Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

" Dobbs Dogma Of Disingenuous Deceit "

* Conclusions Beyond Those For The Mentally Deficient *

#dobbs decision by #scotus is sedition against us 14th , 9th , 1st and 10th amendments , and #dobbs decision by #scotus is sedition against title 1 section 8 of us code .

The following statement , is a damned lie and an asinine statement , directly from alito opinion in dobbs .

" Although the Court acknowledged that States had a legitimate interest in protecting “potential life,” it found that this interest could not justify any restriction on pre-viability abortions.

* Principles of Individualism For Us Citizens Usurped By Red Herring Of Money Grubbers *

There is no money for lawyers , or charities , or political pundits , or fee press , for settled law on abortion .

The constitutional basis for #roevwade was not ever presented in #dobbs , rather the hubris for a wright to privacy was forwarded .

The alito opinion stating that " potential life " was not sufficiently explained by #Roe_v_Wade court is a dumbfounded , seditious , lie !

None should need to explain a " Logically , of course " deduction from us constitution to a supreme court justice !

The pro-choice leadership , the entirety of legal jurisprudence , political institutions and fee press are intellectual embarrassments !

Demand Any Nomination For Us Supreme Court Justice Explain Blackmun ' Logically Of Course ' Statement From Roe V Wade .
Did scotus ban abortion? No, of course not. It’s not their authority to do so.

Did scotus send that decision back to the states? Yes, they did, and that is a constitutional decision that they were authorized to make.

It’s that simple.
" Pools Of Shallow Intellect With Alternative Perspectives Not Available "

* Legal Semantics For Fools Without A Logical Clue *

As a zygote , an embryo , or a fetus is without constitutional protections , the zef is private property of the mother , by virtue for the element of self ownership and self determination in the principles of individualism .

Consequently , any perceived offenses against the fetus are in fact offenses against the self ownership and self determination of the mother , and penalties can be exacted in manners appropriate for the offense .

Notice that the " fetal protection laws " specifically exclude the death penalty as capital punishment , as by equitable doctrine , to be subject to the death penalty as capital punishment , in order to remove a wright to life of a perpetrator , a perpetrator must remove the wright to life of another .

The death penalty as capital punishment is specifically excluded as by seeking to enforce the penalty , the semantics of the legal jargon would be revealed as debase and not be found consistent with us constitution , based on a live birth requirement for equal protection with a citizen .

#AbortionChoiceRepulicans understand that #dobbs decision by #scotus is dumbfounded and sedition against us 14th , 9th , 1st and 10th amendments , and against title 1 section 8 of us code , and that #dobbs decision by #scotus is supported by traitors to a credo in a motto of e pluribus unum for us republic , which expects independence as individualism , with equal protection of negative liberties among individuals .
/——/ You’re a blood thirsty little baby killer, aren’t you? Did you spit on your mother for not aborting you?
With every abortion dies a human being.
Define what dies during miscarriages and natural abortion as a human being if you must, but don’t refer to your choice of words as being rational.

Basically it is uncontested that a zygote, embryo or 13th week fetus dies if aborted, But if you wish Saint Zaangalewa to apply “being-ness” to a ZEF to extol virtue upon yourself over and above the rest of vile humanity; please try this one if you wish:

Brainless Womb Being
A BWB does not have the same rights as s newborn Human Being with a brain of its own has going for him or her with the consciousness that comes with it in a secular government; such as the USA has in our consent to be governed deal.

I realize that may take some of the spit shine off of your halo but welcome to the rational secular world of Washington Adam’s Jefferson and Madison - Our First Four - rational theist mature beings!

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" Abdicating Individual Liberties Of Citizens To Populism For Democracy As Tyranny By Collective Majority In States Is Simple But Not Correct *

* Political Science Clarity Unavailable In The Fee Press *

Did scotus send that decision back to the states? Yes, they did, and that is a constitutional decision that they were authorized to make.
It’s that simple.
By us 14th amendment , any citizen of us republic is a citizen of a state and a citizen of the untied states , and each is a different citizenship .

