Rubio Bill Lets ANY Employer Deny Birth Control Coverage

Our founding fathers gave us a "Godless" Constitution - complete with "separation of church and state" - but radical Christian extremists just can't seem to accept that fact. Santorum is a prime example of where radical Christian extremists wish to take our government.

Rise of the Religious Right in the Republican Party

No. They gave us a nation where religion and God were an intregal part of our society by preventing government from infringing on it.

Over reach much? What a right wing talking point.

Nope, it's a truth. Nobody wants a state sanctioned religion, yet we won't accept a "persons of faith need not apply" mentality either.
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I only bare my arms in the summertime. How about ewe?

Know won is ever going two overturn row vs wade. Abortion is not murder. Its a seed. Did you pay four a funeral when you had a miscarrage?

It will be overturned eventually, because it's bad case law.

And yes, my wife and I did.

Society is not moving in that direction. The right keep pushing and keep trying but they only get away with anti abortion laws in red states.

Actually, Rick Snyder in Michigan has pushed through a ban on partial birth abortion but that's because the GOP control all three branches of Michigan Government. Even though Michigan voted for Clinton, Gore and Obama, we are now a very red state. But Michiganders are not happy with Snyder and hopefully we take back both houses in November.

But banning abortion for women in their first trimester? That will never pass. Its too popular. Most women want the right to choose.
Know won is ever going two overturn row vs wade. Abortion is not murder. Its a seed. Did you pay four a funeral when you had a miscarrage?

It will be overturned eventually, because it's bad case law.

And yes, my wife and I did.

Society is not moving in that direction. The right keep pushing and keep trying but they only get away with anti abortion laws in red states.

Actually, Rick Snyder in Michigan has pushed through a ban on partial birth abortion but that's because the GOP control all three branches of Michigan Government. Even though Michigan voted for Clinton, Gore and Obama, we are now a very red state. But Michiganders are not happy with Snyder and hopefully we take back both houses in November.

But banning abortion for women in their first trimester? That will never pass. Its too popular. Most women want the right to choose.

Abortion is too popular?Wow.
No. They gave us a nation where religion and God were an intregal part of our society by preventing government from infringing on it.

Over reach much? What a right wing talking point.

Nope, it's a truth. Nobody wants a state sanctioned religion, yet we won't accept a "persons of faith need not apply" mentality either.

Oh the poor Christians being assaulted in every direction by facts, science, fairness and reason!

This is classic GOP playbook. Remember before the 2008 election they tried to make an issue of that little country next to Russia. Georgia?

They are going to be making a big deal out of everything until the elections. Most of it will be petty and blown out of perportion.

This is classic GOP playbook. Remember before the 2008 election they tried to make an issue of that little country next to Russia. Georgia?

They are going to be making a big deal out of everything until the elections. Most of it will be petty and blown out of perportion.

Exactly! So, now that Obama is turning around the Great Bush Recession, all they have to whine about is crazy religious bullshit and trying to restrict female reproductive rights. I suspect they'll also try to keep the "birther" issue alive. Righties are sooo special...
Our founding fathers gave us a "Godless" Constitution - complete with "separation of church and state" - but radical Christian extremists just can't seem to accept that fact. Santorum is a prime example of where radical Christian extremists wish to take our government.

Rise of the Religious Right in the Republican Party

why don't you take your atheist ass and run away to China?

Why should I? I'm Native American, we have a Godless Constitution, and George Washington's "Treaty of Tripoli"...

Treaty of Tripoli - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

george washington had nothing to do with the treaty of tripoli
We need to nip this in the butt. Put abortion on the ballot. Should abortion be legal or not. Majority rules.

Anyone who has had an abortion and is now anti abortion needs to shut the hell up. You had a choice and you chose wrong. I want to have the right to choose for myself too.

Just like guns. If we make guns illegal, no one will get shot. But Americans want to have the right to bare arms and decide for themselves if they want to commit murder or not.

I only bare my arms in the summertime. How about ewe?

Know won is ever going two overturn row vs wade. Abortion is not murder. Its a seed. Did you pay four a funeral when you had a miscarrage?

