Roy Moore compares murdering people to gay marriage


Diamond Member
Nov 18, 2011
Roy Moore stated that he thinks the SCOTUS ruling on same sex marriage is worse than the SCOTUS ruling that upheld slavery and that blacks were not citizens but property.

Roy Moore Says Gay Marriage Ruling Is 'Even Worse' Than 1857 Pro-Slavery Decision | HuffPost

How does any sane person think that would make him a good senator?

In addition, and in my mind even worse, were his comments to a reporter comparing gay marriage to the people on trial in Nuremberg.

"In June 2015, Moore said enforcing the Supreme Court’s gay-marriage ruling was the equivalent of following immoral laws in Germany during World War II.

“Could I do this if I were in Nuremberg ― say that I was following the orders of the highest authority to kill Jews?” Moore told an reporter. “Could I say I was ordered to do so?”

When a reporter reminded Moore than the Nuremberg trials were about killing humans, not gay marriage, Moore responded: “Is there a difference?”" (The boldface is mine)

Really? Nazi's slaughtering people for being jewish, gypsy or whatever is the same as gay marriage?? WTF?
Moore is a typical Republican. It's who they've become.
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Moore is a typical Republican. It's who they've become.

I disagree. I don't think they are all like Moore. Its just that the ones like him get the press. Much like the lonnie lefties who espouse weird ideas get the press.
Hey! Is this some of that identity politics Republicans are always complaining about? This Moore fella is a Democrat huh?
Moore has a long history of saying stupid shit.
With people like Moore in government, we don't need to worry about Islam and Sharia law.

We just have to worry about mandatory Christianity.
Is Moore typical of the Republicans Steve Bannon wants to replace every other Republican senator save Ted Cruz? With Moore's attitudes be the mainstream of Republican candidates in 2018? 2020?

This fanatical strain of course comes as a result of Trump, but I blame the 'gateway idiot' Sarah Palin in 2008.
Roy Moore stated that he thinks the SCOTUS ruling on same sex marriage is worse than the SCOTUS ruling that upheld slavery and that blacks were not citizens but property.

Roy Moore Says Gay Marriage Ruling Is 'Even Worse' Than 1857 Pro-Slavery Decision | HuffPost

How does any sane person think that would make him a good senator?

In addition, and in my mind even worse, were his comments to a reporter comparing gay marriage to the people on trial in Nuremberg.

"In June 2015, Moore said enforcing the Supreme Court’s gay-marriage ruling was the equivalent of following immoral laws in Germany during World War II.

“Could I do this if I were in Nuremberg ― say that I was following the orders of the highest authority to kill Jews?” Moore told an reporter. “Could I say I was ordered to do so?”

When a reporter reminded Moore than the Nuremberg trials were about killing humans, not gay marriage, Moore responded: “Is there a difference?”" (The boldface is mine)

Really? Nazi's slaughtering people for being jewish, gypsy or whatever is the same as gay marriage?? WTF?
Dred Scott was good law at the time.

It was consistent with the US Constitution.

It required amending to abolish slavery. It was amended after the Civil War.
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Keith Olbermann compared Trump winning the election to the Japanese bombing Pearl Harbor.

Let me know when Olbermann gets the GOP nomination for a high public office.

Hillary Clinton: Russia's election interference was a 'cyber 9/11'

And you think calling election interference a cyber attack is the same as saying the Holocaust and Gay Marriage are the same?

Sorry, no dice.
Moore is a typical Republican. It's who they've become.

I disagree. I don't think they are all like Moore. Its just that the ones like him get the press. Much like the lonnie lefties who espouse weird ideas get the press.

Moore is representative of most Republicans and conservatives: hostile to the privacy rights of women, hostile to the due process rights of gay and transgender Americans, hostile to the Framers’ mandate that church and state remain separate, unlike ‘loony lefties’ who constitute a tiny, non-representative minority of liberals and democrats.

Moore is simply comfortable at expressing his fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate.
Keith Olbermann compared Trump winning the election to the Japanese bombing Pearl Harbor.

Let me know when Olbermann gets the GOP nomination for a high public office.

Hillary Clinton: Russia's election interference was a 'cyber 9/11'

And you think calling election interference a cyber attack is the same as saying the Holocaust and Gay Marriage are the same?

Sorry, no dice.

She's literally trying to link those who died on 9/11 to Russian trolls posting ads on Facebook.
I love this place. No matter the topic you can always count on someone throwing out a "but...but...Hillary!"
Moore is a typical Republican. It's who they've become.

Let's put your theory to the test then. All conservatives who agree with Moore's statement assuming it's not misrepresented be counted. I'm conservative and disagree, so far you're 0-1.

Or you could come clean now and admit you're a simple case of liberal, and just trying to sound cool.

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