up to Trump.

As far as 2016, he kicked out quite a few Russians but not much he could do about the election, they had already hacked the Democrats and I don't think enough was known about the ads they were putting up on facebook at the time. I just wish he spoke up more.

He did nothing to prevent tampering with the 2016 election, yet here you are whining petulantly about what Trump supposedly didn't do.

We have no proof that the DNC was even hacked. We only have their say-so on that. And there's no law saying Russians can't post ads on Facebook. Russians even have their own news channel that you can watch here in America! Horrors! We should start carpet bombing the Kremling tomorrow!

Every intelligence agency knows the DNC was hacked, it's not a question of if.

What was Obama supposed to do after the fact?

Yet they never offered their server to seal the deal. Why is that?

Crooked stuff, perhaps? Durr, Yeah!

Probably because they didn't want any internal info leaked. I doubt the GOP would offer up their server if they didn't have to either.
I'm sure the DNC doesn't want all the evidence of its crimes exposed to law enforcement.
Russia favored Trump in 2016, Senate panel says, breaking with House GOP

That's right. The ENTIRE Senate Committee chaired by the GOP agrees with the US Intelligence Committee, breaking from trump. The House Intel Committee did not issue a joint report. Rather, the GOP on that committee issued a memo in which they tried to appease Glorious Leader.

“Our staff concluded that the [intelligence community’s] conclusions were accurate and on point,” the panel’s vice chairman, Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-Va.), said Wednesday in a joint statement with Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.), its chairman. “The Russian effort was extensive, sophisticated, and ordered by President Putin himself for the purpose of helping Donald Trump and hurting Hillary Clinton,” Warner continued.

But that last determination — that Russia intended to help Trump — sets up a clash within the GOP over which record of events is most accurate, a dispute that could complicate the party’s messaging surrounding the Russia investigations as it heads into the 2018 election season. While the House Republicans’ report also concurred with the bulk of the intelligence community’s findings about Russian meddling, it accused officials of not following their own best practices in determining that Moscow hoped Trump would win."

Trump has taken umbrage at the intelligence community’s determination that the Kremlin favored his candidacy over that of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The president cheered the House Intelligence Committee’s findings and report on Twitter, claiming it vindicated him by finding there was no evidence of collusion or coordination with Russia.

The Senate intelligence panel has yet to weigh in on the collusion allegations, a subject that will be left to its final report. But Burr and Warner have been dropping hints for days that their panel’s interim findings on the intelligence community would depart from those of the House Intelligence Committee Republicans. House Democrats also roundly disagreed with those findings.


FILE In this file photo taken on Friday, July 7, 2017, U.S. President Donald Trump meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the G-20 Summit in Hamburg, Germany. The Senate Intelligence Committee released its findings on Wednesday that the Russia had interfered in the 2016 election to help Trump’s chances of victory, breaking with House Republicans. (Evan Vucci/AP)

“I’m not sure that the House was required to substantiate every conclusion with facts,” Burr told reporters last week, when asked whether the Senate Intelligence Committee would also find fault with the intelligence community’s assessment. He promised the Senate panel would “have the facts to show for” its conclusions."


What did Trump do besides have more of an appeal to Russians?
He didn't bomb the Kremlin as Hillary wanted him to. Also, he won the election.
For me it would be Chattanooga TN

Visited there a few time and I just liked the area.
Plus there is no state income tax and home prices are reasonable compared to South Florida

Russia favored Trump in 2016, Senate panel says, breaking with House GOP

That's right. The ENTIRE Senate Committee chaired by the GOP agrees with the US Intelligence Committee, breaking from trump. The House Intel Committee did not issue a joint report. Rather, the GOP on that committee issued a memo in which they tried to appease Glorious Leader.

“Our staff concluded that the [intelligence community’s] conclusions were accurate and on point,” the panel’s vice chairman, Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-Va.), said Wednesday in a joint statement with Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.), its chairman. “The Russian effort was extensive, sophisticated, and ordered by President Putin himself for the purpose of helping Donald Trump and hurting Hillary Clinton,” Warner continued.

But that last determination — that Russia intended to help Trump — sets up a clash within the GOP over which record of events is most accurate, a dispute that could complicate the party’s messaging surrounding the Russia investigations as it heads into the 2018 election season. While the House Republicans’ report also concurred with the bulk of the intelligence community’s findings about Russian meddling, it accused officials of not following their own best practices in determining that Moscow hoped Trump would win."