By us 14th amendment , either citizenship requires a live birth .

A state is comprised of citizens , and interests of a state are bound with its citizens .

A citizen and its constitutional protections , being bound with a state , are instantiated through a live birth requirement .

Thus , by equitable doctrine , a legitimate state interest in providing equal protection with a citizen requires a live birth .

Hence , by us 14h amendment and equitable doctrine , a non enumerated wright of a us citizen prohibits either federal or state interests from providing equal protection to any thing which has not met a live birth requirement to receive it .

Therefore , by us 14th amendment and equitable doctrine , a non enumerated wright of us citizens prohibits states , by us 10th amendment , from proscribing abortion .

For equal protection with a citizen , the #roeVwade decision substituted natural viability in lieu of a live birth requirement , base on an ability of a fetus to survive an imminent live birth , and its reference to a " potential life " alludes to " a potential wright to life " based on interests of state limited to a live birth requirement .

The issue of abortion has nothing to do with federal over reach , other than the powers of the federal government to enforce a non enumerated wright to abortion on behalf of its citizens , that is if dumbfounded deceit of judicial branch and the entirety of jurisprudence and fee press , having been sponsored by political and social movements , had not deprived us public of informed consent and chose to prove themselves to be intellectual embarrassments .

* Dichotomy Of Constitutional Consistency Versus Dumbfounded Sedition *

blackmun , roe v wade , ' Logically, of course, a legitimate state interest in this area need not stand or fall on acceptance of the belief that life begins at conception or at some other point prior to live birth." .
" Although the Court acknowledged that States had a legitimate interest in protecting “potential life,” it found that this interest could not justify any restriction on pre-viability abortions.

* Significance For Equal Protection Of Negative Liberties *

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" Images Of Self Reflection On Carnality In Canine Teeth Of Omnivores "

* More On Add Homonym Logical Fallacies *

/——/ You’re a blood thirsty little baby killer, aren’t you? Did you spit on your mother for not aborting you?
Babies have been born and are entitled to equal protection with a citizen , that would include a wright to life , and killing them is unlawful .

As for other individuals electing to abort their own zygote , or embryo , or fetus , my concern if that those individuals be able to determine those decisions for themselves , rather than pandering some deluded idealism that all pregnancies are wanted , warranted and perfect .

There is a difference between " without cause " abortion and " with cause " abortion , where " with cause " abortion is optioned due to developmental anomalies , that are most often identified through ultrasound between 13 and 20 weeks of pregnancy .

The abortion anti-choice are blubbering that 90% of INDIVIDUALS are optioning not to carry trisomy pregnancies to term .

The sanctimonious sacrosanct freak farmers demand complicity with an egocentric myopia of delusion for fake understanding , concern and empathy for those actually faced with missed fortunes of nature .
" Abdicating Individual Liberties Of Citizens To Populism For Democracy As Tyranny By Collective Majority In States Is Simple But Not Correct *

* Political Science Clarity Unavailable In The Fee Press *

By us 14th amendment , any citizen of us republic is a citizen of a state and a citizen of the untied states , and each is a different citizenship .

By us 14th amendment , either citizenship requires a live birth .

A state is comprised of citizens , and interests of a state are bound with its citizens .

A citizen and its constitutional protections , being bound with a state , are instantiated through a live birth requirement .

Thus , by equitable doctrine , a legitimate state interest in providing equal protection with a citizen requires a live birth .

Hence , by us 14h amendment and equitable doctrine , a non enumerated wright of a us citizen prohibits either federal or state interests from providing equal protection to any thing which has not met a live birth requirement to receive it .

Therefore , by us 14th amendment and equitable doctrine , a non enumerated wright of us citizens prohibits states , by us 10th amendment , from proscribing abortion .

