Roy Moore For US Senate from Alabama!!

I can respect conservatives who want to make this country the best place that it can be for everyone, but just have a different view of how to do that. Yes , once upon a time , that sort of conservative existed. I cannot respect bigots and theocrats

The problem is that you define “bigots and theocrats” to include anyone who holds to any basic standards of decency, morality, or even sanity.

And you are one of the very worst, most extreme bigots on this forum.
OP knows that....It's just another opportunity for him to get out his virtue beacon over homeaux issues.
Excuse you ... Roy Moore lost by only 1.5% in 2017, and got 650,000 votes.

After a classic smear campaign. He would have won, but as usual women come out of dark cracks with fucked up stories never reported to the police, just before elections.
After a classic smear campaign.
*Trump cult code for "Stating facts about Roy Moore"

But he appreciates your vote. :113:

Poor illiterate. Time to bitch slap you again. Seems you’re such a moron you forget that those reports on Moore were debunked. One by the girl’s own mother who said she was LYiNG. Yearbook girl got debunked within a couple days. But of course you swallow the liberal line. Here’s a towel, wipe that egg off your face.
Excuse you ... Roy Moore lost by only 1.5% in 2017, and got 650,000 votes.
Correct, he barely lost despite being unfairly smeared by the liberal media. Citizens of Alabama feel the media manipulated the outcome of the election. They are angry about it and will make sure Roy Moore wins this time.
Actually, this is a bad joke without a punch line. The thought of him actually being elected makes me feel as though I am stuck in a thick tar of despair which hangs in the air like the stench of death. He is a disgrace to the concept of human rights, a dangerous enemy of the rule of law and an over the top insane dinosaur.

Alabama Senate Candidate Roy Moore Wants To Criminalize Gay Sex, Abortion

U.S. Senate candidate and former Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore says he wants to criminalize gay sex and abortion, just like they did in the good old days. Moore, who has announced he is running for the U.S. Senate again, says he wants to take the U.S. back in time when gay sex and abortion were illegal. Speaking to the Huntsville Republican Men’s Group earlier this week, Moore said: We have got to go back to what we did back… Read more

Now, I have a few of questions for anyone who can support this

Would criminalizing gay sex stop gay sex, or just relegate it to the margins of society as it had been, and if the latter how would this benefit society.

How has the legalization of gay sex ( Lawrence v. Texas) and the establishment of same sex marriage (Obergefell v. Hodges) had a negative impact on anyone's life?

Do you believe that criminalizing abortion will stop abortion or, drive it underground putting women at risk.?

Please answer honestly.

Furthermore he is a vile hypocrite !

Many Alabama Republicans continue to support Moore despite the fact that in November 2017, during a Senate special election in Alabama, nine different women came forward with allegations of sexual misconduct, child molestation, and pedophilia against Moore.

According to multiple reports the Alabama politician sexually abused a 14-year-old-girl and pursued many other teenage girls while in his early 30’s.
Roy Moore: racist, bigot, misogynist, pedophile, Republican.
Roy will never get past the primary, Jeff Sessions is running for his old seat. Roy running is not news, its a democrat prayerful wish.
I don't know. It is, after all, Alabama. They might be pissed at Sessions for recusing himself from the Russia investigation
1. The Republicans need to keep the Senate red. Sessions always beat his Democratic opponents by YUGE margins. In fact, the Dems didn't even bother putting up an opponent in 2014 against him.

2. Roy Moore was beaten by a Democrat.

3. Jeff Sessions is a Republican loyalist, and as a Senator he will back Trump all the way to perdition.

4. People won't forget Sessions was the very first person to endorse Trump, when no one thought Trump had a prayer of getting the nomination much less the presidency.

I honestly think that is the best post you have ever made!

Did the drugs finally wear off?
The only real threat to Sessions in the GOP primary is Tommy Tuberville.

Now there's a gay transsexual name, Tommy Tuberville. :lol:

You OBVIOUSLY do not know who he is, do you?

Just when I thought you were showing promise, you moved right back to Stupidville!

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