Reuters on three man race: Trump 49, Cruz 26, Rubio 21 with 3 days to go


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Reuters on three man race: Trump 49, Cruz 26, Rubio 21 with 3 days to go
Reuters on three man race: Trump 49, Cruz 26, Rubio 21 with 3 days to go - Hot Air
We can keep talking about delegate math all we want here (and I’m sure we will) but there’s one uncomfortable fact to be dealt with sooner or later. If Trump hits and sustains 50% in the polls by the middle of March you may as well stick a fork in it and start signing on with the folks talking about dragging Rick Perry or Mitt Romney back into the fight as a doomed 3rd party candidate. Donald Trump may still fall, but the odds are shrinking to long shot levels and if he does it’s going to have to be a spectacular crash and burn at this point.

that Trump’s “ceiling” was roughly one third of the vote and the ABT vote could easily dispatch him. Today the Cruz – Rubio total is 46.6 and Trump is sitting 1.3% away from a national majority. The other, less discussed point of interest is at the bottom of their graph. A little more than three weeks ago we saw ten percent saying they wouldn’t even bother voting for anyone with the field in that condition. That number has now dropped to less than half of that.

I hope he wins at least 10 out of 12 on Tuesday...Lets get this fucker over with!
Trump seems to be the only candidate who doesn't wilt under front-runner status.
It's not a three man race. It's a two man race for second. Rubio is going to self immolate within the next week.
Reuters on three man race: Trump 49, Cruz 26, Rubio 21 with 3 days to go
Reuters on three man race: Trump 49, Cruz 26, Rubio 21 with 3 days to go - Hot Air
We can keep talking about delegate math all we want here (and I’m sure we will) but there’s one uncomfortable fact to be dealt with sooner or later. If Trump hits and sustains 50% in the polls by the middle of March you may as well stick a fork in it and start signing on with the folks talking about dragging Rick Perry or Mitt Romney back into the fight as a doomed 3rd party candidate. Donald Trump may still fall, but the odds are shrinking to long shot levels and if he does it’s going to have to be a spectacular crash and burn at this point.

that Trump’s “ceiling” was roughly one third of the vote and the ABT vote could easily dispatch him. Today the Cruz – Rubio total is 46.6 and Trump is sitting 1.3% away from a national majority. The other, less discussed point of interest is at the bottom of their graph. A little more than three weeks ago we saw ten percent saying they wouldn’t even bother voting for anyone with the field in that condition. That number has now dropped to less than half of that.

I hope he wins at least 10 out of 12 on Tuesday...Lets get this fucker over with!

This Super Tuesday thing, I've never observed previously, so it should be interesting and hopefully not too crazy to keep up with, what with so many States all reporting multiple vote tallies at same time.
I have said it before and will say it again. A couple years back the people spoke and threw out Reid, Pelosi and company. The people wanted a change in government and asked the Congress to make that change. The Congress has not responded nor even attempted to respond other than "Boner" being fired. The people have waited, knowing that the Presidential election is coming, soon. Trump is many things but he is no dummy and he is no Joe Strappedforcash. "The Entitled One", Frau Klinton, has been just that for the "D's". Trump knows that also. He is setting himself up to send her packing, once again. Rubio and Cruz have been a blessing for him and he is taking them down. The people want an America which stands tall and proud. The people want their freedom as the Constitution states. Trump say's he will give that to the people and more. He say's he will restore their pride in America. Whether or not that happens is to be seen. But Trump will win the day and he will get his opportunity to do just that. And if Trump pulls off one third of all he has said he will do, he will be an eight year President. In fact, all he honestly has to do, is, build a damned fence and guard it. That is it! Everyone keeps asking how will Trump get the Mexicans to pay for the fence or wall? He gave his answer on day one but no one seems to have been listening. The Mexican people will have to pay to use the door(s) in the fence. It is called an entry fee. Kinda simple when you think about it. Want to come to America? Bring cash! Trump knows that the folks in Mexico pay the "cottage industry" in Mexico, "the coyotes" who bring Mexicans (South and Central America) over the border receive thousands of dollars in fee's. He simply wants to take that money from "the coyotes" and put it in the US Treasury. Do I hear a "Duh"! Frankly, I do not care much for Trump. As a westerner there is not much I like about New York or the east coast. But, one has to live with the hand that is dealt. I suggest all Americans do the same. Play the hand you are dealt.

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