Republicans Aren’t Just In Disarray, They’re At War With Each Other


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has made it his job to throw his caucus members under the buswhenever Donald Trump demands, so it's perhaps not surprising that he is actively fomenting rage against the 13 House Republicans who voted to pass the bipartisan infrastructure bill last week.

What is notable is the fact that the Republican Party has devolved into a circular firing squad over the $1 trillion bipartisan measure—negotiated by Senate Republicans and backed by no less than 19 of them, including Minority Leader Mitch McConnell himself.

The people of Kentucky know it was President Biden that was thinking of them with his plan Mitch.
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has made it his job to throw his caucus members under the buswhenever Donald Trump demands, so it's perhaps not surprising that he is actively fomenting rage against the 13 House Republicans who voted to pass the bipartisan infrastructure bill last week.

What is notable is the fact that the Republican Party has devolved into a circular firing squad over the $1 trillion bipartisan measure—negotiated by Senate Republicans and backed by no less than 19 of them, including Minority Leader Mitch McConnell himself.

The people of Kentucky know it was President Biden that was thinking of them with his plan Mitch.
You really need to get some new Trumpy posters to occupy your TDS time. You are starting to get dementia I think....any squirts in your Depends like your leader??
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has made it his job to throw his caucus members under the buswhenever Donald Trump demands, so it's perhaps not surprising that he is actively fomenting rage against the 13 House Republicans who voted to pass the bipartisan infrastructure bill last week.

What is notable is the fact that the Republican Party has devolved into a circular firing squad over the $1 trillion bipartisan measure—negotiated by Senate Republicans and backed by no less than 19 of them, including Minority Leader Mitch McConnell himself.

The people of Kentucky know it was President Biden that was thinking of them with his plan Mitch.
Bipartisan! Bwhahahaa! We want McCain...we love McCain...Bwhahhah! That mutha is in hell now.
I'm not personally at war with any Republican ... except my brother-in-law.

He knows what he did.
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has made it his job to throw his caucus members under the buswhenever Donald Trump demands, so it's perhaps not surprising that he is actively fomenting rage against the 13 House Republicans who voted to pass the bipartisan infrastructure bill last week.

What is notable is the fact that the Republican Party has devolved into a circular firing squad over the $1 trillion bipartisan measure—negotiated by Senate Republicans and backed by no less than 19 of them, including Minority Leader Mitch McConnell himself.

The people of Kentucky know it was President Biden that was thinking of them with his plan Mitch.
You know, they all know, that if you took all the billionaires money in the US there isn't enough to pay for this pork sandwich. We real Americans know who is going to have to pay the tab to line the Dimmer pockets.
If you are talking about the real Conservatives not having any patience with the RINOs that aid in the Democrat destruction then you are correct.
So I’d like to know more about this,” DeSantis told reporters in Spring Hill. “Is Florida being treated well in this? Or are they basically funneling money to a bunch of very, very high tax and dysfunctional states?”

To be fair, Trump only wanted to help states that supported him so.....................
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House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has made it his job to throw his caucus members under the buswhenever Donald Trump demands, so it's perhaps not surprising that he is actively fomenting rage against the 13 House Republicans who voted to pass the bipartisan infrastructure bill last week.

What is notable is the fact that the Republican Party has devolved into a circular firing squad over the $1 trillion bipartisan measure—negotiated by Senate Republicans and backed by no less than 19 of them, including Minority Leader Mitch McConnell himself.

The people of Kentucky know it was President Biden that was thinking of them with his plan Mitch.
Moderate Republicans are also dealing with a slew of death threats to themselves and their families.

They couldn't be blamed for just resigning, given this situation.
You know, they all know, that if you took all the billionaires money in the US there isn't enough to pay for this pork sandwich. We real Americans know who is going to have to pay the tab to line the Dimmer pockets.

