Repenting Homosexuals

Does Roman Chapter 1 lie about who homosexuals are?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • No.

    Votes: 9 81.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Those who spread hate on homosexuals need to repent

The Bible teaching is clear. You would have to abandon Christianity. Is that what you are implying?
Babies in cages, tax cuts for billionaires, racism, Republicans have already abandoned Christianity. For them to claim they’re still following the Christian religion, considering their behavior, is blasphemy.
Don't forget to vote. It's really important.

Can someone tell me the results of the poll?
Because it teaches lies about homosexuality.
How do you know that exactly? What lies is it teaching?
The bible says not to lie with a man as you lie with a woman. So then homosexuality is ok, because with a woman, it's cock to pussy, with a man, it's cock to anus. So not the same.
I can always count on an intellectual reply from you. Thanks for not disappointing.
True tho. Jus' sayin'.
Might I suggest thinking more and saying less?
You have yet to explain why I'm wrong. :popcorn:
How do you know that exactly? What lies is it teaching?
The bible says not to lie with a man as you lie with a woman. So then homosexuality is ok, because with a woman, it's cock to pussy, with a man, it's cock to anus. So not the same.
I can always count on an intellectual reply from you. Thanks for not disappointing.
True tho. Jus' sayin'.
Might I suggest thinking more and saying less?
You have yet to explain why I'm wrong. :popcorn:
Oh, you expected a serious answer?
The bible says not to lie with a man as you lie with a woman. So then homosexuality is ok, because with a woman, it's cock to pussy, with a man, it's cock to anus. So not the same.
I can always count on an intellectual reply from you. Thanks for not disappointing.
True tho. Jus' sayin'.
Might I suggest thinking more and saying less?
You have yet to explain why I'm wrong. :popcorn:
Oh, you expected a serious answer?
You can't counter my total logic.
How about a "don't care" option? I never particularly cared for Paul's opinions, one way or another.

Then vote yes.

Why should I vote on what some stupid little dweeb said? This business about voting on the opinions of a long-dead dweeb doesn't cut it.

It depends. Do you think Roman's Chapter One lies about who homosexuals are or do you think Romans Chapter One tells the truth about who homosexuals are?

You should vote on what some stupid dweeb said. You should vote to express your opinion and I can tell you are no stupid little dweeb sir.

Is it a lie it is it true? There are two choices and it is up to you to decide. I voted yes. You can vote no without being murdered or mocked. I swear.
Hey friend. Voting yes in the poll would be good. That is what I did.
You don't have an option I agree with. It's not an even or kind of answer. It's way more complicated than you make it.

Then complicate it for us.
I don't have it all worked out.

But I can start on it with you.

Do you believe the Bible is God's perfect word?

Or do you believe it is man's understanding of God's perfect word?

No. It is not God's perfect word.

No. It is not man's understanding of God's perfect word.

It is writings that were audited by an elite group of scholars that found it to be an accurate representation of humanity and a superior philosphy for society to follow.

I can't read minds. I don't what the motives of the writers were. I suspect some of the Old Testament was designed to be a weapon used for military purposes. I suspect a lot of the New Testament was politically motivated. I think other parts of the Old Testament is a history book occassionally flavored with delicious embellishments to add emphasis to the story.
I see. Before I get into this with you, can you tell me how long you have believed that "It is writings that were audited by an elite group of scholars that found it to be an accurate representation of humanity and a superior philosphy for society to follow?"

Since late 2011 or early 2012 ish. So about 7-8 years.
How about a "don't care" option? I never particularly cared for Paul's opinions, one way or another.

Then vote yes.

Why should I vote on what some stupid little dweeb said? This business about voting on the opinions of a long-dead dweeb doesn't cut it.

It depends. Do you think Roman's Chapter One lies about who homosexuals are or do you think Romans Chapter One tells the truth about who homosexuals are?

You should vote on what some stupid dweeb said. You should vote to express your opinion and I can tell you are no stupid little dweeb sir.

Is it a lie it is it true? There are two choices and it is up to you to decide. I voted yes. You can vote no without being murdered or mocked. I swear.
Tell the truth who you are.
The Bible teaching is clear. You would have to abandon Christianity. Is that what you are implying?
You would have to abandon Christianity because why?

Seriously, dude, your criteria seems more than a little stringent and not even close to the mark.

To be a Christian, you only need to believe that God so loved mankind that he chose to be born into this world to testify to the truth and sacrificed himself to reconcile justice with mercy (.i.e. he paid for our sins). If one truly believes that, God will do the rest if we pay attention to him. Everything else will work itself out along that journey.

It is perfectly acceptable to have disagreements with what you PERCEIVE the bible says. You do not need to have perfect understanding. That can only come in time.

Because it teaches lies about homosexuality.
How do you know that exactly? What lies is it teaching?

