Report: Biden Plan to Destroy Two Million Jobs


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2010
President Trump will generate millions of jobs - through the almost magical quantity of American freedom, trade deals, being tough on China and so on.

Now let's look at Biden plan.

One of Joe Biden's top economic policy priorities could kill as many as two million new jobs, a new report finds.

Biden has championed a $15 minimum wage throughout his presidential bid. The Democrat's website touts helping "get state and local laws increasing the minimum wage across the finish line" and calls it "well past time we increase the federal minimum wage to $15 across the country." An analysis from the pro-free market Employment Policies Institute (EPI) found that a nationwide mandate for a $15 minimum wage—more than double the current federal rate of $7.25 per hour—could eliminate millions of jobs within its first six years.

Economists found that those job losses would fall mainly among vulnerable populations, with some of the heaviest cuts coming in low-skill or entry-level positions. Half of the two million jobs lost as a result of the policy will occur in the arts, entertainment, recreation and accommodation, and food services sectors. Texas is projected to be the hardest hit state—losing more than 370,000 jobs by 2027—followed by Pennsylvania, Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, and Georgia. The majority of jobs lost will be those held by women, the report shows.

"Not only are 59 percent of minimum wage jobs held by women and slated to be affected by these wage increases, this means that 1.2 million jobs held by women will be lost by 2027 due to this policy, accounting for 61 percent of total losses," the report says.

EPI managing director Michael Saltsman said the Biden-backed policy would only exacerbate the financial woes of small businesses amid the pandemic.

When he said that he cares about small businesses, everyone knew Biden was bullshitting. Just like when he stated that Antifa is just an idea, or that Hunter did not become a millionaire through corruption.

On the positive side you can take a guess at what kind of jobs Biden is intent on creating for his cronies to make them rich. Lots and lots of sniffing...
I was making fifteen and hour in 1993 how will this hurt me?
My min. wage now is fifty dollars an hour with incentive plans.
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President Trump will generate millions of jobs - through the almost magical quantity of American freedom, trade deals, being tough on China and so on.

Now let's look at Biden plan.

One of Joe Biden's top economic policy priorities could kill as many as two million new jobs, a new report finds.

Biden has championed a $15 minimum wage throughout his presidential bid. The Democrat's website touts helping "get state and local laws increasing the minimum wage across the finish line" and calls it "well past time we increase the federal minimum wage to $15 across the country." An analysis from the pro-free market Employment Policies Institute (EPI) found that a nationwide mandate for a $15 minimum wage—more than double the current federal rate of $7.25 per hour—could eliminate millions of jobs within its first six years.

Economists found that those job losses would fall mainly among vulnerable populations, with some of the heaviest cuts coming in low-skill or entry-level positions. Half of the two million jobs lost as a result of the policy will occur in the arts, entertainment, recreation and accommodation, and food services sectors. Texas is projected to be the hardest hit state—losing more than 370,000 jobs by 2027—followed by Pennsylvania, Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, and Georgia. The majority of jobs lost will be those held by women, the report shows.

"Not only are 59 percent of minimum wage jobs held by women and slated to be affected by these wage increases, this means that 1.2 million jobs held by women will be lost by 2027 due to this policy, accounting for 61 percent of total losses," the report says.

EPI managing director Michael Saltsman said the Biden-backed policy would only exacerbate the financial woes of small businesses amid the pandemic.

When he said that he cares about small businesses, everyone knew Biden was bullshitting. Just like when he stated that Antifa is just an idea, or that Hunter did not become a millionaire through corruption.

On the positive side you can take a guess at what kind of jobs Biden is intent on creating for his cronies to make them rich. Lots and lots of sniffing...
Biden, Democratic Victories Would Be Best Outcome For The Economy, Moody’s Says
A victory for Joe Biden over Donald Trump and a Democratic sweep—where Republicans lose the Senate—would result in the biggest rebound in economic growth and employment, according to a recent analysis of both candidates’ economic proposals by Moody’s Analytics.

