Will Barack Obama Succeed In Losing Syrian Civil War For Rebels By End Of His Term?


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
What is so shameful for the American people on the international front is how the President Obama administration has failed the Syrian people in their efforts to get out from under the brutal dictator, Bashar Assad, and create a good country which protects human beings basic civil rights. Their status as the current American government places a duty on them to advance the cause of democracy and human right throughout the world and at this time this duty compellingly calls for them to draw the conclusion that their peace efforts in the Syrian Civil War have failed and enough is enough with these peace efforts this Administration should be permanently done with such things and pivot all its effort to the only thing that can make a positive difference in the Syrian Civil war at this stage which is providing critically necessary humanitarian assistance to major Sunni civilian population centers in Syria like in East Aleppo. The stark reality is that the Syrian rebellion is at a survival juncture right now if the rebels lose Aleppo the last major city in rebel contested territory in Syria the rebellion is essentially lost because it will only be a matter of time before Assad forces isolate and crush any other smaller pockets of resistance remaining throughout Syria. The Titanic size question the Obama Administration needs to answer immediately is are they in the last "four" months of their Administration going to let the Syrian rebel side in this Civil War to be fatally hurt by allowing the Sunni populations in and around Aleppo to be starved and deprived of medical care into submission to the Assad forces or is the American government going to conduct an air drop campaign for these four months providing humanitarian supplies to these communities. The Sunni Syrians call this Assad regime strategy the "starve or submit" strategy and it has been used brutally and effectively against them throughout Syria the question President Obama needs to answer is he going to allow this strategy to be used against the two-hundred thousand Sunni Syrians in East Aleppo. Duty, international law, America's tradition and reputation compellingly call for the American government to say "No!" and conduct this humanitarian aid air drop campaign for Heaven's sake Obama Administration it is only for four measly months, no ones asking you to drop guns, bullets or the like to these people you're being asked to drop flour, rice, baby formula and the like where is your conscience you cannot let this barbaric and egregiously immoral tactic to be used against so many people when you readily have the power to stop it! History will not forgive the Obama Administration for not getting involved to solve this large humanitarian question when it readily had the power because if it doesn't the Sunni Syrian population will be coerced to surrender and Assad will have won the Syrian Civil War and it will be at least another generation before good Syrians can build up the strength to try again to rebel against the Assad family and secure their freedom!

The Obama administration needs to fully recognize that the efforts for a permanent cease fire in the Syrian Civil War is a futile effort a fools effort. The multiple agreements that have failed demonstrate this but the latest failed agreement demonstrably indicate this. The badness involved in this latest failure reveals how just utterly and extremely bad the Assad side is it is numbing in its badness they deliberately killed aid workers trying to bring food and medicine to civilians there is not a shred of justification for their actions. Eighteen, a small fleet, of trucks carrying aid were bombed and destroyed here with at least twenty people also killed from the bombing and it wasn't like the planes just dropped their bombs on the wrong target they circled the aid center and as relief workers tried to rescue the injured the planes bombed again. The facts are that the UN told the Russian and Syrian governments that it was sending an aid convoy to that location and the route to be used. At the time of the bombing only Russian and Syrian planes were in the area. After this incident the Russian government gave so many contradictory and absurd responses about the incident their soaking wet with guilt. One being the Russian government the day after the incident said their drone tracked the convoy to the aid center and its departure from there it then said it stopped tracking the convoy because it saw no purpose because the aid was delivered implying that it was the rebels that bombed the convoy after the departure, this is absurd because the media has pictures of multiple trucks at the aid center with aid visible in the trucks with the center and trucks in state of disrepair from being bombed. The history of the latest and other cease fire agreements is that the Assad regime essentially ignores the agreements how can the American government be serious about pursuing truces and cease fires when one side in the civil war practically completely ignores the effort; Bashar Assad himself admits this as large as possible contempt for the American effort. The Obama Administration needs to open their eyes it is completely a fool's effort to pursue a peace effort with the Assad regime currently, they need to recognize what is going on which is the Assad regime is racing against the clock to win this civil war on the ground before Obama's term ends because they will likely face an American government which will bring much more pressure upon Russia and the Assad regime to agree to a diplomatic resolution to the Syrian Civil War if it is still ongoing, the Assad regime's current dialing up to the maximum range of its ground and air attacks around Aleppo indicate this. The Obama Administration needs to wake up an smell the coffee the Syrian peace process is dead the only issue is does the Obama Administration allow in its remaining four months major Sunni populations to be sieged and blockaded into surrendering!

