Round up the Dissenters


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Attorney General Merrick Garland unveiled the new 32-page strategy document, calling domestic terrorism 'the most urgent terrorism threat the United States faces today.'
Nicholas Giordano, a professor at Suffolk Community College on Long Island, raised his concerns about the new National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism in an interview with Fox News on Friday.
Giordano raised his concerns about the wording of the strategy, calling it 'overly broad and dangerous' and 'ripe for abuse and targeting any political opposition.'
Giordano raised a second concern that the label 'anti-government extremism' could be applied to anyone who disagrees with government policy.
'If you look at the coronavirus and question the mandates that came out as unconstitutional, well, you are classified as anti-authority,' he said.


Have you also wondered why AG Garland was attempting to claim that domestic terrorism are 'the most urgent terrorism threat the United States faces today.'?
Who are these “domestic terrorist” that Garland is talking about?
It sounds like far left hyperbolic totalitarian fear mongering.
But it is more than that.
It will be used as an excuse to arrest people who refuse to submit to the one party rule of the Corrupt Democrat Party.
Don't kid yourself and think that could not happen in America.
Democrats want to silence any voices of opposition and dissent because it is a threat to their power.
We have already seen how Pelosi has put the 1/6 protesters in solitary confinement and not allowed them to be released to await their trials.
The Democrats are taking America down a dark dangerous path that Humanity has seen many times before.
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Attorney General Merrick Garland unveiled the new 32-page strategy document, calling domestic terrorism 'the most urgent terrorism threat the United States faces today.'
Nicholas Giordano, a professor at Suffolk Community College on Long Island, raised his concerns about the new National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism in an interview with Fox News on Friday.
Giordano raised his concerns about the wording of the strategy, calling it 'overly broad and dangerous' and 'ripe for abuse and targeting any political opposition.'
Giordano raised a second concern that the label 'anti-government extremism' could be applied to anyone who disagrees with government policy.
'If you look at the coronavirus and question the mandates that came out as unconstitutional, well, you are classified as anti-authority,' he said.


Have you also wondered why AG Garland was attempting to claim that domestic terrorism are 'the most urgent terrorism threat the United States faces today.'?
Who are these “domestic terrorist” that Garland is talking about?
It sounds like far left hyperbolic totalitarian fear mongering.
But it is more than that.
It is will be used as an excuse to arrest people who refuse to submit to the one party rule of the Corrupt Democrat Party.
Don't kid yourself and think that could not happen America.
Democrats want to silence any voices of opposition and dissent because it is a threat to their power.
We have already seen how Pelosi has put the 1/6 protesters in solitary confinement and not allowed them to be released to await their trials.
The Democrats are taking America down a dark dangerous path that Humanity has seen many times before.

Here we go again. Same old hate democrats and demonize them as if they are any greater threat that right eing extremists you support.
It was republicans who crashed the capitol. Not democrats. You all sat around cheering hoping it would overturn the election. None of you raised to get to stop it. You've all got guns specifically for that reason but never fired a shot. Now it's the democrats who are a threat. Go away you brain dead fool.
Attorney General Merrick Garland unveiled the new 32-page strategy document, calling domestic terrorism 'the most urgent terrorism threat the United States faces today.'
Nicholas Giordano, a professor at Suffolk Community College on Long Island, raised his concerns about the new National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism in an interview with Fox News on Friday.
Giordano raised his concerns about the wording of the strategy, calling it 'overly broad and dangerous' and 'ripe for abuse and targeting any political opposition.'
Giordano raised a second concern that the label 'anti-government extremism' could be applied to anyone who disagrees with government policy.
'If you look at the coronavirus and question the mandates that came out as unconstitutional, well, you are classified as anti-authority,' he said.


Have you also wondered why AG Garland was attempting to claim that domestic terrorism are 'the most urgent terrorism threat the United States faces today.'?
Who are these “domestic terrorist” that Garland is talking about?
It sounds like far left hyperbolic totalitarian fear mongering.
But it is more than that.
It is will be used as an excuse to arrest people who refuse to submit to the one party rule of the Corrupt Democrat Party.
Don't kid yourself and think that could not happen America.
Democrats want to silence any voices of opposition and dissent because it is a threat to their power.
We have already seen how Pelosi has put the 1/6 protesters in solitary confinement and not allowed them to be released to await their trials.
The Democrats are taking America down a dark dangerous path that Humanity has seen many times before.

