Rush Limbaugh: Conservative States Are 'Trending Toward Secession'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2019
Born L.A.-NYC is 2nd home-Rustbelt is home base
Rush Limbaugh: Conservative States Are 'Trending Toward Secession' |

Rush Limbaugh, noting conservatives have very little in common with people in certain states, is raising the issue of secession.

Limbaugh made his comments on his radio show on Wednesday.

“I actually think that we’re trending toward secession,” he said. “I see more and more people asking what in the world do we have in common with the people who live in, say, New York? What is there that makes us believe that there is enough of us there to even have a chance at winning New York, especially if you’re talking about votes.


I think it is a pipe dream. These talk radio people will say anything for listeners. I've never heard one rep talk about a breakup. If the dems get in the reps will go with the flow and probably submit to being disarmed.

I'd be in favor of a peaceful break into 2 and save 50% of America as founded. But breaking up is bad for commerce. Since $$ is America's god, more than likely nothing will happen and the dems will control America from 2021 and on out.

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On the radio they were talking about how the reps SCOTUS lawsuit was not heard. It was for a state that used mail in ballots and it was against their state constitution.

I don't know if I got all the facts right. But I think they said SCOTUS would not hear it because the reps had a year to complain about mail in ballots but did nothing until after the election.

That sums ups the reps. They are lazy politician's only interested in big biz.

Even if you hate the dems you must admit they are always on the ball when it comes to destroying America. If the reps only had that zeal for saving America...we would be fine.

dem gun confiscation.jpg
On the radio they were talking about how the reps SCOTUS lawsuit was not heard. It was for a state that used mail in ballots and it was against their state constitution.

I don't know if I got all the facts right. But I think they said SCOTUS would not hear it because the reps had a year to complain about mail in ballots but did nothing until after the election.

That sums ups the reps. They are lazy politician's only interested in big biz.

Even if you hate the dems you must admit they are always on the ball when it comes to destroying America. If the reps only had that zeal for saving America...we would be fine.

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Republicans brought this mail-in voting issue up in the summer. John Roberts dismissed it.
Mr. L. is being irresponsible, IMHO.

So-called "conservatives" are NOT crazy.

They will NOT be "seceding." That would be madness and cause untold suffering on both sides.

They will, however, become more and more alienated, especially if they are denied firearms to protect themselves and their families from the inevitable growth of violent crime that will be the consequence of drastic demographic changes in the next 80 years.

I am pretty sure that there WILL be dramatic changes in the configuration of the present United States of America in the next century. I do not know the details, of course, but I believe that some reasonable accommodation will be made for those Americans who no longer wish to live in a country dominated by so-called "liberals."

Contrary to what some very sincere people believe, I sincerely believe that some groups are simply incompatible and should separate -- in a friendly manner, of course.
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I'm not for secession. I'm for kicking out some of the coastal areas that are full of bed wetting parasites though.

Those of us who oppose the bed wetting regressive democrook filth and their global collectivist agenda are patriots. The bed wetters HATE AMERICA, and they have worked hard to prove it while out the other side of their mouth attempting to deny it.

You can watch them tearing down statues, vandalizing monuments to the fallen warriors, destroying public property, setting businesses on fire and killing innocent people while demanding people who defend themselves from violent bed wetting liberal psychopaths get prosecuted. They elect self aggrandizing criminal sociopaths and sexual deviants that promise to undermine our liberties, steal our income and property, corrupt our institutions and allow illegal aliens to waltz across the borders at will.

People who love their country do not express it by constantly disparaging it's history, undermining it's sovereignty, or marginalizing it's morality, virtues and traditions. The bed wetters ARE NOT just our fellow citizens that we disagree with. They have declared the rest of us to be their enemies, their political whores are already threatening revenge on us for opposing them. I would say it's beyond the time we separate from these pieces of shit and that means KICKING THEM OUT of our beloved country. Let them establish autonomous zones, build their own walls like CHAZ or CHOP or whatever stupid shit they can come up with. They can then burn the places down, once their food runs out, they'll cannibalize each other and starve to death in the ashes.
Rush Limbaugh: Conservative States Are 'Trending Toward Secession' |

Rush Limbaugh, noting conservatives have very little in common with people in certain states, is raising the issue of secession.

