Republican plan to fix labor shortage.

It's not an all or nothing game. You can have safety nets for people that actually need them while still making sure that people who are abusing them are not taking advantage of government goodies when they have other options like working.

There is no excuse in the world for anybody physically and mentally capable (especially younger people) to be on any program with these amount of open jobs. No excuse whatsoever.
Sure sure, but anyone that actually spend any time looking in detail about reforming such massive bureaucratic programs knows that your thinking is naive. There are always some expected excesses.

You talk about "mentally capable", but whats the handbook on that? Mental capacity is not an objective criteria that could be set for a bureaucrat to follow. So what are we talking about now? Qualifying psychiatric evaluations? Where someone who wants welfare will get a doctor's note about how depressed and debilitated they are?

Devil is in the details.
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actually because of Xiden's inflation, a lot of people are holding off on retirement

The issue though is labor people not filling current positions...not people out of the workforce already retired. Regardless, if the issue is retired people, then employers paying people more, as your solution, wouldn't solve the issue

Actually I think a lot of people are not retiring because of the stock market. The worst thing you can do now is draw from your IRA. Withdrawing 20K today will cost you 50K tomorrow.
Republicans will investigate Hunter Biden – that’ll fix the problem.

Yeah, like going after Trump for crimes other people committed or spending years trying to take a peek at his tax returns so the Communists can leak that information to their buddies in left-wing media.
Sure sure, but anyone that actually spend any time looking in detail about reforming such massive bureaucratic programs knows that your thinking is naive. There are always some expected excesses.

You talk about "mentally capable", but whats the handbook on that? Mental capacity is not an objective criteria that could be set for a bureaucrat to follow. So what are we talking about now? Qualifying psychiatric evaluations? Where someone who wants welfare will get a doctor's note about how depressed and debilitated they are?

Devil is in the details.

No, what I'm talking about are those that are receiving disability for mental problems. If you are not, you should be working.

I have a greedy neighbor that rents to section 8 people. It's a guaranteed check from the government. You should see some of these renters. Young, physically fit, seem to have no problems working on their junk cars all day long, but they only work part-time jobs. Why are we paying people so much money for rent that they can afford to live in the suburbs? What's the point of trying to better yourself when government is subsidizing your suburban lifestyle working part-time if that?

If we only gave them enough money to afford rent in lower income areas, perhaps they would get a full time job to try harder to live in better areas. Taxpayers and government pay people to fail.
In my experiences I learned there is a way to get more people working and the working to better paying jobs: Make a law against random drug screening. I don't know how many companies I delivered to that were desperate for help, but couldn't find anybody that could pass a drug test. Mind you this wouldn't apply to people intoxicated on the job, but WTF should anybody care if a worker smoked a joint two weekends ago?

I knew some very good hard working people in my life that sadly chose to work lower paying jobs instead of getting off the dope. Two of them were tenants of mine. Great people, but both working fast food jobs for low money. I'm willing to bet there are tens of millions like them all across the country.
The problem? Insurance companies run our country, not the people. Law makers would never create legislation outlawing random drug screens.
I couldn't argue with a word of that. Not something I would have thought of actually, but it makes sense. Drug screens make sense for health care workers, drivers etc. But not all jobs.
The massive labor shortage is real. The US Chamber of Commerse says there are 10 million jobs needing to be filled, but only about 5 million unemployed workers. The labor shortage is raising wages, but hurting inflation, so even with higher wages, the cost of goods is still too high. Republcans will be taking over the house soon, so what do they intend to do about it. We have a ready source of labor begging for a chance to fill those jobs, but the repubs are ademently against that. What, if anything, do you think they have planned to help fill those jobs?
Why is it that when Democrats break something, they point to Republican's to fix it?
yep i worked with a guy in the PO who had a masters in history....when i asked him why is he here putting up with the shit we had to put with he said this job pays better and has much better benefits.....

And today the post office is suffering right along employers in the private market. At one time you used to have to know somebody in the PO to get a job there. Today they are so desperate they'll hire anybody willing to take the job. Last month my mail man finally delivered my mail at 7:00 pm. They have to work these people like dogs because they can't find enough help.
I couldn't argue with a word of that. Not something I would have thought of actually, but it makes sense. Drug screens make sense for health care workers, drivers etc. But not all jobs.

