Remove statues of Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood founder tied to eugenics and racism


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
I don't kniw if abortion is politics.
I don't know if we should tear down statues of Margaret Sanger or
put up new ones..

I do love seeing Pelosi Schumer and biden wallowing in the mud humbled by the Supreme Court clearly one-third of the United States government

This is a big victory for the bill of rights

the 10th Amendment specifically..!!!

Good thinkin founders !
This is a mom and pop country.

Sanger was the carrie nation of infanticide, was hillary's hero.
Not sure why...

Obama tried to pull the same shit
Ignoring marbury v madison.

Stupidest constitutional law professor ever.

Pelosi insists abortion is all about/for
The children.
The pope hates her 2.
I don't kniw if abortion is politics.
I don't know if we should tear down statues of Margaret Sanger
Do you really think you're the first pro-lifer liar to lie about Sanger? Your side has been lying about her for decades. We get it already. You lie about _everything_.

And why do you lie? Because she said women should be allowed to control their own sex life. Conservatives despised her for that back then, and they despise her for the same reason now. Conservatives are control freak authoritarians, and everything they do has the purpose of extending their control over others.
I don't kniw if abortion is politics.
I don't know if we should tear down statues of Margaret Sanger or
put up new ones..

I do love seeing Pelosi Schumer and biden wallowing in the mud humbled by the Supreme Court clearly one-third of the United States government

This is a big victory for the bill of rights

the 10th Amendment specifically..!!!

Good thinkin founders !
This is a mom and pop country.

Sanger was the carrie nation of infanticide, was hillary's hero.
Not sure why...

Obama tried to pull the same shit
Ignoring marbury v madison.

Stupidest constitutional law professor ever.

Pelosi insists abortion is all about/for
The children.
The pope hates her 2.
The problem with extremists is they just enjoy making everyone else as miserable as they are.
M Sanger was born in a very poor and very LARGE Irish catholic family. She sought to
limit that kind of particular MESS. She also
commented on overly fecund impoverished
black ladies ---an excuse for some to accuse
her of racism. A personal anecdote----my
grandmother had two back alley abortions
in the 1920s----she grew up in a miserable
cold water, outhouse type tenement in a
large family and decided TWO KIDS was her
limit----because children "should not be born
Do you really think you're the first pro-lifer liar to lie about Sanger? Your side has been lying about her for decades. We get it already. You lie about _everything_.

And why do you lie? Because she said women should be allowed to control their own sex life. Conservatives despised her for that back then, and they despise her for the same reason now. Conservatives are control freak authoritarians, and everything they do has the purpose of extending their control over others.

She said many despicable things. One can argue that it was a different time (just like people excuse many of the Founders of the country owning slaves) but they were pretty lousy things she said.
She said many despicable things.
Most of those "despicable things" are fabrications from pro-lifers.

She didn't really like poor people, and thought they shouldn't breed. That is, she held the beliefs that most Republicans hold today. However, she was totally color-blind in that approach.
Most of those "despicable things" are fabrications from pro-lifers.' '

No they are not.

She didn't really like poor people, and thought they shouldn't breed. That is, she held the beliefs that most Republicans hold today. However, she was totally color-blind in that approach.

Yes, many of her despicable statements are still held by some on the right and we rightly call them out for what they are.
She said many despicable things. One can argue that it was a different time (just like people excuse many of the Founders of the country owning slaves) but they were pretty lousy things she said.
you can interpret them as lousy if you wish---
She was not all that diplomatic or refined in
her assertions
Most of those "despicable things" are fabrications from pro-lifers.

She didn't really like poor people, and thought they shouldn't breed. That is, she held the beliefs that most Republicans hold today. However, she was totally color-blind in that approach.
Old cemeteries are full of young mothers who died in childbirth or died worn out by repeated pregnancies and miscarriages.
M Sanger was born in a very poor and very LARGE Irish catholic family. She sought to
limit that kind of particular MESS. She also
commented on overly fecund impoverished
black ladies ---an excuse for some to accuse
her of racism. A personal anecdote----my
grandmother had two back alley abortions
in the 1920s----she grew up in a miserable
cold water, outhouse type tenement in a
large family and decided TWO KIDS was her
limit----because children "should not be born
Something I learned a long time ago....Catholics can be some the most twisted and perverted folks on the planet.
Then post them.

I'll then point out which ones are faked outright, and the ones where pro-lifers lie about the context.

I'll give you a hint. The "human weeds" quote is an outright fake.

Margaret Sanger’s eugenicist ideas were wrong in 1916, and they’re wrong now.

Statement about Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood’s mission

Sanger’s promotion of eugenics was egregious and wrong. While we acknowledge the benefits that we have reaped from her advocacy for birth control, we take responsibility for the damage that was done. She willfully ignored the incredible harm that her beliefs caused, especially to people of color, people with disabilities, and people with low incomes. We condemn that behavior.
I'm not sure how you interpret them any other way.
The way my grandmother interpreted the
situation. "children should not be born to
Then post them.

I'll then point out which ones are faked outright, and the ones where pro-lifers lie about the context.

I'll give you a hint. The "human weeds" quote is an outright fake.
HUH? I missed that one !!!!
Ms. Sanger believed in selective breeding of citizens?
I've been preaching that for decades!!

Most of the people in the USA that SHOULD NEVER have kids, are the ones popping them out all over the place!!
And those that SHOULD have kids, have only one or two, or don't have any.

What would selective breeding change in this country?

1. Kids born into poverty would be ended. If you cannot AFFORD a kid, you can't have one.
2. Kids born as welfare tickets would end. The millions upon millions of kids born and bred for the specific reason of defrauding the welfare system would end, saving taxpayers BILLIONS of dollars.
3. Kids born with deformities or medical issues would be GREATLY diminished, as those who want to breed would be genetically tested to find out if they would cause any birth defects, deformities, or life long medical issues to a child.
4. The registration and licensing of being able to have your own child would be contained to those that have been mentally, physically, socially, financially, and economically able to have and take care of their own child. And any problems arising from that would be set back onto the parents, or those professionals that allowed a license to be registered.
5. This would also eliminate the MASSIVE problem of the large numbers of orphaned children and babies, as ALL licensed breeders would HAVE to adopt their first child from the national orphan registry.
6. This would also eliminate the child homeless problem. Which should never happen, under any circumstances, anywhere.
7. Those who are unlicensed that have a child would have the child taken away, have their sex organs made redundant, and put into work camps for no less than one year.

Making certain that a set of breeders are capable of completely taking care of a child would also:

1. Save the medical and healthcare industry from having to constantly expand and waste money on children born with deformities, birth defects, and life long medical conditions that cost the system TRILLIONS.
2. Make sure that the public school system is filled with children that have fostering parents that back them up, teach them at home about life and societies rules as the teachers do about school curriculum, and have children that can actually LEARN.
3. Having children that are NOT sat down in front of TV's, monitors, pc's, phones, or gaming consoles after being born, and never having contact with the parents or other humans.
4. Less change of criminal minds being developed, and kids turning to drugs, weapons, and other venues of self destruction.
5. Children who don't commit suicide, because they have a system of nurturing parents, guardians, teachers, and others to talk to about their problems, instead of being ignored, shunned, or made fun of.

Would this system be perfect? No. No system is. But this would save TRILLIONS and TRILLIONS of dollars a year that are normally wasted on what politicians and society is allowed to do with human life.

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