Report: DOJ Readies Assange Prosecution

Justice Department Preparing To Prosecute WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange: WSJ

DOJ expects to soon prosecute Assange, who has been living in London, reports The Wall Street Journal.

The U.S. Justice Department said it is planning to prosecute controversial WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

Sources told The Wall Street Journal on Thursday that the department is also hopeful it will get Assange ― who has been holed up in an Ecuadorean embassy in London since 2012 ― into a U.S. courtroom.

Assange fled Sweden in 2012 over allegations of sexual assault and rape. Though prosecutors dropped the case last year, he still faces arrest for breaching bail conditions should he leave the embassy.

Justice Department Preparing To Prosecute WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange: WSJ

Great news! The sooner the better! Assange has much to answer for.

I agree.. Best way to find out who actually LEAKED the DNC emails is to put Assange under an open public trial.

Given how many self-afflicted wounds the Dem Resistance have done to themselves recently, THIS mistake would likely put them out of their misery..

Certain Assange has a "golden parachute" squirreled away. If you want to watch the DOJ run like a scared bunch of kids --- bring it on... Silly leftists...
The case against Assange was built by Obama's corrupt DOJ, no?

This should be ..interesting.

DOJ did a lot of bad stuff during the Obama years.

Not sure if necessary gvt agency or not.
There have been reports on Assange's "failing health".. I can't help thinking he's gonna mysteriously die in custody at some remote American embassy ----- SAUDI STYLE.

They don't want to prosecute him -- they want to Khashoggi him...
There have been reports on Assange's "failing health".. I can't help thinking he's gonna mysteriously die in custody at some remote American embassy ----- SAUDI STYLE.

They don't want to prosecute him -- they want to Khashoggi him...

...why? It's about justice not some sort of political vendetta.
There have been reports on Assange's "failing health".. I can't help thinking he's gonna mysteriously die in custody at some remote American embassy ----- SAUDI STYLE.

They don't want to prosecute him -- they want to Khashoggi him...

...why? It's about justice not some sort of political vendetta.

Depends on why Assange is so important to them. APPEARS he's important because he knows too much and MAYBE has squirreled away some of the MORE INTERESTING stuff he received...

You don't mess with ex-CIA spooks and you probably shouldn't mess with the guy who KNOWS where the DNC emails actually came from..

But -- be my guest. After Avenatti and persecuting Kavanaugh and resisting yet ANOTHER ELECTION -- what's another fatal self inflicted wound?

They're not even sure what to charge him with. He didn't steal the field notes from the Afghan battlefield. Some muddle-headed trans did.. And where is the tranny who STOLE THAT info today??

Tell me.....
Justice Department Preparing To Prosecute WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange: WSJ

DOJ expects to soon prosecute Assange, who has been living in London, reports The Wall Street Journal.

The U.S. Justice Department said it is planning to prosecute controversial WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

Sources told The Wall Street Journal on Thursday that the department is also hopeful it will get Assange ― who has been holed up in an Ecuadorean embassy in London since 2012 ― into a U.S. courtroom.

Assange fled Sweden in 2012 over allegations of sexual assault and rape. Though prosecutors dropped the case last year, he still faces arrest for breaching bail conditions should he leave the embassy.

Justice Department Preparing To Prosecute WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange: WSJ

Great news! The sooner the better! Assange has much to answer for.

So what are the charges, I didn't see anything in your short article he could be charged with.

There have been reports on Assange's "failing health".. I can't help thinking he's gonna mysteriously die in custody at some remote American embassy ----- SAUDI STYLE.

They don't want to prosecute him -- they want to Khashoggi him...

...why? It's about justice not some sort of political vendetta.

Depends on why Assange is so important to them. APPEARS he's important because he knows too much and MAYBE has squirreled away some of the MORE INTERESTING stuff he received...

You don't mess with ex-CIA spooks and you probably shouldn't mess with the guy who KNOWS where the DNC emails actually came from..

But -- be my guest. After Avenatti and persecuting Kavanaugh and resisting yet ANOTHER ELECTION -- what's another fatal self inflicted wound?

They're not even sure what to charge him with. He didn't steal the field notes from the Afghan battlefield. Some muddle-headed trans did.. And where is the tranny who STOLE THAT info today??

Tell me.....

Man you are seriously wrapped up in all kinds of fantastical intrigue.
It's been established that the e-mails were provided to wikileaks by the Russians.

Assange is either a witting or unwitting agent of the Russians.

And more and more it looks like he is a witting Russian asset
Justice Department Preparing To Prosecute WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange: WSJ

DOJ expects to soon prosecute Assange, who has been living in London, reports The Wall Street Journal.

The U.S. Justice Department said it is planning to prosecute controversial WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

Sources told The Wall Street Journal on Thursday that the department is also hopeful it will get Assange ― who has been holed up in an Ecuadorean embassy in London since 2012 ― into a U.S. courtroom.