Here we go again. Same old hate democrats and demonize them as if they are any greater threat that right eing extremists you support.
It was republicans who crashed the capitol. Not democrats. You all sat around cheering hoping it would overturn the election. None of you raised to get to stop it. You've all got guns specifically for that reason but never fired a shot. Now it's the democrats who are a threat. Go away you brain dead fool.
Why are the Democrats so afraid of freedom of speech?
Obviously our national security apparatus is simply doing its job and monitoring a wide range of sources, presumably including online.

Obviously the information they have is far deeper and more comprehensive than what the public has, and they have determined the danger from right wing extremists is both real and serious.

Denials and attempts at being obtuse from the right wing aren’t slowing down investigations, thankfully.
Attorney General Merrick Garland unveiled the new 32-page strategy document, calling domestic terrorism 'the most urgent terrorism threat the United States faces today.'
Nicholas Giordano, a professor at Suffolk Community College on Long Island, raised his concerns about the new National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism in an interview with Fox News on Friday.
Giordano raised his concerns about the wording of the strategy, calling it 'overly broad and dangerous' and 'ripe for abuse and targeting any political opposition.'
Giordano raised a second concern that the label 'anti-government extremism' could be applied to anyone who disagrees with government policy.
'If you look at the coronavirus and question the mandates that came out as unconstitutional, well, you are classified as anti-authority,' he said.


Have you also wondered why AG Garland was attempting to claim that domestic terrorism are 'the most urgent terrorism threat the United States faces today.'?
Who are these “domestic terrorist” that Garland is talking about?
It sounds like far left hyperbolic totalitarian fear mongering.
But it is more than that.
It is will be used as an excuse to arrest people who refuse to submit to the one party rule of the Corrupt Democrat Party.
Don't kid yourself and think that could not happen America.
Democrats want to silence any voices of opposition and dissent because it is a threat to their power.
We have already seen how Pelosi has put the 1/6 protesters in solitary confinement and not allowed them to be released to await their trials.
The Democrats are taking America down a dark dangerous path that Humanity has seen many times before.

Here we go again. Same old hate democrats and demonize them as if they are any greater threat that right eing extremists you support.
It was republicans who crashed the capitol. Not democrats. You all sat around cheering hoping it would overturn the election. None of you raised to get to stop it. You've all got guns specifically for that reason but never fired a shot. Now it's the democrats who are a threat. Go away you brain dead fool.
Why are the Democrats so afraid of freedom of speech?

Who of any authority and has the evidence to prove it, said that.

There is no cover up. The problem is you want them to say what you want to hear and they won't. You can't handle the truth which is why you voted for trump the liar.

Get some facts before you shoot your ignorant gobb off.
You don't have to read far at all to see your link invoking blacks slaughtered in church or Jews attacked
by anti Semites.
Which begs the question why is Merrick Garland involving the federal government
in local school board disputes?
Show me the "terrorism"!

Where angry parents want accountability and questions answered
when imperious officials are shocked and threatened that someone should deign to question
their authority to rule like the Pope in medieval Rome Garland throws gasoline on a fire
by bringing in federal government.

Your link is typically stupid and over reaching by a large degree.
When fascism came to America Joe Biden and Merrick Garland were out front
calling dissent "terrorism".
Attorney General Merrick Garland unveiled the new 32-page strategy document, calling domestic terrorism 'the most urgent terrorism threat the United States faces today.'
Nicholas Giordano, a professor at Suffolk Community College on Long Island, raised his concerns about the new National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism in an interview with Fox News on Friday.
Giordano raised his concerns about the wording of the strategy, calling it 'overly broad and dangerous' and 'ripe for abuse and targeting any political opposition.'
Giordano raised a second concern that the label 'anti-government extremism' could be applied to anyone who disagrees with government policy.
'If you look at the coronavirus and question the mandates that came out as unconstitutional, well, you are classified as anti-authority,' he said.


