Right Wingers Owe The 10 Year Old Little Girl Who Was Raped An Apology

You can imagine lefties high fiving each other when some abortion advocate spilled the beans about this poor ten year old girl. The fact that the kid could have had an emergency abortion in any facility didn't matter to the salivating left. Now they had their victim and they would use this poor kid for a propaganda campaign. Nobody seemed anxious to arrest the rapist who happened to be an illegal alien.
This kid could be the victim of sex trafficking. Are lefties concerned about that?? Nope. They are mad that her abusers can’t get her an abortion and keep abusing her. Hell…the abortion doctor didn’t even report her rape to the police.

It’s the DEMOCRATS that owe this kid an apology along with a real investigation into her case.
She had an abortion. So what? In this case it was fully warranted. She's 10 years old. Common sense. Im pro life but this is clearly rape. If i were her dad I'd ensure the abortion happened. This isn't some adult who was irresponsible.
This is the responsible mother who insists the man accused of rape did nothing wrong.
For what. And stick to the topic

The "topic" is, this cretin is an illegal. If our immigration laws were followed he wouldn't have been here in the first place to rape this little girl.
Dimocrats owe the little girl AND the nation an apology for always working to make it easier for illegals to get into this country and stay here.
The doctor who did the abortion in this case deserves applause. Having her carry out the pregnancy should be a crime in this case.

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