Limbaugh made his comments on his radio show on Wednesday.

“I actually think that we’re trending toward secession,” he said. “I see more and more people asking what in the world do we have in common with the people who live in, say, New York? What is there that makes us believe that there is enough of us there to even have a chance at winning New York, especially if you’re talking about votes.


I think it is a pipe dream. These talk radio people will say anything for listeners. I've never heard one rep talk about a breakup. If the dems get in the reps will go with the flow and probably submit to being disarmed.

I'd be in favor of a peaceful break into 2 and save 50% of America as founded. But breaking up is bad for commerce. Since $$ is America's god, more than likely nothing will happen and the dems will control America from 2021 and on out.

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A dream come true for sure. But unfortunately I think it's just that. Until the US collapses under its own weight and corruption I don't think we will see any independence or secession movements that are serious.
Conservatives haven't changed one iota from the Civil War up to now.
They haven't? I use to like quite a few of them and even worked with them in the past they sure seem worse to me than they were 5 years ago. What the fuck is conservative about them now a days?seems they are blowing up all our institutions at the moment . What is conservative about that. If they would be about truth manners and family again they could eat at my table. Can you imagine 50s,60s,or 70 conservatives voting for a guy divorced so many times? Something sure as hell changed.
Conservatives haven't changed one iota from the Civil War up to now.
They haven't? I use to like quite a few of them and even worked with them in the past they sure seem worse to me than they were 5 years ago. What the fuck is conservative about them now a days?seems they are blowing up all our institutions at the moment . What is conservative about that. If they would be about truth manners and family again they could eat at my table. Can you imagine 50s,60s,or 70 conservatives voting for a guy divorced so many times? Something sure as hell changed.
Consider the choice. A man married multiple times who acts toward national security and economic prosperity or a communist who keeps the people down and dependent?
Conservatives haven't changed one iota from the Civil War up to now.
They haven't? I use to like quite a few of them and even worked with them in the past they sure seem worse to me than they were 5 years ago. What the fuck is conservative about them now a days?seems they are blowing up all our institutions at the moment . What is conservative about that. If they would be about truth manners and family again they could eat at my table. Can you imagine 50s,60s,or 70 conservatives voting for a guy divorced so many times? Something sure as hell changed.
seems they are blowing up all our institutions at the moment
Elaborate without lying.
Conservatives haven't changed one iota from the Civil War up to now.
They haven't? I use to like quite a few of them and even worked with them in the past they sure seem worse to me than they were 5 years ago. What the fuck is conservative about them now a days?seems they are blowing up all our institutions at the moment . What is conservative about that. If they would be about truth manners and family again they could eat at my table. Can you imagine 50s,60s,or 70 conservatives voting for a guy divorced so many times? Something sure as hell changed.
Consider the choice. A man married multiple times who acts toward national security and economic prosperity or a communist who keeps the people down and dependent?
Plenty of people out there concerned and actually knowledgeable about security that do not have multiple wives and such baggage. Bring back people like reason and get some of my votes. Sorry I like people with some real values in chargenot big man baby
Conservatives haven't changed one iota from the Civil War up to now.
They haven't? I use to like quite a few of them and even worked with them in the past they sure seem worse to me than they were 5 years ago. What the fuck is conservative about them now a days?seems they are blowing up all our institutions at the moment . What is conservative about that. If they would be about truth manners and family again they could eat at my table. Can you imagine 50s,60s,or 70 conservatives voting for a guy divorced so many times? Something sure as hell changed.
seems they are blowing up all our institutions at the moment
Elaborate without lying.
What institution has not been attacked? Name one with out lying
Conservatives haven't changed one iota from the Civil War up to now.
They haven't? I use to like quite a few of them and even worked with them in the past they sure seem worse to me than they were 5 years ago. What the fuck is conservative about them now a days?seems they are blowing up all our institutions at the moment . What is conservative about that. If they would be about truth manners and family again they could eat at my table. Can you imagine 50s,60s,or 70 conservatives voting for a guy divorced so many times? Something sure as hell changed.
seems they are blowing up all our institutions at the moment
Elaborate without lying.
What institution has not been attacked? Name one with out lying
You made the claim...back it up.

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