Rep. Elijah Cummings hits Obama while putting his foot in his mouth

Damn people even say Obama meddled In canadas election and Kenya's


Prototype for Obama meddling in world elections started in Kenya
Canada Free Press ^ | 02/03/15 | Judi McLeod
Posted on 2/3/2015, 11:17:35 AM bySean_Anthony

There can be little doubt that Obama, who was instrumental in the Arab Spring, will be instrumental in the Western fall

Barack Obama was meddling in the democratic elections of other countries long before his participation by proxy involvement in Israel and Canada elections through his 2012 campaign national field director Jeremy Bird.

Senator Barack Obama campaigned with ruthless Kenyan presidential candidate Raila Odinga back in 2006.


His acceptance of Obama interfering with OUR ELECTIONS
The "interference" in your elections came from the GOP bringing NaziYahoo over to speak to Congress 2 weeks before the election!!!!

You will never admit it will you ?

How about USA today??

American advisers, money shape Israel's election

JERUSALEM — President Obama says he won't meet with Benjamin Netanyahu when the Israeli prime minister visits Washington next month because it's too close to Israel's election. That's not stopping former Obama campaign aides and donors from getting involved.

That's in addition to what has emerged as the major campaign issue: a long-testy relationship between Netanyahu and Obama that has been revived over Netanyahu's acceptance of a Republican invitation to address Congress two weeks before Israel's vote March 17.

From your OWN link;

"In a statement to USA TODAY, Likud confirmed that Republican political strategists Vincent Harris and John McLaughlin have "advisory roles to complement" the party's professional team to "ensure the public is aware of the party's accomplishments and plans for the future."

Harris has worked for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas. In an interview with The Jerusalem Post, he denied claims by supporters of Netanyahu's rival for prime minister, Labor Party head Isaac Herzog, that he is a GOP emissary charged with keeping the hawkish Israeli leader in office.
Harris, who joined the Likud campaign in December, said his work in Israel is "completely separate from my work in the U.S., so what is being reported is not true."

So Harris, who joined AFTER the reelection was begun, it can't be GOP interference in the 2015 election, but Bird who began advising OneVoice in 2013, well BEFORE the election, was sent by Obama to interfere in the election. :cuckoo:

No date to your article, wrong people you discuss orobably wrong time frame which is why you placed your own commentary to smokescreen and cobfuse people as itcs relevance. Nice try but you oroved my point about lying and propaganda and false info irrelevant to the discussion.
The date of the article was Feb 12, 2015 discussing the upcoming March 2015 election. And it was not My article, it was supplied by another lying fool making your same argument.
Damn people even say Obama meddled In canadas election and Kenya's


Prototype for Obama meddling in world elections started in Kenya
Canada Free Press ^ | 02/03/15 | Judi McLeod
Posted on 2/3/2015, 11:17:35 AM bySean_Anthony

There can be little doubt that Obama, who was instrumental in the Arab Spring, will be instrumental in the Western fall

Barack Obama was meddling in the democratic elections of other countries long before his participation by proxy involvement in Israel and Canada elections through his 2012 campaign national field director Jeremy Bird.

Senator Barack Obama campaigned with ruthless Kenyan presidential candidate Raila Odinga back in 2006.


Still desperately trying to deflect from the Obama interfered in the 2015 NaziYahoo election lie!
Ed is using smokescreen ad hominem tactics, to avoid Obamas interference with our own elections using abuses of power we were always concerned would happen.
OBAMA and Clinton had to give Trump this dictator image narative to protect them from prosecution from many many crimes.
By this false image they can claim any prosecution as a vengeance against political opponents, when ironically it's them doing that very same thing they wish to deflect for sake of staying out of jail. Chicago progressive mob trained through and through.
Scripted? I wrote it myself or rather it wrote itself it's so obvious an issue. So then the liar was you and you deflected with a response that had no refutation.
Ad Hominem responses only show like your plan for America, you got nothing, but bitter anger.
You PARROTED what the GOP scripted, fool!
So when did Obama's campaign aide leave and start his OWN consulting firm? When did his consulting firm get hired by One Voice? When did NaziYahoo call for early elections?
When you can answer those questions correctly you will be able to see through the GOP scripted lies you stupidly parroted on this public forum, like a fool.

