Republicans would rather make Excuses for Failure, than Fix their Failure Problem

The Banker

Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2017
The GOP record in the 21st century and the past 100 years has been abhorrently terrible. Massive failure, with failed results, underperformance compared to dem presidents, recessions, market crashes, low growth, mega deficits, and failed wars that we never needed.

Just compare the economic numbers of Dem presidents vs GOP presidents. The facts and numbers say it all.

Instead of trying to do better, get better, make America better, and pivot to succesful winning policy, republicans would rather try and lie and spin these abhorent results. Republicans focus on making excuses and manipulating their gullible instead of improving their failed policy decissions. Because of this the GOP continues to fail and hurt America.

A perfect example of this is a recent thread where some total idiot elektra tried to claim that Bush's failed Iraq War was somehow Obama's fault even though Bush started the war himself and subsequently mismanaged it into total chaos and devastation??? This is the detached reality that Republicans live in. They blame everyone and everything for their failure.

The GOP will contionue to fail miserably until they are held accountable for their failure AND therefore change their failed ways. I don't see this happening any time soon, as Republicans can't even admit the simplest facts and realities.

The GOP record in the 21st century and the past 100 years has been abhorrently terrible. Massive failure, with failed results, underperformance compared to dem presidents, recessions, market crashes, low growth, mega deficits, and failed wars that we never needed.

Just compare the economic numbers of Dem presidents vs GOP presidents. The facts and numbers say it all.

Instead of trying to do better, get better, make America better, and pivot to succesful winning policy, republicans would rather try and lie and spin these abhorent results. Republicans focus on making excuses and manipulating their gullible instead of improving their failed policy decissions. Because of this the GOP continues to fail and hurt America.

A perfect example of this is a recent thread where some total idiot elektra tried to claim that Bush's failed Iraq War was somehow Obama's fault even though Bush started the war himself and subsequently mismanaged it into total chaos and devastation??? This is the detached reality that Republicans live in. They blame everyone and everything for their failure.

The GOP will contionue to fail miserably until they are held accountable for their failure AND therefore change their failed ways. I don't see this happening any time soon, as Republicans can't even admit the simplest facts and realities.

Many people have slowly wised up. When will you?
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Shit ma, Biden won't stop fucking everything up. I can't defend him anymore.
That's OK son just post a bunch of irrelevant shit. Fools will take the bait.
Yes you love making excuses for the GOP mega failure.

Republicans are proud that their politicians have such terrible results. Every single GOP president has had a recession for the past 100 years, and you think that is good...
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Can republicans even admit tha Bush fucked up Iraq, or are they still going to blame Obama for that?


Here is Trump on Iraq:

“The worst single mistake ever made in the history of our country: going into the Middle East, by President Bush,” the president [Trump] said during an exclusive interview with Hill.TV.

If the GOP can't even admit they fucked up, then how are they going to stop fucking up?? The party of continued total failure.
The GOP record in the 21st century and the past 100 years has been abhorrently terrible. Massive failure, with failed results, underperformance compared to dem presidents, recessions, market crashes, low growth, mega deficits, and failed wars that we never needed.

Just compare the economic numbers of Dem presidents vs GOP presidents. The facts and numbers say it all.

Instead of trying to do better, get better, make America better, and pivot to succesful winning policy, republicans would rather try and lie and spin these abhorent results. Republicans focus on making excuses and manipulating their gullible instead of improving their failed policy decissions. Because of this the GOP continues to fail and hurt America.

A perfect example of this is a recent thread where some total idiot elektra tried to claim that Bush's failed Iraq War was somehow Obama's fault even though Bush started the war himself and subsequently mismanaged it into total chaos and devastation??? This is the detached reality that Republicans live in. They blame everyone and everything for their failure.

The GOP will contionue to fail miserably until they are held accountable for their failure AND therefore change their failed ways. I don't see this happening any time soon, as Republicans can't even admit the simplest facts and realities.

