Revolting middle class. If the rich keep funding war with the lives of the lower classes, I wonder w


VIP Member
Jan 12, 2012
Revolting middle class. If the rich keep funding war with the lives of the lower classes, I wonder when the lower classes will revolt.

I would like to think, soonest is best, thanks to the left being too far left of the political spectrum, and the right being too far right.

The U. S. needs a third party to draw both overextended wings in and that should be a worker’s party.

If the worst affected by war, the middle and working classes, do not form a third party to represent the wealth creating demography of the country do nothing revolutionary, the dumbing down of the middle has worked quite well and the nation has no heart or love of self.

If the average working man or woman is not to be represented by either Democrats or Republicans, and are too dumbed down to see the requirement to be represented as important, and continue with their antiquated two party system, then you my dear Yankee friends, have devolved into quite a revolting and heartless middle and working classes.

You are even more revolting than the rich C S sons of bitches that don’t care for your welfare at all. The rich do not give any thought to your welfare, even as you enrich them more and more daily. It seems to me that you match their mind set by not giving a thought to your own long term welfare or about what kind of American Nightmare you are giving your children.

Bring the rich to heel or face a nuclear war. It’s your revolting choice.

The U. S. needs a third party to draw both overextended wings in and that should be a worker’s party.
I agree that both major political parties are shit, but "worker's party" sound just too communist for my taste. Sorry.

Why not just support the Libertarian Party? (I know they suck right now)

Limited government is the answer to all these problems.
I believe they have already taken to the streets......

I do not see wealth being redistributed as the rich get even better tax breaks for investing in the war arsenals, so I do not think the revolution has started.

The U. S. needs a third party to draw both overextended wings in and that should be a worker’s party.
I agree that both major political parties are shit, but "worker's party" sound just too communist for my taste. Sorry.

Why not just support the Libertarian Party? (I know they suck right now)

Limited government is the answer to all these problems.

Workers are the sustainers of your country. That is hardly communist.

Communism is a flat demographic pyramid and that is the last thing workers want so you should not use inappropriate labels whose meaning you misuse.

Revolting middle class. If the rich keep funding war with the lives of the lower classes, I wonder when the lower classes will revolt.

I would like to think, soonest is best, thanks to the left being too far left of the political spectrum, and the right being too far right.

The U. S. needs a third party to draw both overextended wings in and that should be a worker’s party.

If the worst affected by war, the middle and working classes, do not form a third party to represent the wealth creating demography of the country do nothing revolutionary, the dumbing down of the middle has worked quite well and the nation has no heart or love of self.

If the average working man or woman is not to be represented by either Democrats or Republicans, and are too dumbed down to see the requirement to be represented as important, and continue with their antiquated two party system, then you my dear Yankee friends, have devolved into quite a revolting and heartless middle and working classes.

You are even more revolting than the rich C S sons of bitches that don’t care for your welfare at all. The rich do not give any thought to your welfare, even as you enrich them more and more daily. It seems to me that you match their mind set by not giving a thought to your own long term welfare or about what kind of American Nightmare you are giving your children.

Bring the rich to heel or face a nuclear war. It’s your revolting choice.

Pound Every Preppy's Pampered Piehole Into Pulp

Aristocracy and democracy cannot coexist. We must force the 1% to abolish all birth privileges. This won't become a land of opportunity until the son of a millionaire has just as much chance of winding up being a blue-collar worker as the son of a blue-collar worker does.

Don't argue with the pathetic mindless bootlickers. They are driven by the childish neurosis of hating their Daddies for not getting rich and spoiling them.
Revolting middle class. If the rich keep funding war with the lives of the lower classes, I wonder when the lower classes will revolt.

I would like to think, soonest is best, thanks to the left being too far left of the political spectrum, and the right being too far right.

The U. S. needs a third party to draw both overextended wings in and that should be a worker’s party.

If the worst affected by war, the middle and working classes, do not form a third party to represent the wealth creating demography of the country do nothing revolutionary, the dumbing down of the middle has worked quite well and the nation has no heart or love of self.

If the average working man or woman is not to be represented by either Democrats or Republicans, and are too dumbed down to see the requirement to be represented as important, and continue with their antiquated two party system, then you my dear Yankee friends, have devolved into quite a revolting and heartless middle and working classes.

You are even more revolting than the rich C S sons of bitches that don’t care for your welfare at all. The rich do not give any thought to your welfare, even as you enrich them more and more daily. It seems to me that you match their mind set by not giving a thought to your own long term welfare or about what kind of American Nightmare you are giving your children.

Bring the rich to heel or face a nuclear war. It’s your revolting choice.

Pound Every Preppy's Pampered Piehole Into Pulp

Aristocracy and democracy cannot coexist. We must force the 1% to abolish all birth privileges. This won't become a land of opportunity until the son of a millionaire has just as much chance of winding up being a blue-collar worker as the son of a blue-collar worker does.

Don't argue with the pathetic mindless bootlickers. They are driven by the childish neurosis of hating their Daddies for not getting rich and spoiling them.

I would not go that far but how can a society rid itself of it's aristocracy and survive?

That would be more like a communist regime and we know that those fail.