1)I told you you were wrong and you lied a 2nd time knowingly lying which means even Comey can't excuse your accountability for not knowing any better.
2)you had to use name calling ad hominem responses to me and others.
Truth needs no lies or tactics or folly, so ypur behavior and responses reveal a pattern of protecting a lie by lying and playing games and attacking posters instead of the content.
DEMONIZING your opponent seems lije a common tactic from the oarty that has nothing to offer.
I notice you can't counter the timeline.
Thank you.

Your posts need to make sense to respond to. Type it out- Not drawn in crayon.
Said the hypocrite who objects to personal attacks.
I don't believe you understand the meaning of the word 'hypocrite.'
Damn people even say Obama meddled In canadas election and Kenya's


Prototype for Obama meddling in world elections started in Kenya
Canada Free Press ^ | 02/03/15 | Judi McLeod
Posted on 2/3/2015, 11:17:35 AM bySean_Anthony

There can be little doubt that Obama, who was instrumental in the Arab Spring, will be instrumental in the Western fall

Barack Obama was meddling in the democratic elections of other countries long before his participation by proxy involvement in Israel and Canada elections through his 2012 campaign national field director Jeremy Bird.

Senator Barack Obama campaigned with ruthless Kenyan presidential candidate Raila Odinga back in 2006.


Still desperately trying to deflect from the Obama interfered in the 2015 NaziYahoo election lie!

I am not defecting gave you like 15 links and a video....

So again why is it so important to you?

Who's changing the subject??????
Your the one saying the US didn't meddle in anyone's election.
No, I never said "ANYONE'S" that is YOUR Straw Man Lie!!!
You didn't answer my question why is it so important to you to try to say that Obama didn't meddle in Israels election?
1. Simply because he didn't.
And 2. because it exposes the techniques the Right uses to lie to stupid SUCKERS who they know are too lazy to search out ALL the facts for themselves. In this case by leaving out critical info, namely the timeline of the supposed interference.
Uhhhh you conveniently left out sending his campaign staff guy out to help the opponents campaign.
Bird started advising OveVoice in 2013, the NaziYahoo reelection was first called for in December 2014, so how could Obama know there would be an early election in 2015 all the way bacl in 2013???
Your argument is moronic!!!!!
Icm not the one mentioning the guy from one voice. The guy I'm talking about was sent to the opponents camp during the election, and mayve it is the same person and maybe somepne fan be sent back again to do the work, you create your own time lines, must he nice to be so close to the corrupt former president.
Who's changing the subject??????
Your the one saying the US didn't meddle in anyone's election.
No, I never said "ANYONE'S" that is YOUR Straw Man Lie!!!
You didn't answer my question why is it so important to you to try to say that Obama didn't meddle in Israels election?
1. Simply because he didn't.
And 2. because it exposes the techniques the Right uses to lie to stupid SUCKERS who they know are too lazy to search out ALL the facts for themselves. In this case by leaving out critical info, namely the timeline of the supposed interference.

Simply because he didn't.

We proved to you with out a doubt Obama did, we gave you reasons why

You didn't give us any proof Obama didn't

Damn people even say Obama meddled In canadas election and Kenya's


Prototype for Obama meddling in world elections started in Kenya
Canada Free Press ^ | 02/03/15 | Judi McLeod
Posted on 2/3/2015, 11:17:35 AM bySean_Anthony

There can be little doubt that Obama, who was instrumental in the Arab Spring, will be instrumental in the Western fall

Barack Obama was meddling in the democratic elections of other countries long before his participation by proxy involvement in Israel and Canada elections through his 2012 campaign national field director Jeremy Bird.

Senator Barack Obama campaigned with ruthless Kenyan presidential candidate Raila Odinga back in 2006.


Still desperately trying to deflect from the Obama interfered in the 2015 NaziYahoo election lie!

