Rubio Bill Lets ANY Employer Deny Birth Control Coverage

What about when the government decides that there's too many people burdening our healthcare system and legislates people over 80 are euthanaised? Because it's in the best interests of everyone, right? If people do not defend the Church... where does this power mad bullshit end?

Holy shit, not this "Death Panel" retard shit again.

No, you moronic half wit... I'm talking about the 'power mad' bullshit. Get your government out of my Church.

You got a problem with Georgia doing it?
Since so many rw's are illiterate, its difficult to understand your exact meaning. Therefore, I'm giving you a comma (,). Please use it wisely.

But, really, its squirrely little Santorum of frothy anal secretions, who talks of controlling birth control and every bedroom activity you can think of.

OTOH, President Obama has only addressed a woman's right to decide for herself when she should or wants to bear a child.

Why do you want to force women to bear a child every single year of her life?

dear me, you ObamaBOTS are not the sharpest knives.

You and everyone in this country go buy BUY birth control...NO one is controlling IT, go pay for your own birth control and abortions..
OR heres a novel idea...DON'T HAVE SEX..
You know, every time we get into something about free abortions or free birth control, I become more convinced that perhaps government should fund mandatory birth control and abortions for Liberals. 60 years or so, and we'll be done with them once and for all.

no kidding...
What about when the government decides that there's too many people burdening our healthcare system and legislates people over 80 are euthanaised? Because it's in the best interests of everyone, right? If people do not defend the Church... where does this power mad bullshit end?

Holy shit, not this "Death Panel" retard shit again.

No, you moronic half wit... I'm talking about the 'power mad' bullshit. Get your government out of my Church.

Get your crazy fucking Church out of my government.
WillowTree just negged me for posting this "factual" article.

Righties love to hammer down free speech - of others...

Ernie S. said:
Hi, you have received -337 reputation points from Ernie S..
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I just negged you for being an idiot and a whiny bitch

Ernie S.

Note: This is an automated message.

Ernie S. , one of my usual harassers and stalkers, just negged me for the above post.


Wow, look at Pee-wee goooo. His little bike also has "whitewalls"...

Not a stalker, idiot. Call me a bug stomper. And if you think your shit about my choice of tires bothers me you're sadly mistaken. Oh! By the way, Both of my sons run white walls on their Harleys. You might get along with my wife and Daughter though. Black walls of their machines.
they provide insurance, not decisions.

pretty basic, imo. if you don't like what they provide, decide to work elsewhere. no one is chained to their workplace.

we're becoming a nation of mewling infants, and we want our binky NOW

What if you like your job but not your insurance?

What if you like your insurance but not your job?

Baring a single payer option, it makes sense to be paid more and able to buy health coverage on your own.

Can you imagine if you had to buy your car insurance and your appliance maintenance agreements from the one company your employer made an 'arrangement' with?

Surely that sounds stupid to someone besides me.

Nope... only you. Imagine if your automobile insurance company offered coverage for oil changes, flats, new tires, tune ups, front end alignments, shocks, struts, CV joints, etc.?

Part of the problem here is people don't think they should have to pay for ANYTHING when it comes to their health care.

Part of the problem is a lack of choices. Some folks want a basic package like Medicare that pays about 80% of covered items which are specifically listed and no drugs, and some folks are willing to pay for something that covers every thing bigger than a band-aid at 100%.

Tying insurance to our employers is stupid. It limits choices and forces employers to spend precious resources complying.
No, you moronic half wit... I'm talking about the 'power mad' bullshit. Get your government out of my Church.

Get your crazy fucking Church out of my government.

A church is in your government how exactly?

That's just too stupid to even respond to. Apparently you haven't been paying much attention to the teabaggers in the House regarding female reproductive rights - or what's been going on in many Republican-controlled states.
What if you like your job but not your insurance?

What if you like your insurance but not your job?

Baring a single payer option, it makes sense to be paid more and able to buy health coverage on your own.

Can you imagine if you had to buy your car insurance and your appliance maintenance agreements from the one company your employer made an 'arrangement' with?

Surely that sounds stupid to someone besides me.

Nope... only you. Imagine if your automobile insurance company offered coverage for oil changes, flats, new tires, tune ups, front end alignments, shocks, struts, CV joints, etc.?

Part of the problem here is people don't think they should have to pay for ANYTHING when it comes to their health care.

Part of the problem is a lack of choices. Some folks want a basic package like Medicare that pays about 80% of covered items which are specifically listed and no drugs, and some folks are willing to pay for something that covers every thing bigger than a band-aid at 100%.

Tying insurance to our employers is stupid. It limits choices and forces employers to spend precious resources complying.

Well, then let them go buy whatever policy the want. Hey, I'm all for giving somebody the cost of insurance as extra compensation should they choose not to partipate... this is why a lot of employers don't offer anything but minimal contributions to HI coverage. This offers employees the ability to make their own choices.... like cafeteria plans, etc. However, in no way am I obligated to pay for whatever plan somebody wants.
Get your crazy fucking Church out of my government.

A church is in your government how exactly?

That's just too stupid to even respond to. Apparently you haven't been paying much attention to the teabaggers in the House regarding female reproductive rights - or what's been going on in many Republican-controlled states.

Or, you could make your case as you set it forth in such a broad sense.
Get your crazy fucking Church out of my government.

A church is in your government how exactly?

That's just too stupid to even respond to. Apparently you haven't been paying much attention to the teabaggers in the House regarding female reproductive rights - or what's been going on in many Republican-controlled states.

In other words, you dont have a freakin argument. Maybe if you actually exercised your mind and tried to support your arguments rather than photoshopping, you wouldnt be such a joke around here.
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well, me thinks you are possibly lying on that Nola....

unless you are speaking about times before 1978, 35 years ago....or you have fewer than 15 employees....

because if you cover employees with insurance then the insurance plan MUST COVER maternity for the employee or spouse....

The Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 requires companies with 15 or more workers to cover maternity benefits if they cover other health benefits. But although the law applies to employees and their spouses, there’s an exception for “non-spouse

the above is for SOGGY in nola....

Thanks. But it does not require me to pay for maternity insurance, only that I cannot treat a pregnancy differently than any other "disability"... like pregnancy is a disability. ALS is a disability.
sure it does....u r required to pay for insurance that covers pregnancy if you buy insurance for the employees..... you can not get insurance without it covering pregnancy....since the year 1978....with one exception....if the employer has less than 15 employees.

edit: here is a link

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the above is for SOGGY in nola....

Thanks. But it does not require me to pay for maternity insurance, only that I cannot treat a pregnancy differently than any other "disability"... like pregnancy is a disability. ALS is a disability.
sure it does....u r required to pay for insurance that covers pregnancy if you buy insurance for the employees..... you can not get insurance without it covering pregnancy....since the year 1978....with one exception....if the employer has less than 15 employees.

Funny, I did it for years. I guess we should have a couple MAJOR insurance companies indicted.... myself included.

I'm turning myself in tomorrow.. for the aforementioned and all the pot I smoked from 1976 - 1981.

Goodbye cruel world!
You know, every time we get into something about free abortions or free birth control, I become more convinced that perhaps government should fund mandatory birth control and abortions for Liberals. 60 years or so, and we'll be done with them once and for all.

You know...

this is a really fucked-up thing to say about fellow citizens. That's why i neg-repped you for it.

Your retaliation is to negrep me this comment:

This was pretty much the argument for requiring the mandate in the first place.

At least I'm not talking eliminationist bullshit, so again...

Fuck you, asshole.

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