Dems: When you look at Dem policy/ideology through a tighter lens can you still support it?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
We saw it at Martha’s Vineyard, in Chicago and in NYC….Democrats who vote for millions of illegals got pissed when their own policy closed in on them and the illegals became their direct problem.
I ask, would you be supportive if illegal trespassers set up tents in your front and back yards and refused to leave?
Would you be happy paying them to make taxpayer dependent babies, would you gladly pay for their healthcare and education?
Are you really in favor of paying higher taxes yourself?
Would you have been supportive of your mother aborting you?
Do you really want gay children or do you prefer they be heterosexual and procreate naturally?
Do you actually prefer your son wears lipstick and dresses?
Would you be happy if a District Attorney let the man who beat your daughters ass walk?

Are you sure you haven’t engineered your worldview, ideals and positions on a level far too macro?
We saw it at Martha’s Vineyard, in Chicago and in NYC….Democrats who vote for millions of illegals got pissed when their own policy closed in on them and the illegals became their direct problem.
I ask, would you be supportive if illegal trespassers set up tents in your front and back yards and refused to leave?
Would you be happy paying them to make taxpayer dependent babies, would you gladly pay for their healthcare and education?
Are you really in favor of paying higher taxes yourself?
Would you have been supportive of your mother aborting you?
Do you really want gay children or do you prefer they be heterosexual and procreate naturally?
Do you actually prefer your son wears lipstick and dresses?
Would you be happy if a District Attorney let the man who beat your daughters ass walk?

Are you sure you haven’t engineered your worldview, ideals and positions on a level far too macro?
Good luck getting them to even read this, let alone stray off the plantation that feeds them.
Sometimes I wish I could get my head around why people do what they do…then…I quickly realize how glad I am that I can’t.

For some it's ideological belief over reality
For some it's ignorance

And some people just want to watch the world burn.
We saw it at Martha’s Vineyard, in Chicago and in NYC….Democrats who vote for millions of illegals
What? BTW.............

After migrants arrived in Martha's Vineyard, a community gathered to welcome them

After the unexpected arrival of nearly 50 migrants flown Wednesday into Martha's Vineyard, local organizations and community members have been providing around-the-clock support.

"As we do with any shelter operation, we are focused on meeting the immediate needs of people we are sheltering, and engaged in contingency planning if the situation changes," according to a news release from the Dukes County, Mass., Emergency Management Association.

"We are grateful to the many local and neighboring community members who have reached out with offers of support," the statement adds.

What? BTW.............

After migrants arrived in Martha's Vineyard, a community gathered to welcome them

After the unexpected arrival of nearly 50 migrants flown Wednesday into Martha's Vineyard, local organizations and community members have been providing around-the-clock support.

"As we do with any shelter operation, we are focused on meeting the immediate needs of people we are sheltering, and engaged in contingency planning if the situation changes," according to a news release from the Dukes County, Mass., Emergency Management Association.

"We are grateful to the many local and neighboring community members who have reached out with offers of support," the statement adds.

What? BTW.............

After migrants arrived in Martha's Vineyard, a community gathered to welcome them

After the unexpected arrival of nearly 50 migrants flown Wednesday into Martha's Vineyard, local organizations and community members have been providing around-the-clock support.

"As we do with any shelter operation, we are focused on meeting the immediate needs of people we are sheltering, and engaged in contingency planning if the situation changes," according to a news release from the Dukes County, Mass., Emergency Management Association.

"We are grateful to the many local and neighboring community members who have reached out with offers of support," the statement adds.

Sure, the community gathered so they could usher the "newcomers" onto the next bus out of town.
Sure, the community gathered so they could usher the "newcomers" onto the next bus out of town.
Well, you know….like the elites of Martha’s Vineyard said…They don’t have the means to care for 50 illegals, they think East Los Angeles and all the other ghettos in America do though.
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As a former Democrat who abandoned ship when the woke crowd took over, I'll try to translate their irrationality.

Basically it comes down to this:

Their ideology supersedes reality.

So anything that contradicts their nutty preconceived notions must be entirely ignored in order to protect their own egos.

But that doesn't let the "moderates" off the hook.

They also close their eyes and ears and pretend we would be in some sort of dictatorship if the Orange Man were in charge - ignoring a wide open border, 40 year high inflation, DEI and world chaos.

They are every bit as much to blame because they buy into the fantasy the Woke Left sells them via the MSM - while pretending everything is just hunky dory.

In a way?

They're even worse.

Fortunately there are less and less of them with each passing day - and since they are spineless conformists, they'll eventually jettison the Dems too once they realize they're in a rapidly diminishing minority.

The nauseating part will come when they attempt to pretend they had hated the Left and Biden all along.

Like the ones only "realizing" just now that Biden is incapacitated when everyone knows it's only because they are finally waking up to what we MAGA have been saying all along:

They're gonna fucking lose.
When you look at Dem policy/ideology through a tighter lens can you still support it?
No, but until you serve-up a candidate who does not think that being "President for Life" is something we should try,
and who does not want to be "Dictator for a Day", I guess sane Americans (non-MAGAtts) will just have to keep voting (D).
No, but until you serve-up a candidate who does not think that being "President for Life" is something we should try,
and who does not want to be "Dictator for a Day", I guess sane Americans will just have to keep voting (D).

Except one is flat out false, and the other was clearly a joke.

But we know.

Lefties have no sense of humor, or penchant for irony.
Paraphrasing the First Rule of Debating...

"When you have to explain your Master, you've already lost the argument."
Allow me to play along in your goofiness….What’s worse, a candidate who want’s to be POTUS for life and dictator for day or one who allows 10 million illegals in to maim, rape and murder our sons and daughters by the thousands?
Allow me to play along in your goofiness….What’s worse, a candidate who want’s to be POTUS for life and dictator for day or one who allows 10 million illegals in to maim, rape and murder our sons and daughters by the thousands?
So, you'll settle for an aspiring tyrant in order to cleanse the Republic of a threat? God save us from such as you.

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