Republicans Need to Learn Their Real History on Race.

“If the Negro wasn’t taken, tricked or deceived by the white liberal, then Negros would get together and solve our own America, the history of the white liberal has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal was going to solve our problems. Our problems will never be solved by the white man.” -- Malcolm X
Nearly everyone in the middle of the 19th century was a racist.
Please stop this - you are only adding towards IM2's confusion.

Racism derives out of religious issues. Namely Jews claiming to be God's chosen ones and claiming some piece of land solely belonging to Jews, due to their God having it promised to them.
Therefore any non-Jew (according to Jews) is automatically defined as being inferior to a Jew. So the term inferior comes in - not racist or racism.

The second stage appears when Christians or Muslims who defined pagans or infidels to be inferior to members of their respective religion. Again it's not racist or racism.
Third stage: is a baptized African or a Muslim African also inferior to a Spanish or English Christian or an Arab/Turkish Muslim?

So according to religion - they are all brothers and sisters of the respective same beliefs - therefore can't be inferior. See the Pope's disposition in the 16th century towards inhabitants of the new world.

Are there differences in intelligence, culture and social structure of a baptized African or a Muslim African - compared to a white European or Arab/Turkish Muslim?
The commonly accepted and irrefutable true answer was - sure, 100%, yes no doubt what so ever. - this is when race/ethnicity comes up as an additional defining issue towards inferiority. - but it isn't about racism or racist.

Is inferiority therefore only or simply subjected towards race/color? NO - but the cultural, social-environment standard - defined by Europeans or Arab/Turks in comparison to e.g. Black Africans.

4th stage; the ongoing conquest and colonization by Europeans/Whites towards the globe. This brought the main component into play in regards to defining inferiority of others - weapon technology.
Though e.g. Indians and Chinese having the same or even higher cultural or social-environment standards - their inability to match Western military technology made them inferior in the judgement of Europeans. Bringing about a remark such as e.g. Dumb yellow buggers don't even have a proper army. - and this sets the basis of what today refers to as being racist or a racist remark.

Basing superiority or inferiority upon other humans simply onto the standard of military technology, whilst totally disregarding existing cultural socio standards or achievments by other nations. Colonialism therefore had a devastating effect onto the previous development of other cultures.
War ridden and with their society structure being disabled/destroyed and controlled, and thus thrown backwards in their development and subjected to ongoing Western Imperialism.

As for Africa - there was no such negative impact - simply due to Black Africa in the 15th - to 19th century being nowhere close to a culture or civilized social structure. totally independent or regardless of Western military technology. Actually thanks to Western Imperialism - civilization enhancements were actually and indisputably brought into Africa. From how to set up and run a profitable farming or agricultural business to education-schools, medical support and institutions and infrastructure related enhancements. Even a simple dirt-road or a deeper dug well proved to be a civilization highlight for Black Africans.

So and this is the place where today's US Blacks derive from. Some manged to develop or dig into the existing Western culture and civilization standards - the vast majority simply didn't posses the freedom to do so - but having to survive as slaves - just as they were already used to, and absolutely familiar and conform with this live-style from Black Africa.

Since the mid 60's Black Africans have the exact same possibilities towards enhancement - just as any other race or ethnicity in the USA. But essentially the vast majority possesses the same born with abilities as those who came from Black-Africa. One can study this very well in regards to Asian countries that gained or regained independence from the mid 60"s - due to their previous and partially still existing culture and developed sociological-habits - they all excelled in their own development.

Black African countries? total shit-holes and totally devastated by crime, corruption and tribal genocidal warfare. Not even due to Black-African nations fighting each other - but simply by murdering each other within their own countries.

So is there racism? as racism is being defined since the early 20th century? - off course - e.g. the KKK is a classic example - so is this nose-ringed and tattooed white trash fellow who blames his misfortunes onto anything else (maybe Blacks) but himself. Millions of white and Black Americans blaming China's economic rise onto being evil yellow communists and stealing US IP rights. And millions of Black Americans preferring hip hop amongst burning oil drums and a little shoot out with other tribal gangs living next door, whilst engaging endlessly into fathering fatherless children - just as in good old Black Africa.

So fuck those racists - man, naturally incl. IM2.
Some of the Republicans here are clearly ignorant of their record on race.

The racist history of the Democratic party is well documented. The Democratic Party was founded in 1828. Slavery had been in this country since at least 1619. Slavery existed for 209 years before the democratic party existed. Republicans today love telling blacks how the Democratic Party was pro-slavery and how it was the Republican Party that freed the slaves. There is a lot modern republicans choose not to tell blacks as they try luring blacks into supporting a move back into Jim Crow. First, not all Republicans were for racial equality. The Party had several factions in the beginning. One was the Radical Republicans. The Radical Republicans were for the eradication of slavery. They were not conservatives. Frederick Douglass was a Radical Republican. Lincoln was moderate politically. He opposed the expansion of slavery but did not believe in racial equality.

