Rep. Elijah Cummings hits Obama while putting his foot in his mouth


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Cummings stating how concerning letting some foreign nation influence who gets in the oval office is a foot in mouth statement that inadvertantly hits Obama who blatantly did just that when he interfered with Israel's elections by sending his campaign aid to help the opponent of Netanyahu who Obama did not get along with. (Obama is very vengeful that way if you haven't noticed).

Where was Cummings during our interference with other countries?

How can one assume another country is interfering just by using it as an excuse for losing, yet never bringing it up as anything but typixal spying
when they assumed to be winning?
When they (Russians) were said to be gathering intelligence on both parties for sake of strategy or edge or for dealing with sanctions, it does not mean interference. But the strategy used in displacing blame and illegal surveiling was interference by our own former president and parts of the partisan fed community who gathered their own intelligence in the same manner in violation of law.
Weasel words, Shev.
BHO is history.
Bleating about past grievances will not deflect from the current crisis.
This guy wants to cozy up to anyone who will make him feel bigger. Russia? N Korea? He will try for kudos anywhere.
Cummings stating how concerning letting some foreign nation influence who gets in the oval office is a foot in mouth statement that inadvertantly hits Obama who blatantly did just that when he interfered with Israel's elections by sending his campaign aid to help the opponent of Netanyahu who Obama did not get along with.
A typical GOP scripted lie swallowed whole by the gullible Right and mindlessly parroted on a public forum by fools.
To be followed by links to GOP shills who lie in packs each citing the others' lies as proof.
Cummings stating how concerning letting some foreign nation influence who gets in the oval office is a foot in mouth statement that inadvertantly hits Obama who blatantly did just that when he interfered with Israel's elections by sending his campaign aid to help the opponent of Netanyahu who Obama did not get along with.
A typical GOP scripted lie swallowed whole by the gullible Right and mindlessly parroted on a public forum by fools.
To be followed by links to GOP shills who lie in packs each citing the others' lies as proof.

Prove its a lie because we all know it's true just like hillary messing with the Russians elections

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Weasel words, Shev.
BHO is history.
Bleating about past grievances will not deflect from the current crisis.
This guy wants to cozy up to anyone who will make him feel bigger. Russia? N Korea? He will try for kudos anywhere.

No, Barrypuppet and the Clintons are like an infestation of parasitic don't know how they got in your house, they are almost impossible to get rid of with out professional help and they lay eggs everywhere they squat....hell, I just practically described every demcrat.....

Cummings stating how concerning letting some foreign nation influence who gets in the oval office is a foot in mouth statement that inadvertantly hits Obama who blatantly did just that when he interfered with Israel's elections by sending his campaign aid to help the opponent of Netanyahu who Obama did not get along with.
A typical GOP scripted lie swallowed whole by the gullible Right and mindlessly parroted on a public forum by fools.
To be followed by links to GOP shills who lie in packs each citing the others' lies as proof.

Your problem is this is a known fact. Do try and keep up. Your blind loyalty merely shows you to be blind.
Weasel words, Shev.
BHO is history.
Bleating about past grievances will not deflect from the current crisis.
This guy wants to cozy up to anyone who will make him feel bigger. Russia? N Korea? He will try for kudos anywhere.


Cummings stating how concerning letting some foreign nation influence who gets in the oval office is a foot in mouth statement that inadvertantly hits Obama who blatantly did just that when he interfered with Israel's elections by sending his campaign aid to help the opponent of Netanyahu who Obama did not get along with.
A typical GOP scripted lie swallowed whole by the gullible Right and mindlessly parroted on a public forum by fools.
To be followed by links to GOP shills who lie in packs each citing the others' lies as proof.

Your problem is this is a known fact. Do try and keep up. Your blind loyalty merely shows you to be blind.
Reality often confuses leftists, because they are unfamiliar with it. They appear to live in an Orwellian world of their own making.

Clearly some are not only blind, but deaf and dumb too.
Cummings stating how concerning letting some foreign nation influence who gets in the oval office is a foot in mouth statement that inadvertantly hits Obama who blatantly did just that when he interfered with Israel's elections by sending his campaign aid to help the opponent of Netanyahu who Obama did not get along with.
A typical GOP scripted lie swallowed whole by the gullible Right and mindlessly parroted on a public forum by fools.
To be followed by links to GOP shills who lie in packs each citing the others' lies as proof.
Prove its a lie because we all know it's true just like hillary messing with the Russians elections
You gave no proof that it is true, you know nothing that is true.
Real proof would include dates!!!!
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Cummings stating how concerning letting some foreign nation influence who gets in the oval office is a foot in mouth statement that inadvertantly hits Obama who blatantly did just that when he interfered with Israel's elections by sending his campaign aid to help the opponent of Netanyahu who Obama did not get along with.
A typical GOP scripted lie swallowed whole by the gullible Right and mindlessly parroted on a public forum by fools.
To be followed by links to GOP shills who lie in packs each citing the others' lies as proof.
Your problem is this is a known fact. Do try and keep up. Your blind loyalty merely shows you to be blind.
Actually, it is a known lie. It is only your blind loyalty to lies that makes it a fact to you.
Cummings stating how concerning letting some foreign nation influence who gets in the oval office is a foot in mouth statement that inadvertantly hits Obama who blatantly did just that when he interfered with Israel's elections by sending his campaign aid to help the opponent of Netanyahu who Obama did not get along with.
A typical GOP scripted lie swallowed whole by the gullible Right and mindlessly parroted on a public forum by fools.
To be followed by links to GOP shills who lie in packs each citing the others' lies as proof.
Prove its a lie because we all know it's true just like hillary messing with the Russians elections
You gave no proof that it is true, you know nothing that is true.
Real proof would dates!!!!