I am not defecting gave you like 15 links and a video....

So again why is it so important to you?

And I pointed out that you would link to liars who lie in packs each citing the others' lies as proof. If you noticed, not one of them can explain how Bird could have been "sent by Obama" in 2013 to interfere in an election that had not even been called for!!!!!
Who's changing the subject??????
Your the one saying the US didn't meddle in anyone's election.
No, I never said "ANYONE'S" that is YOUR Straw Man Lie!!!
You didn't answer my question why is it so important to you to try to say that Obama didn't meddle in Israels election?
1. Simply because he didn't.
And 2. because it exposes the techniques the Right uses to lie to stupid SUCKERS who they know are too lazy to search out ALL the facts for themselves. In this case by leaving out critical info, namely the timeline of the supposed interference.

Simply because he didn't.

We proved to you with out a doubt Obama did, we gave you reasons why

You didn't give us any proof Obama didn't

Again, Time does NOT move BACKWARDS!!! But it must in your "proof."
Scripted? I wrote it myself or rather it wrote itself it's so obvious an issue. So then the liar was you and you deflected with a response that had no refutation.
Ad Hominem responses only show like your plan for America, you got nothing, but bitter anger.
You PARROTED what the GOP scripted, fool!
So when did Obama's campaign aide leave and start his OWN consulting firm? When did his consulting firm get hired by One Voice? When did NaziYahoo call for early elections?
When you can answer those questions correctly you will be able to see through the GOP scripted lies you stupidly parroted on this public forum, like a fool.

1)I told you you were wrong and you lied a 2nd time knowingly lying which means even Comey can't excuse your accountability for not knowing any better.
2)you had to use name calling ad hominem responses to me and others.
Truth needs no lies or tactics or folly, so ypur behavior and responses reveal a pattern of protecting a lie by lying and playing games and attacking posters instead of the content.
DEMONIZING your opponent seems lije a common tactic from the oarty that has nothing to offer.
I notice you can't counter the timeline.
Thank you.
the problem is the timeline is irrelevant.
Well, since the timeline exposes the GOP scripted lie, parroted by fools, then of course it is irrelevant to fools!!!!!

You keep using that term loosely, my commentary just occured today and is my own, so the burden of proof is to show the exact article you claim parroted when Cummings spoke last night on CSpan.
Are you admitting that I am that intuitive, well thank you I actually am in an uncanny way, bit you'll have to show us where I predicted someone elses article.
Damn people even say Obama meddled In canadas election and Kenya's


Prototype for Obama meddling in world elections started in Kenya
Canada Free Press ^ | 02/03/15 | Judi McLeod
Posted on 2/3/2015, 11:17:35 AM bySean_Anthony

There can be little doubt that Obama, who was instrumental in the Arab Spring, will be instrumental in the Western fall

Barack Obama was meddling in the democratic elections of other countries long before his participation by proxy involvement in Israel and Canada elections through his 2012 campaign national field director Jeremy Bird.

Senator Barack Obama campaigned with ruthless Kenyan presidential candidate Raila Odinga back in 2006.


Still desperately trying to deflect from the Obama interfered in the 2015 NaziYahoo election lie!

I am not defecting gave you like 15 links and a video....

So again why is it so important to you?

And I pointed out that you would link to liars who lie in packs each citing the others' lies as proof. If you noticed, not one of them can explain how Bird could have been "sent by Obama" in 2013 to interfere in an election that had not even been called for!!!!!

I linked also to left wing sites ...remember CNN , USA today


You lost


Everyone reading this no you lost

Icm not the one mentioning the guy from one voice. The guy I'm talking about was sent to the opponents camp during the election, and mayve it is the same person and maybe somepne fan be sent back again to do the work, you create your own time lines, must he nice to be so close to the corrupt former president.
You mean the guy YOU made up, who you can't name because he doesn't exist. All the Right-wing sources and the GOP Senate report claim it was Jeremy Bird.
Damn people even say Obama meddled In canadas election and Kenya's


Prototype for Obama meddling in world elections started in Kenya
Canada Free Press ^ | 02/03/15 | Judi McLeod
Posted on 2/3/2015, 11:17:35 AM bySean_Anthony

There can be little doubt that Obama, who was instrumental in the Arab Spring, will be instrumental in the Western fall

Barack Obama was meddling in the democratic elections of other countries long before his participation by proxy involvement in Israel and Canada elections through his 2012 campaign national field director Jeremy Bird.