“I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black ... I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will for ever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be a position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.”

Those who have studied Lincoln claim that his views evolved. Did they? The Second Confiscation Act in 1862 had provisions for the colonization of blacks who chose to leave. Both Dr. Henry Louis Gates and the 1619 Project have written about a meeting between blacks and Lincoln whereby he made insulting comments to them, blamed blacks for the Civil War, and demanded they accept his plan to resettle blacks outside of America. According to both sources, on Aug. 14, 1862, Lincoln met with black representatives at the White House to try getting blacks to accept getting shipped out of the country. They refused.

Arthur Zilversmit, Lincoln and the Problem of Race: A Decade of Interpretations, Journal of the Abraham Lincoln Association, Volume 2, Issue 1, 1980, pp. 22-45, U-M Library Digital Collections j/jala/2629860.0002.104?view=text;rgn=main

Henry Louis Gates Jr., Did Lincoln Want to Ship Black People Back to Africa? people-back-to-africa-1790858389

End of Pt.1

In the words of your queen bitch, "What, at this point, difference does it make!?".

Cognitive dissonance is when racists disagree about howm much racism exists i modern America.

Now let's continue.

In 1876, America celebrated its one hundredth birthday. In that same year, there was an election. If you think the 2020 election was crazy, let’s just say that the 1876 election made 2020 look normal, except for the insurrection. The 1876 election offered Samuel Tilden from the Democratic party and Rutherford Hayes from the Republican party. Tilden won the popular vote but needed at least 185 electoral votes to become president. He got stuck at 184. Hayes had 166, but nineteen unawarded electoral votes remained after the popular vote. The nineteen votes belonged to South Carolina, Florida, and Louisiana. To get those nineteen votes, Hayes promised to end reconstruction. This promise is known as the 1877 Compromise.

The conditions of the 1877 Compromise are as follows: Hayes would remove federal troops and allow southern states home rule. Rutherford’s agreement to withdraw federal troops took away the protection the newly freed blacks had in the south from physical violence and nullified or ended constitutional protections blacks had due to the Union victory. Allowing the south home rule meant the Republican Party would no longer intervene in local issues in the south. At that point, the Republican Party first turned its back on blacks and ended its commitment to black civil rights in the south.

Point number two: A Republican president, with the support of the Republican Party, ended reconstruction. The Republican Party is the party of the 1877 Compromise that ended reconstruction and paved the way for Jim Crow.

The Reconstruction Act, American Historama: United States History for kids *** 1881-reconstruction-era/reconstruction-acts-1867.htm
Louis Kleber, The Presidential Election of 1876, History Today Volume 20 Issue 11 November 1970,
The Compromise of 1877, Khan Academy | Free Online Courses, Lessons & Practice humanities/us-history/civil-war-era/reconstruction/a/ compromise-of-1877
I’ve noticed that almost every black person I know is getting increasingly race centric. They are getting more and more focused on race. I’ve discussed this with some and they all pretty much blame Trump and Republicans. .
Whites have been race centric since the first day of America.
Holy fuck you’re going to have a part two?

The racist in this thread is you. The one that doesn’t know history is you. Everything wrong with the black community today is you.
3 sentences. All of them wrong.
Please stop this - you are only adding towards IM2's confusion.

Racism derives out of religious issues. Namely Jews claiming to be God's chosen ones and claiming some piece of land solely belonging to Jews, due to their God having it promised to them.
Therefore any non-Jew (according to Jews) is automatically defined as being inferior to a Jew. So the term inferior comes in - not racist or racism.

The second stage appears when Christians or Muslims who defined pagans or infidels to be inferior to members of their respective religion. Again it's not racist or racism.
Third stage: is a baptized African or a Muslim African also inferior to a Spanish or English Christian or an Arab/Turkish Muslim?

So according to religion - they are all brothers and sisters of the respective same beliefs - therefore can't be inferior. See the Pope's disposition in the 16th century towards inhabitants of the new world.

Are there differences in intelligence, culture and social structure of a baptized African or a Muslim African - compared to a white European or Arab/Turkish Muslim?
The commonly accepted and irrefutable true answer was - sure, 100%, yes no doubt what so ever. - this is when race/ethnicity comes up as an additional defining issue towards inferiority. - but it isn't about racism or racist.

Is inferiority therefore only or simply subjected towards race/color? NO - but the cultural, social-environment standard - defined by Europeans or Arab/Turks in comparison to e.g. Black Africans.

