Republican plan to fix labor shortage.

What people? Need a worker then quit being a terrible place to work for. When workers can up and leave a job consistently that's not a bad thing.
The people not working....we have a labor shortage according to the said it was because employers are at fault, so where are the workers not working getting a living?
The people not working....we have a labor shortage according to the said it was because employers are at fault, so where are the workers not working getting a living?
Retired probably. It's not their duty to come out of retirement to help a fake labor shortage.
Employers offering jobs where one can work from home are being filled rather quickly.
the problem is, not a lot of employers can do that....folks are needed on site to work...additionally those that can, not a lot of people are qualifed for those positions yet.

but you do highlight part of the problem....we have a younger generation full of entitlement, they think they can graduate get a six figure job, and work from home...with all the benfits.

I have two close friends that have home offices, when they aren't there they are typically traveling. They have great jobs, high paying etc....but had been in the workforce for nearly 15 years prior to getting this promotion, and have expertise in their friend, and work ethic.....something a 22 year old wouldn't have.

You aren't going to learn your trade or how your company works, working from home
Retired probably. It's not their duty to come out of retirement to help a fake labor shortage.
actually because of Xiden's inflation, a lot of people are holding off on retirement

The issue though is labor people not filling current positions...not people out of the workforce already retired. Regardless, if the issue is retired people, then employers paying people more, as your solution, wouldn't solve the issue
actually because of Xiden's inflation, a lot of people are holding off on retirement

The issue though is labor people not filling current positions...not people out of the workforce already retired. Regardless, if the issue is retired people, then employers paying people more, as your solution, wouldn't solve the issue
Ok then it's up to the employer to do something to attract people. Or have you considered that perhaps some employers are being avoided because of working conditions, pay, etc? The number of employers that have bad reps is growing.
Ok then it's up to the employer to do something to attract people. Or have you considered that perhaps some employers are being avoided because of working conditions, pay, etc? The number of employers that have bad reps is growing.
Employers can't compete with folks willing to forgo work and simply live in their parents basement, or live off govt handouts. People seem to think they can start at the top, that's not how it works. Govt needs to reform their programs, making sure able bodied people aren't sucking it dry....SSI needs major reform, work requirements need to be in place for other programs etc
For once we agree.

This is what I call my Ray from Cleveland's raccoon theory.

You see a raccoon digging in your garbage can looking for something to eat. In empathy, you go to the fridge and get that nice meaty ham bone you were going to throw out at the end of the week anyway. You give that raccoon the bone and he eats in delight. Now give it about a half a minute and try to take that ham bone away from the raccoon and see what happens.

Leftist politicians are well aware of my raccon theory. Once you give something to people for free, they consider it their property. Once theirs, there is no way to take it back, at least not without getting your hand chewed up. That's why Republicans are hesitant to take things away from people, even if it would solve a problem like our labor shortage.

Because of that, Democrats constantly try to create more and more government dependents as possible.
OR we Democrats actually believe that safety nets are important for a well functioning society.

Crazy idea.
OR we Democrats actually believe that safety nets are important for a well functioning society.

Crazy idea.
that's complete BS.....dems don't care....if they did they would demand reform to SS, SSI, medicare and medicaid...they are the largest drivers of debt, and unsubstainable under the current design. Folks that have been paying into them for years get screwed.
Employers can't compete with folks willing to forgo work and simply live in their parents basement, or live off govt handouts. People seem to think they can start at the top, that's not how it works. Govt needs to reform their programs, making sure able bodied people aren't sucking it dry....SSI needs major reform, work requirements need to be in place for other programs etc
Well if they are living at home with their parents how is that bad if they aren't getting any handouts?
that's complete BS.....dems don't care....if they did they would demand reform to SS, SSI, medicare and medicaid...they are the largest drivers of debt, and unsubstainable under the current design. Folks that have been paying into them for years get screwed.
I'm a Dem, I care, you are full of shit.
no you don't...cause you keep voting for people that won't do anything and fight any reform.

So your great idea is because I support social safety nets, I should vote for Republicans who promise to dissolve them so they could give away more tax cuts to the rich

Crazy much?
Because they aren't working, being productive members of society....and they are going to be further behind when they get older and need a job because their parent's bank has run out.
I was a productive member of society for 40 some years as I worked and worked and worked. I put 3 kids thru college. Saved. Retired. In the end I regret working as hard as I did. The nation took my most productive years from me.
The massive labor shortage is real. The US Chamber of Commerse says there are 10 million jobs needing to be filled, but only about 5 million unemployed workers. The labor shortage is raising wages, but hurting inflation, so even with higher wages, the cost of goods is still too high. Republcans will be taking over the house soon, so what do they intend to do about it. We have a ready source of labor begging for a chance to fill those jobs, but the repubs are ademently against that. What, if anything, do you think they have planned to help fill those jobs?
Put back the welfare limits that Clinton passed, and just like that... meth use goes down and the number of people looking for work increases.

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