Ron Desantis, slow and steady beats Trump.....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Ron Desantis is making his move...he is a sharp guy, knows what he is doing, and of the remaining republican candidates, he has the best shot at defeating Trump and helping us save this country from the democrats....

DeSantis isn’t going anywhere. The rumors of his demise are greatly exaggerated. We are less than sixty days out from the Iowa caucuses. DeSantis is getting some big donor love himself.

The fundraisers also show DeSantis — who’s pitching himself as the most viable Republican alternative to former President Trump — has managed to expand his high-dollar donor base after many of his donors had already maxed out, according to campaign finance records.
The five fundraisers were on DeSantis’ home turf in Florida where donors were asked to donate up to $11,600 — split between a leadership political action committee, a fund for the primary, and a fund for the general election.
One fundraiser in Vero Beach, FL asked for $10,000 for a photo and access to a reception, according to an invitation obtained by Axios.
A campaign spokesperson said that the “overwhelming majority” of the money raised was for the primary.
DeSantis still has a Super PAC supporting him, Never Back Down.
One of the big donors, Brad Martin, the vice chairman of FedEx and co-host of one of the fundraisers, said that DeSantis is the only candidate who can win and is best prepared when he does.

I don’t see it. He has a lot of ground to cover and time is running out.
Ron Desantis is making his move...he is a sharp guy, knows what he is doing, and of the remaining republican candidates, he has the best shot at defeating Trump and helping us save this country from the democrats....

DeSantis isn’t going anywhere. The rumors of his demise are greatly exaggerated. We are less than sixty days out from the Iowa caucuses. DeSantis is getting some big donor love himself.

One of the big donors, Brad Martin, the vice chairman of FedEx and co-host of one of the fundraisers, said that DeSantis is the only candidate who can win and is best prepared when he does.

I like Desantis a lot as well
We keep hearing from the DeSantis supporters TRUMP can't win the general election, but they never explain how DeSantis can.

Seriously have you all forgot how easily the left took out Romney branding him as a racist? There is much more for the left to spin against DeSantis than they had on Romney. Also it would be easier for the left to cheat against DeSantis since he supported the results of the 2020 election. Would be hard for him to challenge a close election.
We keep hearing from the DeSantis supporters TRUMP can't win the general election, but they never explain how DeSantis can.

Seriously have you all forgot how easily the left took out Romney branding him as a racist? There is much more for the left to spin against DeSantis than they had on Romney. Also it would be easier for the left to cheat against DeSantis since he supported the results of the 2020 election. Would be hard for him to challenge a close election.

Trump can't win because....

1) women hate him and won't vote for him

2) Independents don't like him, and when he is convicted by a democrat party jury, fair or not, that conviction will be believed by even more independents who will use that to not vote for him.

3) Trump drives democrat turn out like no other republican candidate. Democrats who may not vote because they don't like biden, will turn out in massive numbers to vote against Trump.

4) Trump is only talking to the 39% of republicans who voted for him the last time, he is not attempting to draw in new voters to vote for him.

5) He isn't putting out a case for why he should be elected other than payback for the last election

6) He isn't working 24/7 to secure the ballot in the states where the democrats illegally changed the rules for voting.

Just those 3 items.....

1) Desantis isn't hated by women...and his family is really nice. He will not drive away normal women voters the way Trump does.

2) Independents don't hate Desantis, and will give Desantis a look since he is not Trump. He will not be convicted of felonies and so independents will have no reason to not vote for him over biden.

3) Desantis does not drive democrat party turn out the way Trump does. This alone gives him an advantage over Trump.

4) Desan is talking to not only all republicans, he is talking to all Americans about common issues we all care about.

5) He is putting out a case on the economy, the border, China, Ukraine, and a host of other issues Trump is just ignoring.

6) Desantis took a state turning blue, Florida, and in one term turned it into a bright Red state.......Trump has lost election cycle after election cycle....
Nobody really pays attention until the last couple of weeks.

Exactly....I think he understood the legal attacks against Trump were going to take up all the oxygen in the race when they happened...but now that those indictments have happened, he has room to come forward, especially in Iowa, and New Hampshire. And with NIki Haley coming out as a warmed over Jeb Bush and wanting to be Ukraines best buddy....he has a chance to win both Iowa and New Hamphire which would really shake things up.
DeSantis on China and the groveling high-tech types who like to censor all world views that are not their own.

4) Trump is only talking to the 39% of republicans who voted for him the last time, he is not attempting to draw in new voters to vote for him.
This is key.

Everyone knows Trump has a floor, he will get certain voters regardless of what happens. Despite what some of his delusional fans think, it was not enough so he must bridge to the independents, fence sitters, and republican voters who don't care enough to make the effort on election day.

Trump needs to raise his ceiling, and he is doing none of that. The opportunity is there as plenty of independents and fence sitters are skeptical of voting for someone Biden's age, but running your campaign around promises of revenge on the scum and vermin is not going to draw in any of them. Continuing to focus on claims of a stolen election won't attract any new voters either. He is only campaigning towards the group that has already established his floor voting percentage on election day.
Trump can't win because....

1) women hate him and won't vote for him

2) Independents don't like him, and when he is convicted by a democrat party jury, fair or not, that conviction will be believed by even more independents who will use that to not vote for him.

3) Trump drives democrat turn out like no other republican candidate. Democrats who may not vote because they don't like biden, will turn out in massive numbers to vote against Trump.

4) Trump is only talking to the 39% of republicans who voted for him the last time, he is not attempting to draw in new voters to vote for him.

5) He isn't putting out a case for why he should be elected other than payback for the last election

6) He isn't working 24/7 to secure the ballot in the states where the democrats illegally changed the rules for voting.

Just those 3 items.....

1) Desantis isn't hated by women...and his family is really nice. He will not drive away normal women voters the way Trump does.

2) Independents don't hate Desantis, and will give Desantis a look since he is not Trump. He will not be convicted of felonies and so independents will have no reason to not vote for him over biden.

3) Desantis does not drive democrat party turn out the way Trump does. This alone gives him an advantage over Trump.

4) Desan is talking to not only all republicans, he is talking to all Americans about common issues we all care about.

5) He is putting out a case on the economy, the border, China, Ukraine, and a host of other issues Trump is just ignoring.

6) Desantis took a state turning blue, Florida, and in one term turned it into a bright Red state.......Trump has lost election cycle after election cycle....

TRUMP got more votes than ANY OTHER REPUBLICAN, so your points don't hold up with the facts.

As for DeSantis

1&3- Democrats will use the issue of abortion against him.
2- Independents aren't showing up for DeSantis
3&4- Once again DeSantis has no strong support outside of the never-TRUMPers.
5- Not sure where you're getting TRUMP is ignoring the issues you listed.
6- TRUMP is ahead of DeSantis by over 30 points in Florida.

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