Rep. Elijah Cummings hits Obama while putting his foot in his mouth

Icm not the one mentioning the guy from one voice. The guy I'm talking about was sent to the opponents camp during the election, and mayve it is the same person and maybe somepne fan be sent back again to do the work, you create your own time lines, must he nice to be so close to the corrupt former president.
You mean the guy YOU made up, who you can't name because he doesn't exist. All the Right-wing sources and the GOP Senate report claim it was Jeremy Bird.

YOU busted your party again, not knowing who the IMAGINARY RUSSIANS ARE and which people spoke to these Imaginary keeping hitting yourself swinging at others.
1)I told you you were wrong and you lied a 2nd time knowingly lying which means even Comey can't excuse your accountability for not knowing any better.
2)you had to use name calling ad hominem responses to me and others.
Truth needs no lies or tactics or folly, so ypur behavior and responses reveal a pattern of protecting a lie by lying and playing games and attacking posters instead of the content.
DEMONIZING your opponent seems lije a common tactic from the oarty that has nothing to offer.
I notice you can't counter the timeline.
Thank you.
the problem is the timeline is irrelevant.
Well, since the timeline exposes the GOP scripted lie, parroted by fools, then of course it is irrelevant to fools!!!!!

You keep using that term loosely, my commentary just occured today and is my own, so the burden of proof is to show the exact article you claim parroted when Cummings spoke last night on CSpan.
Are you admitting that I am that intuitive, well thank you I actually am in an uncanny way, bit you'll have to show us where I predicted someone elses article.
Again you cited the GOP scripted lie, that Obama interfered in NaziYahoo's reelection, as justification for YOUR opinion that Cummings stuck his foot in his mouth. YOUR OPINION was based on a GOP scripted lie that you stupidly swallowed whole without checking.
Get it???

Cummings stating how concerning letting some foreign nation influence who gets in the oval office is a foot in mouth statement that inadvertantly hits Obama who blatantly did just that when he interfered with Israel's elections by sending his campaign aid to help the opponent of Netanyahu who Obama did not get along with.
Nope you yourself admited I didn't remember the name, only the event which now you claim liberal media lied about agreeing with Trump that they report fake news.
And I still wrote my own post so you changed your lie about my post but 3rd time you had to lie=proved my follow up posts.
Keep proving the value of your party to those reading these discussions. :)
So you going to sit there and lie one voice was not supplied with 100s of thousands of dollars?
US funds aided 2015 campaign to oust Netanyahu, Senate probe finds

US funds aided 2015 campaign to oust Netanyahu, Senate probe finds
Bipartisan inquiry determines resources that ended up in V15’s hands not illegal, but State Department chided for seeking to influence internal politics of ally
Again, I have already debunked this lie with the link that was used to "support" the lie earlier in this thread.

So here you are with the same lie, but using a different link that also debunks the lie with the SAME TIMELINE!!!!!
The Grant ENDED November 2014 and the early election by NaziYahoo was called in December 2014, so the funds had ended BEFORE anyone KNEW there would be an early election!!!!!

From your OWN link:

"According to the report, authored by the permanent subcommittee on investigations of the Senate’s Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, the State Department gave grants totaling $349,276 to One Voice’s Israeli and Palestinian branches “to support peace negotiations” over a 14-month grant period that ended in November 2014."
Damn people even say Obama meddled In canadas election and Kenya's


Prototype for Obama meddling in world elections started in Kenya
Canada Free Press ^ | 02/03/15 | Judi McLeod
Posted on 2/3/2015, 11:17:35 AM bySean_Anthony

There can be little doubt that Obama, who was instrumental in the Arab Spring, will be instrumental in the Western fall

Barack Obama was meddling in the democratic elections of other countries long before his participation by proxy involvement in Israel and Canada elections through his 2012 campaign national field director Jeremy Bird.

Senator Barack Obama campaigned with ruthless Kenyan presidential candidate Raila Odinga back in 2006.


Still desperately trying to deflect from the Obama interfered in the 2015 NaziYahoo election lie!

I am not defecting gave you like 15 links and a video....

So again why is it so important to you?

And I pointed out that you would link to liars who lie in packs each citing the others' lies as proof. If you noticed, not one of them can explain how Bird could have been "sent by Obama" in 2013 to interfere in an election that had not even been called for!!!!!

Did I mention bird?


Now I will mention bird...because now I know about V15 ...from the New York Times.

Former Obama Campaign Aide Now Works to Oust Netanyahu

FEBRUARY 27, 2015

WASHINGTON — Jeremy Bird, the architect of the grass-roots and online organizing efforts that powered President Obama’s presidential campaigns from Chicago, is advising a similar operation in Tel Aviv. But this time it is focused on ousting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel.

