Republican Anniversary

Oh yes....those were the good ole days

When Republicans actually cared about other people

Staying in denial is a bitter way to live, you need to Walk Away...

Therein is the danger of trying to judge others by ourselves.

Some are capable of honestly appraising the issue....and then there is know who.

Republicans were built on standing up for the rights of the common man

By the time Reagan became President, they sold out to corporate america and were only interested in providing a low wage, compliant workforce.
Trump has taken it further, building a coalition of racists, xenophobes and radical Christians

Using that same bullshit/candor, please describe the democrat coalition.

Hint: those "racists" elected Obama twice.

Democratic coalition
Educated Americans, Women, Minorities, unions, teachers, Muslims, Jews, gays, young people

Republican coalition
White, male Christians
What's better, a good job or food stamps?

View attachment 251183
Socialist Democrat Supporter Sam Says.
"I Will Take Option B - Sit On My Ass And
Collect Food Stamps!"



You spew before knowing the history.

The Food Stamp Program is Revived in the 60s

In 1961, the Congress enacted a pilot program designed to help both poor people and farmers – the Food Stamp Program. The program was actually a revival of an idea that had been tried during the Great Depression. In both the 30s and the early 60s, farmers were producing more food than the nation could consume or export, and there was a large group of people who were going to bed hungry. On the one hand, food stamps were and are a sincere attempt to alleviate hunger, but on the other hand, the program is designed to help farmers as well.

During the Depression, people on "relief" – as welfare programs were called at the time – could literally buy stamps that could be used to buy food. A family on relief could buy orange stamps on a one-to-one basis and the government would give the family blue stamps on a one-to-two basis – that is, $10 from the family would buy $10 worth of orange stamps and $5 worth of blue stamps. Orange stamps could be used to buy any food; blue stamps could be used to buy surplus food.

For four years during the Depression, the first Food Stamp Program fed 20 million people at one time or another in nearly half of the total counties in the nation. The cost was $262 million – the equivalent of over $3 billion in 2007 dollars.

The first program was eliminated in 1943 as war spending brought the country out of the Depression. For the next 18 years, most of the country was better off. But there were still heart wrenching pockets of poverty.

In 1960, John F. Kennedy was campaigning for the Democratic Party's nomination for President and West Virginia was a key battleground primary. Kennedy campaigned tirelessly and talked with hundreds of poor coal miners and workers. As Ted Sorensen, Kennedy's speech writer, says in his book Kennedy –

"He was appalled by the pitiful conditions he saw, by the children of poverty, by the families living on surplus lard and corn meal, by the waste of human resources… He called for better housing and better schools and better food distribution… He held up a skimpy surplus food package and cited real-life cases of distress."
Kennedy won that primary, his party's nomination and the Presidency all the slimmest of margins. He never forgot his experience in West Virginia.

Kennedy was inaugurated in January 1961, and he promised an optimistic future despite the fact that there was a troubling recession going on and surplus farm products piling up in government storage bins. Not content to wait for Congress, his first Executive Order in February (among many other things) re-instituted a "pilot" food stamp program based on the Depression-era model.

After Kennedy's assassination, President Johnson requested Congress to make the program permanent. They did in 1964. Congress estimated that the program might serve only four million people, but it grew quickly.

  • By April 1965, half-a-million poor people were buying food stamps.
  • By March 1966, that number reached 1 million.
  • By October 1967, it reached 2 million.
  • By February 1969, it reached 3 million.
  • By February 1970, it reached 4 million.
  • By March 1970 – only one month later – it reached 5 million.
  • By February 1971, it reached 10 million.
  • By October 1974, it reached 15 million.
continued in link
March 20 The organization formed for the specific purpose of ending slavery....and that meant fighting the Democrat Party, the nation's oldest racist organization.

On March 5. 1854 At meeting at the Little White Schoolhouse, Alan Bovay proposes the name “Republican Party.” Evidence indicates there were several groups across the country that met to discuss the formation of a new party. Thus, the location of the first meeting has been disputed. It is known that Whig Party defectors met privately in February, 1854, in Crawfordsville, Iowa, to call for the creation of a new political party.

Some evidence indicates an earlier meeting was held in Exeter, New Hampshire. The first public meeting was held in March of 1854 at a small church in Ripon, Wisconsin, when Alan Bovay rallied anti-slavery forces and adopted resolutions opposing the Kansas-Nebraska Act.

