Robert Kagan: Trump will run in 2024 and send America to 'its greatest constitutional crisis since the Civil War'

Thats revisionist history

ANTIFA attacks America where we live and did so before trump took office

the reason you connect the two is because he was literally the only national politician to speak out against them
I guess you’re smarter then the FBI.
Thats revisionist history

ANTIFA attacks America where we live and did so before trump took office

the reason you connect the two is because he was literally the only national politician to speak out against them
We know you’re just a scared little whity because that’s all a lie.
. Right wing extremism is listed as the biggest terrorist threat by the fbi. Antifa is not.
Trump isn’t going to run again. He has four years of acting like a buffoon. There are thousands of statements on record that make him look like an imbecile…….to anyone who isn’t an imbecile. The ads during the primaries will be a rerun of incompetence with Trump as the star.
Which is why more people voted for him in 2020 than in 2015.
You are one stupid piece of shit.
Another internet tough guy. Is that the way you get off, trying to insult people you’re afraid of in real life ? You can always tell the blowhard dufus
So you admit you can't handle a fact.
I'm not afraid of anything.
I'm just as brash in real life as I am here because I have facts.
My opposition to Trump is based on the fact that he is an incompetent, racist, dangerous, perfidious, megalomaniacal, degenerate corned beef face syrup wearing wankstain

4 years of Trump in office and not one violent rally or protest.

Trump did not fire Muellor.

Trump turned all the information in the Ukraine "incident".

Impeachments, endless investigations, all finding no crimes committed. The normal investigation investigates a crime and then said suspect may he found guilty but in Trump's case, a search looked for a crime and found none.

Whereas Biden and the Democrats have intimidated, insulted, and started wars as a foreign policy. Trump sought and achieved peace.

All this article does is warn us that democrats and never trumpers will start a civil war.

The article, with no evidence, has already declared us who love freedom guilty of a crime that has not been committed and that democrats will instigate or begin.
Boo, now go run and hide and listen to Tucker and Hannity, two of the biggest fear mongering chicken shits.
Welcome to Ignore.

Folks, let me know when Dagosa starts posting actual facts so I can take the moron off Ignore.

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