For equal protection with a citizen , the #roeVwade decision substituted natural viability in lieu of a live birth requirement , base on an ability of a fetus to survive an imminent live birth , and its reference to a " potential life " alludes to " a potential wright to life " based on interests of state limited to a live birth requirement .

The issue of abortion has nothing to do with federal over reach , other than the powers of the federal government to enforce a non enumerated wright to abortion on behalf of its citizens , that is if dumbfounded deceit of judicial branch and the entirety of jurisprudence and fee press , having been sponsored by political and social movements , had not deprived us public of informed consent and chose to prove themselves to be intellectual embarrassments .

* Dichotomy Of Constitutional Consistency Versus Dumbfounded Sedition *

blackmun , roe v wade , ' Logically, of course, a legitimate state interest in this area need not stand or fall on acceptance of the belief that life begins at conception or at some other point prior to live birth." .
" Although the Court acknowledged that States had a legitimate interest in protecting “potential life,” it found that this interest could not justify any restriction on pre-viability abortions.

* Significance For Equal Protection Of Negative Liberties *

….I don’t know what all that means…it’s pretty simple though..

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.
….I don’t know what all that means…it’s pretty simple though..

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.​

Forcing full term gestation on women is a natural and an unenumerated right to have autonomy over one’s body. Banning access to abortion is a power no state shall have because states are prohibited from infringement on individual rights that cause no harm or infringements on the rights of others.
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.​

Forcing full term gestation on women is a natural and an unenumerated right to have autonomy over one’s body. Banning access to abortion is a power no state shall have because states are prohibited from infringement on individual rights that cause no harm or infringements on the rights of others.
I can certainly see your argument about the right to do what you will with your own body, or what you should be allowed to do as long as it doesn’t hurt others, but then we’d also have to address other laws, for things such as prostitution, and drugs, gun laws. I’m sure there are several others one could list. However, what you’re trying to say is that states can make no laws about what I can do, as long as im not hurting others?

Well then, I suppose people need to familiarize themselves with their state laws, to find out what new rights they can partake in.

By the way, why do you so adamantly defend the “unenumerated” right to an abortion, but not the ENUMERATED right to “keep and bear” arms (open carry with national reciprocity)?

also, we’re talking about what cotus says the federal government can do and what the states can do. In the things afforded to the federal government, cotus has 18 powers afforded to it. It says that those are the things the federal government has purview over, the rest goes to the states.

Among the right listed in the cotus, bodily autonomy isn’t listed. That’s not to say I don’t agree with you that a person shouldn’t be able to do with their own body what they will, but it’s not a right spelled out by cotus. Also, at the end of the day, we’re talking about a medical procedure, which a state can ban. I don’t, however, agree to this nonsense that some states tried to pull about preventing you from crossing state lines to get an abortion. I think that’s over the line.

I will admit, however, your argument about bodily autonomy does pose a complexity that often goes untouched, but the counter to that is that states have many laws about what you cannot do with your body, or what rights you should be able to partake in, as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else. That’s actually a fairly libertarian stance, and I can respect that.
states have many laws about what you cannot do with your body,
No argunent whrn you cite drugs or prostitution A right to be protected must produce no harm or threat to public health.

A legal licensed abortion causes no harm / the transaction is in private where a patient solicits thr service from a medical licensed professional / There is no crime associated with it in a secular society.

Prostitution is a service where the seller must solicit on a public street or some publicity advertised place to find customers that may have sex addiction problems or violent obsessions with women.

Define what dies during miscarriages and natural abortion as a human being if you must, but don’t refer to your choice of words as being rational.

I never define anything. I try to take everything as it is - whether I understand it or not. God is the creator - I am only part of his creation. But god is life and god is logos - so his creation is full of life and full of logic. Abortion has nothing to do with logic. It's easy not to get pregnant and if this happens against the own "will" then it's very good to follow the rule "a child is always a reason for joy".