A second meeting was held in a one-story schoolhouse in Ripon on March 20, 1854. Fifty-four citizens, including three women, dissolved their local committees and chose five men to serve as the committee of the new party: Alan Bovay, Jebediah Bowen, Amos Loper, Abram Thomas, and Jacob Woodruff. Said Mr. Bovay: "We went into the little meeting Whigs, Free Soilers, and Democrats. We came out Republicans and...were the first Republicans in the Union."

On March 20th, 1854....A group of people met in a small white schoolhouse in Ripon, Wisconsin to protest the opening of Nebraska and Kansas territories to slavery. Disgusted with the failure of the current political parties and congress to uphold the cause of freedom in the West, they formed a new anti-slavery party and called it the Republican Party. “We went in Whigs, Free Soilers and Democrats, and came out Republicans.” Horace Greeley gave publicity to the new party.

BTW....on March 20, 1865, A plan by John Wilkes Booth to abduct President Abraham Lincoln was foiled when Lincoln changed plans and failed to appear at the Soldier’s Home near Washington, DC.
This Democrat succeeded in his next attempt.
Need I mention that every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.

Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican elected to the presidency.

Know who was the first Republican to run?
Know what state he represented?

Republican National Committee no longer lists Jackson as birthplace of Republican Party

First meeting Jackson, Michigan

At least we agree on this, from the OP:

March 20 The organization formed for the specific purpose of ending slavery....and that meant fighting the Democrat Party, the nation's oldest racist organization.

Interesting that the Democrats, the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship, has broadened to to include anti-white racism, and anti-Semitism.....and infanticide.

That's progress.
What's better, a good job or food stamps?

View attachment 251183
Socialist Democrat Supporter Sam Says.
"I Will Take Option B - Sit On My Ass And
Collect Food Stamps!"



You spew before knowing the history.

The Food Stamp Program is Revived in the 60s

In 1961, the Congress enacted a pilot program designed to help both poor people and farmers – the Food Stamp Program. The program was actually a revival of an idea that had been tried during the Great Depression. In both the 30s and the early 60s, farmers were producing more food than the nation could consume or export, and there was a large group of people who were going to bed hungry. On the one hand, food stamps were and are a sincere attempt to alleviate hunger, but on the other hand, the program is designed to help farmers as well.

During the Depression, people on "relief" – as welfare programs were called at the time – could literally buy stamps that could be used to buy food. A family on relief could buy orange stamps on a one-to-one basis and the government would give the family blue stamps on a one-to-two basis – that is, $10 from the family would buy $10 worth of orange stamps and $5 worth of blue stamps. Orange stamps could be used to buy any food; blue stamps could be used to buy surplus food.

For four years during the Depression, the first Food Stamp Program fed 20 million people at one time or another in nearly half of the total counties in the nation. The cost was $262 million – the equivalent of over $3 billion in 2007 dollars.

The first program was eliminated in 1943 as war spending brought the country out of the Depression. For the next 18 years, most of the country was better off. But there were still heart wrenching pockets of poverty.

In 1960, John F. Kennedy was campaigning for the Democratic Party's nomination for President and West Virginia was a key battleground primary. Kennedy campaigned tirelessly and talked with hundreds of poor coal miners and workers. As Ted Sorensen, Kennedy's speech writer, says in his book Kennedy –

"He was appalled by the pitiful conditions he saw, by the children of poverty, by the families living on surplus lard and corn meal, by the waste of human resources… He called for better housing and better schools and better food distribution… He held up a skimpy surplus food package and cited real-life cases of distress."
Kennedy won that primary, his party's nomination and the Presidency all the slimmest of margins. He never forgot his experience in West Virginia.

Kennedy was inaugurated in January 1961, and he promised an optimistic future despite the fact that there was a troubling recession going on and surplus farm products piling up in government storage bins. Not content to wait for Congress, his first Executive Order in February (among many other things) re-instituted a "pilot" food stamp program based on the Depression-era model.

After Kennedy's assassination, President Johnson requested Congress to make the program permanent. They did in 1964. Congress estimated that the program might serve only four million people, but it grew quickly.

  • By April 1965, half-a-million poor people were buying food stamps.
  • By March 1966, that number reached 1 million.
  • By October 1967, it reached 2 million.
  • By February 1969, it reached 3 million.
  • By February 1970, it reached 4 million.
  • By March 1970 – only one month later – it reached 5 million.
  • By February 1971, it reached 10 million.
  • By October 1974, it reached 15 million.
continued in link

Food stamps....Democrat vote-buying.