His consulting work for the group V15 — an independent Israeli organization that does not support specific candidates but is campaigning to replace Israel’s current government — has added yet another political layer to the diplomatic mess surrounding Mr. Netanyahu’s decision to address a joint meeting of Congress next week on Iran.


Mr. Bird, who was Mr. Obama’s national field director in 2012 and is a founding partner of the political consulting firm 270 Strategies, declined to be interviewed. But he said through a spokeswoman that V15 and its partners had asked him and his firm “to share best practices in organizing so they can maximize their impact both online and on the ground.”


Republicans in Congress have criticized Mr. Bird’s involvement and the work of OneVoice, which has received grants from the State Department. In a letter to the department last month that prominently mentioned Mr. Bird and his ties to Mr. Obama, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas and Representative Lee Zeldin of New York, both Republicans, said they were concerned that American taxpayer money was being used to influence the Israeli elections and unseat Mr. Netanyahu.


So you going to sit there and lie one voice was not supplied with 100s of thousands of dollars?
US funds aided 2015 campaign to oust Netanyahu, Senate probe finds

US funds aided 2015 campaign to oust Netanyahu, Senate probe finds
Bipartisan inquiry determines resources that ended up in V15’s hands not illegal, but State Department chided for seeking to influence internal politics of ally
Again, I have already debunked this lie with the link that was used to "support" the lie earlier in this thread.

So here you are with the same lie, but using a different link that also debunks the lie with the SAME TIMELINE!!!!!
The Grant ENDED November 2014 and the early election by NaziYahoo was called in December 2014, so the funds had ended BEFORE anyone KNEW there would be an early election!!!!!

From your OWN link:

"According to the report, authored by the permanent subcommittee on investigations of the Senate’s Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, the State Department gave grants totaling $349,276 to One Voice’s Israeli and Palestinian branches “to support peace negotiations” over a 14-month grant period that ended in November 2014."

So you saying they didn't use that money now?

Damn people even say Obama meddled In canadas election and Kenya's


Prototype for Obama meddling in world elections started in Kenya
Canada Free Press ^ | 02/03/15 | Judi McLeod
Posted on 2/3/2015, 11:17:35 AM bySean_Anthony

There can be little doubt that Obama, who was instrumental in the Arab Spring, will be instrumental in the Western fall

Barack Obama was meddling in the democratic elections of other countries long before his participation by proxy involvement in Israel and Canada elections through his 2012 campaign national field director Jeremy Bird.

Senator Barack Obama campaigned with ruthless Kenyan presidential candidate Raila Odinga back in 2006.


Still desperately trying to deflect from the Obama interfered in the 2015 NaziYahoo election lie!

I am not defecting gave you like 15 links and a video....

So again why is it so important to you?

And I pointed out that you would link to liars who lie in packs each citing the others' lies as proof. If you noticed, not one of them can explain how Bird could have been "sent by Obama" in 2013 to interfere in an election that had not even been called for!!!!!

I linked also to left wing sites ...remember CNN , USA today


You lost


Everyone reading this no you lost

They often times argue against themselves or their own sources selectively using those sources.
But I want you to remember this because in religious discussion people will do the same thing arguing against posts which use their own scripture. You will notice the methods of denial or acceptance of truth selectively based on affiliation pride is both a problem in Religious and Political discussion.
How we process and retain truth from propaganda needs to recognize these similarities to awaken how we discern truth-fact from propaganda /missteaching/ error/ or confusion.
Cummings stating how concerning letting some foreign nation influence who gets in the oval office is a foot in mouth statement that inadvertantly hits Obama who blatantly did just that when he interfered with Israel's elections by sending his campaign aid to help the opponent of Netanyahu who Obama did not get along with.
A typical GOP scripted lie swallowed whole by the gullible Right and mindlessly parroted on a public forum by fools.
To be followed by links to GOP shills who lie in packs each citing the others' lies as proof.

A typical Liberal tactic of turning to the Lie mantra while providing no substance or independent validation to back it up.
Weasel words, Shev.
BHO is history.
Bleating about past grievances will not deflect from the current crisis.
This guy wants to cozy up to anyone who will make him feel bigger. Russia? N Korea? He will try for kudos anywhere.

