Republicans Have Never Been Serious About Immigration


Diamond Member
Dec 21, 2016

The Senate has passed numerous immigration bills over the past couple decades… even conceding to funding that stupid wall.. and Republicans in the House have sent those bills to the cornfield every time

Republicans do NOT want to solve this. They want TO CAMPAIGN on it… to scream about it

But if it gets fixed they know they have nothing to run on

It’s time to vote them out. House. Senate. White House
It was bipartisan to block that stupid bill.
If dems wanted to fix the border, why did not one of them vote for the awesome house bill last year?

So the Senate didn’t pass those bills?

Trump didn’t blow up negotiations?

Dems didn’t forgo a path to citizenship and DACA to get this done?
Joe could have done what Trump did. Now we see the gangs growing. Come on illegals kill the Progs in their cities. They have given you carte blanche. Some of the Prog politicians responsible have change their tunes. Too late and they deserve to go to jail. Or worse.

The Senate has passed numerous immigration bills over the past couple decades… even conceding to funding that stupid wall.. and Republicans in the House have sent those bills to the cornfield every time

Republicans do NOT want to solve this. They want TO CAMPAIGN on it… to scream about it

But if it gets fixed they know they have nothing to run on

It’s time to vote them out. House. Senate. White House
Had it ever occurred to you that the cartels own both parties?

I should say, co-owners with China.

The Senate has passed numerous immigration bills over the past couple decades… even conceding to funding that stupid wall.. and Republicans in the House have sent those bills to the cornfield every time

Republicans do NOT want to solve this. They want TO CAMPAIGN on it… to scream about it

But if it gets fixed they know they have nothing to run on

It’s time to vote them out. House. Senate. White House
Who the fuck do you think is going to buy any of that? You cant call us "racists" for decades because we fought against illegal immigration, and now claim illegals are our fault. How fucking stupid does one have to be to make such an obvious error?

Why didnt you think before you made this embarrassing thread? Your laziness is insulting.

The Senate has passed numerous immigration bills over the past couple decades… even conceding to funding that stupid wall.. and Republicans in the House have sent those bills to the cornfield every time

Republicans do NOT want to solve this. They want TO CAMPAIGN on it… to scream about it

But if it gets fixed they know they have nothing to run on

It’s time to vote them out. House. Senate. White House
It was an insulting Bill, but neither party wants to do anything about it, that's why they can't get the House immigration Bill through.

The Senate has passed numerous immigration bills over the past couple decades… even conceding to funding that stupid wall.. and Republicans in the House have sent those bills to the cornfield every time

Republicans do NOT want to solve this. They want TO CAMPAIGN on it… to scream about it

But if it gets fixed they know they have nothing to run on

It’s time to vote them out. House. Senate. White House
Hey stupid, Nobody is buying your talking points that Tater’s border disaster is the Republican‘s fault.

Tell your handlers to try harder, Simp.

The Senate has passed numerous immigration bills over the past couple decades… even conceding to funding that stupid wall.. and Republicans in the House have sent those bills to the cornfield every time

Republicans do NOT want to solve this. They want TO CAMPAIGN on it… to scream about it

But if it gets fixed they know they have nothing to run on

It’s time to vote them out. House. Senate. White House

To leshtwat, "serious" means blanket amnesty now, and 30 years from now, ad nauseum.
I believe Republicans are serious, but both Democrats and Republicans put political party over country. They know which side their bread is buttered on, to use an old expression.
For the first two years of his Presidency Biden’s party had control of both chambers of Congress and did nothing to deal with the border or illegal immigration. They spent most of that time trying to convince the country there wasn’t even a problem.

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