Prior to Franklin Roosevelt, and Hoover, welfare was handled by charities and churches, carefully considering who got the relief, and the reasons for same.

Under FDR, welfare and charity became a patronage endeavor, to get votes rather than to ease suffering.

The Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) doled out relief nationally to those states with the best political connections. The Emergency Relief and Construction Act of 1932 began with the best of intentions...but under the Democrats it went to well-connected friends, including mayors and governors.

Illinois, a swing state, got $55,443,721, which was almost 20% of the RFC's $300 million, more than NY, California, and Texas combined.
Murray Rothbard, "America's Great Depression," p.262-263.

Economist Jim Powell, in “FDR’s Folly,” notes that a disproportionate amount of FDR’s relief and public works spending “went not to the poorest states such as the South, but to western states were people were better off , apparently because there were ‘swing’ states which could yield FDR more votes in the next election.”

That basis for charity and welfare continues to this day!
Oh yes....those were the good ole days

When Republicans actually cared about other people

Staying in denial is a bitter way to live, you need to Walk Away...

Therein is the danger of trying to judge others by ourselves.

Some are capable of honestly appraising the issue....and then there is know who.

Republicans were built on standing up for the rights of the common man

By the time Reagan became President, they sold out to corporate america and were only interested in providing a low wage, compliant workforce.
Trump has taken it further, building a coalition of racists, xenophobes and radical Christians

Using that same bullshit/candor, please describe the democrat coalition.

Hint: those "racists" elected Obama twice.

Democratic coalition
Educated Americans, Women, Minorities, unions, teachers, Muslims, Jews, gays, young people
trannys, welfare recipients, voters who want free stuff

Republican coalition
White, male Christians
taxpayers, job creators, the military, oil industry, medical industry (hate O'care), middle class moderates, pro-life voters, small business owners,
construction related unions, blue collar workers, manufacturing related workers, rural voters, voters over 40,

What progressives should know about Trump voters - CNN
Democratic coalition
Educated Americans, Women, Minorities, unions, teachers, Muslims, Jews, gays, young people
trannys, welfare recipients, voters who want free stuff

Republican coalition
White, male Christians
taxpayers, job creators, the military, oil industry, medical industry (hate O'care), middle class moderates, pro-life voters, small business owners,
construction related unions, blue collar workers, manufacturing related workers, rural voters, voters over 40, churchgoers, workers actually paying healthcare premiums

What progressives should know about Trump voters - CNN
Last edited:
Food stamps....Democrat vote-buying.!


Food Stamps...Welfare...Obamaphones... all social programs designed to keep Americans dependent on Govt (Democrats) to live / survive.

It's what I refer to as 'economic slavery'.

One of the reasons the Democrats are going insane with Trump as President is because of the Economic Success. The better the economy is the more successful Americans are. The more successful Americans are the less they need to rely on socialist social programs.

Social programs and the dependency on them = power / votes for the ones providing those programs, promising to give /deliver even more, and the ones using the threat of them being taken away by the other party ("Fear-Mongering") to increase voting turn outs / votes for them. .
Food stamps....Democrat vote-buying.!


Food Stamps...Welfare...Obamaphones... all social programs designed to keep Americans dependent on Govt (Democrats) to live / survive.

It's what I refer to as 'economic slavery'.

One of the reasons the Democrats are going insane with Trump as President is because of the Economic Success. The better the economy is the more successful Americans are. The more successful Americans are the less they need to rely on socialist social programs.

Social programs and the dependency on them = power / votes for the ones providing those programs, promising to give /deliver even more, and the ones using the threat of them being taken away by the other party ("Fear-Mongering") to increase voting turn outs / votes for them. .

Get this: in a nation that has no real poverty.......

"Since that time, U.S. taxpayers have spent over $22 trillion on anti-poverty programs (in constant 2012 dollars). Adjusted for inflation, this spending (which does not include Social Security or Medicare) is three times the cost of all military wars in U.S. history since the American Revolution. Despite this mountain of spending, progress against poverty, at least as measured by the government, has been minimal."
The War on Poverty After 50 Years

$22 trillon siphoned off by the Democrats to keep them in office.
Oh yes....those were the good ole days

When Republicans actually cared about other people

Staying in denial is a bitter way to live, you need to Walk Away...

Therein is the danger of trying to judge others by ourselves.