4th stage; the ongoing conquest and colonization by Europeans/Whites towards the globe. This brought the main component into play in regards to defining inferiority of others - weapon technology.
Though e.g. Indians and Chinese having the same or even higher cultural or social-environment standards - their inability to match Western military technology made them inferior in the judgement of Europeans. Bringing about a remark such as e.g. Dumb yellow buggers don't even have a proper army. - and this sets the basis of what today refers to as being racist or a racist remark.

Basing superiority or inferiority upon other humans simply onto the standard of military technology, whilst totally disregarding existing cultural socio standards or achievments by other nations. Colonialism therefore had a devastating effect onto the previous development of other cultures.
War ridden and with their society structure being disabled/destroyed and controlled, and thus thrown backwards in their development and subjected to ongoing Western Imperialism.

As for Africa - there was no such negative impact - simply due to Black Africa in the 15th - to 19th century being nowhere close to a culture or civilized social structure. totally independent or regardless of Western military technology. Actually thanks to Western Imperialism - civilization enhancements were actually and indisputably brought into Africa. From how to set up and run a profitable farming or agricultural business to education-schools, medical support and institutions and infrastructure related enhancements. Even a simple dirt-road or a deeper dug well proved to be a civilization highlight for Black Africans.

So and this is the place where today's US Blacks derive from. Some manged to develop or dig into the existing Western culture and civilization standards - the vast majority simply didn't posses the freedom to do so - but having to survive as slaves - just as they were already used to, and absolutely familiar and conform with this live-style from Black Africa.

Since the mid 60's Black Africans have the exact same possibilities towards enhancement - just as any other race or ethnicity in the USA. But essentially the vast majority possesses the same born with abilities as those who came from Black-Africa. One can study this very well in regards to Asian countries that gained or regained independence from the mid 60"s - due to their previous and partially still existing culture and developed sociological-habits - they all excelled in their own development.

Black African countries? total shit-holes and totally devastated by crime, corruption and tribal genocidal warfare. Not even due to Black-African nations fighting each other - but simply by murdering each other within their own countries.

So is there racism? as racism is being defined since the early 20th century? - off course - e.g. the KKK is a classic example - so is this nose-ringed and tattooed white trash fellow who blames his misfortunes onto anything else (maybe Blacks) but himself. Millions of white and Black Americans blaming China's economic rise onto being evil yellow communists and stealing US IP rights. And millions of Black Americans preferring hip hop amongst burning oil drums and a little shoot out with other tribal gangs living next door, whilst engaging endlessly into fathering fatherless children - just as in good old Black Africa.

So fuck those racists - man, naturally incl. IM2.
I'm not the one confused.

“From its inception, the country’s legal foundations, political architecture, and civic fabric were designed to privilege the well-being of those who declared themselves white at the expense of Native Americans, African Americans, and other people of color. Generation after generation, as the baldest tactics were challenged, white America creatively renewed and reworked this pact to protect ourselves from political disempowerment, economic uncertainty, legal jeopardy, and physical violence. When the weight of the blood spilled by over 750,000 Americans shattered outright slavery, white America picked up the shards, fashioning them into a ramshackle but effective system of sharecropping, lynching, convict leasing, segregationist Jim Crow laws, restrictive immigration policies, appeals to “states’ rights,” voter suppression, and mass incarceration.” -Robert P. Jones

A signed peice of paper in the mid 1960's didn't guarantee anything. So stop being white thinking you know more about what blacks face than the black people facing it. You guys are violating the very laws you claim give everybody the same chance.
Some of the Republicans here are clearly ignorant of their record on race.

The racist history of the Democratic party is well documented. The Democratic Party was founded in 1828. Slavery had been in this country since at least 1619. Slavery existed for 209 years before the democratic party existed. Republicans today love telling blacks how the Democratic Party was pro-slavery and how it was the Republican Party that freed the slaves. There is a lot modern republicans choose not to tell blacks as they try luring blacks into supporting a move back into Jim Crow. First, not all Republicans were for racial equality. The Party had several factions in the beginning. One was the Radical Republicans. The Radical Republicans were for the eradication of slavery. They were not conservatives. Frederick Douglass was a Radical Republican. Lincoln was moderate politically. He opposed the expansion of slavery but did not believe in racial equality.

“I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black ... I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will for ever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be a position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.”

Those who have studied Lincoln claim that his views evolved. Did they? The Second Confiscation Act in 1862 had provisions for the colonization of blacks who chose to leave. Both Dr. Henry Louis Gates and the 1619 Project have written about a meeting between blacks and Lincoln whereby he made insulting comments to them, blamed blacks for the Civil War, and demanded they accept his plan to resettle blacks outside of America. According to both sources, on Aug. 14, 1862, Lincoln met with black representatives at the White House to try getting blacks to accept getting shipped out of the country. They refused.

