Ron Johnson - Trump lost

All of your "evidence" is anything but that

Misrepresented videos

Affidavits that are completely uncorroborated.

Outright lies

How bout non existent watermarks

And "Bamboo in the ballots"?

They're too stupid to understand any of that. If you'll believe a pathological liar like Trump, you'll believe anything.
Give it up loser maga fuckup.

The real truth is that "Otto" is paid by the taxpayer to post stuff like this.

Otto does not care about freedom and democracy.

Otto cares about Otto stealing ever more from the taxpayer....
They're too stupid to understand any of that. If you'll believe a pathological liar like Trump, you'll believe anything.

Always with parrots it is all about parroting, not about DATA....

The steal is quite similar to global warming and 911 on that issue.

Apply math and science and the truth is outed in each case.

For the steal....

35 states voted GOP state house and GOP state senate, and traitor Joe "won" some of those because... Late night ballot spikes with ballots just checked for federal races....

The AZ Dems say they did not cheat. They say the machines did not cheat. Then they say the machines cannot be used again, because the cyber ninjas will program the machines to cheat. The Dems know the machines can be programmed to cheat, but want us to believe the Dems are too innocent, patriotic, and altruistic to cheat...
Trust us!!!

We did not cheat....


Fuck you if you want an audit.

Court block it, say they have Covid, have Zionist "republicans" say bad things about it.....

Same as trying to get RAW DATA from climate "scientists"
Oh and by disagreeing you have proven yourself to be someone who doesn't want to believe the evidence. Which there is plenty of.

You'd rather believe the lie that Bidumb won by 81 million votes. A Bidumb who never campaigned. He got 81 million votes?? You have proven yourself to be an idiot incapable of rational discourse.

81 million votes in a pigs ass.
Haha, so how many actual votes did he get if not 81 million?! And where did the extra come from?
Hey Lastamender, what do you think of this deep stater?! Dem in disguise?

Here is one clue....

Johnson is a Jewish last name, and the same last name as some of the worst traitors in US history....

Lyndon Johnson
Andrew Johnson

All of the Zionist 911 W supporters wanted trump out....

Because they do not want the FBI 911 file released to the public....
Haha, so how many actual votes did he get if not 81 million?! And where did the extra come from?

Finding that out requires an audit, which is why you and your side do not want any audits....
Just think about it. You have boxes of ballots delivered and being counted long after the counters have gone home.

You have hundred if not thousands of watchers filing affidavits. Some of those watches were Dems and one of them said he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

You have Rep watchers kicked out of counting areas and paper put over the windows so no one can see what's going on.

Hell the Dominion machines took 6,000 Trump votes and gave them to Biden.

Anyone who thinks Bidung got 81 million real votes is dumber than dirt.
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Here is one clue....

Johnson is a Jewish last name, and the same last name as some of the worst traitors in US history....

Lyndon Johnson
Andrew Johnson

All of the Zionist 911 W supporters wanted trump out....
Because they do not want the FBI 911 file released to the public....
Wow, I think you’re into something!! Makes total sense!!!
Finding that out requires an audit, which is why you and your side do not want any audits....
Yup you caught us. Gotta make sure you all don’t find that evidence that you clearly don’t have… and y’all are searching so hard!! I feel bad for you. Make sure you check the couch cushions and under your bed…. Eventually I know you’ll find it!! Godspeed
They're too stupid to understand any of that. If you'll believe a pathological liar like Trump, you'll believe anything.
Progressive Socialists are the power of the nation. Have been for a long time. The Globalists have their tentacles into everything in the Western World and have weakened it to get World Government. If Republicans elected were the direct opposite of Prog politicians this would not exist. Prog Politicians use social justice to enact their heinous policies and agendas. They use payouts to the general population as a salve for any concerns. The Non Progs are fighting a declining non violent war. When capitulation comes, the wickedness of what we let in to rule will consume the nation, the continent and the Western Hemisphere. The general population will be reduced. That is what I understand.
Progressive Socialists are the power of the nation. Have been for a long time. The Globalists have their tentacles into everything in the Western World and have weakened it to get World Government. If Republicans elected were the direct opposite of Prog politicians this would not exist. Prog Politicians use social justice to enact their heinous policies and agendas. They use payouts to the general population as a salve for any concerns. The Non Progs are fighting a declining non violent war. When capitulation comes, the wickedness of what we let in to rule will consume the nation, the continent and the Western Hemisphere. The general population will be reduced. That is what I understand.
Wow, where did that rant come from?! Do you know the subject of the thread??
Always with parrots it is all about parroting, not about DATA....

The steal is quite similar to global warming and 911 on that issue.

Apply math and science and the truth is outed in each case.

For the steal....

35 states voted GOP state house and GOP state senate, and traitor Joe "won" some of those because... Late night ballot spikes with ballots just checked for federal races....

The AZ Dems say they did not cheat. They say the machines did not cheat. Then they say the machines cannot be used again, because the cyber ninjas will program the machines to cheat. The Dems know the machines can be programmed to cheat, but want us to believe the Dems are too innocent, patriotic, and altruistic to cheat...
50 state certification says noooooo.
Depends on how many of the mail in ballots were planted. And I'd bet many were.

Anyone who thinks Bidung got 81 million votes is dumber than dirt.
Wait… you don’t know the answer? “Depends” “I’d bet”?!?! You’re making some rather extraordinary claims without knowing the answers to these things.
You sure do like to believe the lies you are told. But then being a lefty loon who voted for an incompetent idiot you would.

Oh and if you think all those mail in ballots were for Bidung then it just proves what an idiotic lefty loon you are.
No one knows the answers but it doesn't take a Brainiac to suspect what went on. Plenty of proof if one takes the time to view it.
The Wisconsin Supreme Court heard evidence, and declared the votes of the allegedly "indefinitely confined" to be tainted and invalid.....Those fraudulent votes greatly exceeded the margin of

The bad news is that those invalid ballots had already been comingled with the valid ones.
That's not true. Its fake news from the Gateway pundit.

Trump and other Republicans have attacked this method of voting as improper, though it's worth noting more Wisconsin voters claimed that status in counties won by Trump than in those won by Biden, according to an analysis by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. There's no way to know how those "indefinitely confined" people specifically voted, however.

The indefinitely confined status sparked an array of legal challenges after clerks in the heavily Democratic Milwaukee and Dane counties contended in the spring that all voters could claim that status due to a COVID-19 stay-at-home order in place at the time. The Wisconsin Election Commission and an initial order from the Wisconsin Supreme Court said that was wrong, and the clerks rescinded their advice

A final ruling from the state Supreme Court released Dec. 14 affirmed that initial order and said it's up to each voter whether they meet the requirements for being "indefinitely confined" — not clerks or anyone else.

Later that same day, the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled in favor of former Vice President Joe Biden and election officials in a lawsuit brought by Trump on the matter.

The majority decision said "ballots would not count" if voters falsely claimed they were indefinitely confined. But the court did not give licens
e to throw out large numbers of ballots without making determinations about the status of each individual voter, as Trump had sought. That decision would have to be made on a case-by-case basis.


The ruling specifically denied Trump's request to throw out all the votes. While the court said any ballots cast by people who falsely claimed that status wouldn't count, that's a determination that would have to be made on a case-by-case basis

Which means that would have had to have happened one by one, as the state received requests for absentee ballots, which they did not do or even try to do,

And NOTE! as mentioned, Trump won counties had more absentee requests for indefinitely confined, than Biden won counties, even if they were going through them one by one request before the election.

Other links on it.
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