Based on the economic proposals of both President Trump and Biden, “the economic outlook is strongest under the scenario in which Biden and the Democrats sweep Congress and fully adopt their economic agenda,” said Moody’s Analytics chief economist Mark Zandi.

A Blue Wave—in which Democrats control both chambers of Congress and the White House—would result in the highest number of jobs added and the best rebound in economic growth, Moody’s found.
President Trump will generate millions of jobs - through the almost magical quantity of American freedom, trade deals, being tough on China and so on.

Now let's look at Biden plan.

One of Joe Biden's top economic policy priorities could kill as many as two million new jobs, a new report finds.

Biden has championed a $15 minimum wage throughout his presidential bid. The Democrat's website touts helping "get state and local laws increasing the minimum wage across the finish line" and calls it "well past time we increase the federal minimum wage to $15 across the country." An analysis from the pro-free market Employment Policies Institute (EPI) found that a nationwide mandate for a $15 minimum wage—more than double the current federal rate of $7.25 per hour—could eliminate millions of jobs within its first six years.

Economists found that those job losses would fall mainly among vulnerable populations, with some of the heaviest cuts coming in low-skill or entry-level positions. Half of the two million jobs lost as a result of the policy will occur in the arts, entertainment, recreation and accommodation, and food services sectors. Texas is projected to be the hardest hit state—losing more than 370,000 jobs by 2027—followed by Pennsylvania, Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, and Georgia. The majority of jobs lost will be those held by women, the report shows.

"Not only are 59 percent of minimum wage jobs held by women and slated to be affected by these wage increases, this means that 1.2 million jobs held by women will be lost by 2027 due to this policy, accounting for 61 percent of total losses," the report says.

EPI managing director Michael Saltsman said the Biden-backed policy would only exacerbate the financial woes of small businesses amid the pandemic.

When he said that he cares about small businesses, everyone knew Biden was bullshitting. Just like when he stated that Antifa is just an idea, or that Hunter did not become a millionaire through corruption.

On the positive side you can take a guess at what kind of jobs Biden is intent on creating for his cronies to make them rich. Lots and lots of sniffing...
Biden, Democratic Victories Would Be Best Outcome For The Economy, Moody’s Says
A victory for Joe Biden over Donald Trump and a Democratic sweep—where Republicans lose the Senate—would result in the biggest rebound in economic growth and employment, according to a recent analysis of both candidates’ economic proposals by Moody’s Analytics.

Based on the economic proposals of both President Trump and Biden, “the economic outlook is strongest under the scenario in which Biden and the Democrats sweep Congress and fully adopt their economic agenda,” said Moody’s Analytics chief economist Mark Zandi.

A Blue Wave—in which Democrats control both chambers of Congress and the White House—would result in the highest number of jobs added and the best rebound in economic growth, Moody’s found.

For their economy for sure. Biden would sell out America and they would get rich by playing along.

For the American public Biden is a total disaster.
President Trump will generate millions of jobs - through the almost magical quantity of American freedom, trade deals, being tough on China and so on.

Now let's look at Biden plan.

One of Joe Biden's top economic policy priorities could kill as many as two million new jobs, a new report finds.

Biden has championed a $15 minimum wage throughout his presidential bid. The Democrat's website touts helping "get state and local laws increasing the minimum wage across the finish line" and calls it "well past time we increase the federal minimum wage to $15 across the country." An analysis from the pro-free market Employment Policies Institute (EPI) found that a nationwide mandate for a $15 minimum wage—more than double the current federal rate of $7.25 per hour—could eliminate millions of jobs within its first six years.

Economists found that those job losses would fall mainly among vulnerable populations, with some of the heaviest cuts coming in low-skill or entry-level positions. Half of the two million jobs lost as a result of the policy will occur in the arts, entertainment, recreation and accommodation, and food services sectors. Texas is projected to be the hardest hit state—losing more than 370,000 jobs by 2027—followed by Pennsylvania, Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, and Georgia. The majority of jobs lost will be those held by women, the report shows.