Basically it is uncontested that a zygote, embryo or 13th week fetus dies if aborted, But if you wish Saint Zaangalewa to apply “being-ness” to a ZEF to extol virtue upon yourself over and above the rest of vile humanity; please try this one if you wish:

Brainless Womb Being
A BWB does not have the same rights as s newborn Human Being with a brain of its own has going for him or her with the consciousness that comes with it in a secular government; such as the USA has in our consent to be governed deal.

I realize that may take some of the spit shine off of your halo but welcome to the rational secular world of Washington Adam’s Jefferson and Madison - Our First Four - rational theist mature beings!


Do me the favor not to try to speak with me in forms of brainwashed bullshit. It's totally idiotic what you say here. Go back day by day of your life and tell me when you started not to be a human being any longer so everyone in the world had had the right to kill you when he had manipulated your mother to agree with the death of her own child - when she had agreed with your death.

By the way, superidiot, why did you bring me into this totally absurde senseles "discussion" here? Dies any human being less because people speak here a lot of nonsense? I will now not start to read what is written here in 583 pages.
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00005 skvll.20.06.08 #5 This excerpt does not sound 'political' at all, but Biblical & spiritual:

"These two sides, which have a Biblical nature, follow the clear separation between the offspring of the Woman and the offspring of the Serpent. Arch Bishop Vigano​
On the one hand there are those who, although they have a thousand defects and weaknesses, are motivated by the desire to do good, to be honest, to raise a family, to engage in work, to give prosperity to their homeland, to help the needy, and, in obedience to the Law of God, to merit the Kingdom of Heaven. Arch Bishop Vigano​
On the other hand, there are those who serve themselves, who do not hold any moral principles, who want to demolish the family and the nation, exploit workers to make themselves unduly wealthy, foment internal divisions and wars, and accumulate power and money: for them the fallacious illusion of temporal well-being will one day – if they do not repent – yield to the terrible fate that awaits them, far from God, in eternal damnation." Arch Bishop Vigano From Russia with love.​

Dr Marshall explains the Latin phrase in the letter. Black magic is still afoot in the Church

By the way, superidiot, why did you bring me into this totally absurde senseles "discussion" here?

znglw.20.06.08 #4 Arc Bishop Vigano is a shame for the Holy Catholic Church. He preaches political conspiracy theories, which have nothing to do with a clear mind and a loving heart. He darkens what needs to be lightened.​

My short answer to your znglw.23.09.29
#11,250 is your Vigano “darkened” my beloved nation by leading nearly half of American Catholics to vote for the demon of darkness against a Catholic who understands and loves and lives our Constitution and the concept of Separation of Church and State.

AND YOU SAW as a holier than thou fuckling Schlafly Saving Baby Fetus Catholic from your foreign soil donating filthy lucre to Vigsno’s political business here what culminated on January 6th 30 minutes from my home. My non/Catholic FAMILY’s Home

I will now not start to read what is written here in 583 pages.
So you will get a longer answer from a rational theist who is not an intellectual coward who asks a question in one breath of his life, who then informs his reader in his next breath that he will not cast his eyes upon any answer.

We’ll see if you truly are a coward.

nf.23.09.29 #11,251
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00005 skvll.20.06.08 #5 This excerpt does not sound 'political' at all, but Biblical & spiritual:

"These two sides, which have a Biblical nature, follow the clear separation between the offspring of the Woman and the offspring of the Serpent. Arch Bishop Vigano​
On the one hand there are those who, although they have a thousand defects and weaknesses, are motivated by the desire to do good, to be honest, to raise a family, to engage in work, to give prosperity to their homeland, to help the needy, and, in obedience to the Law of God, to merit the Kingdom of Heaven. Arch Bishop Vigano​
On the other hand, there are those who serve themselves, who do not hold any moral principles, who want to demolish the family and the nation, exploit workers to make themselves unduly wealthy, foment internal divisions and wars, and accumulate power and money: for them the fallacious illusion of temporal well-being will one day – if they do not repent – yield to the terrible fate that awaits them, far from God, in eternal damnation." Arch Bishop Vigano From Russia with love.​


znglw.20.06.08 #4 Arc Bishop Vigano is a shame for the Holy Catholic Church. He preaches political conspiracy theories, which have nothing to do with a clear mind and a loving heart. He darkens what needs to be lightened.​

