Romney v Gingrich, re: Marriage


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity

Romney gave a personal account Sunday of his wife's multiple sclerosis (MS) diagnosis in a "Fox News Sunday" interview. . . .

"Probably the toughest time of my life was standing there with Ann, as we hugged each other and the diagnosis came," said Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts.

Ann Romney was diagnosed with MS in 1998. . . . After explaining the diagnosis, the doctor left the office to give the couple private time together. Romney then described hugging his wife and telling her, "as long as it's not something fatal, I'm just fine."

"I'm happy in life as long as I've got my soul mate with me," Romney added.

Romney said that Ann Romney, who also had breast cancer, has recovered most of her health, but at the time it was "really difficult" for her. She was unable to care for her family in the ways she had grown accustomed, such as cooking meals. Caring for her family, Romney said, "was what gave meaning to her day to day activities."

"Look, I don't care what the meals are like," Romney described telling Ann Romney at the time. "I like cold cereal and peanut butter sandwiches. We can do fine with that as long as we have each other."


[Marianne] said when Gingrich admitted to a six-year affair with a Congressional aide, he asked her if she would share him with the other woman, Callista, who is now married to Gingrich.

"And I just stared at him and he said, 'Callista doesn't care what I do,' " Marianne Gingrich told ABC News. "He wanted an open marriage and I refused."

The Ex Factor -
I'm praying to every god and goddess imaginable that Newt Gingrich gets the nomination. It will be delightful to finally put to rest the Republican's belief that they have an ideological lock on morality. They would no longer be able to use their "family values" cudgel to beat people over the head with.

Go Newt!
I'm praying to every god and goddess imaginable that Newt Gingrich gets the nomination. It will be delightful to finally put to rest the Republican's belief that they have an ideological lock on morality. They would no longer be able to use their "family values" cudgel to beat people over the head with. Go Newt!

Sorry, Newt is a short-timer. He can't stay with Mitt over the long primary haul. The only shot Newt has is for Mitt to drop out, even then I'd bet on Santorum.

(just imagine the SNL skits that they could do with Newt's past)

Besides if Sarah Palin endorses Newt, you just know that he's a loser. I haven't heard who Carl Rove likes, but a 68-year old Newt is not the guy.

Romney gave a personal account Sunday of his wife's multiple sclerosis (MS) diagnosis in a "Fox News Sunday" interview. . . .

"Probably the toughest time of my life was standing there with Ann, as we hugged each other and the diagnosis came," said Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts.

Ann Romney was diagnosed with MS in 1998. . . . After explaining the diagnosis, the doctor left the office to give the couple private time together. Romney then described hugging his wife and telling her, "as long as it's not something fatal, I'm just fine."

"I'm happy in life as long as I've got my soul mate with me," Romney added.

Romney said that Ann Romney, who also had breast cancer, has recovered most of her health, but at the time it was "really difficult" for her. She was unable to care for her family in the ways she had grown accustomed, such as cooking meals. Caring for her family, Romney said, "was what gave meaning to her day to day activities."

"Look, I don't care what the meals are like," Romney described telling Ann Romney at the time. "I like cold cereal and peanut butter sandwiches. We can do fine with that as long as we have each other."


[Marianne] said when Gingrich admitted to a six-year affair with a Congressional aide, he asked her if she would share him with the other woman, Callista, who is now married to Gingrich.

"And I just stared at him and he said, 'Callista doesn't care what I do,' " Marianne Gingrich told ABC News. "He wanted an open marriage and I refused."

The Ex Factor -

And if I ever decide I need to date one of them, this will certainly be relevant and meaningful.
I'm praying to every god and goddess imaginable that Newt Gingrich gets the nomination. It will be delightful to finally put to rest the Republican's belief that they have an ideological lock on morality. They would no longer be able to use their "family values" cudgel to beat people over the head with. Go Newt!

Sorry, Newt is a short-timer. He can't stay with Mitt over the long primary haul. The only shot Newt has is for Mitt to drop out, even then I'd bet on Santorum.

