Republicans Want To Gun Down Big Bird


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
Whenever the right wing in America tell you media is liberal, I shake my head and wonder who what when where how. Corporations own 'Big Media' in America and corporations are not liberal by any definition of the word. But then there is a smidgen of good broadcasting left and that I guess is the last remaining target of the right. Media that doesn't presnt the nonsense heard on right wing radio or Fox is the target today. No need for Big Brother when you control the message all the messages. [[ame=] What Orwell Didn't Know: Propaganda and the New Face of American Politics (9781586485603): Andras Szanto, Orville Schell: Books[/ame]]

'House GOP Budget Takes Away All Federal Funding for Corporation for Public Broadcasting' by Huma Khan

"As the House prepares for debate today on the budget, Republicans are trying to cut off public funding for NPR and the Public Broadcasting Service, which run such iconic programs as "Sesame Street" and "Morning Edition."" As Budget Debates Begin, Republicans Put NPR, PBS on Chopping Block | Common Dreams
I can certainly understand why the right wingers hate NPR and CPB.

If I were a propagandist working on behalf of the GOP I'd be pissed that they exist, too.
I can certainly understand why the right wingers hate NPR and CPB.

If I were a propagandist working on behalf of the GOP I'd be pissed that they exist, too.

I'm sure you'd be fine with taxpayers money going to Fox News, right? Because that is exactly what taxpayers money being used to fund blatantly left wing media is. I don't 'hate' NPR or CPB.... I just don't want to pay for your media. You pay for it. That's fine. But, unless you are prepared to fund blatant right wing media, there is no reason why we should pay for yours. Get it? You want it - you fund it.
Whenever the right wing in America tell you media is liberal, I shake my head and wonder who what when where how. Corporations own 'Big Media' in America and corporations are not liberal by any definition of the word. But then there is a smidgen of good broadcasting left and that I guess is the last remaining target of the right. Media that doesn't presnt the nonsense heard on right wing radio or Fox is the target today. No need for Big Brother when you control the message all the messages. [ What Orwell Didn't Know: Propaganda and the New Face of American Politics (9781586485603): Andras Szanto, Orville Schell: Books]

'House GOP Budget Takes Away All Federal Funding for Corporation for Public Broadcasting' by Huma Khan

"As the House prepares for debate today on the budget, Republicans are trying to cut off public funding for NPR and the Public Broadcasting Service, which run such iconic programs as "Sesame Street" and "Morning Edition."" As Budget Debates Begin, Republicans Put NPR, PBS on Chopping Block | Common Dreams

Whenever I read your 'opinions', I shake my head and wonder whether you are capable of thinking for yourself and forming your own opinions or do you always just regurgitate those of other people?

You want left wing media, you pay for it. There is no reason why the rest of us should be paying for your media.
LOL, how bout that title..

Republicans Want To Gun Down Big Bird

This is what YOUR MONEY is paying for folks.

call your Reps and ask them to get behind this and...DEFUND NOW
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I can certainly understand why the right wingers hate NPR and CPB.

If I were a propagandist working on behalf of the GOP I'd be pissed that they exist, too.

I'm sure you'd be fine with taxpayers money going to Fox News, right? Because that is exactly what taxpayers money being used to fund blatantly left wing media is. I don't 'hate' NPR or CPB.... I just don't want to pay for your media. You pay for it. That's fine. But, unless you are prepared to fund blatant right wing media, there is no reason why we should pay for yours. Get it? You want it - you fund it.

i know you are a compete idiot but in this case i agree with you

none of us should be paying for things we don't believe in

of course, i'm aware of the fact that you don't mind that i end up paying for some religious programs....making you a hypocrite.....

i've heard npr and pbs....
"blatant" leftwing media?

ha ha

you are truly deranged...

either you've never heard npr/pbs (so you are just regurgitating lies that you've been spoon fed by your conservative leaders
you HAVE heard npr/pbs and you are SOOOOOOOOOOOO deranged that your perspective is insane....
Republicans will burn in hellfire for all eternity for cutting off PBS funding.