The Obama Administration needs to ask themselves where is their pride. At the last G 20 summit President Barack Obama said he was giving the truce effort one more try, well the world has clearly seen that one more try has come and gone with the slaughtering of twenty aid workers this past Monday now the question remains does President Obama's words mean anything. In recent days after it has become clear the latest cease fire is dead, the world sees the America's Secretary of State John Kerry acting desperate when he proposes in the UN General Assembly the parties in the Syrian Civil War voluntarily decide not to use air power for an extended period of time is this the leadership the American government offers the world, the American government acts like a joke with this behavior. Recently, the French Foreign Minister essentially said the U.S. and Russia have to stop treating this whole peace process as a negotiation between themselves. It sure would be nice if the Obama Administration would use some common sense and realize and act on that realization that today America has no partners for peace in Syria in the Russian government and the Assad regime. Someone please stop John Kerry's continual begging for peace in Syria let us try to salvage America's reputation as a strong country America's interests in Syria may be devastated but let us not lose our stature that will lead to so much other harm of America's interests!

Two final points that should really have Americans committed to supporting good in the world really upset with its government. In this last Syrian peace agreement the US was to facilitate the separation of al Nusra Front rebels, now called Jabhat Fatah al Sham, from other Syrian rebels so they along with Russia which American would help with targeting information could bomb this group out of existence. The American government is wrong and unjust with this labeling of Jabhat Fatah al Sham as a terrorist group and America's enemies. The facts may be that Jabhat Fatah al Sham was started by al Qaeda but today it is not part of al Qaeda and should not be painted with that brush. A responsible analysis would conclude this al Sham rebel group is a good rebel group worthy of America's support. First, Jabhat Fatah al Sham changed their name from al Nusra Front to its current name to make the statement to the world they are no longer affiliated with al Qaeda. The Sunni Syrian people and Sunni Syrian rebels hold them up as a good rebel group like other good rebel groups. Jabhat Fatah al Sham is the strongest and most effective fighting force against the Assad forces by America treating them as a terrorist group it undermines America's support for the Sunni Syrian side of the Civil War so America isn't fully supporting the good side in the war, America is better than that! Look how the al Sham rebel force came to be so strong in the early stages of the war when America dragged its feet supporting the rebels al Sham forces had the support of fundamentalist Islamic groups throughout the world which enabled them to have the resources for them to succeed to a better degree on the battlefield which brought more fighters and resources and since the U.S. treated them as al Qaeda and pushed U.S. backed rebels to treat them similarly and since the U.S. backed rebels were no match for the al Sham rebels as a fighting force they lost in battle against them and in order not to be killed they joined Al sham's ranks and al sham became a more powerful rebel fighting force. Wisdom identifies this issue as such a critically important issue it really makes it a disgrace that members of Congress don't negotiate with the Obama administration to have a task force set-up to investigate and report on whether Jabhat Fatah al sham is a terrorist group with intentions to bring terrorism to the West and the United State like al Qaeda or if it is just a jihadi freedom fighter group whose aspirations are just limited to Syria to put it another way is it just like the mujahedeen group that existed in Afghanistan back when the Russians occupied it back in the 1980's. If it is a latter group which this writer believes than America shouldn't be trying to destroy it rather America should be supporting it!