(just imagine the SNL skits that they could do with Newt's past)

Besides if Sarah Palin endorses Newt, you just know that he's a loser. I haven't heard who Carl Rove likes, but a 68-year old Newt is not the guy.

This is not a normal season. I would have agreed with you that Newt didn't have the staying power even a week ago, but if he actually manages to pull off South Carolina, it could be a game changer.

Needless to say, I'm pulling for him ;)
WSJ is obviously whoring for the Liberal Democrat Romney. I wouldn't vote for either one.

Romney gave a personal account Sunday of his wife's multiple sclerosis (MS) diagnosis in a "Fox News Sunday" interview. . . .

"Probably the toughest time of my life was standing there with Ann, as we hugged each other and the diagnosis came," said Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts.

Ann Romney was diagnosed with MS in 1998. . . . After explaining the diagnosis, the doctor left the office to give the couple private time together. Romney then described hugging his wife and telling her, "as long as it's not something fatal, I'm just fine."

"I'm happy in life as long as I've got my soul mate with me," Romney added.

Romney said that Ann Romney, who also had breast cancer, has recovered most of her health, but at the time it was "really difficult" for her. She was unable to care for her family in the ways she had grown accustomed, such as cooking meals. Caring for her family, Romney said, "was what gave meaning to her day to day activities."

"Look, I don't care what the meals are like," Romney described telling Ann Romney at the time. "I like cold cereal and peanut butter sandwiches. We can do fine with that as long as we have each other."


[Marianne] said when Gingrich admitted to a six-year affair with a Congressional aide, he asked her if she would share him with the other woman, Callista, who is now married to Gingrich.

"And I just stared at him and he said, 'Callista doesn't care what I do,' " Marianne Gingrich told ABC News. "He wanted an open marriage and I refused."

The Ex Factor -

As a general rule, I try to avoid judging people on their private lives - although I will confess that Newt makes that quite hard.
I'm praying to every god and goddess imaginable that Newt Gingrich gets the nomination. It will be delightful to finally put to rest the Republican's belief that they have an ideological lock on morality. They would no longer be able to use their "family values" cudgel to beat people over the head with.

Go Newt!

Part of me wants Newt to do well and keep going just for the entertainment value of it. Who would have thought that the Republican primary election would be the #1 Reality TV program around?
Wow, it's fun to watch Toro get desperate...

Seriously, man, this is what you are reduced to?

I don't care what Romney or Gingrich do to their wives.... I don't think I'd be want to be married to either one of them (even if I weren't a dude), and most women probably wouldn't want to be.

Hey, Clinton was a shitty husband. Ronald Reagan walked out on his first wife. You know, that nasty old bag who was on Falcon Crest. they were still pretty decent presidents who made the decline of America somewhat tolerable. JFK was tapping girlfriends of mobster and Russian spies... and he was awesome.

Jimmy Carter and George W. Bush were great husbands.. Don't think the good times were rolling.

More to the point, given how little gender equality there is amongst Mormons, and to divorce Mittens, she'd have to leave the church, and be ostracized, the fact she's stayed married to him isn't much to squak about.

I guess she should be happy that Mitten's venal sin isn't Lust, but Avarice. There are AmPad and GS Steel workers who wish that wasn't the case.

Personally, I'm rather fond of Wrath as the seven deadlies go..
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I'm praying to every god and goddess imaginable that Newt Gingrich gets the nomination. It will be delightful to finally put to rest the Republican's belief that they have an ideological lock on morality. They would no longer be able to use their "family values" cudgel to beat people over the head with. Go Newt!

Sorry, Newt is a short-timer. He can't stay with Mitt over the long primary haul. The only shot Newt has is for Mitt to drop out, even then I'd bet on Santorum.

(just imagine the SNL skits that they could do with Newt's past)

Besides if Sarah Palin endorses Newt, you just know that he's a loser. I haven't heard who Carl Rove likes, but a 68-year old Newt is not the guy.