Arthur Zilversmit, Lincoln and the Problem of Race: A Decade of Interpretations, Journal of the Abraham Lincoln Association, Volume 2, Issue 1, 1980, pp. 22-45, U-M Library Digital Collections j/jala/2629860.0002.104?view=text;rgn=main

Henry Louis Gates Jr., Did Lincoln Want to Ship Black People Back to Africa? people-back-to-africa-1790858389

End of Pt.1
“If the Negro wasn’t taken, tricked or deceived by the white liberal, then Negros would get together and solve our own America, the history of the white liberal has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal was going to solve our problems. Our problems will never be solved by the white man.” -- Malcolm X

Malcolm X

“And when I speak, I don't speak as a Democrat. Or a Republican. Nor an American. I speak as a victim of America's so-called democracy. You and I have never seen democracy - all we've seen is hypocrisy. When we open our eyes today and look around America, we see America not through the eyes of someone who has enjoyed the fruits of Americanism. We see America through the eyes of someone who has been the victim of Americanism. We don't see any American dream. We've experienced only the American nightmare.”​

― Malcolm X

This is 2023, not 1963 and you are a racist and a Republican.
Reminds me of when our twin daughters use to debate while they were in high school.

Teams from the inner city schools were woefully ignorant

Let me rephrase that, they were woefully uneducated. I'm sure many of them were bright individuals... just unprepared and facts flabbergasted them
Yes, you are wholly uneducated and woefully ignorant. You guys have no rebuttals so we see personal attacks.
The fact democrats basically split over slavery gave Lincoln the win.

I don't think you know as much history as you let on.
The Democratic history of racism was mentioned in the very beginning. This is about what Republicans did and I am 100 percent correct.
I'm not the one confused.
Obviously you are and always will be.
A signed peice of paper in the mid 1960's didn't guarantee anything. So stop being white thinking you know more about what blacks face than the black people facing it. You guys are violating the very laws you claim give everybody the same chance.

I personally don't care about the situation of Black Americans before 1960 (unlike Lefties&Libs who also care more about animals then humans) - since it is part of history - which no one can change. And has absolutely no impact on today's US Black community.
I care only about what Black Africans did/achieved form 1960 onward or rather 1970 - by themselves - and not waiting for others to do everything for them.

In 1960 if a Chinese Singaporean (I grew up in that country) was walking on the wrong designated side of the road - it wouldn't have been a surprise that some English master used a cane to beat him up or to make him walk or bypass in a certain distance. Pure fucking racism. If a Chinese was not of Roman Catholic faith he was barred from entering a Catholic school (the best ones at the time). If he was not of wealthy and prominent status - No Chinese was allowed to enter European clubs or becoming a member.
So they formed their own clubs, schools and business associations - just as they had already done for a thousand years and more- due to an existing culture.

The same applied to e.g. Malaysia or Indonesia (where the Dutch beat the locals around) or in Indochina by the French. Very and exceptionally different from how Filipinos were treated by their American masters. Yes there was segregation in parts till 1930, but no latent racism of White Americans towards Filipinos. This already proves that White Americans were far less racist then their European Colonial counterparts.

As I had stated before already many times - all these South-East-Asian countries became independent nations from 1950 and 1960 onward - and ALL developed and managed to enhance their living style and sociology-culture. Totally in contra to the disaster in Africa. The latter due to reasons you simply refuse to acknowledge.

And in the USA the vast majority of Blacks - were and are foremost not willing to adapt to the White system - that had granted them the same rights and e.g. access to education and all state run institutions, as well as the private sector as to any other race or ethnicity in the USA. And after 50 years the majority of Black Americans is behaving exactly as their brothers and sisters in Africa, wild, unruly and asocial.

And people like you try to play others for stupid - fabricating nonsense about poor Black Americans being at a disadvantage due to supposed White, Asian and Jewish racism. Whilst again ignoring as to how RACIAL SLUR REMOVED - STOP TRYING TO BYPASS WORD FILTER managed to totally fuck up, previous enhanced and rich African countries, they themselves live in. If Black Americans would run the USA - they would manage to do exactly the same to the USA, and then ask Europeans and anyone else they can get a hold off - to send them money.
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No, I am not wrong, but since you want to play semantics, slavery existed while America was a colony and the democraric party still didn't begin until 1928.
America wasnt the United States moron it was a Colony of England, who brought not only black indentured servants, but white indentured servants also, and when their contract was over after 7 years they would be free and get land to plow as a free person. But and there is always a but, a black man sued the courts to keep his servants and won, so that was the first slaves of the New World, thanks to a black man..


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