Trump has taken umbrage at the intelligence community’s determination that the Kremlin favored his candidacy over that of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The president cheered the House Intelligence Committee’s findings and report on Twitter, claiming it vindicated him by finding there was no evidence of collusion or coordination with Russia.

The Senate intelligence panel has yet to weigh in on the collusion allegations, a subject that will be left to its final report. But Burr and Warner have been dropping hints for days that their panel’s interim findings on the intelligence community would depart from those of the House Intelligence Committee Republicans. House Democrats also roundly disagreed with those findings.


FILE In this file photo taken on Friday, July 7, 2017, U.S. President Donald Trump meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the G-20 Summit in Hamburg, Germany. The Senate Intelligence Committee released its findings on Wednesday that the Russia had interfered in the 2016 election to help Trump’s chances of victory, breaking with House Republicans. (Evan Vucci/AP)

“I’m not sure that the House was required to substantiate every conclusion with facts,” Burr told reporters last week, when asked whether the Senate Intelligence Committee would also find fault with the intelligence community’s assessment. He promised the Senate panel would “have the facts to show for” its conclusions."


What did Trump do besides have more of an appeal to Russians?

Things good for Americans, faggot. I'm certain you don't understand.
No, Obama could do nothing to prevent tampering in the 2018 and beyond elections, that's up to Trump.

As far as 2016, he kicked out quite a few Russians but not much he could do about the election, they had already hacked the Democrats and I don't think enough was known about the ads they were putting up on facebook at the time. I just wish he spoke up more.

He did nothing to prevent tampering with the 2016 election, yet here you are whining petulantly about what Trump supposedly didn't do.

We have no proof that the DNC was even hacked. We only have their say-so on that. And there's no law saying Russians can't post ads on Facebook. Russians even have their own news channel that you can watch here in America! Horrors! We should start carpet bombing the Kremling tomorrow!

Every intelligence agency knows the DNC was hacked, it's not a question of if.

What was Obama supposed to do after the fact?

Yet they never offered their server to seal the deal. Why is that?

Crooked stuff, perhaps? Durr, Yeah!

Probably because they didn't want any internal info leaked. I doubt the GOP would offer up their server if they didn't have to either.
I'm sure the DNC doesn't want all the evidence of its crimes exposed to law enforcement.

You mean the crimes you're making up right now in your post bitch boi?
Hillary warns about Russian interference in the election and finger boy response is ....but but....but...what about this other stuff....
Russia's attempts at meddling were inept and inconsequential. Douchebags like you are trying to make it an issue because you got nothing else and because you think the public is buying it.

Only the gullible and stupid are fooled.
Bernie wanted Border Control via Checkpoints and Armed Guards.

Fail 4.

You don't know a damn thing.

Educating minorities for careers as opposed to jobs?

How dumb are you? Clinton was also for protecting the border. You might as well ask Sanders and Trump what color the sky is.

Who isn't for border control?

Let's see, how about DACA? I don't think Trump and Sanders agree there. What about that wall? Nope. Sanders is easily more aligned with Clinton and other Democrats about immigration and the border in general.

Fuck, another fail.

Horseshit. Hillary was caught on tape admitting that she supports open borders.

Clinton Releases Plan to Dissolve U.S. Border Within 100 Days | Breitbart
Breitbart distortion, misdirection and false interpretation hack article. Designed for suckers and dupes. Genuine fake news.
ROFL! Oh nooooooo! It's the evil Breitbart!

Hear no evil. See no evil. Speak no evil!
You are deflecting away from the topic of Clinton warning about Russian interference in the 2016 election, an accepted fact today.
You're deflecting from the fact that it's a great big nothing burger.
Hillary warns about Russian interference in the election and finger boy response is ....but but....but...what about this other stuff....
Russia's attempts at meddling were inept and inconsequential. Douchebags like you are trying to make it an issue because you got nothing else and because you think the public is buying it.

Only the gullible and stupid are fooled.

Yeah, they only hacked into the DNC, spilled the beans that were released on a timeline that was particularly advantageous to Trump, but whatever.

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