Assange fled Sweden in 2012 over allegations of sexual assault and rape. Though prosecutors dropped the case last year, he still faces arrest for breaching bail conditions should he leave the embassy.

Justice Department Preparing To Prosecute WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange: WSJ

Great news! The sooner the better! Assange has much to answer for.
Why is the DOJ prosecuting Assange for crimes supposedly committed in Sweden?
If you read the article it says they are looking at espionage charges...the Swedish charges have been droppped.
"Assange fled Sweden in 2012 over allegations of sexual assault and rape. Though prosecutors dropped the case last year, he still faces arrest for breaching bail conditions should he leave the embassy."
Justice Department Preparing To Prosecute WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange: WSJ | HuffPost

"The exact charges Justice Department might pursue remain unclear, but they may involve the Espionage Act, which criminalizes the disclosure of national defense-related information."
U.S. Is Optimistic It Will Prosecute Assange

"The Justice Department is weighing anew whether to charge Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, for his role in the disclosure of highly classified information that the United States government claims has harmed national security and diplomatic relations, a law enforcement official said.

The debate among prosecutors, which the official described as vigorous, is being fueled by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who said at a news conference Thursday that arresting Mr. Assange was a priority for the Justice Department.

But the official said prosecutors were skeptical that they could pursue the most serious charges, of espionage, with regard to the documents Mr. Assange disclosed years ago with the help of an Army intelligence analyst, Chelsea Manning. Ms. Manning was convicted and sent to prison, but President Barack Obama commuted her sentence in January.
A lesser charge could be theft of government documents, but the official said prosecutors wanted, ideally, to pursue more serious counts against Mr. Assange, who has sought refuge in the Ecuadorean Embassy in London since 2012 to avoid extradition to Sweden on accusations of rape."
Justice Department Weighs Charges Against Julian Assange
They can't make anything stick. He didn't steal the documents.
It's been established that the e-mails were provided to wikileaks by the Russians.

Assange is either a witting or unwitting agent of the Russians.

And more and more it looks like he is a witting Russian asset
No, that most definitely hasn't been established, you stupid fuckwit.
There have been reports on Assange's "failing health".. I can't help thinking he's gonna mysteriously die in custody at some remote American embassy ----- SAUDI STYLE.

They don't want to prosecute him -- they want to Khashoggi him...

...why? It's about justice not some sort of political vendetta.

JUSTICE???? REALLY???? Lemme tell you why the freak that committed the ESPIONAGE the DOJ wants to charge Assange with was RUNNING FOR SENATE IN MARYLAND this year.... From the Wiki...

On January 17, 2017, President Barack Obama commuted Manning's sentence to nearly seven years of confinement dating from her arrest on May 27, 2010.[22][23] Manning now earns a living through speaking engagements.[24]

In January 2018, she announced her candidacy for the Democratic nomination for the United States Senate election in her home state of Maryland, challenging incumbent senator Ben Cardin.[25]

How ya like THAT justice hypocrite???

There aint no REAL justice anymore... Just partisan tribal sniping..
It's been established that the e-mails were provided to wikileaks by the Russians.

Assange is either a witting or unwitting agent of the Russians.

ANd more and more it looks like he is a witting Russian asset

Unwitting agent would not put up the denials Assange has.
There have been reports on Assange's "failing health".. I can't help thinking he's gonna mysteriously die in custody at some remote American embassy ----- SAUDI STYLE.

They don't want to prosecute him -- they want to Khashoggi him...

...why? It's about justice not some sort of political vendetta.
This has nothing to do with justice, dumbass. It most certainly is a political vendetta.
There have been reports on Assange's "failing health".. I can't help thinking he's gonna mysteriously die in custody at some remote American embassy ----- SAUDI STYLE.

They don't want to prosecute him -- they want to Khashoggi him...

...why? It's about justice not some sort of political vendetta.

Depends on why Assange is so important to them. APPEARS he's important because he knows too much and MAYBE has squirreled away some of the MORE INTERESTING stuff he received...

You don't mess with ex-CIA spooks and you probably shouldn't mess with the guy who KNOWS where the DNC emails actually came from..

But -- be my guest. After Avenatti and persecuting Kavanaugh and resisting yet ANOTHER ELECTION -- what's another fatal self inflicted wound?

They're not even sure what to charge him with. He didn't steal the field notes from the Afghan battlefield. Some muddle-headed trans did.. And where is the tranny who STOLE THAT info today??

Tell me.....

Man you are seriously wrapped up in all kinds of fantastical intrigue.

And you seem completely OBLIVIOUS to independent thinking and analysis. Or to reality maybe even..
It's been established that the e-mails were provided to wikileaks by the Russians.

Assange is either a witting or unwitting agent of the Russians.

ANd more and more it looks like he is a witting Russian asset

Unwitting agent would not put up the denials Assange has.
No matter what they do or say, it always proves they are guilty of whatever the snowflakes accuse them of.

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