Really,, then why was that Peterson fellow charged with a double homicide when he murdered his wife lacy and her unborn child..? doyathink?
Our founding fathers gave us a "Godless" Constitution - complete with "separation of church and state" - but radical Christian extremists just can't seem to accept that fact. Santorum is a prime example of where radical Christian extremists wish to take our government.

Rise of the Religious Right in the Republican Party

No. They gave us a nation where religion and God were an intregal part of our society by preventing government from infringing on it.

Over reach much? What a right wing talking point.

Not over reaching at all. Study the Founders and their views on religion. The wanted to prevent the government from doing exactly what it is with the Catholic Church right now. That's why they passed the First Amendment. So that the government wouldnt be able to stop individuals and Churches from freely exercising their religious faith to better society.

They were all men of incredible faith. They were taught the principles of faith from their youth up. And yes some lost faith at times, but it was their instruction on faith and religion in their youth that made them the men and women of character that this nation and, in deed, our entire world needed to press forward the cause of liberty and to bless society for generations to come.

When you understand the history and who the people were, you will see that faith and religion guided their lives completely.
Know won is ever going two overturn row vs wade. Abortion is not murder. Its a seed. Did you pay four a funeral when you had a miscarrage?

It will be overturned eventually, because it's bad case law.

And yes, my wife and I did.

Society is not moving in that direction. The right keep pushing and keep trying but they only get away with anti abortion laws in red states.

Actually, Rick Snyder in Michigan has pushed through a ban on partial birth abortion but that's because the GOP control all three branches of Michigan Government. Even though Michigan voted for Clinton, Gore and Obama, we are now a very red state. But Michiganders are not happy with Snyder and hopefully we take back both houses in November.

But banning abortion for women in their first trimester? That will never pass. Its too popular. Most women want the right to choose.

It always looks darkest right before the breaking dawn. There is a spiritual awakening occurring in the United States and the world. One to rival, and likely to surpass, the first two Great Awakenings in magnitude and scope.

And overturning Roe v. Wade will not ban abortion. It will just return the issue to the States as the 10th Amendment proscribes.
why don't you take your atheist ass and run away to China?

Why should I? I'm Native American, we have a Godless Constitution, and George Washington's "Treaty of Tripoli"...

Treaty of Tripoli - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

george washington had nothing to do with the treaty of tripoli


President George Washington appointed his old colleague David Humphreys as Commissioner Plenipotentiary on March 30, 1795, in order to negotiate a treaty with the Barbary powers.[8] On February 10, 1796, Humphreys appointed Joel Barlow and Joseph Donaldson as "Junior Agents" to forge a "Treaty of Peace and Friendship".[9] Under Humphreys' authority, the treaty was signed at Tripoli on November 4, 1796, and certified at Algiers on January 3, 1797. Humphreys reviewed the treaty and approved it in Lisbon on February 10, 1797.[9]

Treaty of Tripoli - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I only bare my arms in the summertime. How about ewe?

Know won is ever going two overturn row vs wade. Abortion is not murder. Its a seed. Did you pay four a funeral when you had a miscarrage?

Really,, then why was that Peterson fellow charged with a double homicide when he murdered his wife lacy and her unborn child..? doyathink?

The circumstances. And the baby was not in the first trimester.
Over reach much? What a right wing talking point.

Nope, it's a truth. Nobody wants a state sanctioned religion, yet we won't accept a "persons of faith need not apply" mentality either.

Oh the poor Christians being assaulted in every direction by facts, science, fairness and reason!

Really? because it seems it's the poor Christians using the fact, science, fairness, and reason while being attacked by ignorant bigots. Go figure.
Who's clueless? The majority of people who are ok with birth control or right wing radicals that have extreme views that the majority of us disagree with?

The issue isnt at all about birth control. I suspect you know that.

The issue is the government trying to tell people of faith to do things contrary to their beliefs. The issue is government specifically targetting people of faith.
Republicans say....

I'm shocked! Shocked, I say, to find out there is gambling going on in here!
Who's clueless? The majority of people who are ok with birth control or right wing radicals that have extreme views that the majority of us disagree with?

The issue isnt at all about birth control. I suspect you know that.

The issue is the government trying to tell people of faith to do things contrary to their beliefs. The issue is government specifically targetting people of faith.

How does the "government specifically target people of faith"...? Churches are exempt.

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