Remember When the Left Called the Right NAZIS?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified

Now we are the baddies for calling out the true NAZIS. Yep. The left are out of the closet and exposing their true socialist fascist selves.

The Left in this country are falling all over themselves to support the horrors that Hamas of Gaza inflicted on innocent Israelis on Oct 7. I can't imagine how they've hidden their hatred of Jews for so long. Why did this attack against Israel bring it out all of a sudden?
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All the times leftist shitlords were calling others "Nazis"?

That was projection. It all came to light after Oct. 7th. Idk why, but I guess they felt they no longer had to hide their
inner Nazism after that; And boy did they not! :omg:

The Left in this country are falling all over themselves to support the horrors that Hamas of Gaza inflicted on innocent Israelis on Oct 7. I can't imagine how they've hidden their hatred of Jews for so long. Why did this attack against Israel bring it out all of a sudden?
Why did it come out all of a sudden?

You have to ask yourself, why did Hamas conduct the attack on 10/7 in the first place? For what purpose? It was for the purpose of eliciting the reaction they received, which was retribution for their attack. Then they sit back and cry over being killed and oppressed. The hospital debacle incident is a prime example. The Israel government did not even attack it, as the hospital was not even hit directly. But at the end of the day, you send out your propaganda army to try and persuade the world to fight on the side of Hamas which is what they need in order to win.

The Left is all about using such events as George Floyd or 10/7 as rallying cries for their cause, all the while making it a one-sided story with only one side being victimized, just like with George who had enough Fentanyl in his system to kill him, who had Covid, and who resisted police any way he could. In fact, that was his life's history, and looking at it, you wonder how he had lived this long. Yet, the police officer was seen as the sole reason George died with no accountability to be shared with the victim. The Left tried to do the same with Hamas, but that was hard considering Hamas admitted to targeting women and infants and then danced in the streets afterwards when they had been slaughtered.

Yea, that was a hard sell.
I first noticed that Antifa dressed like Hamas terrorist. Mono color clothing & balaclava. Antifa and BLM came to act like Hamas. Little did I realize that THAT wasn't merely superficial. These people side with an ideology that uses violence and treats of violence, and tacitly or openly supports genocide and violence as a political tool...The leftist progressives morphed into crypto Nazis and they seem damned proud it.
As you know, 90 Democrats voted ‘present’ on a motion condemning antisemitism because Democrat voters are racist Jew haters that would make Goering blush.
Remember when the demoncrats fell all over themselves to censure Ilhan Omar for being a virulent Joo hater?

Oh wait.....

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