"Not only are 59 percent of minimum wage jobs held by women and slated to be affected by these wage increases, this means that 1.2 million jobs held by women will be lost by 2027 due to this policy, accounting for 61 percent of total losses," the report says.

EPI managing director Michael Saltsman said the Biden-backed policy would only exacerbate the financial woes of small businesses amid the pandemic.

When he said that he cares about small businesses, everyone knew Biden was bullshitting. Just like when he stated that Antifa is just an idea, or that Hunter did not become a millionaire through corruption.

On the positive side you can take a guess at what kind of jobs Biden is intent on creating for his cronies to make them rich. Lots and lots of sniffing...
Biden, Democratic Victories Would Be Best Outcome For The Economy, Moody’s Says
A victory for Joe Biden over Donald Trump and a Democratic sweep—where Republicans lose the Senate—would result in the biggest rebound in economic growth and employment, according to a recent analysis of both candidates’ economic proposals by Moody’s Analytics.

Based on the economic proposals of both President Trump and Biden, “the economic outlook is strongest under the scenario in which Biden and the Democrats sweep Congress and fully adopt their economic agenda,” said Moody’s Analytics chief economist Mark Zandi.

A Blue Wave—in which Democrats control both chambers of Congress and the White House—would result in the highest number of jobs added and the best rebound in economic growth, Moody’s found.

For their economy for sure. Biden would sell out America and they would get rich by playing along.

For the American public Biden is a total disaster.
Not according to Moody's Analytics or Forbes. Are you a better economist than they? What is the name of your firm?
President Trump will generate millions of jobs - through the almost magical quantity of American freedom, trade deals, being tough on China and so on.

Now let's look at Biden plan.

One of Joe Biden's top economic policy priorities could kill as many as two million new jobs, a new report finds.

Biden has championed a $15 minimum wage throughout his presidential bid. The Democrat's website touts helping "get state and local laws increasing the minimum wage across the finish line" and calls it "well past time we increase the federal minimum wage to $15 across the country." An analysis from the pro-free market Employment Policies Institute (EPI) found that a nationwide mandate for a $15 minimum wage—more than double the current federal rate of $7.25 per hour—could eliminate millions of jobs within its first six years.

Economists found that those job losses would fall mainly among vulnerable populations, with some of the heaviest cuts coming in low-skill or entry-level positions. Half of the two million jobs lost as a result of the policy will occur in the arts, entertainment, recreation and accommodation, and food services sectors. Texas is projected to be the hardest hit state—losing more than 370,000 jobs by 2027—followed by Pennsylvania, Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, and Georgia. The majority of jobs lost will be those held by women, the report shows.

"Not only are 59 percent of minimum wage jobs held by women and slated to be affected by these wage increases, this means that 1.2 million jobs held by women will be lost by 2027 due to this policy, accounting for 61 percent of total losses," the report says.

EPI managing director Michael Saltsman said the Biden-backed policy would only exacerbate the financial woes of small businesses amid the pandemic.

When he said that he cares about small businesses, everyone knew Biden was bullshitting. Just like when he stated that Antifa is just an idea, or that Hunter did not become a millionaire through corruption.

On the positive side you can take a guess at what kind of jobs Biden is intent on creating for his cronies to make them rich. Lots and lots of sniffing...
Biden, Democratic Victories Would Be Best Outcome For The Economy, Moody’s Says
A victory for Joe Biden over Donald Trump and a Democratic sweep—where Republicans lose the Senate—would result in the biggest rebound in economic growth and employment, according to a recent analysis of both candidates’ economic proposals by Moody’s Analytics.

Based on the economic proposals of both President Trump and Biden, “the economic outlook is strongest under the scenario in which Biden and the Democrats sweep Congress and fully adopt their economic agenda,” said Moody’s Analytics chief economist Mark Zandi.

