Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

ding said: “No religious argument was made in overturning Roe v Wade.” dvng.22.11.19 #5,679
NotfooledbyW said: “It is not the argument, it’s the thirteen centuries or so of allegedly successful White European Christian behavior the petitioners to the court on Dobbs were seeking to impose on modern American women according to Saint Ding of Schlafly Nation in the following post. nf.23.10.02 #1
ding said: I don’t see how that changes the fact that we were founded as a Christian nation based upon Christian values and principles. Not religious dogma per se but the successful behaviors which Western Civilization was built upon. dvng.22.01.27-#617 to nf.23.10.02 #1
M14 Shooter said: The court didn't impose anything on women in Dobbs. . mnnshtr.23.12.03 #18 to nf.23.10.02 #1

Dobbs said the Constitution does not protect the "right to choose".

Dobbs says the states, not the court
can Constitutionally restrict the "right to choose".

Dobbs said the right to an abortion is not protected by the constitution therefore “the right of the woman to choose to have an abortion before viability.” in half the states was eliminated.

Dobbs ruled in favor of the thirteen centuries of allegedly successful White European Christian behavior that the petitioners to the court via Dobbs were seeking to impose on modern American women.

nf.23.11.09 #11,821
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Dobbs said the right to an abortion is not protected by the constitution therefore “the right of the woman to choose to have an abortion before viability.” in half the states was eliminated.
This is false.
Dobbs said the Constitution does not protect the "right to choose".
The states, not the court, restricted this right; none of them eliminated it.
The states have always restricted the right to choose.
M14 Shooter said: This is false.

Nothing you have challenged from me is false including this:

Dobbs ruled in favor of the thirteen centuries of allegedly successful White European Christian behavior that the petitioners to the court via Dobbs were seeking to impose on modern American women.

nf.23.11.09 #11,823
M14 Shooter said: This is false.
Nothing you have challenged from me is false including this:
Everything I challenged is false.
The USSC, in Dobbs, did not impose restrictions on the right to an abortion -- any and all restrictions on that right, before or after the ruling, were imposed by the states.
The states, of course, have always imposed restrictions on the right to an abortion..
Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!
M14 Shooter said: The ssUSSC, in Dobbs, did not impose restrictions on the right to an abortion -- any and all restrictions on that right, before or after the ruling, were imposed by the states. mnnshtr.23.11.09 #11,824

I did not claim the USSC, in Dobbs, imposed restrictions on the right to an abortion in the states.

This is what you challenged:

NotfooledbyW said: “It is not the argument, it’s the thirteen centuries or so of allegedly successful White European Christian behavior the petitioners to the court on Dobbs were seeking to impose on modern American women according to Saint Ding of Schlafly Nation in the following post. nf.23.10.02 #1

I said the petitioners to the court on Dobbs were seeking to impose Christian Behaviors on modern American women.

You twisted it into something else.

nf.23.11.09 #11,825
I did not claim the USSC, in Dobbs, imposed restrictions on the right to an abortion in the states.
You said, and I challenged:

-Dobbs granted Mississippi the right to enforce a fifteen week abortion ban. Mississippi after Dobbs then passed a six week ban.
-[Dobbs] imposes no access to abortion where women live
-Dobbs eliminated “the right of the woman to choose to have an abortion before viability.” in half the states.
-Dobbs decreased “the right of the woman to choose to have an abortion before viability.” nationally.
-Dobbs imposed allowing state governments to deprive women of her inherent right to privacy prior to viability whenever seeking professional medical care for a private condition known as pregnancy.,
-Dobbs eliminated the right
-Dobbs said the right to an abortion is not protected by the constitution therefore “the right of the woman to choose to have an abortion before viability.” in half the states was eliminated.

Everything I challenged is false.

The USSC, in Dobbs, did not impose restrictions on the right to an abortion -- any and all restrictions on that right, before or after the ruling, were imposed by the states.
The states, of course, have always imposed restrictions on the right to an abortion..

I did not claim the USSC, in Dobbs, imposed restrictions on the right to an abortion in the states.
#1 Dobbs granted Mississippi the right to enforce a fifteen week abortion ban. Mississippi after Dobbs then passed a six week ban.

Mississippi is imposing the restrictions not the USSC.

#1 Is true. Tell me what is false about it.

nf.23.11.09 #11,827
M14 Shooter said: “"The court didn't impose anything on women in Dobbs" is a response in full.” mnnshtr.23.11.08 #11,799

NotfooledbyW said: Yes and it is not true. • • • It imposes no access to abortion where women live. They had it before Dobbs in every state, They would not have it in Ohio if Ohioans did not enshrine the right to keep the Ohio Government from controlling women’s bodies and the eggs they are born with. nf.23.11.08 #11,800

I’m not saying the USSC as an institution imposes restrictions directly on women, I am saying the DECISION “imposes no access to abortion where women live

Di you think women live in the USSC building?

ITS where women live” that impose the restrictions.

That takes care of #2.

nf.23.11.09 #11,829
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These legitimate interests justify Mississippi’s Gestational Age Act. Except “in a medical emergency or in the case of a severe fetal abnormality,” the statute prohibits abortion “if the probable gestational age of the unborn human being has been determined to be greater than fifteen (15) weeks.” Miss. Code Ann. §41–41–191(4)(b). The Mississippi Legislature’s findings recount the stages of “human prenatal development” and assert the State’s interest in “protecting the life of the unborn.” §2(b)(i). The legislature also found that abortions performed after 15 weeks typically use the dilation and evacuation procedure, and the legislature found the use of this procedure “for nontherapeutic or elective reasons [to be] a barbaric practice, dangerous for the maternal patient, and demeaning to the medical profession.” §2(b)(i)(8); see also Gonzales, 550 U. S., at 135–143 (describing such procedures). These legitimate interests provide a rational basis for the Gestational Age Act, and it follows that respondents’ constitutional challenge must fail.

We end this opinion where we began. Abortion presents a profound moral question. The Constitution does not prohibit the citizens of each State from regulating or prohibiting abortion. Roe and Casey arrogated that authority. We now overrule those decisions and return that authority to the people and their elected representatives.
The judgment of the Fifth Circuit is reversed, and the case is remanded for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.
It is so ordered

This is Dobbs. It prohibits abortion after fifteen weeks in Mississippi.

the statute prohibits abortion “if the probable gestational age of the unborn human being has been determined to be greater than fifteen (15) weeks.

M14 Shooter said: The court didn't impose anything on women in Dobbs. . mnnshtr.23.12.03 #18

The Court’s six Catholics decided to impose a 15 week religious abortion ban on the women in Mississippi based upon protecting fetal personhood prior to viability siding with Mississippi’s religion funded lawyers. THAT IS FACT taken from the decision,

State’s interest in “protecting the life of the unborn.”

nf.23.11.09 #11,835
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This is Dobbs. It prohibits abortion after fifteen weeks in Mississippi.
Your statement is false.
The USSC, in Dobbs, did not impose restrictions on the right to an abortion -- any and all restrictions on that right, before or after the ruling, were imposed by the states.
The states, of course, have always imposed restrictions on the right to an abortion..
Mississippi imposed the ban.
Not Dobbs. or the court.
WIthout Dobbs Mississippi imposes RvW.

Dobbs directly imposed a 15 week ban for Mississippi and any ban any state wants to impose.

That’s the Truth.

We can’t allow women to ever forget what Republicans, Trump and six Catholic Judges did to them when the handed down Dobbs.

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