Russia deploys kamikaze dolphins to black sea.

The training began with Russian polio-therapy dolphins during the 1950s.
Imagine being so bad at being a military, you list dolphins as being a part of your navy. What's next, ACTUAL Navy seals?

You do know that during the U.S. invasion of Iraq the U.S. used trained dolphins to detect and mark mines?

I watched video clips of it where the dolphins would swim back to the boat they deployed from and with a hand gesture they were ordered to jump back aboard.
Imagine being so bad at being a military, you list dolphins as being a part of your navy. What's next, ACTUAL Navy seals?
Um dolphins beat Navy SEALs. They easily find underwater divers even in bubbleless rebreathers. They swim 20kts and hit like a missile giving you pneumothorax in an instant.

Speaking of which. My Navy seal friend (team 5) disappeared shortly after I asked him if we were flying for the Ukrainians. Wonder where he went. Lol
Imagine being so bad at being a military, you list dolphins as being a part of your navy. What's next, ACTUAL Navy seals?
The U.S. Navy has had a Marine Mammal Program since 1959. It uses trained dolphins and sea lions.

I'm sure if you were a diver you would not want to be attacked by a pod of dolphins.
This should get the woke folk's panties crammed up their manginas.

Ingenious! This should get the animal rights activists singing with all they got!
We (US) have them, too.
Yes, though as far as is known, Amerians didn't think about polio therapy.

'Gregory Bateson begins by fleeing the civilized world, by becoming an ethnologist and following primitive codes and savage flows that are more and more decoded, those of schizophrenia, from which he extracts an interesting psychoanalytic theory; then, still in search of a beyond, of another wall to break through, he turns to dolphins, to the language of dolphins, to flows that are even stranger and more deterritorialized. But where does the dolphin flux end, if not with the basic research projects of the American army, which brings us back to preparations for war and to the absorption of surplus value.'
(Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia, Savages, Barbarians, Civilized Men, p. 236)

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