My short answer to your znglw.23.09.29
#11,250 is your Vigano “darkened” my beloved nation by leading nearly half of American Catholics to vote for the demon of darkness against a Catholic who understands and loves and lives our Constitution and the concept of Separation of Church and State.

AND YOU SAW as a holier than thou fuckling Schlafly Saving Baby Fetus Catholic from your foreign soil donating filthy lucre to Vigsno’s political business here what culminated on January 6th 30 minutes from my home. My non/Catholic FAMILY’s Home


So you will get a longer answer from a rational theist who is not an intellectual coward who asks a question in one breath of his life, who then informs his reader in his next breath that he will not cast his eyes upon any answer.

We’ll see if you truly are a coward.

nf.23.09.29 #11,251

Superidiot - are you able to explain to me what you try babbling about? Or much more better, quantum absurdity, what about to go home into your own still unborn hell?
Do you use your pure fantasy and do you speak with someone else who lives only in your own fantasy? Are you a patient in a psychiatric hospital? Am I your drug problem in your "reality"(=better to say "absurdity")?

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" Willful Ignorance Is Not An Excuse "

* Logically Of Course Ignored By Traitors To Principles And Constitution Of Us Republic *

….I don’t know what all that means…it’s pretty simple though..
A live birth requirement for equal protection with a citizen , that is derived directly from us 14th amendment and equitable doctrine , is " Logically , of course " very simple .

In addition to being dumbfounded and sedition against us 14th , 9th , 1st and 10th amendments , the dobbs decision of scrotus is also dumbfounded and sedition against title 1 section 8 of us code , by blatantly ignoring the definition of a " person " as any born alive at any point in development .

The basis of a personhood movement alludes to the equal protection of persons in us 14th amendment and seeks to redefine a person in title 1 section 8 of us code to also include the pre-born - Constitution Check: Could Roe v. Wade be overruled without amending the Constitution? | Constitution Center .

The etymology of person is per and son , as in countable by census and thus born and a male , which is evident from the declaration of independence as " all men are created equal " , that surreptitiously implies that women are not equal , else see us 19th amendment .

The abortion anti-choice traitors to us republic could not swing the necessary constitutional amendment to usurp the live birth requirement of us 14th amendment and chose sedition as the alternative .
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I will admit, however, your argument about bodily autonomy does pose a complexity that often goes untouched, but the counter to that is that states have many laws about what you cannot do with your body, or what rights you should be able to partake in, as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else.

nf.23.09.28 #11,249 to thssm.23.09.27

Abortion has nothing to do with logic.

When logic, reason and respectful discourse leads to at least a smidgeon of mutual respect for opposing sides, a small step forward is taken for the progress of humankind

See #11,248 & #11,249

You have irrational Archbishop Vigano sitting upon your shoulder where an Angel is supposed to be? like a gargoyle on a Medieval European Church. You need to be rid of the creature of hate and death to run a moral bypass around reason and logic here.

Abortion has everything to do with logic and rational Constitutional thinking under the American value of individual freedom, which includes freedom of conscience.
We’ve had enough of irrational authoritarian Catholic thinkers over here clinging to the robes of Vigano and the Russian Orthodox state religion and their strongman in control.

nf.23.09.29 #11,254
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nf.23.09.28 #11,249 to thssm.23.09.27


When logic, reason and respectful discourse leads to at least a smidgeon of mutual respect for opposing sides, a small step forward is taken for the progress of humankind

See #11,248 & #11,249

You have irrational Archbishop Vigano sitting upon your shoulder where an Angel is supposed to be? like a gargoyle on a Medieval European Church. You need to be rid of the creature of hate and death to run a moral bypass around reason and logic here.