I thought liberals were more educated then us poor trailer trash rednecks , you mean you have no clue about it?

I will wait to see if you know how to use Google and figure out common knowledge all by yourself..

Cummings stating how concerning letting some foreign nation influence who gets in the oval office is a foot in mouth statement that inadvertantly hits Obama who blatantly did just that when he interfered with Israel's elections by sending his campaign aid to help the opponent of Netanyahu who Obama did not get along with.
A typical GOP scripted lie swallowed whole by the gullible Right and mindlessly parroted on a public forum by fools.
To be followed by links to GOP shills who lie in packs each citing the others' lies as proof.
Prove its a lie because we all know it's true just like hillary messing with the Russians elections
You gave no proof that it is true, you know nothing that is true.
Real proof would dates!!!!

I thought liberals were more educated then us poor trailer trash rednecks , you mean you have no clue about it?

I will wait to see if you know how to use Google and figure out common knowledge all by yourself..

I fear you will be waiting a very long time.
Cummings stating how concerning letting some foreign nation influence who gets in the oval office is a foot in mouth statement that inadvertantly hits Obama who blatantly did just that when he interfered with Israel's elections by sending his campaign aid to help the opponent of Netanyahu who Obama did not get along with.
A typical GOP scripted lie swallowed whole by the gullible Right and mindlessly parroted on a public forum by fools.
To be followed by links to GOP shills who lie in packs each citing the others' lies as proof.
Prove its a lie because we all know it's true just like hillary messing with the Russians elections
You gave no proof that it is true, you know nothing that is true.
Real proof would include dates!!!!
I thought liberals were more educated then us poor trailer trash rednecks , you mean you have no clue about it?
I will wait to see if you know how to use Google and figure out common knowledge all by yourself.
Just as I thought, you have NO proof and can provide no timeline to support your lie.
Thank you.
Nothing in that link about Israel, probably because the earlier claim about Israel had been thoroughly debunked by the time this article was written, but that would never occur to the gullible SUCKERS on the Right.

So know the liberal snob can't fucking read?

From.the link

It was not the first time that the Obama administration attempted to determine the outcome of a foreign election. In the last Israeli election, the Obama State Department funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxpayer money to the opposition of Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations found that the State Department and a group called One Voice coordinated political activities — including the building of a voter database, the training of activists, and the hiring of a political consulting firm tied to President Obama himself.
Cummings stating how concerning letting some foreign nation influence who gets in the oval office is a foot in mouth statement that inadvertantly hits Obama who blatantly did just that when he interfered with Israel's elections by sending his campaign aid to help the opponent of Netanyahu who Obama did not get along with.
A typical GOP scripted lie swallowed whole by the gullible Right and mindlessly parroted on a public forum by fools.
To be followed by links to GOP shills who lie in packs each citing the others' lies as proof.
Prove its a lie because we all know it's true just like hillary messing with the Russians elections
You gave no proof that it is true, you know nothing that is true.
Real proof would dates!!!!

I thought liberals were more educated then us poor trailer trash rednecks , you mean you have no clue about it?

I will wait to see if you know how to use Google and figure out common knowledge all by yourself..

I fear you will be waiting a very long time.
The burden of proof is on the teller of the lie.
Cummings stating how concerning letting some foreign nation influence who gets in the oval office is a foot in mouth statement that inadvertantly hits Obama who blatantly did just that when he interfered with Israel's elections by sending his campaign aid to help the opponent of Netanyahu who Obama did not get along with.
A typical GOP scripted lie swallowed whole by the gullible Right and mindlessly parroted on a public forum by fools.
To be followed by links to GOP shills who lie in packs each citing the others' lies as proof.
Prove its a lie because we all know it's true just like hillary messing with the Russians elections
You gave no proof that it is true, you know nothing that is true.
Real proof would include dates!!!!
I thought liberals were more educated then us poor trailer trash rednecks , you mean you have no clue about it?
I will wait to see if you know how to use Google and figure out common knowledge all by yourself.
Just as I thought, you have NO proof and can provide no timeline to support your lie.
Thank you.

They just did except you have your head up your ass to read.

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