Or at least I hope so.

I changed to democrat registration today mainly over the PBS funding issue.
Republicans will burn in hellfire for all eternity for cutting off PBS funding.

Or at least I hope so.

I changed to democrat registration today mainly over the PBS funding issue.

oh my, now you shout it from the rooftops, I changed my party affiliation today cause the evil Republicans want to "kill off BigBird."

good grief.:lol:
Whenever the right wing in America tell you media is liberal, I shake my head and wonder who what when where how. Corporations own 'Big Media' in America and corporations are not liberal by any definition of the word. But then there is a smidgen of good broadcasting left and that I guess is the last remaining target of the right. Media that doesn't presnt the nonsense heard on right wing radio or Fox is the target today. No need for Big Brother when you control the message all the messages. [ What Orwell Didn't Know: Propaganda and the New Face of American Politics (9781586485603): Andras Szanto, Orville Schell: Books]

'House GOP Budget Takes Away All Federal Funding for Corporation for Public Broadcasting' by Huma Khan

"As the House prepares for debate today on the budget, Republicans are trying to cut off public funding for NPR and the Public Broadcasting Service, which run such iconic programs as "Sesame Street" and "Morning Edition."" As Budget Debates Begin, Republicans Put NPR, PBS on Chopping Block | Common Dreams

I wonder if Big Bird tastes more like chicken or duck. Whatever, he sure would make a fine Thanksgiving feast for all of the homeless people in town.

For the record, the government should not fund any news organization, period. There is no way, repeat no way, any organization that depends on government funding is either independent or unbiased. If NPR is half as good as you think it is it will only improve if it is defunded. If it dies, good riddance.
The "gunning" metaphor is faulty. If you know anything about wildlife you know it's best not to feed them. They become dependent on humans to the point of helplesness. Right now Big Bird is helpless and hopeless. Set him Free.
This isn't about deficits, PBS/NPR are very small potatoes when it comes to a percentage of the US Budget, PBS/NPR are targets of the right's culture war.
I can say that both of my daughters grew up watching PBS and their great educational programing for kids. I'm not saying PBS made them what they are today, it did give them a head start. My girls did great through out their education years, now highly successful both pull down six figures, not bad for someone in their twenties. Now their children watch PBS.
PBS, what a wonderful educational resource!
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PBS is Liberal, funny, I see PBS as being a corporate mouth, nothing more.

Since when do the Rockefellers represent all that is good in the USA, they are big oil, at least they were big oil now the Rockefeller money is all in Banks and financing, Chase Manhatten, the IMF, the
World Bank, the Federal Reserve.

The Rockefeller Brother's foundation funds PBS for the benefit of liberalism or the corporation?

I say take any issue on PBS and a corporation profits from the PBS story.

PBS, the last bastion of truth, big joke that is.

I always found Sesame Street to be lame, I am surprised that anyone enjoys the show.
PBS, I must say this, reluctantly, my kid knows the alphabet because of Super Why, that is PBS, oh well. Too bad they did not have the same success with math.

Should the government fund this, not at all, the direct funding is just the tip of the Iceburg, a trillion dollar budget and the government gives us a couple decent shows, nice work.
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This isn't about deficits, PBS/NPR are very small potatoes when it comes to a percentage of the US Budget, PBS/NPR are targets of the right's culture war.
I can say that both of my daughters grew up watching PBS and their great educational programing for kids. I'm not saying PBS made them what they are today, it did give them a head start. My girls did great through out their education years, now highly successful both pull down six figures, not bad for someone in their twenties. Now their children watch PBS.
PBS, what a wonderful educational resource!

So donate your money.

The government shouldnt have a hand in it.
Republicans will burn in hellfire for all eternity for cutting off PBS funding.

Or at least I hope so.

I changed to democrat registration today mainly over the PBS funding issue.

Suuuurree you did:lol::eusa_whistle:

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