Romney-Obama Debate Thread

Romney was the clear winner. He looked more confident than Obama, and he got under Obama's skin from the start. Romney's opening remarks were very good, and they set the tone for the whole debate. From what I've seen so far on this board there are not many liberals excited about Obama performance
Obama is an academician. A man who's experience is theoretical.

Romney is a leader. A man who's experience is ACTUAL.

We've got a VERY clear choice....

"ACTUAL" experience killing companies and firing people.

No thanks.

And, Obama has far more than "theoretical" experience.

Where do you rw froot loops GET this crap? You don't get to just make it up as you go along.

Theoretical experience? Is that imaginary Tax deduction for companies relocating overseas (that Obama was talking about) theoretical as well? :lol:
What was obama scribbling on his notepad?

Or, was he just using it as a prop to remove himself from the debate proceedings.
I thought Romney won big, he made several points about the poor economic growth and UE numbers, and thoroughly debunked Obama's claims of 5 trillion in tax cuts and 2 trillion in more defense spending. And he hammered him on the 716 billion cuts in Medicare, I didn't think Obama came out of it looking very good. BUT - we got a couple more to go, and I would expect a much more combative president next time. Can't imagine how we're going to stay anywhere near close to the time limits in future debates.

I found it odd that Obama did not vehemently deny that figure at all. For weeks, his people claimed there was no 700 billion cut in Medicare, that Romney was miss-characterizing the number and where it came from. All Obama did each time it came up, was to look down and smile nervously. It was a little weird.

Be interesting to see what the fact checkers say about who said what that was partly or totally not true. I thought that 716 billion number was true, maybe I am mistaken.

Yes the 716 billion dollars out of Medicare is true. It's what he's using to fund obamacare.
Romney was the clear winner. He looked more confident than Obama, and he got under Obama's skin from the start. Romney's opening remarks were very good, and they set the tone for the whole debate. From what I've seen so far on this board there are not many liberals excited about Obama performance

Damn straight. And he got the last word in on almost every issue. He was polite, but firm. And he looked RIGHT at Obama on every rebuttal. It was awesome. The facts were on his side of course, but damn... he was fucking impressive the way he bulldogged it without being a boor.
I thought Romney won big, he made several points about the poor economic growth and UE numbers, and thoroughly debunked Obama's claims of 5 trillion in tax cuts and 2 trillion in more defense spending. And he hammered him on the 716 billion cuts in Medicare, I didn't think Obama came out of it looking very good. BUT - we got a couple more to go, and I would expect a much more combative president next time. Can't imagine how we're going to stay anywhere near close to the time limits in future debates.

He didn't debunk, he lied. The study Romney says agrees with him, said the numbers he uses don't add up.

"The Heritage Foundation study uses the Tax Policy Center analysis as a starting point, but then argues that the $86 billion gap it cites in Romney's plan can be closed, mainly through a more aggressive elimination of deductions that are used heavily by upper-income households. Those deductions, including the one for municipal-bond interest and one for life-insurance interest, are ones that the Tax Policy Center figured would be protected under Romney's espoused goal of preserving incentives for investment.

So a core element of the debate is over what incentives for investment Romney would preserve or expand. The Tax Policy Center assumes a broad definition. The Heritage Foundation assumes Romney would take a narrower view. Both agree that Romney hasn't spelled out the details."

Romney tax plan: Is it 'mathematically impossible' or not? -
Obama is an academician. A man who's experience is theoretical.

Romney is a leader. A man who's experience is ACTUAL.

We've got a VERY clear choice....

"ACTUAL" experience killing companies and firing people.

No thanks.

And, Obama has far more than "theoretical" experience.

Where do you rw froot loops GET this crap? You don't get to just make it up as you go along.

You know, for someone who spends a lot of time on a political message board, you've never learned a thing. However, we've all learned that you are a fucking moron who would suck Obama's dick at the drop of a hat. Truth.
I thought Romney won big, he made several points about the poor economic growth and UE numbers, and thoroughly debunked Obama's claims of 5 trillion in tax cuts and 2 trillion in more defense spending. And he hammered him on the 716 billion cuts in Medicare, I didn't think Obama came out of it looking very good. BUT - we got a couple more to go, and I would expect a much more combative president next time. Can't imagine how we're going to stay anywhere near close to the time limits in future debates.

He didn't debunk, he lied. The study Romney says agrees with him, said the numbers he uses don't add up.

"The Heritage Foundation study uses the Tax Policy Center analysis as a starting point, but then argues that the $86 billion gap it cites in Romney's plan can be closed, mainly through a more aggressive elimination of deductions that are used heavily by upper-income households. Those deductions, including the one for municipal-bond interest and one for life-insurance interest, are ones that the Tax Policy Center figured would be protected under Romney's espoused goal of preserving incentives for investment.

So a core element of the debate is over what incentives for investment Romney would preserve or expand. The Tax Policy Center assumes a broad definition. The Heritage Foundation assumes Romney would take a narrower view. Both agree that Romney hasn't spelled out the details."

Romney tax plan: Is it 'mathematically impossible' or not? -

I didn't see anything in there about 5 trillion in Romney tax cuts. Romney said several times his tax proposals were revenue neutral, left wing studies say they ain't but right wing studies say they could be. No surprise there, you can spin numbers any which way to support your political position. I do think that Romney would achieve higher economic growth and more jobs, and that does translate into more revenue.
The difference between the Romney plan and the obama plan is that obama presupposes that the economy will not grow. It will stay in a stagnant plateau. Romney's plan relies on massive growth to generate revenue. obama's plan shifts the unemployed to welfare and that will be paid for by the rich. Romney's plan generates growth and the revenue will come from newly minted tax payers who aren't getting government support.

The reason why the economy did so well under Clinton was massive and sudden growth in the internet and dot com companies that became an engine driving manufacture and sales all over the world.
I thought Romney looked very residential. And Obama had stout voice tones.

Sorry. I lied. I didn't watch. I trimmed my toenails instead.
One of the things I thought Romney did well was to tie Obama to his record, in terms of UE and economic growth over the past 4 years. Best line: something about Obama not picking winners and losers, just losers.

He actually didn't deliver that line the way he intended, but the point was made nonetheless.
I thought Romney looked very residential. And Obama had stout voice tones.

Sorry. I lied. I didn't watch. I trimmed my toenails instead.

Residential? Alcohol and nail clippers don't mix.
Obama showed he has no depth beyond the few talking points he's memorized. Romney destroyed him.

hes rarely been challenged like that, he doesn't like being questioned we all know that, he has a short fuse and frustration with folks that don't buy his rap, and it showed.

at the end of the day obama really cannot defend his policies, we are where we are....

Tonight proved that Obama's a good teleprompter reader- and that's about it. He doesn't have the answers, because he really doesn't know the answers! He had a set number of memorized answers that he repeated endlessly; "help the middle class" "investments in education" " a ladder up" "ask to pay a little more" . He looked like a child being scolded by his parents.

The Emperor truly has no clothes...

It was really stale, like a flashback to 2008.
I liked the line about having 5 boys after obama said the same talking point about 5 trillion dollars several times.

I'm not an obama fan so its hard for me to find much he did well on tonight. He was stale.

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