The only current crisis is the one manufactured by a corrupt media and a vengeful liberal base.
Damn people even say Obama meddled In canadas election and Kenya's


Prototype for Obama meddling in world elections started in Kenya
Canada Free Press ^ | 02/03/15 | Judi McLeod
Posted on 2/3/2015, 11:17:35 AM bySean_Anthony

There can be little doubt that Obama, who was instrumental in the Arab Spring, will be instrumental in the Western fall

Barack Obama was meddling in the democratic elections of other countries long before his participation by proxy involvement in Israel and Canada elections through his 2012 campaign national field director Jeremy Bird.

Senator Barack Obama campaigned with ruthless Kenyan presidential candidate Raila Odinga back in 2006.


Still desperately trying to deflect from the Obama interfered in the 2015 NaziYahoo election lie!

I am not defecting gave you like 15 links and a video....

So again why is it so important to you?

And I pointed out that you would link to liars who lie in packs each citing the others' lies as proof. If you noticed, not one of them can explain how Bird could have been "sent by Obama" in 2013 to interfere in an election that had not even been called for!!!!!

Did I mention bird?


Now I will mention bird...because now I know about V15 ...from the New York Times.

Former Obama Campaign Aide Now Works to Oust Netanyahu

FEBRUARY 27, 2015

WASHINGTON — Jeremy Bird, the architect of the grass-roots and online organizing efforts that powered President Obama’s presidential campaigns from Chicago, is advising a similar operation in Tel Aviv. But this time it is focused on ousting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel.

His consulting work for the group V15 — an independent Israeli organization that does not support specific candidates but is campaigning to replace Israel’s current government — has added yet another political layer to the diplomatic mess surrounding Mr. Netanyahu’s decision to address a joint meeting of Congress next week on Iran.


Mr. Bird, who was Mr. Obama’s national field director in 2012 and is a founding partner of the political consulting firm 270 Strategies, declined to be interviewed. But he said through a spokeswoman that V15 and its partners had asked him and his firm “to share best practices in organizing so they can maximize their impact both online and on the ground.”


Republicans in Congress have criticized Mr. Bird’s involvement and the work of OneVoice, which has received grants from the State Department. In a letter to the department last month that prominently mentioned Mr. Bird and his ties to Mr. Obama, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas and Representative Lee Zeldin of New York, both Republicans, said they were concerned that American taxpayer money was being used to influence the Israeli elections and unseat Mr. Netanyahu.


Again, Bird began advising OneVoice/V15 in 2013, well BEFORE V15 became a partner of OneVoice in December 2014, so Obama had nothing to do with "sending" him there to oppose NaziYahoo.
Try again.
What was your opinion of
Pope John Paul II?
So you going to sit there and lie one voice was not supplied with 100s of thousands of dollars?
US funds aided 2015 campaign to oust Netanyahu, Senate probe finds

US funds aided 2015 campaign to oust Netanyahu, Senate probe finds
Bipartisan inquiry determines resources that ended up in V15’s hands not illegal, but State Department chided for seeking to influence internal politics of ally
Again, I have already debunked this lie with the link that was used to "support" the lie earlier in this thread.

So here you are with the same lie, but using a different link that also debunks the lie with the SAME TIMELINE!!!!!
The Grant ENDED November 2014 and the early election by NaziYahoo was called in December 2014, so the funds had ended BEFORE anyone KNEW there would be an early election!!!!!

From your OWN link:

"According to the report, authored by the permanent subcommittee on investigations of the Senate’s Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, the State Department gave grants totaling $349,276 to One Voice’s Israeli and Palestinian branches “to support peace negotiations” over a 14-month grant period that ended in November 2014."

So you saying they didn't use that money now?


You fuck head V15 was using tax payer dollars and fund raising

From the hill

"What was not well reported in the American media is that President Obama and his allies were playing in the election to defeat Prime Minister Netanyahu," John McLaughlin, a Republican strategist, said in an interview on John Catsimatidis's "The Cats Roundtable" radio show broadcast Sunday on AM 970 in New York.

"There was money moving that included taxpayer U.S. dollars, through non-profit organizations. And there were various liberal groups in the United States that were raising millions to fund a campaign called V15 against Prime Minister Netanyahu," McLaughlin said.

So you going to sit there and lie one voice was not supplied with 100s of thousands of dollars?
US funds aided 2015 campaign to oust Netanyahu, Senate probe finds

US funds aided 2015 campaign to oust Netanyahu, Senate probe finds
Bipartisan inquiry determines resources that ended up in V15’s hands not illegal, but State Department chided for seeking to influence internal politics of ally
Again, I have already debunked this lie with the link that was used to "support" the lie earlier in this thread.