A Blue Wave—in which Democrats control both chambers of Congress and the White House—would result in the highest number of jobs added and the best rebound in economic growth, Moody’s found.

For their economy for sure. Biden would sell out America and they would get rich by playing along.

For the American public Biden is a total disaster.
Not according to Moody's Analytics or Forbes. Are you a better economist than they? What is the name of your firm?

Did you fail to read the report?

A total disaster.
President Trump will generate millions of jobs - through the almost magical quantity of American freedom, trade deals, being tough on China and so on.

Now let's look at Biden plan.

One of Joe Biden's top economic policy priorities could kill as many as two million new jobs, a new report finds.

Biden has championed a $15 minimum wage throughout his presidential bid. The Democrat's website touts helping "get state and local laws increasing the minimum wage across the finish line" and calls it "well past time we increase the federal minimum wage to $15 across the country." An analysis from the pro-free market Employment Policies Institute (EPI) found that a nationwide mandate for a $15 minimum wage—more than double the current federal rate of $7.25 per hour—could eliminate millions of jobs within its first six years.

Economists found that those job losses would fall mainly among vulnerable populations, with some of the heaviest cuts coming in low-skill or entry-level positions. Half of the two million jobs lost as a result of the policy will occur in the arts, entertainment, recreation and accommodation, and food services sectors. Texas is projected to be the hardest hit state—losing more than 370,000 jobs by 2027—followed by Pennsylvania, Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, and Georgia. The majority of jobs lost will be those held by women, the report shows.

"Not only are 59 percent of minimum wage jobs held by women and slated to be affected by these wage increases, this means that 1.2 million jobs held by women will be lost by 2027 due to this policy, accounting for 61 percent of total losses," the report says.

EPI managing director Michael Saltsman said the Biden-backed policy would only exacerbate the financial woes of small businesses amid the pandemic.

When he said that he cares about small businesses, everyone knew Biden was bullshitting. Just like when he stated that Antifa is just an idea, or that Hunter did not become a millionaire through corruption.

On the positive side you can take a guess at what kind of jobs Biden is intent on creating for his cronies to make them rich. Lots and lots of sniffing...
The real economists at goldman sachs and other large firms are predicting the exact opposite.

President Trump will generate millions of jobs - through the almost magical quantity of American freedom, trade deals, being tough on China and so on.

Now let's look at Biden plan.

One of Joe Biden's top economic policy priorities could kill as many as two million new jobs, a new report finds.

Biden has championed a $15 minimum wage throughout his presidential bid. The Democrat's website touts helping "get state and local laws increasing the minimum wage across the finish line" and calls it "well past time we increase the federal minimum wage to $15 across the country." An analysis from the pro-free market Employment Policies Institute (EPI) found that a nationwide mandate for a $15 minimum wage—more than double the current federal rate of $7.25 per hour—could eliminate millions of jobs within its first six years.

Economists found that those job losses would fall mainly among vulnerable populations, with some of the heaviest cuts coming in low-skill or entry-level positions. Half of the two million jobs lost as a result of the policy will occur in the arts, entertainment, recreation and accommodation, and food services sectors. Texas is projected to be the hardest hit state—losing more than 370,000 jobs by 2027—followed by Pennsylvania, Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, and Georgia. The majority of jobs lost will be those held by women, the report shows.

"Not only are 59 percent of minimum wage jobs held by women and slated to be affected by these wage increases, this means that 1.2 million jobs held by women will be lost by 2027 due to this policy, accounting for 61 percent of total losses," the report says.

EPI managing director Michael Saltsman said the Biden-backed policy would only exacerbate the financial woes of small businesses amid the pandemic.

When he said that he cares about small businesses, everyone knew Biden was bullshitting. Just like when he stated that Antifa is just an idea, or that Hunter did not become a millionaire through corruption.