Abortion has everything to do with logic

No. The only logic is in case abortion when the health and/or life of the mother is in heavy danger. All other reasons are without logic as far as I can see.

and rational Constitutional thinking under the American value of individual freedom, which includes freedom of conscience.

It is not freedom of conscience - whatever this could be at all - to kill human beings and to have a good conscience to do so. That's absurde - nothing else.

We’ve had enough of irrational authoritarian Catholic thinkers

So why do you speak with me, absurde "rationalist"? I did not try to speak with you - you try to speak with me. Why?

over here clinging to the robes of Vigano and the Russian Orthodox state religion and their strongman in control.

nf.23.09.29 #11,254

The patriarch of the Russian orthdodox church - and so the highest formal legislative, formal iudicative and inner-executive power of this church - is currently a KGB agent and oligarch from Putins grace. Do you like to say you are also a member of Putins criminals and this is the reason why you like to speak with me? Do you like to hear from me how it could be possible that Russia ends this stupid, senseless and criminal war on Europe in the Ukraine without to lose? ... hmmm ... there could be such a way ... But I prefer you leave the Ukraine with all of your soldiers. Best date: Yesterday.
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znglw.23.08.30 #43
But when I asked you what makes a difference between a human being one day before blrth and one day after birth . . . .

We have to slow this down if you must lie to
make an argument,

You Saint Zaangalewa did not ask me what makes a difference between a human being one day before blrth and one day after birth in post { znglw.23.08.29 #30 }. You asked me exactly the following in your post .{znglw.23.08.29 #30 }

“Why was you the day before you was pressed from your mother through her birth canal no human being?” {znglw.23.08.29 #30 }​
There are FOUR parts to the question you ask in {znglw.23.08.29 #30 } They are THE US CONSTITUTION; SCIENCE; RELIGION and INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY of CONSCIENCE.

Scientists describe {see nf. #10,013 } what enables the separation at birth which transforms the physiologically dependent living human fetus non-person being into hopefully an independent long living human being who becomes a person everywhere on earth when shunts provide the greatest biological activity for every human being’s life and he or she becomes an infant. A human being infant, human being child; human being baby; human being rugrat.

Science says;

nf.22.07.21 #4,141 science is more in line with JEWISH BELIEF not CATHOLIC BELIEF

“With the first breaths of air, the lungs start to expand and the ductus arteriosus and the foramen ovale both close. The baby's circulation and blood flow through the heart now function like an adult's. “

While still in the uterus, the baby's lungs aren't being used. The baby’s liver isn't fully developed. Circulating blood bypasses the lungs and liver by flowing in different pathways and through special openings called shunts.

Blood flow in the unborn baby follows this pathway:
  • Oxygen and nutrients from the mother's blood are transferred across the placenta to the fetus through the umbilical cord.
  • This enriched blood flows through the umbilical vein toward the baby’s liver. There it moves through a shunt called the ductus venosus.
  • This allows some of the blood to go to the liver. But most of this highly oxygenated blood flows to a large vessel called the inferior vena cava and then into the right atrium of the heart.
Here is what happens inside the fetal heart:
  • When oxygenated blood from the mother enters the right side of the heart, it flows into the upper chamber (the right atrium). Most of the blood flows across to the left atrium through a shunt called the foramen ovale.
  • From the left atrium, blood moves down into the lower chamber of the heart (the left ventricle). It's then pumped into the first part of the large artery coming from the heart (the ascending aorta).
  • From the aorta, the oxygen-rich blood is sent to the brain and to the heart muscle itself. Blood is also sent to the lower body.
  • Blood returning to the heart from the fetal body contains carbon dioxide and waste products as it enters the right atrium. It flows down into the right ventricle, where it normally would be sent to the lungs to be oxygenated. Instead, it bypasses the lungs and flows through the ductus arteriosus into the descending aorta, which connects to the umbilical arteries. From there, blood flows back into the placenta. There the carbon dioxide and waste products are released into the mother's circulatory system. Oxygen and nutrients from the mother's blood are transferred across the placenta. Then the cycle starts again.
  • At birth, major changes take place. The umbilical cord is clamped and the baby no longer receives oxygen and nutrients from the mother. With the first breaths of air, the lungs start to expand and the ductus arteriosus and the foramen ovale both close. The baby's circulation and blood flow through the heart now function like an adult's.