Congress's lack of courage and character and this refers to both chambers is not only evident in their silence as the American government pursues killing and extinguishing a good and patriotic Syrian rebel fighting force in the Jabhat Fatah al Sham group but also in it's recent passage of a law allowing the families of 911 victims to sue the Saudi government and Saudi officials over the 911 attacks. You didn't even have the character to pass the bills by roll call votes you passed the bills by voice vote, you acted like a bunch of spineless sneakey cowards. Your sense of good here is massively depraved, the 911 commission found no prove the Saudi government was culpable in the attacks you voted based on politics and not on what is right you disgraced the American people.. The truth of the matter is that the Saudi government has been great friends of America for generations, yes they have been a voice of fairness for the price of oil in OPEC since its founding in the early 70's, they have helped fight terrorism and they have been an ally of the U.S. in trying to bring peace between the U.S. and the Palestinians without violence to list a few of their outstanding acts of friendship. The most horrible thing about the U.S. Congress delivering the head of Saudi Arabia on a silver plate to America's plaintiff lawyers is that Saudi Arabia poses a humongous danger for America because they have a huge population which they have a real problem supporting into the future because the age of oil is largely permanently over they will not be a highly wealthy nation like they were in the past meaning large amounts of poverty could result in Saudi Arabia and this plus the fact Saudi Arabia is a very orthodox Muslim country could result in Saudi Arabia being a terrorist mill, the Congress here is going to turn Saudi Arabia into a powder keg for America and the West, great going you idiots in Congress!
What is so shameful for the American people on the international front is how the President Obama administration has failed the Syrian people in their efforts to get out from under the brutal dictator, Bashar Assad, and create a good country which protects human beings basic civil rights. Their status as the current American government places a duty on them to advance the cause of democracy and human right throughout the world and at this time this duty compellingly calls for them to draw the conclusion that their peace efforts in the Syrian Civil War have failed and enough is enough with these peace efforts this Administration should be permanently done with such things and pivot all its effort to the only thing that can make a positive difference in the Syrian Civil war at this stage which is providing critically necessary humanitarian assistance to major Sunni civilian population centers in Syria like in East Aleppo. The stark reality is that the Syrian rebellion is at a survival juncture right now if the rebels lose Aleppo the last major city in rebel contested territory in Syria the rebellion is essentially lost because it will only be a matter of time before Assad forces isolate and crush any other smaller pockets of resistance remaining throughout Syria. The Titanic size question the Obama Administration needs to answer immediately is are they in the last "four" months of their Administration going to let the Syrian rebel side in this Civil War to be fatally hurt by allowing the Sunni populations in and around Aleppo to be starved and deprived of medical care into submission to the Assad forces or is the American government going to conduct an air drop campaign for these four months providing humanitarian supplies to these communities. The Sunni Syrians call this Assad regime strategy the "starve or submit" strategy and it has been used brutally and effectively against them throughout Syria the question President Obama needs to answer is he going to allow this strategy to be used against the two-hundred thousand Sunni Syrians in East Aleppo. Duty, international law, America's tradition and reputation compellingly call for the American government to say "No!" and conduct this humanitarian aid air drop campaign for Heaven's sake Obama Administration it is only for four measly months, no ones asking you to drop guns, bullets or the like to these people you're being asked to drop flour, rice, baby formula and the like where is your conscience you cannot let this barbaric and egregiously immoral tactic to be used against so many people when you readily have the power to stop it! History will not forgive the Obama Administration for not getting involved to solve this large humanitarian question when it readily had the power because if it doesn't the Sunni Syrian population will be coerced to surrender and Assad will have won the Syrian Civil War and it will be at least another generation before good Syrians can build up the strength to try again to rebel against the Assad family and secure their freedom!