On the positive side you can take a guess at what kind of jobs Biden is intent on creating for his cronies to make them rich. Lots and lots of sniffing...
Biden, Democratic Victories Would Be Best Outcome For The Economy, Moody’s Says
A victory for Joe Biden over Donald Trump and a Democratic sweep—where Republicans lose the Senate—would result in the biggest rebound in economic growth and employment, according to a recent analysis of both candidates’ economic proposals by Moody’s Analytics.

Based on the economic proposals of both President Trump and Biden, “the economic outlook is strongest under the scenario in which Biden and the Democrats sweep Congress and fully adopt their economic agenda,” said Moody’s Analytics chief economist Mark Zandi.

A Blue Wave—in which Democrats control both chambers of Congress and the White House—would result in the highest number of jobs added and the best rebound in economic growth, Moody’s found.

For their economy for sure. Biden would sell out America and they would get rich by playing along.

For the American public Biden is a total disaster.
Not according to Moody's Analytics or Forbes. Are you a better economist than they? What is the name of your firm?

Did you fail to read the report?

A total disaster.
I read the other reports. Did you?
President Trump will generate millions of jobs - through the almost magical quantity of American freedom, trade deals, being tough on China and so on.

Now let's look at Biden plan.

One of Joe Biden's top economic policy priorities could kill as many as two million new jobs, a new report finds.

Biden has championed a $15 minimum wage throughout his presidential bid. The Democrat's website touts helping "get state and local laws increasing the minimum wage across the finish line" and calls it "well past time we increase the federal minimum wage to $15 across the country." An analysis from the pro-free market Employment Policies Institute (EPI) found that a nationwide mandate for a $15 minimum wage—more than double the current federal rate of $7.25 per hour—could eliminate millions of jobs within its first six years.

Economists found that those job losses would fall mainly among vulnerable populations, with some of the heaviest cuts coming in low-skill or entry-level positions. Half of the two million jobs lost as a result of the policy will occur in the arts, entertainment, recreation and accommodation, and food services sectors. Texas is projected to be the hardest hit state—losing more than 370,000 jobs by 2027—followed by Pennsylvania, Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, and Georgia. The majority of jobs lost will be those held by women, the report shows.

"Not only are 59 percent of minimum wage jobs held by women and slated to be affected by these wage increases, this means that 1.2 million jobs held by women will be lost by 2027 due to this policy, accounting for 61 percent of total losses," the report says.

EPI managing director Michael Saltsman said the Biden-backed policy would only exacerbate the financial woes of small businesses amid the pandemic.

When he said that he cares about small businesses, everyone knew Biden was bullshitting. Just like when he stated that Antifa is just an idea, or that Hunter did not become a millionaire through corruption.

On the positive side you can take a guess at what kind of jobs Biden is intent on creating for his cronies to make them rich. Lots and lots of sniffing...
The real economists at goldman sachs and other large firms are predicting the exact opposite.

Well if Goldman Sachs says so, then it must be true! It's not like a demon possessed person wasn't more credible.

What an idiot.
New Stanford Study Suggests Biden's Agenda Will Have 4 Devastating Economic Consequences

Four economists from Stanford University’s Hoover Institution analyzed Biden’s proposals to increase taxes, reinstate and expand a host of regulations, and create new subsidies for healthcare and renewable energy. The study concludes that these interventions would distort labor incentives, decrease productivity, and kill jobs.

As a result, the experts project that the policy agenda would, by 2030, lead to 4.9 million fewer jobs and the economy shrinking by $2.6 trillion. So, too, the study projects that consumption would be $1.5 trillion lower in 2030 and families would see a $6,500 drop in median household income compared to a neutral scenario.

“The risk from Joe Biden’s policies isn’t that they will send the economy reeling right away,” the Wall Street Journal editorial board concluded in its analysis of the study. “The problem is that they will have a long-term corrosive impact by raising the cost of capital, reducing the incentive to work and invest, and reducing productivity across the economy. Americans will pay the price in a lower standard of living than they otherwise would—and that they deserve.”​

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