Senator Barack Obama campaigned with ruthless Kenyan presidential candidate Raila Odinga back in 2006.


Still desperately trying to deflect from the Obama interfered in the 2015 NaziYahoo election lie!

I am not defecting gave you like 15 links and a video....

So again why is it so important to you?

And I pointed out that you would link to liars who lie in packs each citing the others' lies as proof. If you noticed, not one of them can explain how Bird could have been "sent by Obama" in 2013 to interfere in an election that had not even been called for!!!!!

Did I mention bird?

Again, Time does NOT move BACKWARDS!!! But it must in your "proof."

Wrong again, I'm the one that made
Dr Stephen Hawkings recant on his time theories and was in the Silver addition Who's who in America for time travel theorems.
Bill Clinton Himself had a
Science Symposium due to that, admiting that we had already sent sound faster then light and for sound time did MOVE BACKWARDS.
You are batting a thousand, even Bill says you are wrong. :)
You PARROTED what the GOP scripted, fool!
So when did Obama's campaign aide leave and start his OWN consulting firm? When did his consulting firm get hired by One Voice? When did NaziYahoo call for early elections?
When you can answer those questions correctly you will be able to see through the GOP scripted lies you stupidly parroted on this public forum, like a fool.

1)I told you you were wrong and you lied a 2nd time knowingly lying which means even Comey can't excuse your accountability for not knowing any better.
2)you had to use name calling ad hominem responses to me and others.
Truth needs no lies or tactics or folly, so ypur behavior and responses reveal a pattern of protecting a lie by lying and playing games and attacking posters instead of the content.
DEMONIZING your opponent seems lije a common tactic from the oarty that has nothing to offer.
I notice you can't counter the timeline.
Thank you.
the problem is the timeline is irrelevant.
Well, since the timeline exposes the GOP scripted lie, parroted by fools, then of course it is irrelevant to fools!!!!!

You keep using that term loosely, my commentary just occured today and is my own, so the burden of proof is to show the exact article you claim parroted when Cummings spoke last night on CSpan.
Are you admitting that I am that intuitive, well thank you I actually am in an uncanny way, bit you'll have to show us where I predicted someone elses article.
Again you cited the GOP scripted lie, that Obama interfered in NaziYahoo's reelection, as justification for YOUR opinion that Cummings stuck his foot in his mouth. YOUR OPINION was based on a GOP scripted lie that you stupidly swallowed whole without checking.
Get it???

Cummings stating how concerning letting some foreign nation influence who gets in the oval office is a foot in mouth statement that inadvertantly hits Obama who blatantly did just that when he interfered with Israel's elections by sending his campaign aid to help the opponent of Netanyahu who Obama did not get along with.
An article in the Chicago Tribune..

The U.S. is no stranger to interfering in the elections of other countries

The CIA has accused Russia of interfering in the 2016 presidential election by hacking into Democratic and Republican computer networks and selectively releasing emails. But critics might point out the U.S. has done similar things.

The U.S. has a long history of attempting to influence presidential elections in other countries – it’s done so as many as 81 times between 1946 and 2000, according to a database amassed by political scientist Dov Levin of Carnegie Mellon University.


In the 1990 Nicaragua elections, the CIA leaked damaging information on alleged corruption by the Marxist Sandinistas to German newspapers, according to Levin. The opposition used those reports against the Sandinista candidate, Daniel Ortega. He lost to opposition candidate Violeta Chamorro.

In Czechoslovakia that same year, the U.S. provided training and campaign funding to Vaclav Havel’s party and its Slovak affiliate as they planned for the country’s first democratic election after its transition away from communism.

