Republicans should propose massive corporate tax hike ...


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2010
... in exchange for a massive personal income tax cut. This would screw corporate warrior corporations and actually improve competition in the United States.

First, it's Republicans who are fighting the corporate tax increase to 28%, a 33% increase in corporate taxes. And how are corporations repaying them? By calling Republicans racist. Fuck them. I propose increasing the corporate tax rate to 45%. And in return reducing the maximum personal tax rate to say 25%.

But wait, kaz, would that destroy US business, right? Actually not, it would increase competition. Think about it.

The corporate tax rate is for "C" corps, which are mostly large companies. Most small companies are "S" corps and LLCs, who pay personal income tax rates ... which under this deal would be ... cut.

So, social justice warring large companies would be screwed by higher tax rates AND reduced tax rates for their smaller competition. And customers would have more choices as large corps now are using the government to restrict their competition.

Hmm ...

I have a better idea. Stupid people are bad for America. We should discourage people from being stupid by putting a tax on stupid people. If your stupid enough that the best job you can get pays near minimum wage, you should be taxed at a higher rate.
... in exchange for a massive personal income tax cut. This would screw corporate warrior corporations and actually improve competition in the United States.

First, it's Republicans who are fighting the corporate tax increase to 28%, a 33% increase in corporate taxes. And how are corporations repaying them? By calling Republicans racist. Fuck them. I propose increasing the corporate tax rate to 45%. And in return reducing the maximum personal tax rate to say 25%.

But wait, kaz, would that destroy US business, right? Actually not, it would increase competition. Think about it.

The corporate tax rate is for "C" corps, which are mostly large companies. Most small companies are "S" corps and LLCs, who pay personal income tax rates ... which under this deal would be ... cut.

So, social justice warring large companies would be screwed by higher tax rates AND reduced tax rates for their smaller competition. And customers would have more choices as large corps now are using the government to restrict their competition.

Hmm ...

It doesn’t matter what the tax rate is. The tax code is set up to allow huge corporations with enormous profits to avoid taxation. Why do you think they have on staff a bevy of high priced tax lawyers? In addition the IRS is incompetent on purpose, so they aren’t capable of auditing massive corporations.
I have a better idea. Stupid people are bad for America. We should discourage people from being stupid by putting a tax on stupid people. If your stupid enough that the best job you can get pays near minimum wage, you should be taxed at a higher rate.

Wow. Here's a pity rimshot, you really need it. There there

... in exchange for a massive personal income tax cut. This would screw corporate warrior corporations and actually improve competition in the United States.

First, it's Republicans who are fighting the corporate tax increase to 28%, a 33% increase in corporate taxes. And how are corporations repaying them? By calling Republicans racist. Fuck them. I propose increasing the corporate tax rate to 45%. And in return reducing the maximum personal tax rate to say 25%.

But wait, kaz, would that destroy US business, right? Actually not, it would increase competition. Think about it.

The corporate tax rate is for "C" corps, which are mostly large companies. Most small companies are "S" corps and LLCs, who pay personal income tax rates ... which under this deal would be ... cut.

So, social justice warring large companies would be screwed by higher tax rates AND reduced tax rates for their smaller competition. And customers would have more choices as large corps now are using the government to restrict their competition.

Hmm ...

It doesn’t matter what the tax rate is. The tax code is set up to allow huge corporations with enormous profits to avoid taxation. Why do you think they have on staff a bevy of high priced tax lawyers? In addition the IRS is incompetent on purpose, so they aren’t capable of auditing massive corporations.

Valid points. Exaggerated, but not wrong.

So maybe we propose a "minimum" corporate tax of 10% of revenue. That would fuck them to your point even more.

My point is let's stop fighting for people who are fucking us back in return for it. I work for a large US corporation that are also total Social Justice Warriors.

Why wouldn't Delta and Coke advocate Democrats since Republicans go to the wall to defend them from Democrats anyway? Us being social conservatives.

Democrats are total divide and conquer whores. Republicans are fall on a sword losers. And all we've gotten in return for it is enabling Democrats to be Nazis
need to CUT taxes and cut SPENDING!!!!!!!
-beginning with consulates/etc/immigration/refugees-asylum [ hahahahah ] expenses ..cut foreign aid big time
... in exchange for a massive personal income tax cut. This would screw corporate warrior corporations and actually improve competition in the United States.