The Obama administration needs to fully recognize that the efforts for a permanent cease fire in the Syrian Civil War is a futile effort a fools effort. The multiple agreements that have failed demonstrate this but the latest failed agreement demonstrably indicate this. The badness involved in this latest failure reveals how just utterly and extremely bad the Assad side is it is numbing in its badness they deliberately killed aid workers trying to bring food and medicine to civilians there is not a shred of justification for their actions. Eighteen, a small fleet, of trucks carrying aid were bombed and destroyed here with at least twenty people also killed from the bombing and it wasn't like the planes just dropped their bombs on the wrong target they circled the aid center and as relief workers tried to rescue the injured the planes bombed again. The facts are that the UN told the Russian and Syrian governments that it was sending an aid convoy to that location and the route to be used. At the time of the bombing only Russian and Syrian planes were in the area. After this incident the Russian government gave so many contradictory and absurd responses about the incident their soaking wet with guilt. One being the Russian government the day after the incident said their drone tracked the convoy to the aid center and its departure from there it then said it stopped tracking the convoy because it saw no purpose because the aid was delivered implying that it was the rebels that bombed the convoy after the departure, this is absurd because the media has pictures of multiple trucks at the aid center with aid visible in the trucks with the center and trucks in state of disrepair from being bombed. The history of the latest and other cease fire agreements is that the Assad regime essentially ignores the agreements how can the American government be serious about pursuing truces and cease fires when one side in the civil war practically completely ignores the effort; Bashar Assad himself admits this as large as possible contempt for the American effort. The Obama Administration needs to open their eyes it is completely a fool's effort to pursue a peace effort with the Assad regime currently, they need to recognize what is going on which is the Assad regime is racing against the clock to win this civil war on the ground before Obama's term ends because they will likely face an American government which will bring much more pressure upon Russia and the Assad regime to agree to a diplomatic resolution to the Syrian Civil War if it is still ongoing, the Assad regime's current dialing up to the maximum range of its ground and air attacks around Aleppo indicate this. The Obama Administration needs to wake up an smell the coffee the Syrian peace process is dead the only issue is does the Obama Administration allow in its remaining four months major Sunni populations to be sieged and blockaded into surrendering!

The Obama Administration needs to ask themselves where is their pride. At the last G 20 summit President Barack Obama said he was giving the truce effort one more try, well the world has clearly seen that one more try has come and gone with the slaughtering of twenty aid workers this past Monday now the question remains does President Obama's words mean anything. In recent days after it has become clear the latest cease fire is dead, the world sees the America's Secretary of State John Kerry acting desperate when he proposes in the UN General Assembly the parties in the Syrian Civil War voluntarily decide not to use air power for an extended period of time is this the leadership the American government offers the world, the American government acts like a joke with this behavior. Recently, the French Foreign Minister essentially said the U.S. and Russia have to stop treating this whole peace process as a negotiation between themselves. It sure would be nice if the Obama Administration would use some common sense and realize and act on that realization that today America has no partners for peace in Syria in the Russian government and the Assad regime. Someone please stop John Kerry's continual begging for peace in Syria let us try to salvage America's reputation as a strong country America's interests in Syria may be devastated but let us not lose our stature that will lead to so much other harm of America's interests!

Two final points that should really have Americans committed to supporting good in the world really upset with its government. In this last Syrian peace agreement the US was to facilitate the separation of al Nusra Front rebels, now called Jabhat Fatah al Sham, from other Syrian rebels so they along with Russia which American would help with targeting information could bomb this group out of existence. The American government is wrong and unjust with this labeling of Jabhat Fatah al Sham as a terrorist group and America's enemies. The facts may be that Jabhat Fatah al Sham was started by al Qaeda but today it is not part of al Qaeda and should not be painted with that brush. A responsible analysis would conclude this al Sham rebel group is a good rebel group worthy of America's support. First, Jabhat Fatah al Sham changed their name from al Nusra Front to its current name to make the statement to the world they are no longer affiliated with al Qaeda. The Sunni Syrian people and Sunni Syrian rebels hold them up as a good rebel group like other good rebel groups. Jabhat Fatah al Sham is the strongest and most effective fighting force against the Assad forces by America treating them as a terrorist group it undermines America's support for the Sunni Syrian side of the Civil War so America isn't fully supporting the good side in the war, America is better than that! Look how the al Sham rebel force came to be so strong in the early stages of the war when America dragged its feet supporting the rebels al Sham forces had the support of fundamentalist Islamic groups throughout the world which enabled them to have the resources for them to succeed to a better degree on the battlefield which brought more fighters and resources and since the U.S. treated them as al Qaeda and pushed U.S. backed rebels to treat them similarly and since the U.S. backed rebels were no match for the al Sham rebels as a fighting force they lost in battle against them and in order not to be killed they joined Al sham's ranks and al sham became a more powerful rebel fighting force. Wisdom identifies this issue as such a critically important issue it really makes it a disgrace that members of Congress don't negotiate with the Obama administration to have a task force set-up to investigate and report on whether Jabhat Fatah al sham is a terrorist group with intentions to bring terrorism to the West and the United State like al Qaeda or if it is just a jihadi freedom fighter group whose aspirations are just limited to Syria to put it another way is it just like the mujahedeen group that existed in Afghanistan back when the Russians occupied it back in the 1980's. If it is a latter group which this writer believes than America shouldn't be trying to destroy it rather America should be supporting it!