“The thinking was that we wanted to make sure communism was dead and buried,” said Levin.

Even after that, the U.S. continued trying to influence elections in its favor.

In Haiti after the 1986 overthrow of dictator and U.S. ally Jean-Claude “Baby Doc” Duvalier, the CIA sought to support particular candidatesand undermine Jean-Bertrande Aristide, a Roman Catholic priest and proponent of liberation theology. The New York Times reported in the 1990sthat the CIA had on its payroll members of the military junta that would ultimately unseat Aristide after he was democratically elected in a landslide over Marc Bazin, a former World Bank official and finance minister favored by the U.S.

The U.S. also attempted to sway Russian elections. In 1996, with the presidency of Boris Yeltsin and the Russian economy flailing, President Clinton endorsed a $10.2-billion loan from the International Monetary Fundlinked to privatization, trade liberalization and other measures that would move Russia toward a capitalist economy. Yeltsin used the loan to bolster his popular support, telling voters that only he had the reformist credentials to secure such loans,according to media reports at the time. He used the money, in part, for social spending before the election, including payment of back wages and pensions.

In the Middle East, the U.S. has aimed to bolster candidates who could further the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. In 1996, seeking to fulfill the legacy of assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and the peace accords the U.S. brokered, Clinton openly supported Shimon Peres, convening a peace summit in the Egyptian resort of Sharm el Sheik to boost his popular support and inviting him to a meeting at the White House a month before the election.

“We were persuaded that if [Likudcandidate Benjamin] Netanyahu were elected, the peace process would be closed for the season,” said Aaron David Miller, who worked at the State Department at the time.

In 1999, in a more subtle effort to sway the election, top Clinton strategists, including James Carville, were sent to advise Labor candidate Ehud Barak in the election against Netanyahu.

In Yugoslavia, the U.S. and NATO had long sought to cut off Serbian nationalist and Yugoslav leader Slobodan Milosevic from the international system through economic sanctions and military action. In 2000, the U.S. spent millions of dollars in aid for political parties, campaign costs and independent media. Funding and broadcast equipment provided to the media arms of the opposition were a decisive factor in electing opposition candidate Vojislav Kostunica as Yugoslav president, according to Levin. “If it wouldn’t have been for overt intervention … Milosevic would have been very likely to have won another term,” he said.
Again, the Right can't counter the fact that the timeline exposes the lie that Obama interfered with NaziYahoo's reelection, so they desperately try to change the subject.

How could Obama send Bird to OneVoice in 2013 to interfere in an early election first called for in December of 2014????????

So you going to sit there and lie one voice was not supplied with 100s of thousands of dollars?

US funds aided 2015 campaign to oust Netanyahu, Senate probe finds

US funds aided 2015 campaign to oust Netanyahu, Senate probe finds
Bipartisan inquiry determines resources that ended up in V15’s hands not illegal, but State Department chided for seeking to influence internal politics of ally

Damn people even say Obama meddled In canadas election and Kenya's


Prototype for Obama meddling in world elections started in Kenya
Canada Free Press ^ | 02/03/15 | Judi McLeod
Posted on 2/3/2015, 11:17:35 AM bySean_Anthony

There can be little doubt that Obama, who was instrumental in the Arab Spring, will be instrumental in the Western fall

Barack Obama was meddling in the democratic elections of other countries long before his participation by proxy involvement in Israel and Canada elections through his 2012 campaign national field director Jeremy Bird.

Senator Barack Obama campaigned with ruthless Kenyan presidential candidate Raila Odinga back in 2006.


Still desperately trying to deflect from the Obama interfered in the 2015 NaziYahoo election lie!

I am not defecting gave you like 15 links and a video....

So again why is it so important to you?

And I pointed out that you would link to liars who lie in packs each citing the others' lies as proof. If you noticed, not one of them can explain how Bird could have been "sent by Obama" in 2013 to interfere in an election that had not even been called for!!!!!

Did I mention bird?

Your link sure DID!!!!!

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