Replacement SCOTUS Justice no males and no whites need apply

But it is what is happening in a sense. There are at least 50 people that are all equally qualified to be a SC Justice. All of them are the "best candidate for the job". So they took that list and narrowed it down to add some diversity to the court.
Like I said before, the administration has fucked this up by announcing before hand that the nomination will be a black woman. Sometimes showing people how the sausage is made is ok, sometimes as in this case it's a huge mistake.

But to your point that you are still limiting the field and excluding literally 94% of the population before you even start looking at qualifications. If you don't see how that's a problem, then I don't know that I can help you. Im sure the person that the admin puts forth will be a "qualified candidate" (in quotes because it's subjective what that means) but there's now way around the fact that the way they came to decide on that qualified candidate was discriminatory.

Let me pose it this way. The supreme court was established in 1789 by the Judiciary act and signed into law by George Washington. The court was comprised entirely of white men until the late 60's. 115 justices have been selected of those 108 have been white men. I would argue that likely all the white men that sat on the court were "qualified" to do so, but the selection process was certainly discriminatory for the vast majority of them was it not? In my opinion the way to fix that is not to repeat that mistake in the opposite direction.
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Then a lot of people are qualified if a B school can get you on the court. Can a black women be qualified? Yea. Has a black women been deemed qualified in 114 attempts? No. Why hasn’t a black women been nominated in 114 attempts? Biden’s top two candidates happen to be black women. It’s easy to predict a black woman when that is a fact.

You are being completely disingenuous about how this is going down and you know it. For fucks sake he said on the campaign trail he would put a black woman on the court before he was even elected.
But it is what is happening in a sense. There are at least 50 people that are all equally qualified to be a SC Justice. All of them are the "best candidate for the job". So they took that list and narrowed it down to add some diversity to the court.
We didn't need this diversity during our first 180 years, we don't need it now.
Like I said before, the administration has fucked this up by announcing before hand that the nomination will be a black woman. Sometimes showing people how the sausage is made is ok, sometimes as in this case it's a huge mistake.

I agree, but it is not a surprise given Biden's track record so far

I think this is the EXACTLY way we should choose jurists. You know: solely on the basis of gender and race.

I suspect Justice William O. Douglas will be spinning in his grave — like a top.
What? You don’t think there are enough white conservatives on the Supreme Court?
Biden can guarantee his dismissal by continuing to contend he will Only consider black females
No. It doesn’t. It says what is difference? In each case you are selecting attributes you feel are important. You can make black, woman, conservative an attribute.
If Trump had nominated a Black conservative woman the left would have started WWIII.
Ok. So how many divisions of the population based on immutable characteristics do we make? And if that's the case why would we put another black person on the court? Black people only make up 13% of the population. 1/9 is about 11%. Biden should be nominating an Asian gay transwoman to the court.
You forgot to add dwarf with a speech impediment to your criteria.
You are being completely disingenuous about how this is going down and you know it. For fucks sake he said on the campaign trail he would put a black woman on the court before he was even elected.
His top two candidates are black women.
President Potatohead is in violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and he is too dumb to know it.

Or maybe he does know it but is too much of an asshole to give a shit.
What? You don’t think there are enough white conservatives on the Supreme Court?
White men ruled America as we became the envy of the world. We've gone down hill since we started letting everyone vote. There is a lesson to be learned there.

I think this is the EXACTLY way we should choose jurists. You know: solely on the basis of gender and race.

I suspect Justice William O. Douglas will be spinning in his grave — like a top.
Ronald Reagan, striving to refute charges that he is insensitive to women's rights, said today he would name a woman to "one of the first Supreme Court vacancies in my administration."

"It is time for a woman to sit among our highest jurists," Reagan said in a prepared statement to a news conference here. "I will also seek out women to appoint to other federal courts in an effort to bring about a better balance on the federal bench."
Ronald Reagan, striving to refute charges that he is insensitive to women's rights, said today he would name a woman to "one of the first Supreme Court vacancies in my administration."

"It is time for a woman to sit among our highest jurists," Reagan said in a prepared statement to a news conference here. "I will also seek out women to appoint to other federal courts in an effort to bring about a better balance on the federal bench."
Yep...they forget all about St. Ronnie

The objective of the SUPREME COURT of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is to have a “diverse” bench.

Yes. Yes. I just know I read that somewhere. Probably in The Big Book of Modern American Liberal Political “Thinking”.

I think this is the EXACTLY way we should choose jurists. You know: solely on the basis of gender and race.

I suspect Justice William O. Douglas will be spinning in his grave — like a top.
Byer is being forced out by The Biden Regime.
Then a lot of people are qualified if a B school can get you on the court. Can a black women be qualified? Yea. Has a black women been deemed qualified in 114 attempts? No. Why hasn’t a black women been nominated in 114 attempts? Biden’s top two candidates happen to be black women. It’s easy to predict a black woman when that is a fact.
Nice babble. But you are arguing with a strawman of your own creation. I don’t know anyone who has said that a black woman can’t be qualified to serve as a SCOTUS Justice. I would join with you in condemning such nonsense. in fact, although I might oppose a nominee on political grounds, I consider the lead prospective candidate to be amply qualified in all other regards.
Ronald Reagan, striving to refute charges that he is insensitive to women's rights, said today he would name a woman to "one of the first Supreme Court vacancies in my administration."

"It is time for a woman to sit among our highest jurists," Reagan said in a prepared statement to a news conference here. "I will also seek out women to appoint to other federal courts in an effort to bring about a better balance on the federal bench."
And he found a perfectly suitable conservative woman. But I don’t believe he objected to considering perfectly qualified alternatives. Brandon does.
...the gap will never be closed.
And that tells you all you really need to know.

The problem will NEVER be fixed so we need uncle Sam to dig in and forever practice racism to combat it. That is caustic as hell.

Still no answer to the bald faced fact that had anyone in any business said the same thing, it would be illegal. What is good for you is not good for them.

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