Reparations bill tests Biden and Harris on racial justice

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
As divisive as this is, it's unlikely to ever happen, but even if it were to move forward it's unconstitutional on its face.

Despite the enormity of the task behind the legislation known as H.R. 40 — named for the "40 acres and a mule" that has come to symbolize the post-Civil War government's failure to help formerly enslaved people — the bill has new political momentum since its last introduction in 2019, when the GOP controlled the White House and Senate. The nationwide protests last summer following George Floyd’s killing have raised public awareness of racial injustice and kick-started a national conversation that advocates for a reparations dialogue see as valuable.

As divisive as this is, it's unlikely to ever happen, but even if it were to move forward it's unconstitutional on its face.

Of course, it is unconstitutional. Since when did Biden/Harris ever do/say anything that would be consider "Constitutional"? It would go against their very ideology.
As divisive as this is, it's unlikely to ever happen, but even if it were to move forward it's unconstitutional on its face.

Despite the enormity of the task behind the legislation known as H.R. 40 — named for the "40 acres and a mule" that has come to symbolize the post-Civil War government's failure to help formerly enslaved people — the bill has new political momentum since its last introduction in 2019, when the GOP controlled the White House and Senate. The nationwide protests last summer following George Floyd’s killing have raised public awareness of racial injustice and kick-started a national conversation that advocates for a reparations dialogue see as valuable.

I think it's a nod to the base...there are too many other contentious but critical issues facing us - Covid, Economy, Infrastructure, Immigration...that we need bipartisan support for.
As divisive as this is, it's unlikely to ever happen, but even if it were to move forward it's unconstitutional on its face.

Despite the enormity of the task behind the legislation known as H.R. 40 — named for the "40 acres and a mule" that has come to symbolize the post-Civil War government's failure to help formerly enslaved people — the bill has new political momentum since its last introduction in 2019, when the GOP controlled the White House and Senate. The nationwide protests last summer following George Floyd’s killing have raised public awareness of racial injustice and kick-started a national conversation that advocates for a reparations dialogue see as valuable.

Harris/Biden are going to kick BLM in the teeth again over this. And BLM will take it and ask for more, like the little bitches they are.
It's like the $2,000 stimulus (after not working for a whole year. Yeah, real even there) or forgiving students loans; it's just to see how stupid and gullible the few real living Biden voters actually are.

The DNC knows they don't have to lift a finger to help because Illegals, nonliving, frauds and Dominion flipped voters, representing 80% of the democrat votes in 2020 do NOT require any support
As divisive as this is, it's unlikely to ever happen, but even if it were to move forward it's unconstitutional on its face.

Despite the enormity of the task behind the legislation known as H.R. 40 — named for the "40 acres and a mule" that has come to symbolize the post-Civil War government's failure to help formerly enslaved people — the bill has new political momentum since its last introduction in 2019, when the GOP controlled the White House and Senate. The nationwide protests last summer following George Floyd’s killing have raised public awareness of racial injustice and kick-started a national conversation that advocates for a reparations dialogue see as valuable.

Harris/Biden are going to kick BLM in the teeth again over this. And BLM will take it and ask for more, like the little bitches they are.

I think Biden hit on a winning strategy for old white democrats to garner record black votes: talk down to them! You ain't black! Poor kids can be just as bright as white kids. All of our USMB black posters voted Biden, right?

Worked like a charm for CCP Joe!
As divisive as this is, it's unlikely to ever happen, but even if it were to move forward it's unconstitutional on its face.

Despite the enormity of the task behind the legislation known as H.R. 40 — named for the "40 acres and a mule" that has come to symbolize the post-Civil War government's failure to help formerly enslaved people — the bill has new political momentum since its last introduction in 2019, when the GOP controlled the White House and Senate. The nationwide protests last summer following George Floyd’s killing have raised public awareness of racial injustice and kick-started a national conversation that advocates for a reparations dialogue see as valuable.

I want to know how they are going to determine who gets reparations. Most of the POC in the US today have no actual connection to slavery. Should Barack Obama get reparations--his mother was white and his father was Kenyan--No slavery connection. Someone who emigrated from Nigeria or S. Africa in 1974--no slavery connection. This is a boondoggle--40 acres and a mule pretty much covered it when it was clear who was eligible and who is just looking for something for nothing.
Funny, the party of slavery and plantations, which fought against freedom and subsequent 40 acres and a mule, now wants to give the very people they continue to degenerate reparations.
What about those whose families which made the ultimate sacrifice to end slavery? Show me the money!
Funny, the party of slavery and plantations, which fought against freedom and subsequent 40 acres and a mule, now wants to give the very people they continue to degenerate reparations.
What about those whose families which made the ultimate sacrifice to end slavery? Show me the money!

The DemoKKKrats have always sold both the disease and the "cure". For example, Al Gore's family got rich mining coal and drilling for oil. Then Al got even richer telling stupid people to stop using coal and oil or else "global warming". They're con artists.
Blacks have already been fully compensated with decades of welfare
Actually more than compensated with the welfare, lowering the standards so more blacks could qualify and the affirmative action programs which hire not base on who was best qualified but by the color of your skin.
It's like the $2,000 stimulus (after not working for a whole year. Yeah, real even there) or forgiving students loans; it's just to see how stupid and gullible the few real living Biden voters actually are.

The DNC knows they don't have to lift a finger to help because Illegals, nonliving, frauds and Dominion flipped voters, representing 80% of the democrat votes in 2020 do NOT require any support
"On my first day in office I'm gonna send out 2000 dollars in the mail".
Biden speaking to broke-ass Georgians at a pre election rally.

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