The U. S. needs a third party to draw both overextended wings in and that should be a worker’s party.
I agree that both major political parties are shit, but "worker's party" sound just too communist for my taste. Sorry.

Why not just support the Libertarian Party? (I know they suck right now)

Limited government is the answer to all these problems.

So, of course, that means you bootlickers would support limits on the bosses' power in the workplace, too? Not!
Revolting middle class. If the rich keep funding war with the lives of the lower classes, I wonder when the lower classes will revolt.

I would like to think, soonest is best, thanks to the left being too far left of the political spectrum, and the right being too far right.

The U. S. needs a third party to draw both overextended wings in and that should be a worker’s party.

If the worst affected by war, the middle and working classes, do not form a third party to represent the wealth creating demography of the country do nothing revolutionary, the dumbing down of the middle has worked quite well and the nation has no heart or love of self.

If the average working man or woman is not to be represented by either Democrats or Republicans, and are too dumbed down to see the requirement to be represented as important, and continue with their antiquated two party system, then you my dear Yankee friends, have devolved into quite a revolting and heartless middle and working classes.

You are even more revolting than the rich C S sons of bitches that don’t care for your welfare at all. The rich do not give any thought to your welfare, even as you enrich them more and more daily. It seems to me that you match their mind set by not giving a thought to your own long term welfare or about what kind of American Nightmare you are giving your children.

Bring the rich to heel or face a nuclear war. It’s your revolting choice.

Pound Every Preppy's Pampered Piehole Into Pulp

Aristocracy and democracy cannot coexist. We must force the 1% to abolish all birth privileges. This won't become a land of opportunity until the son of a millionaire has just as much chance of winding up being a blue-collar worker as the son of a blue-collar worker does.

Don't argue with the pathetic mindless bootlickers. They are driven by the childish neurosis of hating their Daddies for not getting rich and spoiling them.

I would not go that far but how can a society rid itself of it's its! aristocracy and survive?

Decade After Decadent Decade, Generation After Degenerate Generation

No one has a right to set his sons up halfway to the finish line. You obviously think that aristocracy means "the best runners." So you deny that it means unearned hereditary power and position, which ensures that the best runners won't win. And the next generation's race will become even more fixed. Eventually, the society is totally dependent on birth, not worth. It then collapses and is overrun, even by worthless savages.
Wouldn't limited government help the workers? Wouldn't more freedom, not less, help the workers?

Quality in governance is not directly related to the size of the governing entity. I would agree though that we are paying way too many people to govern us and that as a class they have taken advantage of their position.

Freedom is a word I do not use because we are anything but free. We all depend on each other and are not born free nor have the ability to live as if we were free.

The best we can hope for is liberty, equality and fraternity.

What would be the best for workers would be unions or guilds but workers have allowed governments to erode those to the point where workers generally have no more voice in their governance.

Yet workers are the ones who are the mainstay of the country.

Quality in governance is not directly related to the size of the governing entity.
Actually, it is pretty much directly related.

Every time government has started expansding without bound, taxes have risen, debt has soared, and regulations and restrictions have exploded, costing people more and more time and efforts for no real improvement.

Sort of like the U.S. government since the 1930s.
No one has a right to set his sons up halfway to the finish line.

There are no real anti-nepotism laws that I know of so if we do not have that right, who is not enforcing it.

You obviously think that aristocracy means "the best runners."

Not at all but in our society, they are fitter than those in the lower demographic levels in terms of survivability.
That is why the poor want to be rich and the rich do not want to be poor.

So you deny that it means unearned hereditary power and position, which ensures that the best runners won't win.

Again, we are not judging fitness by physical prowess but on overall survivability.

I would not say that it is unearned in all cases but in some cases I am sure that that word applies.

Eventually, the society is totally dependent on birth,

That is just beginning in the present generation of those who have inherited great wealth.

They are guaranteed to earn more of a % than the rest of us and yes, that means that we will in effect be living under oligarchs and basically Royalty gained by birth.

That is why a workers party is so important as they are the mainstay of the country and not the rich oligarchs.

Revolting middle class. If the rich keep funding war with the lives of the lower classes, I wonder when the lower classes will revolt.

I would like to think, soonest is best, thanks to the left being too far left of the political spectrum, and the right being too far right.

The U. S. needs a third party to draw both overextended wings in and that should be a worker’s party.

If the worst affected by war, the middle and working classes, do not form a third party to represent the wealth creating demography of the country do nothing revolutionary, the dumbing down of the middle has worked quite well and the nation has no heart or love of self.

If the average working man or woman is not to be represented by either Democrats or Republicans, and are too dumbed down to see the requirement to be represented as important, and continue with their antiquated two party system, then you my dear Yankee friends, have devolved into quite a revolting and heartless middle and working classes.

You are even more revolting than the rich C S sons of bitches that don’t care for your welfare at all. The rich do not give any thought to your welfare, even as you enrich them more and more daily. It seems to me that you match their mind set by not giving a thought to your own long term welfare or about what kind of American Nightmare you are giving your children.

Bring the rich to heel or face a nuclear war. It’s your revolting choice.

We have an all volunteer military. How do you revolt against something you aren't forced into?

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