Republican slogans for 2012 ?


Gold Member
Nov 15, 2009
Are there any?

We can't be expecting to win on gun rights and our promise to rid the world of abortion through small religious government in your bedroom and capital punishment despite the commandment.

Help me out. Unless Obama flubs something like "peace" in the Middle East on a more than usual level what will the GOP run on?

Healthcare is a mess of an issue. Everyone wants every new expensive treatment to extend their lives so new costs are popping up every day.

The economy? Maybe if it tanks again, worse. The "OMG look at the Obama deficit" cries don't motivate Reagan or Bush Republicans to vote Republican.

Small government? You lose Oregon already thanks to John Ashcroft getting big government religion involved in their right to self determination.

That leaves tax cuts and the promise of more deficits and credit card living unless Obama flubs something up big time. Maybe an illegal alien working for Tyson Chicken will blow up a building and create some racial hatred. There is always that "hope".
How about this...

Vote've got nothing to's already been taken from you
Socialism didn't work for Obama or you.
Aloha Obama
We survived the Barrack Attack
Obamacare was costly fare
Stop the reign of pain
Messiah Good Byah
Dems crashed and burned in 2010, let's do it again
Obama, he makes even Jeb Bush look good
Huckabee to be free
Reps for jobs
Oh, I've got some.

The economy?

Bin Laden?

Health care?



Help us finish the job Bush started.
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Oh, I've got some.

Help us finish the job Bush started.

Some usually indicates more than one...

Or did that one wear you out? I mean it took a lot of mental effort to repeat yourself for the 800th time, but come can at least open your brain and crap out one more.
"Had Enough of Democrats yet?"

"Who needs SS & Medicare when we have UHC?"

"What would you rather, Cap+Trade or a JOB?"

"Who do you think is going to pay Obama's $17Trillion National Debt?"

"When you're in a hole...stop digging." (it worked for Obama)
More slogans:

A "FINAL" solution to protecting marriage.

Teach GOD, forget science.

Carry signs that say, "The RICH make jobs" while chanting, "Don't tax the rich" "Don't tax the rich"

Carry signs that say, "Don't touch my medicare" while chanting, "No government health care"

bomb bomb bomb.......bomb bomb Iran

Listen to GOD!

Drill for Nuclear Power

Don't tow my Double Wide

No new roads No new taxes No new roads
Getting America back to work
Real jobs, right now
So that is what change meant
A President that respects you, not Japan
Take back hope

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