Some are capable of honestly appraising the issue....and then there is know who.

Republicans were built on standing up for the rights of the common man

By the time Reagan became President, they sold out to corporate america and were only interested in providing a low wage, compliant workforce.
Trump has taken it further, building a coalition of racists, xenophobes and radical Christians
You keep believing that, while Democrats are walking away.
Oh yes....those were the good ole days

When Republicans actually cared about other people

Staying in denial is a bitter way to live, you need to Walk Away...

Therein is the danger of trying to judge others by ourselves.

Some are capable of honestly appraising the issue....and then there is know who.

Republicans were built on standing up for the rights of the common man

By the time Reagan became President, they sold out to corporate america and were only interested in providing a low wage, compliant workforce.
Trump has taken it further, building a coalition of racists, xenophobes and radical Christians

Using that same bullshit/candor, please describe the democrat coalition.

Hint: those "racists" elected Obama twice.

Democratic coalition
Educated Americans, Women, Minorities, unions, teachers, Muslims, Jews, gays, young people

Republican coalition
White, male Christians
Lol, the only thing Democrats teach our children is entitlements are good. Being gay is cool, and you can change your biology gender. Oh and it's cool to kill your baby.
Staying in denial is a bitter way to live, you need to Walk Away...

Therein is the danger of trying to judge others by ourselves.

Some are capable of honestly appraising the issue....and then there is know who.

Republicans were built on standing up for the rights of the common man

By the time Reagan became President, they sold out to corporate america and were only interested in providing a low wage, compliant workforce.
Trump has taken it further, building a coalition of racists, xenophobes and radical Christians

Using that same bullshit/candor, please describe the democrat coalition.

Hint: those "racists" elected Obama twice.

Democratic coalition
Educated Americans, Women, Minorities, unions, teachers, Muslims, Jews, gays, young people
trannys, welfare recipients, voters who want free stuff

Republican coalition
White, male Christians
taxpayers, job creators, the military, oil industry, medical industry (hate O'care), middle class moderates, pro-life voters, small business owners,
construction related unions, blue collar workers, manufacturing related workers, rural voters, voters over 40,

What progressives should know about Trump voters - CNN
Democratic coalition
Educated Americans, Women, Minorities, unions, teachers, Muslims, Jews, gays, young people
trannys, welfare recipients, voters who want free stuff

Republican coalition
White, male Christians
taxpayers, job creators, the military, oil industry, medical industry (hate O'care), middle class moderates, pro-life voters, small business owners,
construction related unions, blue collar workers, manufacturing related workers, rural voters, voters over 40, churchgoers, workers actually paying healthcare premiums

What progressives should know about Trump voters - CNN
You left out the Deplorables
Oh yes....those were the good ole days

When Republicans actually cared about other people

Staying in denial is a bitter way to live, you need to Walk Away...

Therein is the danger of trying to judge others by ourselves.

Some are capable of honestly appraising the issue....and then there is know who.

Republicans were built on standing up for the rights of the common man

By the time Reagan became President, they sold out to corporate america and were only interested in providing a low wage, compliant workforce.
Trump has taken it further, building a coalition of racists, xenophobes and radical Christians
You keep believing that, while Democrats are walking away.
Republicans selling out to the rich is only getting worse

Name one Republican program that helps the poor and working class more than it helps the rich
Therein is the danger of trying to judge others by ourselves.

Some are capable of honestly appraising the issue....and then there is know who.

Republicans were built on standing up for the rights of the common man

By the time Reagan became President, they sold out to corporate america and were only interested in providing a low wage, compliant workforce.
Trump has taken it further, building a coalition of racists, xenophobes and radical Christians

Using that same bullshit/candor, please describe the democrat coalition.

Hint: those "racists" elected Obama twice.

Democratic coalition
Educated Americans, Women, Minorities, unions, teachers, Muslims, Jews, gays, young people
trannys, welfare recipients, voters who want free stuff

Republican coalition
White, male Christians
taxpayers, job creators, the military, oil industry, medical industry (hate O'care), middle class moderates, pro-life voters, small business owners,
construction related unions, blue collar workers, manufacturing related workers, rural voters, voters over 40,

What progressives should know about Trump voters - CNN
Democratic coalition
Educated Americans, Women, Minorities, unions, teachers, Muslims, Jews, gays, young people
trannys, welfare recipients, voters who want free stuff

