Republican False Flag…….Dead people voting


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
We all heard it, Democrats are voting under the names of dead people.
Turns out it is Republicans who are sending in ballots for dead people so they can claim rampant voter fraud

Kirk Hartle’s wife Rosemarie died in 2017, but a mail-in ballot bearing her name was used to cast a vote in the 2020 election in November. Mr Kirk, who is registered as a Republican, was rattled by the idea that someone stole his dead wife’s ballot to commit vote fraud.

“That is pretty sickening to me to be honest with you,” he told NevadaCBS affiliate KLAS-TV last November.

Nearly one year later, Mr Hartle was charged with two counts of vote fraud by the state’s attorney general, alleging it was Mr Hartle who cast a fraudulent ballot in his dead wife’s name.

The specific dead people cited by Trump and his allies have, in most cases, proved to not actually have been cases of dead people’s identities used fraudulently to vote. And in several other cases, in which a dead person was actually recorded as voting, the culprit has been identified: not a systemic effort to inflate vote totals for President Biden, but rather a Republican.
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We all heard it, Democrats are voting under the names of dead people.
Turns out it is Republicans who are sending in ballots for dead people so they can claim rampant voter fraud

Kirk Hartle’s wife Rosemarie died in 2017, but a mail-in ballot bearing her name was used to cast a vote in the 2020 election in November. Mr Kirk, who is registered as a Republican, was rattled by the idea that someone stole his dead wife’s ballot to commit vote fraud.

“That is pretty sickening to me to be honest with you,” he told NevadaCBS affiliate KLAS-TV last November.

Nearly one year later, Mr Hartle was charged with two counts of vote fraud by the state’s attorney general, alleging it was Mr Hartle who cast a fraudulent ballot in his dead wife’s name.

So a Democrat AG has charged someone who is not a Democrat with election fraud in a state in which the Dems engaged in massive fraud.

Hardly a surprise to see this abuse of power in order to blame others.
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Sure there is cheating but why don't democrats want to fix it? Because they benefit the most
We do
Arrest them

The record seems to show it s REPUBLICANS voting for the dead while they scream…

DEMOCRATS are voting for dead people
So a Democrat AG has charged someone who is not a Democrat with election fraud in a state in which the Dems engaged in massive fraud.

Hardly a surprise to see this abuse of power in order to blame others.
There is not an iota of evidence of "massive fraud" in Michigan.

You Trumpers have lost every case.

You Trumpers have lost every audit.

You Trumpers have also all lost your minds.
TRUMP: “The other thing, dead people. So dead people voted. And I think the number is in the — close to 5,000 people. And they went to obituaries. They went to all sorts of methods to come up with an accurate number. And a minimum is close to about 5,000 voters.”

THE FACTS: Not true. Georgia officials have debunked previous claims by the Trump campaign in November that three particular people had voted illegally, finding that other people with similar names had voted
We all heard it, Democrats are voting under the names of dead people.
Turns out it is Republicans who are sending in ballots for dead people so they can claim rampant voter fraud

Kirk Hartle’s wife Rosemarie died in 2017, but a mail-in ballot bearing her name was used to cast a vote in the 2020 election in November. Mr Kirk, who is registered as a Republican, was rattled by the idea that someone stole his dead wife’s ballot to commit vote fraud.

“That is pretty sickening to me to be honest with you,” he told NevadaCBS affiliate KLAS-TV last November.

Nearly one year later, Mr Hartle was charged with two counts of vote fraud by the state’s attorney general, alleging it was Mr Hartle who cast a fraudulent ballot in his dead wife’s name.
Progs have people not even born yet voting. No nation votes itself into suicide unless the process is corrupted or the politicians are corrupted.
One guy. Allegedly.

You're pathetic. How much time did you spend looking, to find that one guy? You need a hobby.
Multiple people's a amazing. Trump swept the graveyard vote in an overwelming victory.

Don't bitch about hobbies, he's just sharing your many times have you lot proclaimed the dead vote Dem?

Progs have people not even born yet voting. No nation votes itself into suicide unless the process is corrupted or the politicians are corrupted.
We do?
But then you can’t document one case of that happening can you?
We do?
But then you can’t document one case of that happening can you?
The world is mostly controlled by globalists with endless wealth. It is difficult to document things in that manner. And they use the peasants resources against themselves. What is a truth is that there tens of millions of people with many useless and non productive in their lives who sit on their asses who voted for Progs in 2020. Remember what you will get when power total. That is documented. And they will die or become productive fast.

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