Have you also wondered why AG Garland was attempting to claim that domestic terrorism are 'the most urgent terrorism threat the United States faces today.'?
Who are these “domestic terrorist” that Garland is talking about?
It sounds like far left hyperbolic totalitarian fear mongering.
But it is more than that.
It will be used as an excuse to arrest people who refuse to submit to the one party rule of the Corrupt Democrat Party.
Don't kid yourself and think that could not happen in America.
Democrats want to silence any voices of opposition and dissent because it is a threat to their power.
We have already seen how Pelosi has put the 1/6 protesters in solitary confinement and not allowed them to be released to await their trials.
The Democrats are taking America down a dark dangerous path that Humanity has seen many times before.
Horse shit. Descent all you want to descent. Just do NOT act out violently. That is the issue.
Horse shit. Descent all you want to descent. Just do NOT act out violently. That is the issue.
Parental dissent isn't the issue. Its can the Federal Government intimidate parents who voice opposition to the liberal agenda being foisted on school children? Should the FBI threaten parents with prison for thought crimes, voicing opposition to CRT and other leftist dogma? Should the FBI and the DFOJ be the "enforcers" for the school board organization and teacher's unions, aka big donors to democrats? Why should school boards be organized and connected to the DNC?
Parental dissent isn't the issue. Its can the Federal Government intimidate parents who voice opposition to the liberal agenda being foisted on school children? Should the FBI threaten parents with prison for thought crimes, voicing opposition to CRT and other leftist dogma? Should the FBI and the DFOJ be the "enforcers" for the school board organization and teacher's unions, aka big donors to democrats? Why should school boards be organized and connected to the DNC?
Should the parents' voices become violent in their descent? Should the FBI respond to deadly threats
with a "ho-hum" reply, or wait for the violent act to take place? All of a sudden all organizations support the DNC and "leftist dogma?" Let tump and his followers attack our democracy, yes?
Should the parents' voices become violent in their descent? Should the FBI respond to deadly threats
with a "ho-hum" reply, or wait for the violent act to take place? All of a sudden all organizations support the DNC and "leftist dogma?" Let tump and his followers attack our democracy, yes?
Don't be a moron. It is NOT the job of the FBI to keep parents voices down at school board meetings, there are no "deadly threats", even if there was they are NOT illegal.
You sound stupid when you misuse words you have no clue WTF they really mean.

What shithole country are you from?
Don't be a moron. It is NOT the job of the FBI to keep parents voices down at school board meetings, there are no "deadly threats", even if there was they are NOT illegal.
You sound stupid when you misuse words you have no clue WTF they really mean.

What shithole country are you from?
P-P-P-Pardon moi, asshole. Voices and violence do not rhyme.
Obviously our national security apparatus is simply doing its job and monitoring a wide range of sources, presumably including online.

Obviously the information they have is far deeper and more comprehensive than what the public has, and they have determined the danger from right wing extremists is both real and serious.

Denials and attempts at being obtuse from the right wing aren’t slowing down investigations, thankfully.
Denying freedom of speech is a must for the democrats, sounds chillingly like Russia and China.
Denying freedom of speech is a must for the democrats, sounds chillingly like Russia and China.
Who is denying freedom of speech? Speech that is threatening has and should be investigated to determine whether it has teeth and to defuse it if so. Tump used to invent dirt on his opposition and then have them investigated, which is truly chilling like Russia and China, yes? I guess that was ok with you.
Who is denying freedom of speech? Speech that is threatening has and should be investigated to determine whether it has teeth and to defuse it if so. Tump used to invent dirt on his opposition and then have them investigated, which is truly chilling like Russia and China, yes? I guess that was ok with you.
Did you just come out of the Twilight Zone? Remember the Russian Dossier that your tent invented to take
down a president? :laughing0301:
Who gets to decide what is threatening? Garland? Gee, I know where this is going.
Somebody at a school board meeting speaks up about the indoctrination and BAM! He/she is a domestic terrorist.
Attorney General Merrick Garland unveiled the new 32-page strategy document, calling domestic terrorism 'the most urgent terrorism threat the United States faces today.'
Nicholas Giordano, a professor at Suffolk Community College on Long Island, raised his concerns about the new National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism in an interview with Fox News on Friday.
Giordano raised his concerns about the wording of the strategy, calling it 'overly broad and dangerous' and 'ripe for abuse and targeting any political opposition.'
Giordano raised a second concern that the label 'anti-government extremism' could be applied to anyone who disagrees with government policy.
'If you look at the coronavirus and question the mandates that came out as unconstitutional, well, you are classified as anti-authority,' he said.