Try paying attention. Karl Rove has been in the bag for Reversable Mittens for months. Which should be a sure sign that the Bush Dynasty knows he's a sure-fire loser. They aren't going to wait for 2020 for Jeb's shot. They want to roll him out in 2016, where they can honestly say, "Republicans only win when we have a Bush on the ballot."
Hey..........Calista better watch out, because Newt has already picked a hot female to be a major part of his administration.........

Sarah Palin.

And, we know it's not gonna be for her brains.
Hey..........Calista better watch out, because Newt has already picked a hot female to be a major part of his administration.........

Sarah Palin.

And, we know it's not gonna be for her brains.

Does Newt strike you as the kind of person who would want to spend time with a stupid woman?

Here's the key thing. Callista is someone who is very engaged in policy in her own right. But being a fairly sexist society (and sorry, we are) women don't exactly get much attention for their policy views.

Take any female politician, from Hillary to Palin, and you'll see more discussion about their looks than their viewpoints.

Which is kind of sad. But politics is really a guy thing.
Hey..........Calista better watch out, because Newt has already picked a hot female to be a major part of his administration.........

Sarah Palin.

And, we know it's not gonna be for her brains.

Does Newt strike you as the kind of person who would want to spend time with a stupid woman?

Here's the key thing. Callista is someone who is very engaged in policy in her own right. But being a fairly sexist society (and sorry, we are) women don't exactly get much attention for their policy views.

Take any female politician, from Hillary to Palin, and you'll see more discussion about their looks than their viewpoints.

Which is kind of sad. But politics is really a guy thing.

Newt strikes me as the kind of person who would have a pretty woman in his admin not for her brains, but for her looks.

Why? Watching the way he is continually talking down to people, combined with his overly large ego kinda shows that he likes appearing to be the smartest person in the room.

Factor in Palin's run in 2008, as well as all the other bat shittery that she'd done all the way up to this summer, and it's glaringly apparent even to the most casual observer that she's not that smart.

Nope, Newt wants her around for eye candy.
Hey..........Calista better watch out, because Newt has already picked a hot female to be a major part of his administration.........

Sarah Palin.

And, we know it's not gonna be for her brains.

Does Newt strike you as the kind of person who would want to spend time with a stupid woman?

Here's the key thing. Callista is someone who is very engaged in policy in her own right. But being a fairly sexist society (and sorry, we are) women don't exactly get much attention for their policy views.

Take any female politician, from Hillary to Palin, and you'll see more discussion about their looks than their viewpoints.

Which is kind of sad. But politics is really a guy thing.

He's married a couple of 'stupid women' so, yea, clearly he likes spending time with them.

And... no, politics is not a 'guy thing'. However, that you think it is does demonstrate that you have an issue with intelligent women.... that is what we commonly refer to as 'misogynistic'.


Romney gave a personal account Sunday of his wife's multiple sclerosis (MS) diagnosis in a "Fox News Sunday" interview. . . .

"Probably the toughest time of my life was standing there with Ann, as we hugged each other and the diagnosis came," said Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts.

Ann Romney was diagnosed with MS in 1998. . . . After explaining the diagnosis, the doctor left the office to give the couple private time together. Romney then described hugging his wife and telling her, "as long as it's not something fatal, I'm just fine."

"I'm happy in life as long as I've got my soul mate with me," Romney added.

Romney said that Ann Romney, who also had breast cancer, has recovered most of her health, but at the time it was "really difficult" for her. She was unable to care for her family in the ways she had grown accustomed, such as cooking meals. Caring for her family, Romney said, "was what gave meaning to her day to day activities."

"Look, I don't care what the meals are like," Romney described telling Ann Romney at the time. "I like cold cereal and peanut butter sandwiches. We can do fine with that as long as we have each other."


[Marianne] said when Gingrich admitted to a six-year affair with a Congressional aide, he asked her if she would share him with the other woman, Callista, who is now married to Gingrich.