Republican coalition
White, male Christians
taxpayers, job creators, the military, oil industry, medical industry (hate O'care), middle class moderates, pro-life voters, small business owners,
construction related unions, blue collar workers, manufacturing related workers, rural voters, voters over 40, churchgoers, workers actually paying healthcare premiums

What progressives should know about Trump voters - CNN
You left out the Deplorables

Hillary Clinton Admitted ‘Deplorables’ Mistake
Hillary stepped on it....that was a 2016 mistake, hope the dems make it again in 2020...
Republicans were built on standing up for the rights of the common man

By the time Reagan became President, they sold out to corporate america and were only interested in providing a low wage, compliant workforce.
Trump has taken it further, building a coalition of racists, xenophobes and radical Christians

Using that same bullshit/candor, please describe the democrat coalition.

Hint: those "racists" elected Obama twice.

Democratic coalition
Educated Americans, Women, Minorities, unions, teachers, Muslims, Jews, gays, young people
trannys, welfare recipients, voters who want free stuff

Republican coalition
White, male Christians
taxpayers, job creators, the military, oil industry, medical industry (hate O'care), middle class moderates, pro-life voters, small business owners,
construction related unions, blue collar workers, manufacturing related workers, rural voters, voters over 40,

What progressives should know about Trump voters - CNN
Democratic coalition
Educated Americans, Women, Minorities, unions, teachers, Muslims, Jews, gays, young people
trannys, welfare recipients, voters who want free stuff

Republican coalition
White, male Christians
taxpayers, job creators, the military, oil industry, medical industry (hate O'care), middle class moderates, pro-life voters, small business owners,
construction related unions, blue collar workers, manufacturing related workers, rural voters, voters over 40, churchgoers, workers actually paying healthcare premiums

What progressives should know about Trump voters - CNN
You left out the Deplorables

Hillary Clinton Admitted ‘Deplorables’ Mistake
Hillary stepped on it....that was a 2016 mistake, hope the dems make it again in 2020...
Hillary was right

The RepublKlan Party can’t win without the deplorable vote
Therein is the danger of trying to judge others by ourselves.

Some are capable of honestly appraising the issue....and then there is know who.

Republicans were built on standing up for the rights of the common man

By the time Reagan became President, they sold out to corporate america and were only interested in providing a low wage, compliant workforce.
Trump has taken it further, building a coalition of racists, xenophobes and radical Christians

Using that same bullshit/candor, please describe the democrat coalition.

Hint: those "racists" elected Obama twice.

Democratic coalition
Educated Americans, Women, Minorities, unions, teachers, Muslims, Jews, gays, young people
trannys, welfare recipients, voters who want free stuff

Republican coalition
White, male Christians
taxpayers, job creators, the military, oil industry, medical industry (hate O'care), middle class moderates, pro-life voters, small business owners,
construction related unions, blue collar workers, manufacturing related workers, rural voters, voters over 40,

What progressives should know about Trump voters - CNN
Democratic coalition
Educated Americans, Women, Minorities, unions, teachers, Muslims, Jews, gays, young people
trannys, welfare recipients, voters who want free stuff

Republican coalition
White, male Christians
taxpayers, job creators, the military, oil industry, medical industry (hate O'care), middle class moderates, pro-life voters, small business owners,
construction related unions, blue collar workers, manufacturing related workers, rural voters, voters over 40, churchgoers, workers actually paying healthcare premiums

What progressives should know about Trump voters - CNN
You left out the Deplorables
Talking about the Jerk store calling
. there's Steve King, the Republican white nationalist and bigot from Iowa, bragging that red states have "8 trillion bullets", saying they'd "win" a civil war with blue states.

Imagine that, this guy is promoting open, hot civil war. A goddamn Congressman. Making death threats.
Republicans were built on standing up for the rights of the common man

By the time Reagan became President, they sold out to corporate america and were only interested in providing a low wage, compliant workforce.
Trump has taken it further, building a coalition of racists, xenophobes and radical Christians

Using that same bullshit/candor, please describe the democrat coalition.

Hint: those "racists" elected Obama twice.