A perfect example of this is a recent thread where some total idiot @elektra tried to claim that Bush's failed Iraq War was somehow Obama's fault

Bush left office with a plan to bring home the troops shortly after he left office. (sound familiar?)

Guess who reversed that decision?
.....daily observation, the worst parts of my state are the Troglocrat parts
I just fled a state that was LARGELY Troglocrat parts for one in which the Troglocrats are far fewer and better confined. Hooray for me! I can openly say things that would have gotten me assaulted, had I just THOUGHT them, in my old location! The freedom is tremendous!
Can republicans even admit tha Bush fucked up Iraq, or are they still going to blame Obama for that?


Here is Trump on Iraq:

“The worst single mistake ever made in the history of our country: going into the Middle East, by President Bush,” the president [Trump] said during an exclusive interview with Hill.TV.

If the GOP can't even admit they fucked up, then how are they going to stop fucking up?? The party of continued total failure.
How can there be true American revolutionaries of the Prog agendas, when the known people we hear about live the lives of opulence? Movie actors living the capitalist dream while hob nobbing with 3rd world dictators who steal from their own impoverished people.

Bush also used it for Afghanistan for Sept 18, 2001.
Bush left office with a plan to bring home the troops shortly after he left office. (sound familiar?)

Guess who reversed that decision?
translation, lets blame Bush and the GOP's epic America crushing failure in the Iraq war on Obama. Bush started the war that we didn't need, then he totally mismanaged the war and it quickly fell into utter chaos in devastation with daily beheadings.
But I guess that is all Obama's fault... You have proven yourself a gullible sheep. You have proven my point perfectly. the GOP wil continue to fail unless you sheep can admit failure and try and fix the GOP failure machine.

Clearly you can't do it, enjoy another 100 years of GOP mega failure.
translation, lets blame Bush and the GOP's epic America crushing failure in the Iraq war on Obama. Bush started the war that we didn't need, then he totally mismanaged the war and it quickly fell into utter chaos in devastation with daily beheadings.
But I guess that is all Obama's fault... You have proven yourself a gullible sheep. You have proven my point perfectly. the GOP wil continue to fail unless you sheep can admit failure and try and fix the GOP failure machine.

Clearly you can't do it, enjoy another 100 years of GOP mega failure.

Did, or did not, Bush set up the troops to come home?

Did, or did not Obama send them back in?

I thought you liked FACTS.

Guess not.
The GOP record in the 21st century and the past 100 years has been abhorrently terrible. Massive failure, with failed results, underperformance compared to dem presidents, recessions, market crashes, low growth, mega deficits, and failed wars that we never needed.

Just compare the economic numbers of Dem presidents vs GOP presidents. The facts and numbers say it all.

Instead of trying to do better, get better, make America better, and pivot to succesful winning policy, republicans would rather try and lie and spin these abhorent results. Republicans focus on making excuses and manipulating their gullible instead of improving their failed policy decissions. Because of this the GOP continues to fail and hurt America.

A perfect example of this is a recent thread where some total idiot elektra tried to claim that Bush's failed Iraq War was somehow Obama's fault even though Bush started the war himself and subsequently mismanaged it into total chaos and devastation??? This is the detached reality that Republicans live in. They blame everyone and everything for their failure.

The GOP will contionue to fail miserably until they are held accountable for their failure AND therefore change their failed ways. I don't see this happening any time soon, as Republicans can't even admit the simplest facts and realities.


Oh, I love a good dose of online TDS in the morning!!!!
Did, or did not, Bush set up the troops to come home?

Did, or did not Obama send them back in?

I thought you liked FACTS.

Guess not.
More diversions and excuses.
Does any of this change the fact that Bush totally mismanaged the war and it was total devastation in 2004. The war was a total disaster before Obama even took over.

You have proven my point perfectly you can't even admit Bush and the GOP fucked up Iraq, you are a pathetic sheep.