Congress's lack of courage and character and this refers to both chambers is not only evident in their silence as the American government pursues killing and extinguishing a good and patriotic Syrian rebel fighting force in the Jabhat Fatah al Sham group but also in it's recent passage of a law allowing the families of 911 victims to sue the Saudi government and Saudi officials over the 911 attacks. You didn't even have the character to pass the bills by roll call votes you passed the bills by voice vote, you acted like a bunch of spineless sneakey cowards. Your sense of good here is massively depraved, the 911 commission found no prove the Saudi government was culpable in the attacks you voted based on politics and not on what is right you disgraced the American people.. The truth of the matter is that the Saudi government has been great friends of America for generations, yes they have been a voice of fairness for the price of oil in OPEC since its founding in the early 70's, they have helped fight terrorism and they have been an ally of the U.S. in trying to bring peace between the U.S. and the Palestinians without violence to list a few of their outstanding acts of friendship. The most horrible thing about the U.S. Congress delivering the head of Saudi Arabia on a silver plate to America's plaintiff lawyers is that Saudi Arabia poses a humongous danger for America because they have a huge population which they have a real problem supporting into the future because the age of oil is largely permanently over they will not be a highly wealthy nation like they were in the past meaning large amounts of poverty could result in Saudi Arabia and this plus the fact Saudi Arabia is a very orthodox Muslim country could result in Saudi Arabia being a terrorist mill, the Congress here is going to turn Saudi Arabia into a powder keg for America and the West, great going you idiots in Congress!

plus the fact Saudi Arabia is a very orthodox Muslim country could result in Saudi Arabia being a terrorist mill,

Saudi support for Wahhabism has already made them a terrorist mill.
What is so shameful for the American people on the international front is how the President Obama administration has failed the Syrian people in their efforts to get out from under the brutal dictator, Bashar Assad, and create a good country which protects human beings basic civil rights. Their status as the current American government places a duty on them to advance the cause of democracy and human right throughout the world and at this time this duty compellingly calls for them to draw the conclusion that their peace efforts in the Syrian Civil War have failed and enough is enough with these peace efforts this Administration should be permanently done with such things and pivot all its effort to the only thing that can make a positive difference in the Syrian Civil war at this stage which is providing critically necessary humanitarian assistance to major Sunni civilian population centers in Syria like in East Aleppo. The stark reality is that the Syrian rebellion is at a survival juncture right now if the rebels lose Aleppo the last major city in rebel contested territory in Syria the rebellion is essentially lost because it will only be a matter of time before Assad forces isolate and crush any other smaller pockets of resistance remaining throughout Syria. The Titanic size question the Obama Administration needs to answer immediately is are they in the last "four" months of their Administration going to let the Syrian rebel side in this Civil War to be fatally hurt by allowing the Sunni populations in and around Aleppo to be starved and deprived of medical care into submission to the Assad forces or is the American government going to conduct an air drop campaign for these four months providing humanitarian supplies to these communities. The Sunni Syrians call this Assad regime strategy the "starve or submit" strategy and it has been used brutally and effectively against them throughout Syria the question President Obama needs to answer is he going to allow this strategy to be used against the two-hundred thousand Sunni Syrians in East Aleppo. Duty, international law, America's tradition and reputation compellingly call for the American government to say "No!" and conduct this humanitarian aid air drop campaign for Heaven's sake Obama Administration it is only for four measly months, no ones asking you to drop guns, bullets or the like to these people you're being asked to drop flour, rice, baby formula and the like where is your conscience you cannot let this barbaric and egregiously immoral tactic to be used against so many people when you readily have the power to stop it! History will not forgive the Obama Administration for not getting involved to solve this large humanitarian question when it readily had the power because if it doesn't the Sunni Syrian population will be coerced to surrender and Assad will have won the Syrian Civil War and it will be at least another generation before good Syrians can build up the strength to try again to rebel against the Assad family and secure their freedom!