Have you also wondered why AG Garland was attempting to claim that domestic terrorism are 'the most urgent terrorism threat the United States faces today.'?
Who are these “domestic terrorist” that Garland is talking about?
It sounds like far left hyperbolic totalitarian fear mongering.
But it is more than that.
It will be used as an excuse to arrest people who refuse to submit to the one party rule of the Corrupt Democrat Party.
Don't kid yourself and think that could not happen in America.
Democrats want to silence any voices of opposition and dissent because it is a threat to their power.
We have already seen how Pelosi has put the 1/6 protesters in solitary confinement and not allowed them to be released to await their trials.
The Democrats are taking America down a dark dangerous path that Humanity has seen many times before.
It seems to me that putting the Jan 6th protestors in solitary confinement is cruel and unusual punishment.

Next the democrats will set up re-education camps for Trump Deplorables.
Attorney General Merrick Garland unveiled the new 32-page strategy document, calling domestic terrorism 'the most urgent terrorism threat the United States faces today.'
Nicholas Giordano, a professor at Suffolk Community College on Long Island, raised his concerns about the new National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism in an interview with Fox News on Friday.
Giordano raised his concerns about the wording of the strategy, calling it 'overly broad and dangerous' and 'ripe for abuse and targeting any political opposition.'
Giordano raised a second concern that the label 'anti-government extremism' could be applied to anyone who disagrees with government policy.
'If you look at the coronavirus and question the mandates that came out as unconstitutional, well, you are classified as anti-authority,' he said.


Have you also wondered why AG Garland was attempting to claim that domestic terrorism are 'the most urgent terrorism threat the United States faces today.'?
Who are these “domestic terrorist” that Garland is talking about?
It sounds like far left hyperbolic totalitarian fear mongering.
But it is more than that.
It will be used as an excuse to arrest people who refuse to submit to the one party rule of the Corrupt Democrat Party.
Don't kid yourself and think that could not happen in America.
Democrats want to silence any voices of opposition and dissent because it is a threat to their power.
We have already seen how Pelosi has put the 1/6 protesters in solitary confinement and not allowed them to be released to await their trials.
The Democrats are taking America down a dark dangerous path that Humanity has seen many times before.
fox is down to Suffolk Community College? what happened to Rudy, Sidney, diGenova, Turley, Dershowitz ..... ? so sad.
Did you just come out of the Twilight Zone? Remember the Russian Dossier that your tent invented to take
down a president? :laughing0301:
Who gets to decide what is threatening? Garland? Gee, I know where this is going.
Somebody at a school board meeting speaks up about the indoctrination and BAM! He/she is a domestic terrorist.
Bobob has to be foreign, but he won't say what shithole he's from.
Did you just come out of the Twilight Zone? Remember the Russian Dossier that your tent invented to take
down a president? :laughing0301:
Who gets to decide what is threatening? Garland? Gee, I know where this is going.
Somebody at a school board meeting speaks up about the indoctrination and BAM! He/she is a domestic terrorist.
did I miss that? Who got arrested for speaking to a school board ... civilly?
Attorney General Merrick Garland unveiled the new 32-page strategy document, calling domestic terrorism 'the most urgent terrorism threat the United States faces today.'
Nicholas Giordano, a professor at Suffolk Community College on Long Island, raised his concerns about the new National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism in an interview with Fox News on Friday.
Giordano raised his concerns about the wording of the strategy, calling it 'overly broad and dangerous' and 'ripe for abuse and targeting any political opposition.'
Giordano raised a second concern that the label 'anti-government extremism' could be applied to anyone who disagrees with government policy.
'If you look at the coronavirus and question the mandates that came out as unconstitutional, well, you are classified as anti-authority,' he said.


Have you also wondered why AG Garland was attempting to claim that domestic terrorism are 'the most urgent terrorism threat the United States faces today.'?
Who are these “domestic terrorist” that Garland is talking about?
It sounds like far left hyperbolic totalitarian fear mongering.
But it is more than that.
It will be used as an excuse to arrest people who refuse to submit to the one party rule of the Corrupt Democrat Party.
Don't kid yourself and think that could not happen in America.
Democrats want to silence any voices of opposition and dissent because it is a threat to their power.
We have already seen how Pelosi has put the 1/6 protesters in solitary confinement and not allowed them to be released to await their trials.
The Democrats are taking America down a dark dangerous path that Humanity has seen many times before.
Illegals trafficked enough Fentanyl into the USA to kill 1 billion Americans but Americans are the biggest threat to America???????????????????????????????

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