Democratic coalition
Educated Americans, Women, Minorities, unions, teachers, Muslims, Jews, gays, young people
trannys, welfare recipients, voters who want free stuff

Republican coalition
White, male Christians
taxpayers, job creators, the military, oil industry, medical industry (hate O'care), middle class moderates, pro-life voters, small business owners,
construction related unions, blue collar workers, manufacturing related workers, rural voters, voters over 40,

What progressives should know about Trump voters - CNN
Democratic coalition
Educated Americans, Women, Minorities, unions, teachers, Muslims, Jews, gays, young people
trannys, welfare recipients, voters who want free stuff

Republican coalition
White, male Christians
taxpayers, job creators, the military, oil industry, medical industry (hate O'care), middle class moderates, pro-life voters, small business owners,
construction related unions, blue collar workers, manufacturing related workers, rural voters, voters over 40, churchgoers, workers actually paying healthcare premiums

What progressives should know about Trump voters - CNN
You left out the Deplorables
Talking about the Jerk store calling
. there's Steve King, the Republican white nationalist and bigot from Iowa, bragging that red states have "8 trillion bullets", saying they'd "win" a civil war with blue states.

Imagine that, this guy is promoting open, hot civil war. A goddamn Congressman. Making death threats.

King of the morons
Using that same bullshit/candor, please describe the democrat coalition.

Hint: those "racists" elected Obama twice.

Democratic coalition
Educated Americans, Women, Minorities, unions, teachers, Muslims, Jews, gays, young people
trannys, welfare recipients, voters who want free stuff

Republican coalition
White, male Christians
taxpayers, job creators, the military, oil industry, medical industry (hate O'care), middle class moderates, pro-life voters, small business owners,
construction related unions, blue collar workers, manufacturing related workers, rural voters, voters over 40,

What progressives should know about Trump voters - CNN
Democratic coalition
Educated Americans, Women, Minorities, unions, teachers, Muslims, Jews, gays, young people
trannys, welfare recipients, voters who want free stuff

Republican coalition
White, male Christians
taxpayers, job creators, the military, oil industry, medical industry (hate O'care), middle class moderates, pro-life voters, small business owners,
construction related unions, blue collar workers, manufacturing related workers, rural voters, voters over 40, churchgoers, workers actually paying healthcare premiums

What progressives should know about Trump voters - CNN
You left out the Deplorables
Talking about the Jerk store calling
. there's Steve King, the Republican white nationalist and bigot from Iowa, bragging that red states have "8 trillion bullets", saying they'd "win" a civil war with blue states.

Imagine that, this guy is promoting open, hot civil war. A goddamn Congressman. Making death threats.

King of the morons
Gotta go some to beat the AH in our WH now Lot of republican posters here can wear that crown
Staying in denial is a bitter way to live, you need to Walk Away...

Therein is the danger of trying to judge others by ourselves.

Some are capable of honestly appraising the issue....and then there is know who.

Republicans were built on standing up for the rights of the common man

By the time Reagan became President, they sold out to corporate america and were only interested in providing a low wage, compliant workforce.
Trump has taken it further, building a coalition of racists, xenophobes and radical Christians

Using that same bullshit/candor, please describe the democrat coalition.

Hint: those "racists" elected Obama twice.

Democratic coalition
Educated Americans, Women, Minorities, unions, teachers, Muslims, Jews, gays, young people

Republican coalition
White, male Christians
Lol, the only thing Democrats teach our children is entitlements are good. Being gay is cool, and you can change your biology gender. Oh and it's cool to kill your baby.
Those are things kids learn from conservatives screaming them at liberals.
Therein is the danger of trying to judge others by ourselves.

Some are capable of honestly appraising the issue....and then there is know who.

Republicans were built on standing up for the rights of the common man

By the time Reagan became President, they sold out to corporate america and were only interested in providing a low wage, compliant workforce.
Trump has taken it further, building a coalition of racists, xenophobes and radical Christians

Using that same bullshit/candor, please describe the democrat coalition.

Hint: those "racists" elected Obama twice.

Democratic coalition
Educated Americans, Women, Minorities, unions, teachers, Muslims, Jews, gays, young people

Republican coalition
White, male Christians
Lol, the only thing Democrats teach our children is entitlements are good. Being gay is cool, and you can change your biology gender. Oh and it's cool to kill your baby.
Those are things kids learn from conservatives screaming them at liberals.

Wow....a post from one of the early failures of electroshock therapy.

When a screaming imbecile claims that conservatives espouse this...."Being gay is cool, and you can change your biology gender. Oh and it's cool to kill your baby."......what response is called for.

You've outed yourself.

Happily, you've embarrassed Liberals/Democrats/Leftists too.

On a serious note, while everyone is entitled to post.....there should be mods with nets for this level of immaturity.

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