Trump got us into 8 trillion of new debt. Anything you refuse to condemn will only continue to get worse.
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From the link:

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has made it his job to throw his caucus members under the bus whenever Donald Trump demands, so it's perhaps not surprising that he is actively fomenting rage against the 13 House Republicans who voted to pass the bipartisan infrastructure bill last week.

What is notable is the fact that the Republican Party has devolved into a circular firing squad over the $1 trillion bipartisan measure—negotiated by Senate Republicans and backed by no fewer than 19 of them, including Minority Leader Mitch McConnell himself.

13 out of 213 GOP HoR.

19 out of 50 GOP Senators.

Not for anything but that isn’t much of a war…
It's going to make it hard for Republicans to win anything if they stay divided.

Governor Youngkin of Virginia didn't invite trump to campaign with him. Does that make him the enemy?

Talk about cancel culture.

The republicans sure do cancel a lot of their own politicians.
Many Repub politicians cancel out their voters. They seem to be beholden to someone else. And provide a cushion for Prog votes on legislation when needed. Chelsea Clinton's husband's Mother who ran for Congress is an example. She promised many times not to raise taxes. Margerie Mezvinsky...she said Trust me! Trust me! when running. I will not screw you over...Trust me! And she was the final vote for a Bill Clinton tax expansion initiative when Bill promised to not increase taxes when running. But we know liars. Bill said.. Trust me! Trust me! The first two years of Bill Clinton was a Biden type of thing. Then the 1994 Republican takeover in Capitol Hill saved Clinton's presidency. But real social cuts were not made.
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has made it his job to throw his caucus members under the buswhenever Donald Trump demands, so it's perhaps not surprising that he is actively fomenting rage against the 13 House Republicans who voted to pass the bipartisan infrastructure bill last week.

What is notable is the fact that the Republican Party has devolved into a circular firing squad over the $1 trillion bipartisan measure—negotiated by Senate Republicans and backed by no less than 19 of them, including Minority Leader Mitch McConnell himself.

The people of Kentucky know it was President Biden that was thinking of them with his plan Mitch.
This is nothing compared to Democrats and their Narcist Extremist Sect that has hijacked the party.

They have the numbers to pass anything they want...and can't, not without turncoat RAMOS.

In the meantime they open call each other racists and other vile, yet appropriate, names.

Biden and Sinema have proven they are the oy ones with Intelligence and common sense, the only ones who have blocked the Democrats' push for full Socialism.

Biden's numbers are SO BAD ... because he and his policies suck so bad ... Democrats are starting to distance themselves from him. His failed attempt to save McAuliffe was so bad that no Democrat wants him within 3 states of their re-election campaign.

Biden is by far the worst President in US History, & Democrats have put into action a full assault on our country with the intent of finishing what Obama started- the FUNDAMENTAL Change of the US into a Marxist / Socialist shithole like Venezuela.
It's going to make it hard for Republicans to win anything if they stay divided.

Governor Youngkin of Virginia didn't invite trump to campaign with him. Does that make him the enemy?
Wanna bet? Republicans don't have to do anything to win in 2022 just watch poopeyboy and the Dims self destruct.
How is it canceling? It's voting them out. That's not canceling. No one is censoring their opinion, we are only strongly disagreeing with their opinions, and will try and vote them out next year.

It's canceling them as an elected official.

It's canceled culture.

You can deny it all you want but it's still what it is.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has made it his job to throw his caucus members under the buswhenever Donald Trump demands, so it's perhaps not surprising that he is actively fomenting rage against the 13 House Republicans who voted to pass the bipartisan infrastructure bill last week.

What is notable is the fact that the Republican Party has devolved into a circular firing squad over the $1 trillion bipartisan measure—negotiated by Senate Republicans and backed by no less than 19 of them, including Minority Leader Mitch McConnell himself.

The people of Kentucky know it was President Biden that was thinking of them with his plan Mitch.

Turtle is just as worthless as the installed invalid.

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