The Obama administration needs to fully recognize that the efforts for a permanent cease fire in the Syrian Civil War is a futile effort a fools effort. The multiple agreements that have failed demonstrate this but the latest failed agreement demonstrably indicate this. The badness involved in this latest failure reveals how just utterly and extremely bad the Assad side is it is numbing in its badness they deliberately killed aid workers trying to bring food and medicine to civilians there is not a shred of justification for their actions. Eighteen, a small fleet, of trucks carrying aid were bombed and destroyed here with at least twenty people also killed from the bombing and it wasn't like the planes just dropped their bombs on the wrong target they circled the aid center and as relief workers tried to rescue the injured the planes bombed again. The facts are that the UN told the Russian and Syrian governments that it was sending an aid convoy to that location and the route to be used. At the time of the bombing only Russian and Syrian planes were in the area. After this incident the Russian government gave so many contradictory and absurd responses about the incident their soaking wet with guilt. One being the Russian government the day after the incident said their drone tracked the convoy to the aid center and its departure from there it then said it stopped tracking the convoy because it saw no purpose because the aid was delivered implying that it was the rebels that bombed the convoy after the departure, this is absurd because the media has pictures of multiple trucks at the aid center with aid visible in the trucks with the center and trucks in state of disrepair from being bombed. The history of the latest and other cease fire agreements is that the Assad regime essentially ignores the agreements how can the American government be serious about pursuing truces and cease fires when one side in the civil war practically completely ignores the effort; Bashar Assad himself admits this as large as possible contempt for the American effort. The Obama Administration needs to open their eyes it is completely a fool's effort to pursue a peace effort with the Assad regime currently, they need to recognize what is going on which is the Assad regime is racing against the clock to win this civil war on the ground before Obama's term ends because they will likely face an American government which will bring much more pressure upon Russia and the Assad regime to agree to a diplomatic resolution to the Syrian Civil War if it is still ongoing, the Assad regime's current dialing up to the maximum range of its ground and air attacks around Aleppo indicate this. The Obama Administration needs to wake up an smell the coffee the Syrian peace process is dead the only issue is does the Obama Administration allow in its remaining four months major Sunni populations to be sieged and blockaded into surrendering!

The Obama Administration needs to ask themselves where is their pride. At the last G 20 summit President Barack Obama said he was giving the truce effort one more try, well the world has clearly seen that one more try has come and gone with the slaughtering of twenty aid workers this past Monday now the question remains does President Obama's words mean anything. In recent days after it has become clear the latest cease fire is dead, the world sees the America's Secretary of State John Kerry acting desperate when he proposes in the UN General Assembly the parties in the Syrian Civil War voluntarily decide not to use air power for an extended period of time is this the leadership the American government offers the world, the American government acts like a joke with this behavior. Recently, the French Foreign Minister essentially said the U.S. and Russia have to stop treating this whole peace process as a negotiation between themselves. It sure would be nice if the Obama Administration would use some common sense and realize and act on that realization that today America has no partners for peace in Syria in the Russian government and the Assad regime. Someone please stop John Kerry's continual begging for peace in Syria let us try to salvage America's reputation as a strong country America's interests in Syria may be devastated but let us not lose our stature that will lead to so much other harm of America's interests!