That homosexuals are all reprobates with dysfunctional minds. That probably isn't true or nobody would hire them to work for their company.
You got all of that from the Bible?

Can you tell me what you believe homosexuals are?

It is all clearly explained in Roman's Chapter One.

I believe homosexuals are weird human beings but human beings nonetheless.

They are also a convenient scapegoat because we always have at least some homosexuals in any society. They are always a super minority thus ok to blame for all societies problems without offending the non homosexual majority. They know there is something weird about them homos anyways, so they buy it hook, line and sinker.
How about a "don't care" option? I never particularly cared for Paul's opinions, one way or another.

Then vote yes.

Why should I vote on what some stupid little dweeb said? This business about voting on the opinions of a long-dead dweeb doesn't cut it.

It depends. Do you think Roman's Chapter One lies about who homosexuals are or do you think Romans Chapter One tells the truth about who homosexuals are?

You should vote on what some stupid dweeb said. You should vote to express your opinion and I can tell you are no stupid little dweeb sir.

Is it a lie it is it true? There are two choices and it is up to you to decide. I voted yes. You can vote no without being murdered or mocked. I swear.
Tell the truth who you are.

Do you need my social security number and my birth certificate?

If I gave them to you, what would you do with that information?

When you say, "tell the truth who you are" then I do not understand your request.

Who do you say I am? I will take your format and replace it with accurate information.
Have you ever heard of a homosexual that *repented of the sin of homosexuality?

If not, does this prove that Romans 1 is true?

If so, does this prove that Romans 1 is a lie?

*Repent means to stop doing it.
Homosexuality is not a sin, so right there you start off with a lie.

The Bible prohibits homosexual acts.
No one should repent of "being" a homosexual. One cannot help one's proclivities and they are not, in themselves, sinful.
Yes, they should, if they profess faith
Denying, what God tells us is sin, as being sin
so you can continue living in sin, is telling God He is a liar
We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us
By analogy, does a heterosexual man have to "repent" of wanting to copulate with every beautiful girl he encounters on the beach? Hardly.
Hardly my ass...yes, he does

What the mind dwells on, the body acts on
Satan attacks our thoughts
Those who spread hate on homosexuals need to repent

The Bible teaching is clear. You would have to abandon Christianity. Is that what you are implying?

I suspect Paul was a homosexual, that was his thorn in the side.

You are such a worthless, insignificant, ignorant waste of oxygen

He tells us what was the thorn in his side idiot
The blind leading the blind, right into a ditch
Those who spread hate on homosexuals need to repent

The Bible teaching is clear. You would have to abandon Christianity. Is that what you are implying?
Babies in cages, tax cuts for billionaires, racism, Republicans have already abandoned Christianity. For them to claim they’re still following the Christian religion, considering their behavior, is blasphemy.
Aborted babies in trash receptacles
Tax dollars funding PP

Democrats have supported everything
that removes God from society,
considering they hate God,
why do they care about Christianity
I have zero interest in living my life for other people. I am who I am. Don't like it? Tough shit.
Good for you.

According to Catholic thought, sin is anything which distances us from God.

We are distant when it comes to this topic, but quite close in a great deal of many others.
I like to start from positions of agreement and work from there. I find it much more productive. So I appreciate your comment that we are close in mindset on many things. I did suspect that.

But on this topic are you certain that we disagree? I'm not sure we agree on everything, but I don't believe we are as distant as you might believe. Here's why...

I met a friend in an online forum about ten years ago. Let's call him, Paul. Paul is an elderly gentleman and a devout Catholic. In fact, he almost became a priest but was washed out because he was considered to be too conservative for his superiors at that time. It seems that Paul took too much issue with Vatican II. Me being born in 1961, Vatican II was all I ever knew. But I digress. I met him at a time when I was finding my way back to faith. I considered him to be my mentor. I greatly respected him and his opinion. He is a much better man than I and a much much better Catholic than I.

In our conversations, Paul would make passing comments about his wife as everyone else does. Apparently she was the less devout Catholic in the marriage. Anyway, after several years, Paul reveals that his wife is a man. He later told me that he was worried about what I would think about him. Can you imagine that? He was worried about what I would think? It didn't change anything for me. I love Paul. I feel bad that he ever worried about what I would think. Why would it make any difference to me? Paul is a good man. God loves good men. For that matter, God loves all men. Even the bad ones.

Long story short, Paul and I discussed this subject in great depth. I argued that he wasn't sinning and he argued that he was. He thought I went to great lengths (i.e. convoluted logic) to rationalize my beliefs. And maybe at that time I did, but today I could not say it any simpler than if one believes that God so loved mankind that he chose to be born into this world to testify to the truth and sacrificed himself to reconcile justice with mercy (.i.e. he paid for our sins), then everything else will work itself out along that journey. I hold this to be true as long as one does not rationalize his behaviors.

So, are you certain we are distant when it comes to this topic?

Paul was sinning. He was right.

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