The GOP has failed miserably especially when compared to the success of the dems, the GOP will keep on failing and destroying America until you can man the fuck up and admit this failure. The GOP will never improve until you can swallow your pride and admit this failure.

Oh, I love a good dose of online TDS in the morning!!!!
That is your go to generic response every-time you are overwhelmed by the facts. “TDS syndrome”
You have no real factual logical response to the issue at hand.
All you do is make pathetic excuses for Trump’s repeated fuck ups. You love Trump/GOP more than America. Your loyalty is to Trump and the GOP instead of America.
You can not man up and take responsibility for your failures, or the failures of Trump and his policy, all you can do is offer lame excuses and scream TDS..

I challenge you idiot Trumpers to debate the issues and provide facts, you can’t do it. You just scream TDS like a pussy bitch.
More diversions and excuses.
Does any of this change the fact that Bush totally mismanaged the war and it was total devastation in 2004. The war was a total disaster before Obama even took over.

You have proven my point perfectly you can't even admit Bush and the GOP fucked up Iraq, you are a pathetic sheep.

The GOP has failed miserably especially when compared to the success of the dems, the GOP will keep on failing and destroying America until you can man the fuck up and admit this failure. The GOP will never improve until you can swallow your pride and admit this failure.
More diversions and excuses.

No, asshole.


that you want to ignore.

WHY don't you like FACTS?
No, asshole.


that you want to ignore.

WHY don't you like FACTS?
So what big deal, do your excuses justify Bush and the GOP's extreme failure and fuck up in Iraq???

Iraq was a mega fuck up long before Obama even took over. You are the typical pathetic gullible GOP sheep. You manufacture excuses for GOP failure.
The GOP failure will only get worse because you are proud of this GOP mega failure.
How is the GOP going to get better and suceed like the dems, if you can't even admit reality.

Here's Trump shutting you up:

“The worst single mistake ever made in the history of our country: going into the Middle East, by President Bush,” the president [Trump] said during an exclusive interview with Hill.TV.

Even trump can admit it, but you are too pathetic to admit reality. You are a total embarrassment to America.
You are just another pathetic lemming that can't admit Bush and the GOP failed and fucked up Iraq. It is so pathetic.
So what big deal, do your excuses justify Bush and the GOP's extreme failure and fuck up in Iraq???

Iraq was a mega fuck up long before Obama even took over. You are the typical pathetic gullible GOP sheep. You manufacture excuses for GOP failure.
The GOP failure will only get worse because you are proud of this GOP mega failure.
How is the GOP going to get better and suceed like the dems, if you can't even admit reality.

Here's Trump shutting you up:

“The worst single mistake ever made in the history of our country: going into the Middle East, by President Bush,” the president [Trump] said during an exclusive interview with Hill.TV.

Even trump can admit it, but you are too pathetic to admit reality. You are a total embarrassment to America.
You are just another pathetic lemming that can't admit Bush and the GOP failed and fucked up Iraq. It is so pathetic.
So what big deal,

It was a big deal, to thousands of men in uniform

do your excuses justify Bush and the GOP's extreme failure and fuck up in Iraq???

No, never said they did.

Here's Trump shutting you up:

Who gives a shit what Trump said, other than people suffering from TDS, or members of his cult?

You've got a one track mind, and it's obvious the bridge over the trestle is out.
It was a big deal, to thousands of men in uniform

No, never said they did.

Who gives a shit what Trump said, other than people suffering from TDS, or members of his cult?

You've got a one track mind, and it's obvious the bridge over the trestle is out.
So then why are you manufacturing excuses for failure, proving my point perfectly???

You still can't admit Bush and the GOP fucked up Iraq something fierce, you try to blame Obama for Bush and the GOP's total failure, instead of manning up and taking responsibility for something in life. This is the point of the whole thread, and you have proved my point perfectly. Thank you.

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