Rep Jasmine Crockett (D) Thinks She's Smarter Than Any Trump Supporter

Do Republicans realize hypocrisy is a bad thing? You won't sanction MTG for personal comments against another member of Congress, but you do sanction a Democrat member for reading Trump's charges on the House floor and his admonishment of House, kiss-ass Republicans, that violate Trump's gag order in front of the court.
Corckett is a skank and looks like one.
Do Republicans realize hypocrisy is a bad thing? You won't sanction MTG for personal comments against another member of Congress, but you do sanction a Democrat member for reading Trump's charges on the House floor and his admonishment of House, kiss-ass Republicans, that violate Trump's gag order in front of the court.
You REALLY have to be stupid to be a Democrat.
And why is that, troll?
Which is bullshit lies!
A secure border? Peace in the middle east? Bullshit Hamas rallies on our college campuses? Ending forever wars? Peace through strength? Respect from other nations ? A robust economy through meritocracy? Low taxes? End of government law fair against political opponents? Weaponizing the doj? The list goes on. These are the things you call bullshit lies?
A secure border? Peace in the middle east? Bullshit Hamas rallies on our college campuses? Ending forever wars? Peace through strength? Respect from other nations ? A robust economy through meritocracy? Low taxes? End of government law fair against political opponents? Weaponizing the doj? The list goes on. These are the things you call bullshit lies?
About half of them.
You get it, because you are a troll.
I'll go with these ideals and forget that you're even alive. You have to be really stupid to be a Democrat.

A secure border Peace in the middle east, end Bullshit Hamas rallies on our college campuses, Ending forever wars, achieve Peace through strength, Respect from other nations, A robust economy through meritocracy and free trade, Low taxes, End of government law fair against political opponents, end of Weaponizing the doj against political opponents and citizens , ending propaganda and censorship, Prosecuting the traitor Biden for colluding with the Enemy, free and fair elections These are the things you call bullshit lies? These are things I call making America great again.
I'll go with these ideals and forget that you're even alive. You have to be really stupid to be a Democrat.

A secure border Peace in the middle east, end Bullshit Hamas rallies on our college campuses, Ending forever wars, achieve Peace through strength, Respect from other nations, A robust economy through meritocracy and free trade, Low taxes, End of government law fair against political opponents, end of Weaponizing the doj against political opponents and citizens , ending propaganda and censorship, Prosecuting the traitor Biden for colluding with the Enemy, free and fair elections These are the things you call bullshit lies? These are things I call making America great again.
And just like a typical troll, you just keep repeating right wing talking points.

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