Personhood makes a difference between a human being one day before birth and one day after birth . . . And science has nothing to say about it and religion even less.

nf.23.09.30 #11,256
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Did scotus ban abortion? No, of course not. It’s not their authority to do so.

Did scotus send that decision back to the states? Yes, they did, and that is a constitutional decision that they were authorized to make.

It’s that simple.
They are complicating it because it's the implications they fear, otherwise that might spill over into other rulings in which they figure will take place after the scotus realizes once again it's responsibilities to uphold the constitution, and to stop letting the Demoncrat's intimidate them into submission everytime.

That's the bottom line here, and when it's realized what they are doing, one can only sit back and be amazed at how creative they are at trying to get their way. They could care less about a woman and her wanting to destroy a life growing inside of her, but more so it's about RULINGS and their implications that suggest we as a nation must live within the bounds of the constitution, and to honor our commitment to God and to our country.
Do you like to hear from me how it could be possible that Russia ends this stupid, senseless and criminal war on Europe in the Ukraine without to lose? .
Don’t need to hear it from you that Putin surrenders to International authorities to be hanged for war crimes or kills himself when every last Russian soldier and foreign mercenaries are out of Ukraine and Crimes and free oil and gas to Europe and Ukraine until all reparations are paid and Russian people are set free.
znglw.23.08.30 #43

We have to slow this down if you must lie to
make an argument,

You Saint Zaangalewa did not ask me what makes a difference between a human being one day before blrth and one day after birth in post { znglw.23.08.29 #30 }. You asked me exactly the following in your post .{znglw.23.08.29 #30 }

“Why was you the day before you was pressed from your mother through her birth canal no human being?” {znglw.23.08.29 #30 }​
There are FOUR parts to the question you ask in {znglw.23.08.29 #30 } They are THE US CONSTITUTION; SCIENCE; RELIGION and INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY of CONSCIENCE.

Scientists describe {see nf. #10,013 } what enables the separation at birth which transforms the physiologically dependent living human fetus non-person being into hopefully an independent long living human being who becomes a person everywhere on earth when shunts provide the greatest biological activity for every human being’s life and he or she becomes an infant. A human being infant, human being child; human being baby; human being rugrat.


Personhood makes a difference between a human being one day before birth and one day after birth . . . And science has nothing to say about it and religion even less.

nf.23.09.30 #11,256

Ignorance - your first name is allmighty arrogance.

Don’t need to hear it from you that Putin surrenders to International authorities to be hanged for war crimes or kills himself when every last Russian soldier and foreign mercenaries are out of Ukraine and Crimes and free oil and gas to Europe and Ukraine until all reparations are paid and Russian people are set free.

Eh? Tell me: Why do you "defend" as well abortions in the USA and Putin in war on Europe in the Ukraine? What's your common element to do so? Do you love death and destruction?

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Why do you "defend" as well abortions in the USA and Putin in war on Europe in the Ukraine?
I don’t defend either. I defend a woman’s right to choose as a matter of her own conscience and what don’t you understand that I’d like to see Putin hanged or or murder himself by his own bloody hand, because of the genocide he has committed in Ukraine

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