So here you are with the same lie, but using a different link that also debunks the lie with the SAME TIMELINE!!!!!
The Grant ENDED November 2014 and the early election by NaziYahoo was called in December 2014, so the funds had ended BEFORE anyone KNEW there would be an early election!!!!!

From your OWN link:

"According to the report, authored by the permanent subcommittee on investigations of the Senate’s Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, the State Department gave grants totaling $349,276 to One Voice’s Israeli and Palestinian branches “to support peace negotiations” over a 14-month grant period that ended in November 2014."
So you saying they didn't use that money now?
The funds had nothing to do with a campaign that began AFTER the funds ran out, except in the GOP scripted lie they used to justify their interfering with the Israeli election by bringing NaziYahoo to America to speak before Congress 2 weeks before the election.
So you going to sit there and lie one voice was not supplied with 100s of thousands of dollars?
US funds aided 2015 campaign to oust Netanyahu, Senate probe finds

US funds aided 2015 campaign to oust Netanyahu, Senate probe finds
Bipartisan inquiry determines resources that ended up in V15’s hands not illegal, but State Department chided for seeking to influence internal politics of ally
Again, I have already debunked this lie with the link that was used to "support" the lie earlier in this thread.

So here you are with the same lie, but using a different link that also debunks the lie with the SAME TIMELINE!!!!!
The Grant ENDED November 2014 and the early election by NaziYahoo was called in December 2014, so the funds had ended BEFORE anyone KNEW there would be an early election!!!!!

From your OWN link:

"According to the report, authored by the permanent subcommittee on investigations of the Senate’s Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, the State Department gave grants totaling $349,276 to One Voice’s Israeli and Palestinian branches “to support peace negotiations” over a 14-month grant period that ended in November 2014."

So you saying they didn't use that money now?


You fuck head V15 was using tax payer dollars and fund raising

From the hill

"What was not well reported in the American media is that President Obama and his allies were playing in the election to defeat Prime Minister Netanyahu," John McLaughlin, a Republican strategist, said in an interview on John Catsimatidis's "The Cats Roundtable" radio show broadcast Sunday on AM 970 in New York.

"There was money moving that included taxpayer U.S. dollars, through non-profit organizations. And there were various liberal groups in the United States that were raising millions to fund a campaign called V15 against Prime Minister Netanyahu," McLaughlin said.

You're such a good damn lier..

More from the hill

Netanyahu pollster: Obama role in election larger than reported

They were running an ACORN, Obama Organizing for America-type campaign over there with the digital ads, the billboards, the phones. They were targeting Israeli voters," Rep. Lee Zeldin
You fuck head V15 was using tax payer dollars and fund raising
From the hill

"What was not well reported in the American media is that President Obama and his allies were playing in the election to defeat Prime Minister Netanyahu," John McLaughlin, a Republican strategist, said in an interview on John Catsimatidis's "The Cats Roundtable" radio show broadcast Sunday on AM 970 in New York.

"There was money moving that included taxpayer U.S. dollars, through non-profit organizations. And there were various liberal groups in the United States that were raising millions to fund a campaign called V15 against Prime Minister Netanyahu," McLaughlin said.
Hey pinhead, "various Liberal groups" is NOT "taxpayer money"
So you going to sit there and lie one voice was not supplied with 100s of thousands of dollars?
US funds aided 2015 campaign to oust Netanyahu, Senate probe finds

US funds aided 2015 campaign to oust Netanyahu, Senate probe finds
Bipartisan inquiry determines resources that ended up in V15’s hands not illegal, but State Department chided for seeking to influence internal politics of ally
Again, I have already debunked this lie with the link that was used to "support" the lie earlier in this thread.

So here you are with the same lie, but using a different link that also debunks the lie with the SAME TIMELINE!!!!!
The Grant ENDED November 2014 and the early election by NaziYahoo was called in December 2014, so the funds had ended BEFORE anyone KNEW there would be an early election!!!!!

From your OWN link:

"According to the report, authored by the permanent subcommittee on investigations of the Senate’s Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, the State Department gave grants totaling $349,276 to One Voice’s Israeli and Palestinian branches “to support peace negotiations” over a 14-month grant period that ended in November 2014."
So you saying they didn't use that money now?
The funds had nothing to do with a campaign that began AFTER the funds ran out, except in the GOP scripted lie they used to justify their interfering with the Israeli election by bringing NaziYahoo to America to speak before Congress 2 weeks before the election.

V15 was fund raising in the States , millions of dollars

Once again;
What was your opinion of
Pope John Paul II?
That disgusting, racist afro american is totally retarded, but not as retarded as Maxine Waters...Either way, what are these pieces of shit doing in our government?

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