"And I just stared at him and he said, 'Callista doesn't care what I do,' " Marianne Gingrich told ABC News. "He wanted an open marriage and I refused."

The Ex Factor -

As a general rule, I try to avoid judging people on their private lives - although I will confess that Newt makes that quite hard.

Really? 98 percent of your posts on these boards begs to differ.
Wow, it's fun to watch Toro get desperate...

Seriously, man, this is what you are reduced to?

I don't care what Romney or Gingrich do to their wives.... I don't think I'd be want to be married to either one of them (even if I weren't a dude), and most women probably wouldn't want to be.

Hey, Clinton was a shitty husband. Ronald Reagan walked out on his first wife. You know, that nasty old bag who was on Falcon Crest. they were still pretty decent presidents who made the decline of America somewhat tolerable. JFK was tapping girlfriends of mobster and Russian spies... and he was awesome.

Jimmy Carter and George W. Bush were great husbands.. Don't think the good times were rolling.

More to the point, given how little gender equality there is amongst Mormons, and to divorce Mittens, she'd have to leave the church, and be ostracized, the fact she's stayed married to him isn't much to squak about.

I guess she should be happy that Mitten's venal sin isn't Lust, but Avarice. There are AmPad and GS Steel workers who wish that wasn't the case.

Personally, I'm rather fond of Wrath as the seven deadlies go..

Nice projection, dood. It really doesn't matter a whole lot to me one way or the other. You, on the other hand, are a hater and a bigot who keeps lists of Mormons so you can make sure you don't do business with them. Now THAT'S a weird obsession. Plus, you hate capitalism. You've been desperate the moment you got here. But keep projecting to cover your flaws, dood.
He's married a couple of 'stupid women' so, yea, clearly he likes spending time with them.

And... no, politics is not a 'guy thing'. However, that you think it is does demonstrate that you have an issue with intelligent women.... that is what we commonly refer to as 'misogynistic'.


I love smart women. I really like Asian women... and they are smart.

I think the problem is that you think you are intelligent. But you're really not. Sorry. You're just a mean, angry hag who worships greed and still has an empty soul.. and I kind of feel sorry for you. Sorrier every day now that you are following me around and stuff.

Reality. Chicks ain't into politics, mostly. Hell, I think this board is probably 70% guys, 20% chicks and 10% guys pretending to be Chicks [citation needed]
Just a casual observation.

Sarah Palin.

Newt Gingrich v. Todd Palin. Hmmm. Think about that again, Newt Gingrich attack muffin, Todd Palin Winner of the Iditarod.

I don't know about you all, but it doesn't seem like an overly difficult decision to make.
Nice projection, dood. It really doesn't matter a whole lot to me one way or the other. You, on the other hand, are a hater and a bigot who keeps lists of Mormons so you can make sure you don't do business with them. Now THAT'S a weird obsession. Plus, you hate capitalism. You've been desperate the moment you got here. But keep projecting to cover your flaws, dood.

So does that mean you are going to stop making lists of things I say and misrepresenting them, since you don't care. Because that strikes me as an even weirder obsession.

I don't want Romney to win because I hate Mormons, and I've been pretty straightforward about that. I have good reasons. Their entire religion is based on lies. I stopped believing in any religion because I couldn't accept a lot of unprovable and illogical bullshit. So it's actually a good fit. Now I could easily rip on Romney all day for things that have nothing to do with his religion, but I'm honest enough to put that on the list of things that bother me about him.

Incidently, I have no problem with HONEST Captialism. Honest capitialism is where you pay someone fairly for his idea (if it wasn't yours), you pay the people who do the work fairly, and you provide a good product to the customer. Then you make a fair profit.

Romney's vulture capitalism is one where you steal the ideas, cheat the workers and provide crappy goods to the customer, and make an obscene profit. I think most sensible people would call that "Wrong".

Except maybe a guy who made a shitload of money manipulating the housing market when people were losing their homes..


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