Like I said, insurance companies run our country today. Employers get a discount on their workman's comp bill if they drug test, so companies have little choice but to have those programs. Workman's comp is a huge expense for employers.
Like I said, insurance companies run our country today. Employers get a discount on their workman's comp bill if they drug test, so companies have little choice but to have those programs. Workman's comp is a huge expense for employers.
It certainly is.
I pay $208/month for workmans comp and there are only 5 of us.
$2,400 a year for 5 people.
On top of that, I have to pay $680/mo for business insurance. And then auto insurance for the delivery van... so yeah over $1000/month.
And today the post office is suffering right along employers in the private market. At one time you used to have to know somebody in the PO to get a job there. Today they are so desperate they'll hire anybody willing to take the job. Last month my mail man finally delivered my mail at 7:00 pm. They have to work these people like dogs because they can't find enough help.
thats not true matter who you knew you had to take the Civil Service Exam and do decent on it.....there was a district manager who got some people he knew in without taking the exam....someone found out and he lost his job....and he had 20 years in....and you still have to take it for entry level jobs like letter carrier,clerks and mail handlers.....
maybe for you…and i agree there are many folks like you…that have no desire to make their country better…just take from it

it is shameful
Ok if working over 40 years makes me a taker heck then get me the t shirt that says taker I will wear it walking down every main street I can. With a grin. I did it for my family, that's it and NO more.
What I would do is tell any unvaxxed they cant work,,,and scare all those who can retire into retirement cause covid is gonna get ya
And today the post office is suffering right along employers in the private market. At one time you used to have to know somebody in the PO to get a job there. Today they are so desperate they'll hire anybody willing to take the job. Last month my mail man finally delivered my mail at 7:00 pm. They have to work these people like dogs because they can't find enough help.
Can your mailman read? Read English? Some of these mail carriers are illiterate in their own language. It takes them a long time to figure it out.
and that’s what Madoff said too…but sooner or later yoj are going to have to pay out more then you collect…that’s why you are demanding more money, and rising age requirements…

the Swedish model is far better, works, and isn’t a ponzi scheme screwing over the working class

it’s sad yoj know so little about the topic and simply go along with the demafasict policy of screwing the working class

Unlike Madoff, the government can simply print more money to pay bills.

Indeed, but for decades we have been taught that without college you are stuck in minimum wage. Three of the five baggers at our grocery store have college degrees.

My grandson wants to be a welder. I told him to go for it. There are decent bucks there.

I'm trying to get my nephews into trades.
No, what I'm talking about are those that are receiving disability for mental problems. If you are not, you should be working.

I have a greedy neighbor that rents to section 8 people. It's a guaranteed check from the government. You should see some of these renters. Young, physically fit, seem to have no problems working on their junk cars all day long, but they only work part-time jobs. Why are we paying people so much money for rent that they can afford to live in the suburbs? What's the point of trying to better yourself when government is subsidizing your suburban lifestyle working part-time if that?

If we only gave them enough money to afford rent in lower income areas, perhaps they would get a full time job to try harder to live in better areas. Taxpayers and government pay people to fail.

Yeah, I expect most are scamming. I know some aren't-I recall two neighbors on disability who truly were disabled: one was epileptic after a head injury, one got hit by a car while riding his bicycle and had horrible back problems, to the point that some days, he could barely move.
Can your mailman read? Read English? Some of these mail carriers are illiterate in their own language. It takes them a long time to figure it out.

Half of them can't. I make sure all the mailboxes here have an address and name on them, and they constantly put my tenants mail in my mailbox. But like I said, they can't be picky anymore. If you're willing to do the job, you're hired no matter what your quality of work may be.
The massive labor shortage is real. The US Chamber of Commerse says there are 10 million jobs needing to be filled, but only about 5 million unemployed workers. The labor shortage is raising wages, but hurting inflation, so even with higher wages, the cost of goods is still too high. Republcans will be taking over the house soon, so what do they intend to do about it. We have a ready source of labor begging for a chance to fill those jobs, but the repubs are ademently against that. What, if anything, do you think they have planned to help fill those jobs?

How's that legalization of marijuana, feminism and entitlements working out so far?
The massive labor shortage is real. The US Chamber of Commerse says there are 10 million jobs needing to be filled, but only about 5 million unemployed workers. The labor shortage is raising wages, but hurting inflation, so even with higher wages, the cost of goods is still too high. Republcans will be taking over the house soon, so what do they intend to do about it. We have a ready source of labor begging for a chance to fill those jobs, but the repubs are ademently against that. What, if anything, do you think they have planned to help fill those jobs?
The term "labor shortage" is just corporate America's way of saying their profits are too low. How does a labor shortage harm Americans? Here's a clue: it doesn't. It benefits the overwhelming majority of Americans. The same people who whine about working class wages being too low also whine about "labor shortages."
Im on a job paying lots of money and we cant find skilled labor.

Almost all here are from Guadamala. We would hire Americans who spoke english on the spot.

Amerucan youth are lazy as fuck.

And to hell America goes.
You don't hire Americans because you can hire workers from Guatemala much cheaper.

Who are you trying to kid?

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