First, it's Republicans who are fighting the corporate tax increase to 28%, a 33% increase in corporate taxes. And how are corporations repaying them? By calling Republicans racist. Fuck them. I propose increasing the corporate tax rate to 45%. And in return reducing the maximum personal tax rate to say 25%.

But wait, kaz, would that destroy US business, right? Actually not, it would increase competition. Think about it.

The corporate tax rate is for "C" corps, which are mostly large companies. Most small companies are "S" corps and LLCs, who pay personal income tax rates ... which under this deal would be ... cut.

So, social justice warring large companies would be screwed by higher tax rates AND reduced tax rates for their smaller competition. And customers would have more choices as large corps now are using the government to restrict their competition.

Hmm ...

If Republicans continue to reject America and Americans, there will certainly be no future for the party. A minority party cannot survive through expansive alienation. Good luck with that.
... in exchange for a massive personal income tax cut. This would screw corporate warrior corporations and actually improve competition in the United States.

First, it's Republicans who are fighting the corporate tax increase to 28%, a 33% increase in corporate taxes. And how are corporations repaying them? By calling Republicans racist. Fuck them. I propose increasing the corporate tax rate to 45%. And in return reducing the maximum personal tax rate to say 25%.

But wait, kaz, would that destroy US business, right? Actually not, it would increase competition. Think about it.

The corporate tax rate is for "C" corps, which are mostly large companies. Most small companies are "S" corps and LLCs, who pay personal income tax rates ... which under this deal would be ... cut.

So, social justice warring large companies would be screwed by higher tax rates AND reduced tax rates for their smaller competition. And customers would have more choices as large corps now are using the government to restrict their competition.

Hmm ...

It doesn’t matter what the tax rate is. The tax code is set up to allow huge corporations with enormous profits to avoid taxation. Why do you think they have on staff a bevy of high priced tax lawyers? In addition the IRS is incompetent on purpose, so they aren’t capable of auditing massive corporations.

Valid points. Exaggerated, but not wrong.

So maybe we propose a "minimum" corporate tax of 10% of revenue. That would fuck them to your point even more.

My point is let's stop fighting for people who are fucking us back in return for it. I work for a large US corporation that are also total Social Justice Warriors.

Why wouldn't Delta and Coke advocate Democrats since Republicans go to the wall to defend them from Democrats anyway? Us being social conservatives.

Democrats are total divide and conquer whores. Republicans are fall on a sword losers. And all we've gotten in return for it is enabling Democrats to be Nazis
Anyone advocating for big corporations whether a D or R, isn’t very smart. Anyone who thinks big corporations shouldn’t be taxed, is dumb.

I’m glad you mentioned Coke and Delta. Two corporations that likely don’t exist, if not for protection from the Federal Reserve and Federal government. David Stockman spells it out...

Wokester Capitalism, Jeff Bezos Style
By David Stockman
David Stockman's Contra Corner
April 9, 2021
But do they suppose that after a near death experience in 2020 and $12.4 billion of losses that Delta Airlines would today be trading at a near record market cap of $32 billion had not the Fed flooded the market with fiat credit?

Or that after 10 straight years of negative net income growth, Coca-Cola Co. would be trading at nearly 30X net income?

Indeed, the chart below tells you all you need to know. Thanks to the mad money-printers in the Eccles Building, Coca-Cola’s market cap has soared from $150 billion to $229 billion during the last 10 years, even as it’s net income has plunged from $12.5 billion to $7.7 billion or by nearly 40%.

At the end of the day, Coca-Cola’s now very woke executives got very rich, but not because of the company’s miserable performance. They got rich and woke because the Fed made it so, fueling a rampant gambling casino on Wall Street that took the company’s PE from 12X in 2011, which it barely deserved, to nearly 30Xtoday, which is a pure crime upon honest finance.

Still, are the Republicans prescient enough to see that their real enemy is the central bankers who have enabled these wokester capitalists to become so unspeakably rich that they no longer even need to pay attention to business or challenge the Washington politicians who threaten it?

The answer, unfortunately, is no.

Wokester Capitalism, Jeff Bezos Style - LewRockwell

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