Two final points that should really have Americans committed to supporting good in the world really upset with its government. In this last Syrian peace agreement the US was to facilitate the separation of al Nusra Front rebels, now called Jabhat Fatah al Sham, from other Syrian rebels so they along with Russia which American would help with targeting information could bomb this group out of existence. The American government is wrong and unjust with this labeling of Jabhat Fatah al Sham as a terrorist group and America's enemies. The facts may be that Jabhat Fatah al Sham was started by al Qaeda but today it is not part of al Qaeda and should not be painted with that brush. A responsible analysis would conclude this al Sham rebel group is a good rebel group worthy of America's support. First, Jabhat Fatah al Sham changed their name from al Nusra Front to its current name to make the statement to the world they are no longer affiliated with al Qaeda. The Sunni Syrian people and Sunni Syrian rebels hold them up as a good rebel group like other good rebel groups. Jabhat Fatah al Sham is the strongest and most effective fighting force against the Assad forces by America treating them as a terrorist group it undermines America's support for the Sunni Syrian side of the Civil War so America isn't fully supporting the good side in the war, America is better than that! Look how the al Sham rebel force came to be so strong in the early stages of the war when America dragged its feet supporting the rebels al Sham forces had the support of fundamentalist Islamic groups throughout the world which enabled them to have the resources for them to succeed to a better degree on the battlefield which brought more fighters and resources and since the U.S. treated them as al Qaeda and pushed U.S. backed rebels to treat them similarly and since the U.S. backed rebels were no match for the al Sham rebels as a fighting force they lost in battle against them and in order not to be killed they joined Al sham's ranks and al sham became a more powerful rebel fighting force. Wisdom identifies this issue as such a critically important issue it really makes it a disgrace that members of Congress don't negotiate with the Obama administration to have a task force set-up to investigate and report on whether Jabhat Fatah al sham is a terrorist group with intentions to bring terrorism to the West and the United State like al Qaeda or if it is just a jihadi freedom fighter group whose aspirations are just limited to Syria to put it another way is it just like the mujahedeen group that existed in Afghanistan back when the Russians occupied it back in the 1980's. If it is a latter group which this writer believes than America shouldn't be trying to destroy it rather America should be supporting it!

Congress's lack of courage and character and this refers to both chambers is not only evident in their silence as the American government pursues killing and extinguishing a good and patriotic Syrian rebel fighting force in the Jabhat Fatah al Sham group but also in it's recent passage of a law allowing the families of 911 victims to sue the Saudi government and Saudi officials over the 911 attacks. You didn't even have the character to pass the bills by roll call votes you passed the bills by voice vote, you acted like a bunch of spineless sneakey cowards. Your sense of good here is massively depraved, the 911 commission found no prove the Saudi government was culpable in the attacks you voted based on politics and not on what is right you disgraced the American people.. The truth of the matter is that the Saudi government has been great friends of America for generations, yes they have been a voice of fairness for the price of oil in OPEC since its founding in the early 70's, they have helped fight terrorism and they have been an ally of the U.S. in trying to bring peace between the U.S. and the Palestinians without violence to list a few of their outstanding acts of friendship. The most horrible thing about the U.S. Congress delivering the head of Saudi Arabia on a silver plate to America's plaintiff lawyers is that Saudi Arabia poses a humongous danger for America because they have a huge population which they have a real problem supporting into the future because the age of oil is largely permanently over they will not be a highly wealthy nation like they were in the past meaning large amounts of poverty could result in Saudi Arabia and this plus the fact Saudi Arabia is a very orthodox Muslim country could result in Saudi Arabia being a terrorist mill, the Congress here is going to turn Saudi Arabia into a powder keg for America and the West, great going you idiots in Congress!
One tends to shorten this rubbish to two words: Allah akbar! (Boom)
Make sure your explosion does not hurt your neighbors.

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