Remember your manners be a good victim

EvilCat Breath

Diamond Member
Sep 23, 2016
The next step in removing the right of self defense.
Those who come to rob you are guests. Cooperate in the removal of your property. Remember your manners.
The next step in removing the right of self defense.
Those who come to rob you are guests. Cooperate in the removal of your property. Remember your manners.
When are our Legislators going to do the Job they get Paid to do?

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
CHRIS Cuomo said Rittenhouse should have taken a beating because he "likely" wouldn't have died from his attack
Nope. If someone attacks me or tries to rob me and less than 5 foot away the knife is coming out, more than 5 foot the gun comes out. No threats, no warnings, no talking, either they will die or I will.

If I am in a situation where I feel my life is threatened there are no manners. I don't want to hurt anyone, if running is viable then I'll do so with no problem as I'd rather run away than get in trouble. But if the threat is too great, too immediate, or the threat is somewhere I can't flee like in my home then it will be fast and violent.

Fuck manners and fuck criminals.
The next step in removing the right of self defense.
Those who come to rob you are guests. Cooperate in the removal of your property. Remember your manners.

Look at what happened in New York. people are fed up with Democrat leaders And what they’ve done to their city. So they’re electing Democrats that aren’t really Democrats, because a republican will never get enough votes. In other words, a “stealth“ candidate. This is going to start happening in every Democrat run city that the Left has turned into a crime ridden shithole.

Look at what happened in New York. people are fed up with Democrat leaders And what they’ve done to their city. So they’re electing Democrats that aren’t really Democrats, because a republican will never get enough votes. In other words, a “stealth“ candidate. This is going to start happening in every Democrat run city that the Left has turned into a crime ridden shithole.

Los Angeles, like San Francisco, Portland and Seattle is lost.
Los Angeles, like San Francisco, Portland and Seattle is lost.
This guy if elected will turn things around. He’s been a police officer for 30 years, removed homeless in his district and cleaned up the crime.
Look at what happened in New York. people are fed up with Democrat leaders And what they’ve done to their city. So they’re electing Democrats that aren’t really Democrats, because a republican will never get enough votes. In other words, a “stealth“ candidate. This is going to start happening in every Democrat run city that the Left has turned into a crime ridden shithole.

Actually, what happened in NYC is you got a guy who could talk out of both sides of his mouth on the police reform issue, who won barely because the progressives split their vote and the ranked choice clusterfuck let him win.

Of course, Crime is only half of what it was in the 1990's... but don't tell that to the Right Wing, they have white people to scare.
Wank fantasies aside, it almost never happens.

A bad guy with a gun always has the advantage over the good guy with a gun because of his willingness to use it.
There is the problem. Decent citizens must become more than willing to use deadly force. They must become anxious, looking only for a plausible excuse.

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